These people one by one in the statement, have walked toward He Feng in the past, he Feng will be surrounded in the middle.

Seems to be ready to work together to deal with He Feng.

Moreover, this cooperation is not only from several ancient martial arts forces, but also from others who admire Wang Xiangyun. Even in He Feng's perception, he finds that someone's waist is bulging.

There, hidden gun!

He Feng at the moment, as if it is really difficult to fly.

However, for this scene, he Feng, as the party concerned, seems not to be aware of it. He doesn't look at the people around him. His face is full of indifference, but his eyes show a sense of killing.

Especially the look in Wang Xuan's eyes is extremely cold.

"He Feng, hurry up, run away, use your identity, run away directly..." Xi Junzhe didn't expect that things would evolve to this step, and quickly gave a voice to remind him.

Now so many people want to deal with He Feng, even if he Feng really has the master level strength of refining quadruple, it's hard to escape.

But he Feng didn't seem to hear his warning. He just stared at Wang Xuan and said, "is Wang Xuan? When my daughter-in-law Wang Xiangyun was in the Wang family, she should have been angry with you. "

Wang Xuan sneered: "I don't know if she is angry with me, but my young master is angry with her. There's no need for her to live in the world. "

"OK, I see!"

He Feng nodded his head, looking like Gujing has no waves.

But when his voice fell in the moment, has been staring at his people is startled to find that he Feng has disappeared, so out of thin air disappeared in place.



Just as people were wondering, a dull slap and a painful scream came out one after another.

Dun reputation to go, we will see the original proud standing Wang Xuan, now has fallen to the ground.

His face was swollen, higher than Ling Tian's smile, and the ground was full of broken teeth mixed with blood.


Wang Xuan coughs up a mouthful of blood again. He just comes back to his senses. He stares at He Feng standing in front of him in shock and anger. His intention to kill is overwhelming, "kill! Kill him for me

Between the words, he also burst out a strong momentum fluctuations.

Mingjin peak!

Wang Xuan is two or three years younger than he Feng. He looks as if he is twenty-three or twenty-four years old, but he has reached the peak of Mingjin. He either cultivates his talent to get it, or he can match Mi Xingchen, MI Jiaqi and others, or

Wang family desperately smashed resources!

"To die!"

"Stinky boy, let's die..."

Wang Xuan orders just issued, two middle-aged men standing behind him, immediately launched a ferocious attack on He Feng.

One of them took out a soft sword, a low-level soldier.

The power of the soldiers immediately bloomed.

What's more, the breath of this person is

Dark strength!

"The Wangs really attach importance to it. The younger generation of other families don't have the protection of the dark power. Wang Xuan is surrounded by a dark power warrior in the early stage, and he is also armed with soldiers. It's really... "

He Feng was resentful.

Wang Xuan is the son of Wang Xuan, the head of the Wang family. He uses resources to practice and works in Nanjin city. He is guarded by the master of dark energy. How should he attach importance to it?

What about Wang Xiangyun?

She didn't get attention in the family, so she went out to start her own business. She relied on herself all the way, and didn't get any help from the family.


Because she didn't want to get married, the Wang family used the family's energy to oppress the Yuncheng group and forced Wang Xiangyun to marry him.

How unfair is this to Wang Xiangyun?

What a bully!

"Daughter in law, your husband and I will help you out today!" He Feng said silently in his heart, and then he was ready to fight.

"Stop it

But at this time, a vigorous and powerful clear voice suddenly rang out.


In a hurry, a figure appeared in front of He Feng and said to the strong man of the Wang family: "He Feng is going to be my colleague of Ling Xun and my only good friend in the medical field. If you dare to move him, you will be the enemy of Ling Xun and my Ling family."

The man who suddenly appeared was Ling Xun of the Ling family.

"Eh, I didn't expect brother Ling to come to the auction?"

He Feng surprised to see Ling Xun one eye.

At the same time, but also very helpless.

He was about to teach these people a lesson in the ancient martial world of Nanjin city. Unexpectedly, Ling Xun destroyed them.

"Linglao, what do you mean? He Feng hurt me seriously. I asked my people to deal with him. Why do you want to stop him? He doesn't seem to have much to do with your Ling family, does he? "

Wang Xuan frowned tightly and said unhappily, "I advise you to leave this matter alone so as not to get into trouble."

Seeing this scene, many warriors around stare at Wang Xuan one after another.

Ling Xun is the elder generation of the Ling family. He is the same generation as their grandfather. He is also a highly respected doctor in Nanjin city. His medical skills are very famous in the whole of China. He can be called the living Huatuo. Everyone respects him. But Wang Xuan is so disrespectful to him. It's too presumptuous.

However, they are also curious. Why does Ling come out for He Feng and say that he Feng is going to be his colleague and the only good friend in his medical field? Is He Feng young and still know how to do medicine?

"Presumptuous, even your father Wang Qing, you have to be polite in front of me. Do you dare to threaten me? Have all the children of the Wang family become your virtue? Today, I will discipline you on behalf of your Wang family elders. "

Ling Xun's old face showed a touch of anger and immediately stepped forward.

