"He Feng, you, don't be impulsive."

Ling Xun was shocked to hear he Feng's words. He quickly pulled him and reminded him: "Jiang Heng, Kang fan and Huang Chonglin, all of them have broken through the dark force. It's hard for you to deal with them alone."

He thought he Feng hadn't found out that all three of them had broken through the dark force, so he wanted to challenge them all by himself.

"Brother Ling, don't worry. I know they have broken through to the dark strength."

He Feng laughed and said in a low voice.

As soon as he said this, let alone Ling Xun, he Feng and his brother and sister Xi Junzhe, who knew he Feng was a master of body training, were stunned.

Even if you're a master of cross training in four aspects of physical training, and a master of beating others three times by yourself, it's arrogant, isn't it?

As for those who watched, they shook their heads one by one.

I just heard he Feng was arrogant before, but now I see it with my own eyes. It's not only arrogant, it's arrogant.

court death!

Absolute death!

"He Feng, you're just a triple horizontal trainer, and you want to challenge the three of us. You're not qualified. I, Jiang Heng, can kill you. " Jiang Heng said in a cold voice.

Joking, he Feng just said, who can kill him, then the broken border Dan in his hand belongs to who.

How can he let Kang fan and Huang Chonglin participate in such a good opportunity.

At that time, three people will work together. He is not sure that he Feng will be the first one to kill him. The probability of getting the breakthrough pill will drop from 100% to only 30%.

"Ah, brother Jiang, what you said is not true. Since he likes to seek death so much and wants to die more vigorously, why don't we help him?"

As soon as Jiang Heng's voice fell, Kang fan immediately opened his mouth and looked at Huang Chonglin, "brother Huang, are you right?"

"It's true that he wants to buy a magnificent one with pojingdan, then we will help him." Huang Chonglin said with a smile: "however, the three of us will have to compare speed and see who can kill him first. After all, there's only one broken border pill. "

The implication is that the Huang family also wants to get the breakthrough pill.

Kang fan nodded and said: "yes, in the process of killing him, it can also confirm the closure of the three of us over the years, to see who has made the greatest progress."

"Brother Jiang, do you have any suggestions?"

Kang fan and Huang Chonglin both look at Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng's face is not very good-looking, but he also knows that it is impossible for Kang fan and Huang Chonglin to give up. After all, they represent the Wei family and the Huang family.

"Well, I'll see how much progress brother Kang and brother Huang have made over the years." Jiang Heng light said, immediately looked at He Feng, "He Feng, come to die!"

He Feng ignored him!

He looked at the rice family, the Wang family, the Han family and other forces who had enemies with him and said, "do you want to consider fighting together?"

There is no reply from the Han family. At the moment, they are holding back, because no one of the younger generation of the Han family has broken through the dark force, which makes them feel rather shameful.

Wang direction, Wang Xuan cold hum, cold voice: "He Feng, you can rest assured, after you die, I will help you take good care of my sister."

"If you die, I'll take good care of your father."

He Feng coldly back to him, and looked at the rice family, "rice family, I put your rice family offended so miserably, you didn't come to me? Who, the guy who has been pretending to be unpredictable with his eyes closed, are you sure you don't want to do it? "


Some people couldn't help laughing.

Even the two girls, Ling Weiyu and Xi Xueqing, who stood beside him, all laughed wildly.

This guy, too bad.

Mi Xinghua's eyes open, like the sun in the sky, blooming a strong white light.

A strong and inexplicable aura spread out, making people feel that he is like a hegemonic God of war.

"It's really arrogant. I hope you have the ability to defeat the three of them. In this way, you have the right to let me do it. " Mi Xinghua stares at He Feng, but his voice is not big, but it looks like thunder, which makes people look sideways.

"It's like you're very good..."

He Feng rolled his eyes and didn't care about him.

"He Feng, can you do it?" Jiang Heng said impatiently.


He Feng simply replied.


Jiang Heng face a cold, "difficult not, you want to go back?"

Kang Fan said coldly, "at this point, you don't have a chance to go back."

Huang Chonglin sneered, "give me the broken border pill, and then pay for the Dantian and limbs at my own expense. I can forgive you."

"Three idiots!"

He Feng has no good spirit of way: "who tell you I want to go back?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to ask you, after you kill me, you can get the breakthrough pill. But if I kill you, what can I get? "

"You killed us?"

Hearing this, the whole audience was stunned.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha

"I don't know the height of heaven and earth!"


