"Brother he, it seems that it's very busy outside. Everyone seems to be waiting for you."

Inside the hotel, Xi Zhenxing takes a group of people to take He Feng to the first floor. As soon as he gets out of the elevator, he feels surrounded by a group of people.

It's like killing the whole hotel building.

"Just wait for me. I'm afraid they'll go straight home to bed."

He Feng chuckled and said: "elder brother Xi, after I do it for a while, you help me protect my little feather. If anyone dares to hurt her... "

Speaking of this, he Feng's tone slightly, spit out four words, "shoot to kill!"

If he Feng said this when he saw him, Xi Zhenxing would not pay attention to it.

But now he knows that he Feng has the strength of master Huajin, and he agrees to join them in Guiyi medicine hall. Naturally, he won't have any opinions. He agrees without hesitation, "don't worry, even if the owner of the rice family comes by himself and wants to hurt your girlfriend, I will make him regret it."

He knows that he Feng doesn't want to expose his strength, otherwise they dare to hurt Ling Weiyu?

I'm afraid I don't even have the courage to do it?!

Soon, a group of people through the hotel hall, stepped out of the hotel gate.

Huo Ran, one after another eyes fell on He Feng's body, he Feng just rough feeling for a while, then found that there are at least hundreds of people outside watching.

Among them, nearly half of the people looked at him with a sense of killing in their eyes.

"Well? Brother Feng doesn't seem to have offended so many people? "

He Feng frowned, but soon understood what was going on, "guess these people should be Wang Xiangyun's pursuers?"

"He Feng, come out?"

As soon as he Feng stepped out of the hotel, Ling Xun went up with the Ling family, surrounded him in the middle, and said in a low voice, "don't you see that there are so many people outside, how can you still come out? I can tell you that all the leaders of the young generation of the major families have come, and several of them have broken through the dark force. If you come out now, it's easy to suffer losses. "

"Brother Ling, don't worry. They don't make me suffer so easily." He Feng smiles, which makes Ling Xun feel relieved.

Immediately, he looked at Ling Tiandi next to Ling Xun and nodded with a smile, "young man, cultivation is very good, work hard, there is hope to be successful in the future."

"Boy, how old are you? Dare you call me" boy " Ling Tiandi's eyes stare. As for the words behind he Feng, he doesn't pay attention at all. He thinks he Feng is flattering him on purpose.

"I'm a little impatient. No wonder the dark energy in my body is a little violent. But that's good. How can a young man have no temper? However, when breaking through Huajin in the future, I'm afraid I'll suffer a bit of crime. "

He Feng casually commented, then ignored Ling Tiandi, looked at all the people on the field, and said indifferently, "everyone, people who want to deal with him Feng, all stand up."

The voice is not big, but it is clearly spread to everyone's ears.

Suddenly, these people look at He Feng's eyes are a little different.

Not to mention he Feng's character and background, at least his courage is enough to move them.

It's estimated that even the leading figures of the young generation in the major families are just like this, right?

"Oh! He Feng, do you really look down on yourself and let those who want to deal with you stand up? Do you think you're qualified to make them all stand up? "

The first speaker came from the direction of the Jiang family, and it was Jiang Heng.

Jiang Xun looked at Jiang Heng, the first one to stand up and didn't say anything.

The Jiang family is about to cooperate with the MI family, so he should let the Jiang family do well now, so that the MI family can see the value of the Jiang family.

"This is... Jiang Heng? He's here, too? Isn't he shut up all the time? "

"Ha ha, shut up? Don't you forget that he had pursued Wang Xiangyun before. It's said that the Jiang family didn't allow him, so he shut up. But now Wang Xiangyun is married to a man with no background, and that man still has a lover. How can he continue to shut up? "

"It seems that he went out of the pass with anger. I don't know what level his cultivation has reached now, and whether he has broken through to the dark force."

"Three years ago, he was already attacking the dark force. Now even if he didn't make a breakthrough, it's hard to find an opponent under the dark force. It's not difficult to deal with He Feng."

Jiang Heng's appearance made everyone around shake up.

Many people feel that this is definitely a fight between the dragon and the tiger.

However, he Feng looked at Jiang Heng's eyes, but full of disdain, "which one are you?"

"The Jiang family, Jiang Heng, want to kill your people."

Jiang Heng holding three feet Green Feng, to He Feng, "you hurt my people, I don't care with you. But after you married Wang Xiangyun, you still hook up with other women. You really deserve it. Come on, how do you want to die? "

Voice down, he suddenly burst out of momentum, a strong breath, swept around.

"Dark strength, this is the breath of dark strength."

"The Jiang family is indeed the closest to the strength of the aristocratic family!"

"He Feng, I'm afraid he is dead."

"I don't know if the Ling family will stop me!"

Feeling Jiang Heng's strong breath, people around him were shocked.

It seems that the replacement of the Wang family by the Jiang family is irresistible.

Ling Xun aware of Jiang Heng's strong, eyebrows not from a wrinkle, subconsciously to He Feng side by.