In one step, his momentum was like the roar of a huge wave, beating the void and making a deafening roar.


Under the pressure of his powerful momentum, Master Wang's dark strength, standing in front of him, became dignified. He waved his soft sword and assassinated Ling Xun.

"Get out of here!"

Ling Xun yelled angrily, slapped his palm down and landed on the soft sword accurately.

It seems to be an ordinary palm, but it seems to contain the power of the sky. The soft sword, which was originally full of sharp edges, was weak and fell down.


Ling Xun bullied his body and came to the side of Master Wang's dark strength. He clapped his hand again and landed it on the other side's chest, flapping the latter.


The next moment, Ling Xun already appeared in front of Wang Xuan.

Hands up, hands down.

The sound of slapping was so sharp that almost everyone could hear it clearly.


Wang Xuan fell on the ground again and spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Hiss! How powerful! How overbearing

"I didn't expect that Dr. Ling, who usually doesn't show mountains and water, has such deep inner strength cultivation. At least he has reached the middle of dark strength?"

"The most important thing is that for the sake of He Feng, Dr. Ling showed his inner strength and cultivation, and even directly taught master dark strength of the Wang family and the son of the master of the Wang family. How much attention should we pay to He Feng? "

All around the people this thorough explosion, especially originally also prepare to He Feng hands, at this time immediately convergence of mind, dare not act rashly.

I'm kidding. Ling Xun even dared to move the Wangs. How dare he?

As for Ling Tianxiao, at this time, he was completely confused.

He just said he wanted to help Mi Jiaqi teach He Feng a lesson. He even spared no effort to make the strongest attack in public, even the silver needle attack.

But now, Ling Xun has a strong hand to protect He Feng.

The identity of Ling Xun is his own grandfather.

"Who else do you want to fight against He Feng? Let's all stand up! " Ling Xun ignored Wang Xuan, slapped him and swept his eyes to the crowd.

In addition to some powerful ancient martial forces such as the MI family, others quickly put away their eyes and did not dare to look at Ling Xun.

"Mr. Ling, do you want to protect He Feng on behalf of the Ling family? He Feng, he not only injured my children, but also bullied my sister Jiaqi in public. Even if Ling wants to protect him, he has to give an account, right

It was Mi Xingchen who spoke. He was neither humble nor overbearing. His attitude was neither tough nor yielding.

"He hurt my cousin, how also have to give an account."

"Apologize in public, and then make amends. It's a big deal."

"If you don't give me an explanation, it won't be finished."

Jiang family, Han family and others have followed suit.

When they finished, Ling Xun said calmly: "He Feng is my confidant in the medical field, and he will soon take up the post of vice president of our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. I don't care what kind of grudge you have, but I will never allow you to bully him more than you can. Of course, if you want to relieve the resentment in private, as long as you don't bully the small with the big, even if he Feng is killed by you in the end, I won't blame you

Hearing this, countless people frowned.

The strength he Feng showed just now is almost invincible under the dark force. If they don't bully him with more and less, how can they deal with him Feng?

"Linglao, you mean it doesn't matter if I ask my elder brother to do it, do you? My elder brother, but he is of the same generation as us. "

Mi Xingchen asked with a smile.

"Your big brother Mi Xinghua?" Ling Xun frowned, ready to say that people above the dark strength are not allowed to move.

"Of course it doesn't matter!"

He Feng's voice suddenly rang.

There is no way. He Feng is really afraid that Ling Xun will directly help him get rid of the family members. If everyone is afraid of the Ling family and dare not fight against him any more, then his previous efforts will not be in vain?

So he has to make a statement immediately.

"I know a lot of people here want to beat me, but I really want to beat you too. Therefore, I can give you the opportunity to attack me at any time as long as you don't bully me more than ten years old. Whether I'm disabled or killed directly, brother Ling won't intervene. "

He Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's arrogant. When my elder brother comes, you'll die." Jiang ruoqiu disdained to smile, and then took out the mobile phone to send a message.

"I'm so arrogant at the end of my life. If my elder brother is willing to go out, he can crush you every minute." Mi Xingchen also took out his mobile phone.

Others also took out their mobile phones to spread the news.

As long as they know, they have no reservation.

For example, he Feng is close to Guiyi medicine Hall

For example, although he Feng didn't step into the dark force, his speed is comparable to that of dark force, and his comprehensive strength is known as no rival below the master level.

For example, Ling Xun, an old doctor of the Ling family, was domineering because of him. He defeated the early master of the Wang family's Secret strength in one move and beat the son of Wang Qing, the leader of the Wang family in one slap

Of course, there are more negative things.

For example, he Feng's arrogant and arrogant behavior has offended the MI family, the Jinmen family, the Jiang family, the Han family, the Wei family and the Huang family, and even the Wang family, who was supposed to be his backer, has been offended by him.

Moreover, at the last moment, what he Feng said seemed to be a declaration of war on all the young people in Nanjin city.

For a moment, almost all the ancient martial arts, political and business circles, art circles and so on in Nanjin city were talking about one person.

His name is

He Feng!

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