
There was silence!

When he Feng's voice fell, everyone was quiet and looked at He Feng like a monster.

Some people even pinch their ears and think they have heard wrong.

Even Xi Junzhe, who predicted that he Feng would not join the MI family, had a puff in his mouth. Obviously, he did not expect that he Feng would say such words.

Only Ling Weiyu shakes his head helplessly. Xiaofeng's brother is too naughty. It must be because he sees other people's beautiful girls that he bullies her.


At this time, a roar sounded, "He Feng, do you want to die?"

When they ran away, they found that they were talking about a handsome young man with elegant temperament in a rare shirt.

On the young man's body, there was a cold and murderous air. It seemed that there was a cold wind whistling around his body, which made him look extremely terrible.

"This is... Ling Tianxiao of the Ling family!"

"It's said that Ling Tianxiao is the senior of MI Jiaqi. She graduated one year earlier than Mi Jiaqi. She once pursued Mi Jiaqi in school, but she didn't seem to catch up with her."

"He Feng let Mi Jiaqi be his servant girl. No wonder Ling Tianxiao wanted to kill him."

Ling Tianxiao's arrival immediately attracted countless eyes.

Especially his sentence, "do you want to die?" is even more shocking.

Ling family, worthy of being one of the three families, even if he Feng's powerful, still dare to say such a word, this is the pride of the young children of Ling family.


Does he Feng care about him?

"Who are you? Good end of ask others want to die, brain disease is not? If you want to kill me, do it. If you don't dare to kill me, please shut up. "

He Feng light glanced Ling Tian to smile one eye, displeased say.

He had just heard the public's comments and knew that this man was from the Ling family, but he didn't have any scruples.

Although he respected the Ling family, he would not be polite if other members of the Ling family came to provoke him.


Ling Tian snorted with a cold smile and looked at Mi Jiaqi and said, "Jiaqi, I'll help you teach him a lesson now."


Mi Jiaqi nodded and agreed.

Originally, she has a strong heart of solicitation for He Feng, and wants him to work hard for the rice family in the future.

But he Feng wants to let her be the maid of warm bed. Without hesitation, MI Jiaqi gives up the idea of soliciting He Feng.

A person who is arrogant and arrogant, has no strong strength, and doesn't have enough background, even wants to let her be a maid to warm the bed. It's just death without a little brain.

If such people are recruited into the rice family, they may cause trouble for the rice family in the future.

Now that she has given up the idea of recruiting He Feng, Ling Tianxiao wants to come out for her and act as her sword to teach him Feng, why don't she?

See Mi Jiaqi agree, Ling Tianxiao eyes emerge a wisp of smile.

Immediately, he looked at He Feng, voice cold, "He Feng, if you kneel down to apologize now, I can consider sparing your life."

Lingtian smile is full of strong confidence, as if as long as he a hand, he Feng will die.

Some people on the court who don't know Ling Tianxiao very well are all confused. Didn't he Feng show his extremely fast speed just now? Even Mi Xingchen and Mi Jiaqi say it's hard to deal with He Feng. Where does Ling Tianxiao come from?

Some people who know Ling Tianxiao look forward to it.

Because they know very well that Ling Tianxiao's means are beyond the imagination of ordinary ancient martial artists.

"He Feng, I heard that Ling Tianxiao is good at using poison and sneaking attack. Even master dark strength can hurt him. You should consider whether you want to fight with him. If you don't want to expose your strength, we can protect you. As long as we are tough, they dare not do anything to you. "

Standing behind he Feng, Xi Junzhe gives a voice to remind him, with a dignified tone.

"No!" He Feng shook his head.

For Ling Tianxiao's threat, he seems not afraid at all. He looks at Mi Jiaqi: "you are not qualified to make me kneel down and apologize, and you are not qualified to say anything to spare my life. But if you promise to send her to my room tonight, I'll think about it for a while and take it easy

"Er..." Rao is Xi Junzhe and Xi Xueqing, who are quite familiar with He Feng's strength. When they hear he Feng's words, they are also silly.

How arrogant!

How arrogant!

As for those who know Ling Tian's way of smiling, looking at He Feng's eyes is like looking at an idiot, and

It's like looking at a dead man!

"I have to say, you are arrogant. But unfortunately, you don't have the capital to be arrogant. So you have to pay for your arrogance. "

Ling Tianxiao heard he Feng's words, and his eyes were even more murderous.


As soon as the voice fell, his figure rushed to He Feng.

Fast as wind, fast as lightning.

The distance of five or six meters, as if in an instant he shuttled by, appeared in front of He Feng, and suddenly jumped up, his right leg like a dragon wagging his tail, kicking the void, carrying a terrible power, kicking at He Feng's forehead.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, as if only his leg, everything else is covered by the light of this leg.