A cold voice came out from the mouth of Mi's family to MI dongkun, "Ling Lao, you said before that as long as we don't bully the little with the big, you won't stop us. What, are you ready to talk now? If that's the case, then don't blame us for not keeping our word and cheating more than we should. At that time, not only he Feng will be finished, but your Ling family will also be implicated. "

After MI dongkun's voice fell, the experts of the Jiang family, Wei family and other major families also took two steps forward.

A group of dark strength master's eyes, cold looking at Ling family.

No matter how strong the Ling family is, it will never be able to compete with so many families.

"What Ling said naturally counts. As long as you don't besiege, don't bully the small with the big, how do you want to deal with He Feng, no problem

It's Xi Zhenxing standing beside he Feng.

Xi Zhenxing stares coldly at the rice family, Jiang and other forces, "but if you can't do this, then I will return to the medicine hall, and I can only help brother he."

His words directly announced the position of Guiyi medicine hall.

You think he Feng has no background, so he is oppressed by all the families.

Now, I come back to the same medicine hall, which is the background of He Feng.

"Well? Xi Zhenxing's attitude is so tough. Is He Feng worth it? "

Mi dongkun and others can't help frowning, he sneered, "we didn't say to bully less with more, but it depends on whether he Feng can be a turtle."

Xi Zhenxing laughed, "ha ha, MI dongkun, you look up to your mi family too much."

Jiang Heng continued: "He Feng, make your own stand. Do you want to deal with today's affairs by yourself, or do you want the Ling family and Guiyi medicine hall to help you? "

"Of course, I deal with it myself. He Feng hasn't been in the habit of relying on others."

He Feng shrugged.

"In that case, stand up and die." Jiang Heng said in a cold voice.

"Are you sure you want to fight me to death?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"The battle of life and death?"

Jiang Heng almost laughed, "you don't deserve to fight with me for life and death, but you can insist on saying so, just as we are fighting for life and death."

"Oh, since it's a battle of life and death, if I'm killed by you, who owns my heart protecting grass and border breaking pill?"

He Feng patted his pocket and put two boxes in his pocket. "In these two boxes, one is heart protecting herb and the other is border breaking pill. The total value, as you all know, is more than 20 billion."

"Broken border pill!"

As soon as these three words came out, everyone's faces changed slightly.

Indeed, it is not only about He Feng's life and death.

It's also related to the ownership of pojingdan after his death

This is more than two billion yuan.

Jiang Heng now he has broken through to the dark strength, to break the border Dan of course no interest.

But he also knew that if the Jiang family could get this broken border pill, there would be another master in the family, which would be of great help to the improvement of the family's strength.

He immediately said: "kill you, broken border Dan is naturally belong to me."

Huang family direction, Huang Renyi heard Jiang Heng's words, immediately looked at Huang Chonglin beside him, "brother!"

Broken border Dan, Huang Ren also want to get, he wants to step into the dark strength.

Huang Chonglin can't help frowning. He's not interested in pojingdan, but people in his family are interested in it.

Wei's direction, Wei Hao is also looking at Kangfan.

It's the direction of Mi's family. Mi Xingchen and Mi Jiaqi are indifferent. Mi Xinghua still keeps his eyes closed, as if not interested in watching all this.

Even people close to him can clearly feel that MI Xinghua is practicing. He doesn't want to waste so much time.

When Wang Xuan heard Jiang Heng's words, he looked at Cao Xin beside him, "cousin Cao Xin..."

Cao Xin opened his eyes to see Wang Xuan and said faintly, "did he spend more than two billion on this broken border pill? In a month's time, I'll get you a breakthrough pill. "

Wang Xuan frowned and knew that Cao Xin was taking advantage of the fire, but it was a good deal to save 500 million yuan to get the breakthrough pill. Even if he nodded, he said, "OK, thank you, cousin Cao Xin!"

"Ha ha, if you kill me, you will get the breakthrough pill? According to your current statement, you are not the only one who wants to kill me. "

He Feng's eyes looked at Huang Chonglin of the Huang family and Kang fan of the Wei family, "you two, come up, too."

At the moment, Huang Chonglin and Kang fan want to play, but Jiang Heng is the first one to play, and they can't find a suitable reason for that.

Now he Feng called them up directly. They didn't even think about it. They went directly.

"He Feng, do you despise my Wei family when you attack my Wei family's children and now you challenge me?" Kang fan looks at He Feng coldly, and his breath is strong.

Huang Chonglin's body is also surging with invisible strong air flow, "let me play, do you want to die in my hands?"

"Dark strength, Kang fan and Huang Chonglin are both masters of dark strength."

"Fierce, worthy of being the leader of the younger generation of the guwu family, none of them is mediocre."

"He Feng is dead."

The breath of the two people shocked everyone.

He Feng didn't answer them, just said with a smile: "I just observed, it seems that you two also want to get the breakthrough pill, right? Well, the three of you, do it to me together. Whoever kills me first will own this broken border pill. "

The seemingly casual words surprised the whole audience.

The Playboy, who is almost invincible at the level of Mingjin, should be one of the three dark masters at the same time?

Doesn't he know what the word "death" is like?!

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