Ling Xun said helplessly: "in fact, it's no wonder that our guwu family in Nanjin City, because our three guwu families in Nanjin city are only attached to the middle-sized guwu family in Hanshan province. All the guwu families in Suqian City and Changsu city were attached to the higher guwu families. As time goes by, our strength will naturally throw us away from the guwu aristocratic families such as Yifu middle school. "

"The higher guwu family is much stronger than the middle guwu family?" He Feng inquired curiously.

He only knew that the energy of the four royal families was very strong, but he didn't know much about the high and medium guwu families.

Ling Xun asked curiously, "brother he Feng, you don't know the hierarchy of the ancient Wu family?"

He Feng shrugged, "really not clear!"

"Well, I'll explain it to you."

Ling Xun shook his head with a bitter smile. Unexpectedly, he Feng, as the son-in-law of the Wang family, didn't even know the hierarchy of the guwu family. "The family has been handed down for about a hundred years, and there are more than ten dark masters in the family, which is called the lower aristocratic family. It has been handed down for more than 200 years. There are ten master level masters in the family who are at the top of the dark power. They are called the middle aristocratic family. It has been handed down for more than 300 years. If there is at least one strong master in the clan, it is a high family. Brother he Feng, do you understand now? No matter how powerful the middle aristocratic family is, it can't compare with the higher aristocratic family because there is at least one Huajin master in the higher aristocratic family. "

"I see!"

He Feng suddenly.

He knows very well that even the great master who has just stepped into Huajin can deal with at least ten top dark strong men.

There is a big gap between the middle aristocratic families and the high aristocratic families.

"What about the four royal families?" He Feng curiously asked: "how strong their strength is, brother Ling, do you understand?"

"Ha ha, I don't know much about the four kings. But I know that among the four royal families, the strong masters have reached at least double digits. " Ling Xun Dao.

"Are there myths and legends?" He Feng continues to ask a way, seem pure just curious.

He knew that he was a child of the he family, but he didn't like the he family at all, and he didn't investigate the strength of the he family. Naturally, he didn't know how strong the he family was.

"Well, I'm really not sure, but I guess that no matter whether there are myths and legends among the four royal families in public or not, they can stand on the top of China's aristocratic family, and their strength is beyond doubt." Ling Xun said with a smile.

"All right!"

See Ling Xun also don't understand, he Feng didn't ask too much.

"He Feng, you'd better not understand the affairs of the four royal families for the moment. I suggest you fight for it, have a good relationship with old Xia, and then become his master's disciple. His master is a strong master of Guangjia family in Guanghui province. If you really become a disciple of the master, old Xia will certainly attach importance to you. At that time, the major forces in Nanjin city will not dare to touch you again, or even flatter you. As for the Wang family, they will not object to your marriage with Wang Xiangyun any more. "

Ling Xun advised patiently.

He felt that he Feng was still too young and arrogant. He didn't even pay attention to the strong masters.

This idea is definitely wrong.

He has to help correct it!

So that young people don't suffer.

Seeing Ling Xun's persuading himself, he Feng was moved and puzzled. "That, Ling Lao, I really won't think about the matter of being a disciple of master Huajin for the moment."

"Why? He Feng, why is your attitude so firm? " Ling Xun can't help but wonder. He Feng doesn't look stupid. He is very smart. How can he not understand the benefits of being a master?

That's a strong master, and also a master of Guangjia family in Guanghui province. That's a big backer.

"Ling Lao, there is one thing you may not understand."

He Feng heart helpless, had to patiently explain, "do you know why I want to offend the rice family, Kinmen these forces?"

"Well? Why? "

Hearing he Feng's question, Ling Xun gradually reacts. He also has doubts in his heart. Why does he Feng suddenly offend so many ancient martial forces in one day?

What's more, after offending these forces, he not only didn't hide, but also came to participate in this auction gathering of major forces. Is he looking for death?

He Feng smile, "I was deliberately offend them, let them deal with me."


Rao Shi Ling Xun has a good heart. He Feng's answer makes him a little silly.

Deliberately offending?

Are you tired of living?


Ling Xun naturally did not think he Feng was tired of living, so there must be other reasons.

He Feng said with a smile: "because I want to get the pills stored in these forces. I'm short of pills, and I don't have much money to buy them. "

"Do you want the elixir stored by these forces?"

Ling Xun still didn't quite understand he Feng's meaning. He was puzzled and said: "first of all, it's impossible for these forces to give you their stored pills, but what does it have to do with you offending them and letting them deal with you? It seems that they will bring you great trouble or even danger when they deal with you

"Because they have dealt with me, I have a reason to deal with them. And then, when they not only can't help me, but find their family's life and death in my mind. Then, they will naturally give me the stored pills in exchange for their survival. "

He Feng said lightly, like expounding a very common thing.