This leg seems to be directly kicked into the soul.


At the moment, no one noticed that a thin black light shot out from Ling Tian's smiling legs and killed he Feng.

"Ling Tianxiao's splitting God leg is more powerful. It seems that he has improved it. With this leg, he can even have two moves with master dark strength. It's really powerful. "

Mi Xingchen and others Marvel one after another, even Mi Jiaqi's beautiful eyes are shining with a trace of splendor.

Ling Tianxiao's cultivation talent is really strong, and he is not very old.

If it is not for some reason, I am afraid I have agreed to his pursuit, right?


A crisp slap, interrupted Mi Jiaqi's thoughts.

When she came back to herself, she found a shadow flying to her feet, smashing it heavily and making a dull sound.

"Lingtian smile?"

When seeing this figure clearly, MI Jiaqi's eyes suddenly widened, and her beautiful face was full of disbelief.

She thought that Ling Tianxiao could definitely deal with He Feng, because Ling Tianxiao's means were not only to split the sky, but also more terrible.

But now, the end of Ling Tianxiao is not much better than Huang Ren and others.

It's still a face to face. It's taken out!

Moreover, looking at his swollen face, it is obvious that he Feng has taken more care of him.

Not only Mi Jiaqi, MI Xingchen and other people who have seen Ling Tianxiao's methods, they are also extremely surprised.

This is beyond their expectation!

"How could that be? How can you be ok? "

Ling Tian stands up with a smile and looks at He Feng in shock.

Just now, he made that move clearly. Let alone He Feng, he is just a horizontal trainer of triple training. Even if he is a horizontal trainer of quadruple training, he will be hit.

Why he Feng will be all right, but gave himself a slap?

"I thought it was just a mean trick. It seems that the younger brother of Ling's family is really getting worse. "

He Feng shakes his head and looks at Ling Tian's smiling eyes. There is no disdain or ridicule, only regret.

The Ling family has a highly respected old doctor like Ling Xun, but the younger generation's children are despicable and shameless. When they fight with others, they actually use the means of sneak attack, which is really disgraceful.

How can such a mind go far along the road of martial arts?

It will only be a matter of time before the Ling family goes down.

At this moment, no one noticed that there was a black silver needle between He Feng's index finger and ring finger, which Ling Tianxiao put when he attacked him just now, trying to hurt he Feng with this silver needle.

"Brother Ling, are you ok?"

Mi Xingchen helped Ling Tianxiao up and said in a voice: "just now you've made the most powerful attack, and burst out all the power of splitting the sky, and... It seems that your silver needle has also been used, right? But why can't he be defeated? Is He Feng hiding the realm of cultivation? "

Hearing Mi Xingchen's question, Wei Hao and others also look at Ling Tianxiao, waiting for Ling Tianxiao's answer.

In their opinion, even if Ling Tianxiao doesn't show his silver needle and just splits the sky, no one on the court is his opponent, neither are mi Xingchen and Mi Jiaqi.

Especially in the case of the silver needle attack, Ling Tianxiao has unlimited strength to approach the dark force master.

In this case, he Feng still slaps Ling Tianxiao away. They have to doubt whether he Feng has hidden his cultivation. His real cultivation is not the triple training on the surface, but

Master of cross training in four aspects of physical training!

If he Feng is really a master of cross training, they will not fight against He Feng, and they will not feel that they have lost face. They can directly let the dark strength master in the family fight to kill He Feng.

But if he Feng is not the master of horizontal training, they will not be able to ask the master of dark strength behind him to do it. It will be a shame.

Big power, most care about face.


Ling Tianxiao deeply looked at He Feng not far away, and wanted to say yes, but he really couldn't pull down that face, "but his speed is very fast, even if his strength has not reached the position of horizontal training master, the speed is not slower than that of general horizontal training master, which is why he can easily defeat us."

"Speed comparable to horizontal training master?"

Mi Xingchen and others all frown.

With such a fast speed, he Feng is almost invincible. No matter how powerful their attack is, they can't get close to each other, but they only get beaten

Hold back!


At this time, he Feng continued: "Miss MI, how do you feel now? Is my talent better than you think? If you promise to be my bed warming maid now, I will still consider whether to join your family. "

"The apprentice!"

Mi Jiaqi felt cold in her heart. She felt extremely humiliated and wanted to cut He Feng to pieces.