Jiang Heng three people are all laughing, like to hear the funniest joke.

"He Feng, who do you think you are, the master of training quadruple? I tell you, today, even if you reach the quadruple, you will die. " Jiang Heng said.

"I don't know whether I'm dead or not, but I'm very clear. If you want to fight with me and kill me and want to get the pills on me, you have to take out the pills equivalent to the pills. Otherwise, I will not fight with you. " He Feng said very simply.

"Well, I don't want to do it now? That's not up to you! "

Kangfan snorted and stepped out abruptly. He Feng was about to be attacked.


A figure appeared in front of He Feng, a breath of terror, suppressed, so that Kangfan immediately stopped, a face of fear staring at the figure in front of He Feng.

In each other's body, he felt the strong breath like the deep sea, there is no comparability at all, the other party slapped him to death.

This is a real master, more powerful than the most powerful of their Wei family!

"He Feng's meaning is very clear, he can do it with you, but if you want to get the breakthrough Pill on him, you must first take out the equivalent. Otherwise, you are not qualified to fight him. "

The person standing in front of He Feng is Xi Zhenxing. "In addition, I can tell you that although he Feng has not yet joined my Guiyi medicine hall, he and I have a very close relationship. If he does not promise to fight with you, but you force him. Then, you are the enemy of me. "

His "you" refers to the guwu families in Nanjin City, but he doesn't pay attention to them.

At this moment, Xi Zhenxing showed his strength again.

Jiang Xun and others' eyes can't help shrinking into a seam. This Xi Zhenxing is too overbearing.

However, Xi Zhenxing's secret power is so strong that they are afraid of it. Even if the masters of various aristocratic families join hands, they will not be able to compete. In the end, they will only hurt 1000 enemies and lose 800.

"Do you want to continue this battle of life and death? If I don't go on, I'll go. " He Feng light said.

"Everyone, after today, he Feng may officially join our Guiyi medicine hall. At that time, if you dare to move him again, you will declare war on our Guiyi medicine hall. I'm afraid you can't afford the consequences. " Xi Zhenxing then said.

Now he finally understood what he Feng meant. He forced the young masters of the major families to gamble on life and death. He could win a lot of bets on pills from the major forces without exposing his strength.

This is a wonderful move.

Of course, in fact, he felt that he Feng didn't have to be so troublesome. Just because of their disrespect to He Feng now, he Feng could go to all the families and force them to make an apology.

Even if he Feng directly exterminates the forces of the rice family and the Jiang family, people outside dare not talk about anything. Even the Sha family behind the rice family has to apologize.

The dignity of a master should not be violated.

Offenders, death!

This is the hidden rule of ancient martial arts in China, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Of course, since he Feng does not want to expose his strength, he can only cooperate.

"Dad, I want to step into the dark force as soon as possible..."

Jiang ruoqiu, who was beside Jiang Xun, said with firm eyes.

Jiang Xun also understands his daughter's mind. Jiang ruoqiu is better than Jiang Heng in his cultivation talent. He just wants to attack the dark force with his own understanding, which is really time-consuming.

If Jiang ruoqiu could save this time, he would soon surpass Jiang Heng in cultivation.

At that time, the cultivation resources of the family will definitely be inclined to Jiang ruoqiu.

Jiang ruoqiu will hopefully replace Jiang Heng in the Jiang family.

"I know!"

Jiang Xun nodded, looked at He Feng and said, "He Feng, our Jiang family has no breakthrough pill, but I can replace it with other pills. You can give me a number of pills you want."

Before he Feng opened his mouth, Xi Zhenxing, who was standing in front of him, opened his mouth first, "it's so troublesome to report the number, and you have to go back to get it. It's more troublesome. Anyway, he Feng bought this broken border pill with 2 billion yuan, which is obvious to all. Since you can't get out of pojingdan, you can take 2 billion yuan. I believe brother he won't care about the change of 1 million yuan, will he? "

"Well, it's only a million. Just take it as a fraction." He Feng nodded and silently praised Xi Zhenxing.

You are an old fox!

But brother Feng likes it.

"Two billion..." but Jiang Xun frowned.

The two billion is not a small sum!

"My Huang family is willing to take two billion as a bet!"

Huang family direction, Huang Ren said.

He wants to get it, too.

His cousin Huang Chonglin has broken through to the dark strength. As the son of the Huang family leader, he is naturally worried.

