"What did you say?"

He Feng heard the middle-aged man's words, the expression on his face changed, stunned, surprised, shocked, all kinds of complex emotions mixed together.

Finally, he asked calmly, "who are you? How do you know my father's name? "

He Fengyun is the name of He Feng's father.

For this, he learned from his grandfather.

Just, he He Feng is the son of Qin Fengyun, it seems that few people know?

Who knows about it

He Jia!

"I come from the he family in Yanjing. My name is he Juncong."

He Juncong said his identity, and then added, "he Fengyun is my third brother."


Hearing this, he Feng couldn't help being silent.

He Fengyun is the third elder brother of the middle-aged man, so his identity

"I'm your fourth uncle!" He Juncong stares at He Feng with a faint expectation in his eyes.

He Feng also looks directly at he Juncong!

After a short time, he said, "why did my father abandon me?"


He Juncong took a puff at the corner of his mouth. He thought he Feng would shout to himself excitedly. He didn't expect to throw such a question to himself.

It seems that the little guy is very resentful.

It's no wonder that he was abandoned when he was a child. Fortunately, he was adopted by a welfare home. But when he was a teenager, he was abducted and sold abroad. He lived a life like licking blood with a knife edge and kept company with death all the time.

God knows how he survived these years!

He family, I really owe him too much.

It's hard for him to recognize the he family in a short time!

"Oh, no wonder my father told me not to go to you. Sure enough... "

He Juncong gave a wry smile and said: "I don't know why the third brother abandoned you, but I believe that the third brother must have a problem."

"Well, I'll wait for those who know the truth to tell me the truth. If I can't get a satisfactory explanation... "

He Feng bit his teeth, "I will hate he family."

"You... Why are you suffering?"

I don't know why, listening to He Feng say such words, he Juncong felt a stabbing pain in his heart, full of guilt.

He sighed and then said, "I often ask my father about the third brother these years, but my father doesn't reveal anything to me. Even the elder brother and the second brother don't seem to know why the third brother disappeared and why he abandoned you. "

"Well? The fourth uncle said that his father was missing instead of being arrested? " He Feng looks at he Juncong's appearance, the latter doesn't seem to be lying, which makes he Feng feel depressed. Doesn't the old man even tell his fourth uncle about it?

How powerful was the force that captured his parents? He family's old man was so scared!


He Feng asked, "you mean, they may know, but even you are hiding it, right?"

Smell speech, he Juncong brow can't help wrinkling.

He didn't think much about it before, but now he Feng mentioned it, and he suddenly had such a feeling.

The elder brother and the second brother seem to have deliberately concealed something from him.

"Well, since you don't know much about it, I won't ask you. I'll leave it to you later."

He Feng shakes his head and doesn't think about it any more. He estimates that even if they know something, they won't know it too carefully. Even if they do, they won't tell him.

Moreover, if the power to capture his parents is really strong, it's useless to tell him.

What he has to do now is to improve his strength as much as possible.

"The most important thing at the moment is to investigate my uncle's affairs. Do you know where they are now?" He Feng asked.

"Well! War maniac and Mahone, they went to carry out an important secret mission


"Do you know mieshen pavilion?"

"I know!"

"Their task is to destroy the branch of mieshen Pavilion in Nanjin city. About an hour ago, they left the military area command, led by one of my deputy and war maniac, and Wu Shulin, the leader of the wolf team. Four hackers helped locate them. But they seem to have an accident. I can't get in touch with any of them. "

He Feng eyes a bright, "hacker? So, they brought a computer with them? "

He Juncong nodded, "well, only Xu Huai has brought his computer. I've arranged for a computer expert to go to the computer room to find the last Internet location of this computer."

He Feng immediately said: "take me to the computer room!"

"What are you doing in the computer room?" He Juncong was stunned and asked subconsciously, "do you still know computer?"

"Is it strange to know computers?" He Feng asked.

"I remember that you are a hacker expert. When you were in Yuncheng group, you once showed your hacker technology. Even Zhou Heng, the director of your technology department, was inferior to you in terms of computers." He Juncong suddenly nodded, "in that case, you can go to the computer room with me. However, just go and have a look. There are some experts there, most of them are the top 100 hackers in China's hacker list. You should learn from them as much as possible. "

"Then get over there."

He Feng nodded and urged.

He Juncong also no longer delay time, with He Feng left the office, soon came to the computer room.