"He Feng, shut up

Just at this time, there was a cold cry in the crowd. A tall and straight man, who was more handsome than Ling Tianxiao, came out and stared at He Feng coldly. "Don't forget that your identity outside is our son-in-law of the Wang family. He dares to tease the women of the MI family. Where do you put our Wang family's face? Or do you not regard yourself as the son-in-law of the Wang family? "

"Wang's son-in-law? What is the son-in-law of the Wang family? "

"Ha ha, you don't know. I heard this news from my friends today. This He Feng, he actually has an identity, that is the son-in-law of the Wang family. The woman Wang married is said to be the goddess of Nanjin City, that is, Wang Xiangyun, the daughter of Wang Qing

"What? Goddess Wang Xiangyun married? When did this happen? Why don't I know? "

"My God, is this true or not? The goddess just disappeared for two years, and she married? "

"It should be true. After all, it was Wang Xuan who said this, the son of Wang Qing, the head of the Wang family, and Wang Xiangyun's half brother."

Before she left Nanjin city for Jiangbin city to start her own business, Wang Xiangyun had always been the only goddess in Nanjin city. It was indisputable that her pursuers were like crucian carp crossing the river, from ancient martial arts circles to political and business circles to art circles, and so on.

Before Wang Xiangyun left Nanjin City, many people compared her with Xi Xueqing, the goddess of Nanjin city. However, they found that Xi Xueqing was inferior to Wang Xiangyun in any aspect.

The only outstanding thing is that there seems to be only one cultivation talent and the background behind

Until Wang Xiangyun left Nanjin City, Xi Xueqing became the first goddess of Nanjin city.

Although Wang Xiangyun left, there are still countless people thinking about her, so now that she actually got married, almost everyone on the field is boiling up. Many people directly look at He Feng, waiting for his answer. Their eyes are full of expectation, it seems that they hope he Feng will deny it.

"Who are you? When is it your turn to tell me about He Feng? "

In countless people's gaze, he Feng light glanced at the visitor, unhappy way: "besides, even if I married Wang Xiangyun, I tease other girls outside, as if it's none of your business?"

"What? It's true. He Feng actually admitted that he really married the goddess? "

"Asshole, since he got married with the goddess by bad luck, why don't he cherish the goddess and go out to have sex with her, even Mi Jiaqi of the MI family?"

"It's more than teasing Mi Jiaqi. You're late. Maybe you didn't find out. Before, I saw that he came hand in hand with the woman standing behind him. "

"What? Animals! How can such a person let him live in the world? "

A fierce eyes, like a knife cut in He Feng's body.

If he Feng's eyes can kill people, he Feng will definitely be lingchi now

"Damn, is He Feng really married to Wang Xiangyun? Why is he? Where did he get such good fortune? Wang Xiangyun, that's the woman my elder brother ordered. " The pupil of MI Xingchen shrinks, and a strong murderous air emerges in his eyes.

"Hum, how dare you marry Wang Xiangyun? When my elder brother knows, he will come to deal with you. " Jiang ruoqiu's eyes narrowed slightly and her heart hummed coldly.

"Big brother tried his best to become the first expert in ancient martial arts in Nanjin city as soon as possible, and then married Wang Xiangyun. Unexpectedly, after he closed down for three years in a row, Wang Xiangyun married quietly? I have to tell my elder brother about it immediately. If elder brother passes the customs, he Feng will be killed for the first time Lingtian smile silently measured in the heart, and soon made up his mind.

Wang Xuan glanced around and saw the reaction of the crowd. There was a hint of conspiracy in his eyes.

This is his purpose. He Feng will be the target of public criticism. In this way, not only he Feng will be finished, but Wang Xiangyun will not have a good result.

"He Feng, your performance really let me down. I don't know how my father would agree to let Wang Xiangyun marry you. But I tell you, although my father didn't object to your marriage with Wang Xiangyun, everyone in the Wang family, except my father, is against it. So in the future, all your behaviors outside have nothing to do with our Wang family. Similarly, all the disasters you cause outside have nothing to do with the Wang family. Even if you are killed, no one in the Wang family will mourn for you. "

Wang Xuan light said, directly in front of everyone's face, get rid of all the relationship between He Feng and the Wang family.

Otherwise, now that he Feng is the son-in-law of the Wang family, some small forces will be afraid of his identity even if they are not happy with him, so they dare not attack him.

Now he said so, people in dealing with He Feng, naturally no scruples.

At this time, MI Xingchen stepped forward and said to He Feng, "He Feng, I want you to announce in public that you will divorce Wang Xiangyun. Otherwise, you won't survive tonight. "

Jiang ruoqiu also sighed, "after divorcing Wang Xiangyun, you have to leave the kingdom of China, and you can't step into the kingdom of China for the rest of your life."

Ling Tianxiao said coldly: "in addition, you have to abandon the Dantian now. If not, you can't get out of Nanjin market... "

In addition to the three of them, the people around them, one by one, look at He Feng's eyes, all are murderous.

At this moment, he Feng is really referred to by Wan Fu.

It can even be said that all the world are enemies!

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