
"To break the scalp?"

"Is that information?"

The following people all rolled their eyes when they heard Jin Song's words.

Mr. Jin is too naughty.

"Ha ha, you just need to know that, old man. When did I disappoint you?"

Seeing the reaction, Jin Song was very satisfied and said with a laugh: "next, let's officially start the auction. The first item to be auctioned next is a miraculous medicine, which is provided by Guiyi medicine hall and is called heart protecting herb. As the name suggests, huxincao is of great benefit to the treatment of heart diseases. Once the patient takes it, he does not need any other physical therapy or other drugs. He only needs to meditate for three to seven days, and the disease will recover automatically. Of course, the price of this heart protecting herb is not cheap either. The starting price is five million yuan, and each increase should not be less than fifty thousand yuan. Now you can start to quote. "

"Five million!"

"Five million five million."

"5.1 million."


As soon as Jin Song's voice fell, someone immediately began to offer.

It seems that this heart protecting herb is still very popular.

After all, diseases related to the heart can be described as serious diseases. Even those with ancient martial arts may suffer from heart damage, which is difficult to cure.

Therefore, as soon as the heart protecting grass came out, both the ancient warriors and the rich began to bid one after another.

"Brother he Feng, are you interested in this heart protecting herb?"

Ling Xun looked at He Feng and said with a smile.

But he clearly found that when Jinsong said the effect of heart protecting herbs, he Feng's eyes lit up.

"Ha ha, I have an elder who has heart disease. This heart protecting herb is just useful for her. Of course, I have to buy it. What's the matter? Brother Ling doesn't want to buy it, does he? " He Feng said with a smile.

The elder he talked about was Xia Menglu's mother.

He heard Xia Menglu say that her mother did a lot of farm work and housework at home, and accumulated a variety of diseases, but the most serious one was heart disease. Although not to the point of surgery, but also to take medicine, otherwise it will be painful.

This is why Xia Menglu has to work hard to make money and bring her mother to Jiangbin city for treatment.

Heart disease, even he Feng, is not absolutely sure can be cured, after all, the heart is different from other organs, a bad may be fatal.

"Originally, I was going to buy it for collection, but since you want to buy it, you can buy it, and I won't get involved." Ling Xun said.

"Thank you, brother Ling!"

He Feng is not polite, but he is not in a hurry to make an offer, waiting patiently.

It has to be said that the items sold at the auctions organized by the three major medicine halls are extremely rare. No wonder so many people come to participate in the auctions, and they are all making great efforts to offer. It seems that what they offer is not money, but simply figures.

In less than two minutes, the price of the herb has risen to 10 million.

This price is twice as much as the auction price.

Moreover, the bidding is still in full swing, constantly some people in the offer, some people look excited, some people calm and calm.

It can be seen that some people want to buy heart protecting grass and really need it. And more people just want to buy it as a simple life preserver in case they need it in the future.

He Feng is not in a hurry. Keep waiting

"Thirteen million!"

"13.1 million."

"One thousand three hundred..."

"Fifteen million!"

A cold voice rang out, interrupted the people's slow bidding.

Everyone looked at the person who quoted the price and immediately did not dare to bid at will.

Because the person who quoted the price is from the direction of the rice family, and the one who quoted the price is a middle-aged man.

"Brother he Feng, that man is the second elder brother of the contemporary owner of the MI family. His name is mi dongkun, and he is also the leader of the MI group." Ling Xun introduced: "I remember many years ago, the rice family asked me to treat one of their branches, which is also a heart problem. The patient should be their cousin."

"No wonder the rice family also needs this heart protecting herb!"

"Yes, I'm afraid it's more difficult for you to take it down now that the rice family have a good eye on it. Even if you can take the heart protecting grass down, you will have to pay a great price. "

Ling Xun said with a bitter smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, is there anyone else who wants to bid?" Jin Song on the stage saw for a long time that no one continued to bid, so he asked.

There is nothing to say!

Mi dongkun not only raised the price by nearly two million at a time, but also had a strong tone and a tendency to take down the heart protecting grass.

In that case, why should they rob again?

Even if we continue to bid for it, it will be difficult to compete with the rice family financially, and even offend the rice family.

Therefore, at this time, almost all people are silent, even if very unwilling.

"15.05 million."

There was a light sound.

People subconsciously look at the person who makes the offer and find that the person who makes the offer is He Feng.

"Eh, isn't that he Feng? How dare he bid with the rice family?"

"Ha ha, he even dares to hurt Mi Xingchen. What's more, he dares to ask Mi Jiaqi to be his maid to warm the bed. What's the price with Mi's family?"

"However, the person bidding this time is the second master of the MI family, the chairman of the MI group. I don't know how rich he is. It's humiliating for him to bid with Midong. "

At this moment, many people who know he Feng look at him as if they are looking at a clown.

The second master of the rice family, MI dongkun, also took a look at He Feng. His eyes were calm and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, he Feng in his calm eyes in public, seems to be aware of a touch of cold killing.