At this time, there are several people busy in the computer room, constantly tapping the keyboard.

"General staff!"

As soon as he Juncong and he Feng come in, Yang Huan and the other two leaders who stay in the computer room immediately come over and respectfully salute.

At the same time, they looked curiously at He Feng behind he Juncong.

Just now, he Juncong had spoken in person. The enemy attack was a misunderstanding. The alarm was lifted.

Is the man who caused the turmoil in the whole military region and even mistakenly thought it was an enemy attack the young man in his twenties?

"How's it going? Did you find the last location where Xuhuai computer was used? " He Juncong asked.

"Well... Not yet!" A leader of the technology department said: "Xu Huai's network is different from ordinary people. It's a little difficult to find his IP address."

"Hurry them up and make them as soon as possible. Now, the lives of Mahong, war maniac and Wu Shulin are probably in their hands. " He Juncong urged.

"Yes, I'm going to urge them." The leader of the technology department quickly turned around and urged him to go.

"There's an empty computer there. I'll borrow it."

At this time, a voice rang out beside he Juncong.

The voice falls, also don't wait for he Juncong to reply, he Feng then straight step toward that computer to walk past.

Seeing this scene, several leaders frowned. Is this guy too arrogant?

Only Yang Huan, who has personally experienced the combat effectiveness of He Feng, is not surprised.

How can a young top martial arts genius not have a little temper?


He can see clearly that although he Feng seems to be a little arrogant, he Zongshen doesn't seem to be angry at all.

He Feng is also called he, isn't he?

"Pa pa pa..."

A burst of keyboard combo sound sounded in the ears of the public, very fast, and soon attracted the attention of the public.

However, in addition to he Juncong and Yang Huan, the others just took a look and withdrew their eyes to urge other hackers to speed up and find out the location of war maniacs as soon as possible.

Obviously, they didn't take He Feng to heart.

"Yes, where is this?"

About two minutes later, he Feng stood up and pointed to a red dot on the map.

"How can it be? And he found it? "

"Are you kidding?"

"I haven't found it for more than ten minutes. He can find it in two minutes?"

All eyes fall on He Feng, full of doubts.

Even he Juncong and Yang Huan couldn't believe it.

However, at this point, they will not openly question it.

"Well? This is the central Wetland Park. It's very remote. Although there are some houses, they have already moved away. "

Yang Huan is a native of Southern Jin Dynasty. He takes a look at it and immediately knows where it is.

"Yang Huan, you immediately arrange a helicopter, and I'll go there myself." He Juncong said.

"Mr. He, no, since it's dangerous, how can you go there in person? I'll take someone to get there." Yang Huan's face changed and he said quickly.

"Ha ha, you'd better stay in the military area command. If that group of people dare to move even the war maniacs and others, they may not dare to come to our military area command to act wildly. "

He Juncong light smile, "hurry to arrange the helicopter, we have to seize the time."

"He Zongshen..."

"It's an order. Execute it now."

He Juncong said coldly, and immediately looked at He Feng, "He Feng, you are waiting for my news in the military region."

"War maniac is my uncle. I must go with you." He Feng said.

If he Juncong had not asked Yang Huan to prepare the helicopter, he Feng would have been ready to fly directly in the air.

"No, it's too dangerous. You have to stay in the barracks." He Juncong's tone is unquestionable and domineering.

"Mr. He, although you are a big man in this military region, you are not my leader. Your orders are invalid to me. But if you don't want me to go with you, I'll do it my own way. "

Say, he Feng will turn to leave.

When people around saw this scene, they opened their mouths one by one. How dare this young man disobey the orders of general staff he?

I don't know how to teach Mr. He at the meeting!


Under the gaze of the crowd, he Juncong's face changed slightly.

Then, they didn't expect to teach He Feng a lesson. Instead, they soon softened, "in that case, you can go with me. But you have to listen to me all the way. "

"Hurry up!"

He Feng stopped, noncommittal said.

As for who was listening to on the way

He didn't say!

After all, he Juncong is his fourth uncle. There are so many subordinates here. He Feng wants to give him some face.

"Yang Huan, let's go to the airport now." He Juncong said to Yang Huan.

Immediately, three people quickly rushed to the helicopter airport.

There are four military helicopters parked here. Three of them go straight to one of them. He Juncong gets into the driver's seat, flies the plane, and then flies towards the central Wetland Park.

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