"I, the Wei family, would like to." Wei Jianmin followed.

"Mr. Jiang, what about your Jiang family? If the Jiang family doesn't want to, let Jiang Heng go down first. There's nothing wrong with him here. " Xi Zhenxing looked at Jiang Xun and said.

"Well, it's only two billion yuan. Our Jiang family doesn't care about such a little money. Besides, he Feng didn't have the life to get the money. "

Jason snorted coldly.

"Well, in that case, the battle of life and death between one and three will be relatively fair."

Xi Zhenxing deliberately said the four words "one against three" a little louder. Then he looked at Jin Song standing in the crowd and said, "Mr. Jin, can you please be the notary of this battle of life and death? In order to avoid that after the end of their game, some people will not admit it and lose our face in the guwu sector of Nanjin city. "

"Ha ha, you boy, every time you have something to do, you can't do without me."

With a helpless smile, Jin Song comes to Xi Zhenxing.

"Hehe, thank you for being old!"

Xi Zhenxing grinned.

"Well, don't be so polite to me. Next time you have a chance, just call Xiao Tang over and let him play two more games of chess with me. There are still a few moves to play chess with him. It's not much fun to play chess with you. " Jin Song waved his hand.

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile, "Mr. Jin, I'm afraid you don't know one thing. Brother he's a better chess player than Mr. Tang."

"Oh? Really? " The Mou son of Jin Song not from light up, surprised saw he Feng one eye.

Young, chess skill is very high?

Xi Zhenxing said, "can I cheat you? This afternoon, I almost lost in the hands of Old Tang, but he only helped me next step, let me turn defeat into victory. Later, Lao Tang called me and asked me why I was so powerful all of a sudden, but I didn't tell him that brother he helped me. Now he is depressed, ha ha ha... "

"Good! It seems that he has real ability. I hope this little fellow will not let people down in his cultivation, otherwise it will be a pity. "

Jin Song looked at He Feng and said, "little guy, are you ready?"

"All right!"

He Feng nodded.

"And you?"

Jin Song looks at Jiang Heng and others.

Jiang Heng immediately looked at He Feng, "He Feng, come here and die!"

"He Feng, you can do it."

"Don't delay any more!"

Kang fan and Huang Chonglin also look at He Feng coldly, with awe inspiring killing intention.

"Little feather, close your eyes for a while and don't look any more."

He Feng didn't go out immediately, but told Ling Weiyu beside him.

Ling Weiyu tooted, "but, I just want to see it!"

He Feng can't help frowning, "when you get back to Jiangbin City, I'll teach you to practice. When you break through the dark strength, you can see me kill people."

"Oh, well! Then hurry up. There are so many people here. I don't like it very much. " Ling Weiyu said.

She is so beautiful that her beauty is even better than Xi Xueqing's. people watching around her always stare at her, which makes her a little unhappy.

"Don't worry, things here will be dealt with soon. When it's done, I'll take you back to the hotel to have a rest. " He Feng touched the woman's head.

"Well, good!"

Ling Weiyu nodded cleverly, then turned around and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. "Brother Xiaofeng, go and deal with them quickly. I'll play with my mobile phone and deal with some work."

"Good boy

He Feng smiles, and then goes to Jiang Heng and others.

"It seems that you don't have the heart to let your lover see you die. But don't worry. I'm always sharp and I won't let you die too cruelly. " Jiang Heng said with a sneer.

He Feng serious way: "correct, she is not my lover, she is my woman.". In my mind, her status is no lower than that of Wang Xiangyun. "


The whole audience was in an uproar.

"Wochen, he Feng is just too much. He compares his lover with the goddess Wang Xiangyun. The labor and capital want to go out and kill him."

"Me too. I'm a beast."

"I feel sorry for my goddess..."

The people outside are still like this, not to mention Jiang Heng and others.

"Originally, I didn't want you to die too cruelly. Now, I've changed my mind. I'll tear you to pieces. "

As soon as Jiang Heng finished his words, his body turned into an arrow, shooting at He Feng.

"Whew!" The sword in his hand came out of its sheath.

The light of the sword is like electricity, piercing the void.

"This He Feng is my prey!" Kang fan drank lightly and jumped up. He jumped more than two meters high and approached He Feng with a very fast speed.

"You two, you can't take me!"

Huang Chonglin turned his hand and three silver darts appeared.


Darts into three cold light, quickly kill to He Feng throat.

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