It seems that the second master of the rice family already knows the contradiction between him and the rice family.

"Sixteen million!" Mi dongkun spoke faintly.

"16.05 million." He Feng continues to increase the price.

"Seventeen million!"

"17.05 million."

"Eighteen million!"

"18.05 million."

Midongkun keeps on quoting, and every time it's an integer, as if it doesn't make him lose face.

He Feng can't manage so much, only 50000 more than mi dongkun each time.

All around the people looking at the constant bidding of He Feng, have shaken their heads, as if in silence for him.

Even if you get the heart protecting grass, what? He thought the rice family would let him go?

Now even the second master of the rice family is here. It's estimated that even the Ling doctor of the Ling family can't keep him?

Some people around him who don't know much about He Feng are asking about him one after another. When they know he Feng's deeds, they are curious to observe him.

Sure enough, just like the rumor, he was arrogant and arrogant. He dared to bid with Mr. Mi Er ye, the chairman of Mie group.

an ant trying to shake a giant tree!

"Twenty million!"

"20.5 million."

"Twenty one million!"

"Two thousand and one hundred..."

"Thirty million!"

He Feng is preparing to continue to increase the price. Mi dongkun suddenly yells and reports the price to 30 million yuan directly. Then he stands up and looks at He Feng from afar. "This heart protecting herb, I bid 30 million yuan. If you raise the price again, I won't fight with you again. "

The mouth said that he Feng would not fight again, but the threat in his eyes is extremely obvious, many people can clearly feel it.

Mi dongkun can't help it. Although he wants to buy heart protecting herbs, the real price of heart protecting herbs is only about 10 million. It's because this kind of medicine rarely appears in the market, otherwise it will look like a million at most.

Now he is willing to bid 30 million yuan for heart protecting herbs. First, he wants to help his cousin cure his heart disease. Second, he thinks that since the export price is competitive, he will naturally get the things, otherwise it will hurt his face.

But no matter how high the price is, it's not worth it.

After all, he is still a businessman. His first consideration is family interests and company interests.

"I'll thank Mr. Mi first. I'll offer 30.05 million."

However, in the face of his threat, he Feng seems not to be aware of it, just grinning at him from afar, and then, as before, calmly added 50000 yuan.

"Ha ha, it's the same as the rumor."

Midongkun took a deep look at He Feng, and then sat down directly. He didn't continue to increase the price. He did what he said.

"Dad, even if the heart protecting grass is taken by him, it's OK. When the auction is over, we'll clean him up, and the heart protecting grass will naturally fall into our hands again." Mi Xingchen, sitting next to him, whispered.

"Shut up! Don't say that again in Junlin hotel. There are experts everywhere. What you say is easy to be heard and will affect our reputation. " Mi dongkun stares at Mi Xingchen.

"Yes, I know it's wrong."

Mi Xingchen quickly lowered his head, but the corner of his eye, which was staring at He Feng, was obviously killing.

Sitting on the side of MI dongkun's body, MI Jiaqi also takes back her eyes to He Feng, and then gently shakes her head.

Although her father didn't say anything, she could feel that her father must have killed him.

The playboy who dares to belittle himself in public is afraid that he won't survive tonight.

Not only the rice family, but also the other people on the court are full of pity when they look at He Feng.

This time, I'm afraid even the Ling family's Ling doctor can't protect him, right?

In this regard, he Feng can not manage so much, just a rice family, he is lazy to think, anyway, he is in a good mood now.

How happy would Lulu be if she knew that she had bought a heart protecting herb that could cure her mother's heart disease? I'm afraid I'll come to serve him soon, right?

No one bid with He Feng again. After confirming that no one bid, the host Jin Song announced that the heart protecting grass belonged to He Feng.

"Is that he Feng?"

At this time, in the crowd, in the seat of Baiyun medicine hall, a young man stares at He Feng lightly.

The man looks like he's in his early 30s. His face is cold and dignified. On both sides of him, there are two middle-aged men. They all have calm breath and clear eyes. They know that they are not ordinary people.

"Yes, young hall leader, he Feng, injured two of our staff in Mingfei pharmacy this afternoon. After the auction, do you need me to arrest him and apologize?"

One of the middle-aged men with a moustache nodded.

"After the auction, I'll meet him in person to see if he is interested in joining our Baiyun medicine hall. If he wants to, I can let him follow me and act as my pawn. " The youth light says.

"The little hall leader is kind and kind. It's the honor of He Feng!" Eight character Hu Li Ma Dao.

Another middle-aged man frowned, "but I heard that Guiyi medicine hall invited him. Seeing that he is so close to the Xi family brothers and sisters of Guiyi medicine hall, I am worried that he will choose to join Guiyi medicine hall."

The young man said without thinking: "if he can't be used for me, be my dog. Then, as the price for him to hurt the people in our Baiyun medicine hall, you can let him report to the Lord Yan. "

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