But Ling Xun was deeply shocked by He Feng's words at this moment.

He can see that he Feng dare to say this, not because he is arrogant.

On the contrary, in He Feng's eyes, Ling Xun did not see the slightest arrogance and arrogance, but was unusually calm, and... Self-confidence!

Ling Xun suddenly found that he could not understand the young man in front of him.

"Brother he Feng, how sure are you?"

Ling Xun took a deep breath, looking at He Feng asked.

"Brother Ling, do you think I will do something I'm not sure about?"

He Feng gave a vague answer. If only Ling Xun was around him now, he naturally didn't mind revealing something.

But there were so many people around that he had to keep it a secret.

However, when Ling Xun heard he Feng's answer, he was still relieved. It seems that he Feng's younger brother is really doing something sure.

I just don't know where his confidence comes from.

"Well, it's really good. Do you want to rob their pills? Don't even know how to die. "

Lingtian smile in the heart cold hum a, in his opinion he Feng too arrogant too arrogant.

He is just a triple cultivation without master level strength. How can he fight against the major forces?

They can kill you by sending out a master.

"I don't know if elder brother will come to clean him up directly this time..." Ling Tianxiao shakes his head and his eyes are full of smile.

At this time, on their right, a group of figures came. It was Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan's swollen face had completely disappeared, but his face was still extremely gloomy.

He came to the seat, directly sat down, did not pay attention to He Feng side, seems to have forgotten what just happened.

But in his eyes, there was a real intention to kill.

In this regard, he Feng naturally felt it, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was afraid that Wang Xuan would give up on him!

About ten minutes later, the field was full of people. There were nearly a thousand chairs, none of which was empty. There were even a group of people standing behind them. Most of them were subordinates of big people and were not qualified to sit in.

When it was six o'clock, the auction hall suddenly darkened, only the spacious platform in front was illuminated by the light.

There are two rows of security personnel on the stage, one on the left and the other on the left. There are ten people in the row. These security personnel exude a strong atmosphere, and all of them reach the peak level of Mingjin.

The old man looks very old. He is 80 years old. His hair is as white as snow, but his breath is calm. His pace is slow but powerful, which makes him look like a tall pine.

As soon as he came to the stage, the whole audience was quiet. No one dared to speak out any more. Looking at the old man on the stage, his eyes were full of respect.

"Brother he Feng, the one on the stage is Mr. Jin, the president of our Nanjin Martial Arts Association. His accomplishments are unfathomable. And his age, I heard, has exceeded one hundred and two. He has a very high prestige in the ancient martial arts circles of Nanjin city. Even the people with the highest seniority in the three ancient martial arts families have to hold the ceremony of the younger generation in front of him. "

Ling Xun approaches he Feng and whispers in his ear.

He Feng nodded and said nothing more.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Originally, I had decided not to be in charge of the auction of the three major pharmacies. But this time, Xi Zhenxing, the little fellow of the unified pharmacies, told me that their pharmacies had a good thing to auction, so he pulled me over. I've seen the thing they want to sell at the pharmacy. It's really good. It didn't disappoint me. I didn't run in vain this time. "

Jin Song said with a smile, not very loud, but it seems to have a magic power, clearly into everyone's ears.

"This is actually the use of a spiritual secret, which integrates the spiritual power into the sound in public, so as to achieve the real sound of shaking the four fields. It's a clever means."

Jin Song's voice sounded, others didn't seem to feel much, but he Feng raised his eyebrows.

This kind of skill, he can also do, but he is in the breakthrough to the strength, the spirit of the surge, only to do.

Is it hard to see that the president of Nanjin martial arts association is also a master of Huajin?

"Mr. Jin, can you tell us what a good thing it is?" A voice rang out under the stage.

He Feng looked, the speaker is a middle-aged man.

Beside the middle-aged man, Jiang ruoqiu was sitting quietly.

This shows that the middle-aged man should be the elder of the Jiang family.

"Yes, Mr. Jin, at least tell us that the good thing is pills, or war soldiers, or martial arts?" There is also a middle-aged man's voice in the Han family.

In the seat, there are many elder people who have a long history. They all look at Jin Song eagerly, expecting him to reveal the mysterious finale to the public.

Originally, these elders would not come to participate in this kind of auction. They all let the younger generation directly participate in it.

But when the major forces received the news that the final item of the auction was more valuable than the high-level breakthrough pill, some of the idle elders of these forces rushed over immediately.

A few forces who received the news later were on their way.

Anyway, the final product will not be auctioned until the end. They have plenty of time.

"Ha ha, OK. Anyway, I have just been instructed by Xi Zhenxing to let you know a little bit."

Jin Song said with a smile, with a narrow sense in his turbid eyes, "he said that this thing will let the families in Nanjin city break the scalp."

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