At this time, Chu Yue and others in the building.

As time goes by, some people are close to collapse.

If it wasn't for the devil like training they have experienced and their psychological qualities are extremely strong, they would not be able to support them now.

"Captain, are we really going to die here?"

Zhou Hui said with a bitter smile, looking at Wu Shulin.

"Why, afraid?" Wu Shulin took a look at him.

"To be honest with the captain, I'm a little bit suspicious. But I also know that it's useless even if I'm afraid. If I run out impulsively, I will die faster. "

Zhou Hui laughed and shrugged, "but if I can die with the captain and you, I will not be lonely even if I die."

"It's a pity that we didn't even see the people of the South Jinshi branch of mieshen Pavilion in this mission. It's a great shame."

A sigh of helplessness.

The rest of them all shook their heads with regret.

They are not afraid of death. When they joined the Dragon Guard and the wolf team, they were ready to die for their country.

But now they are very subdued, even the enemy's face did not see, was playing to death.

Even if you don't die today, you may live in humiliation in the future.

"Yueyue, I'm sorry. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be in this dangerous situation."

Ma Hong said apologetically: "and Mr. Xu Huai, Zhu Yongliang and Cao Rui, they all blame me for implicating you."

When Cao Rui heard this, he turned his lips and said no.

But Xu Huai, whose pale face was full of sweat, shook his head and said, "Mr. Mahong, we don't mean to blame you. Since we have learned all our skills, we should serve our motherland. Unfortunately, I was careless and fell into the trap of the other party, which made everyone in danger... "

"Come on, you're afraid that people will laugh at you for your poor skills. That's why you said you were careless, right? Ha ha, in fact, even if you don't explain it like this, no one will laugh at you. " Cao Rui sneered, "after all, none of us has the strength to laugh at you now!"


Xu Huai's face suddenly became ugly.

He is really afraid of being ridiculed by others, but now Cao Rui says it in public, doesn't it give him face?

Isn't that humiliating in public?

"Xu Huai, it's not your fault. You have nothing to blame yourself for. You can only blame the enemy for being too cunning."

Mahong shook his head and said, looking at Chu Yue immediately.

Seeing Chu Yue staring out of the window in a daze, he frowned and said, "moon, what are you thinking?"

Chu Yue didn't return to him.

"Yueyue..." Mahong called again, a little louder.


Chu Yue came back to her senses.

"Yueyue, what are you thinking?" At this point, Mahong did not blame him, but asked again.

"I wonder if someone will come to save us..." Chu Yue said seriously.

"Someone came to save us? How is that possible? Who will come near this place where birds don't shit? Even if someone gets close and calls the police, it will be an hour before the bomb disposal personnel arrive. "

Cao Rui a face of resentment, "anyway, this time we are the people of the military to harm!"

"Shut up

"I'm afraid of death. I knew you were such a person. Our military would not ask you for help anyway."

"It's disgraceful to be with people like you."

"If I can get away with it this time, I will die later and I will not work with him any more."

The next few members of the Dragon Guard and wolf team finally couldn't listen to it, and they all said angrily.

"Hehe, do you want to survive? It's good to have one person out alive this time. Besides, do you think I'd like to work with people in your military region? If my old man hadn't forced me to come and killed me, I wouldn't have come. "

Cao Rui said with a smile that he didn't hold any hope at all, so he directly exposed his nature. "In addition, if I die here, my old man will surely help me to avenge and destroy the gang. As for you, I'm afraid you can only die in vain? "

When they heard this, their faces were extremely ugly. They clenched their fists one by one, hoping to rush up and beat Cao Rui.

But they all know that they can't walk around now, otherwise not only they may die, but also their comrades in arms may be involved.

"Don't go too far, Cao Rui." Chu month facial expression ugliness of way: "this time of affair who also didn't expect, everybody must die, why do you say these ugliness words?"

Cao Rui directly laughed, "ha ha ha ha, I just said a few words to be ugly? I haven't said that I think you are very beautiful. I want to sleep with you. If I say this, can't you say that I am a beast? "


"However, you are really beautiful and sexy. I haven't met someone as beautiful as you before in JIANGCHANG province. If I can sleep with you once before I die, it's worth it even if I die like this!"

When talking, Cao Rui even licked his lips.

Now that he is approaching death, Cao Rui has no scruples at all. He can say whatever he thinks.

"Cao Rui, do you want to die?"

"Damn it! Captain, I ask for a lesson. "

As soon as Cao Rui's words were finished, the angry shouts of Zhou Hui and others rang out.

Huang Qisheng even raised his gun and aimed at Cao Rui, but he didn't dare to shoot him rashly. If he killed Cao Rui and detonated the bomb when he fell to the ground, it would not be worth the loss.


At this time, the sky outside, suddenly came a deafening roar.

Then, a helicopter with dazzling lights flew towards them.

"Someone, someone's coming."

"It's the helicopter of our military region. Hahaha, we are saved..."

"Well, why does the pilot look a little familiar?"

Some sharp eyed people can see at a glance that this helicopter belongs to their military region.

Moreover, the people driving this helicopter are not ordinary people, but

"My God, it's Mr. He who flies the plane in person."

"Damn it, let Mr. he come here in person. How dangerous is it? I, I'm guilty! "

"If something happens to Mr. He, I won't forgive myself even if I die."

When people in the building saw who was in the cockpit, their faces changed greatly, and most of them were full of remorse.

Including Ma Hong, Zhan Kuang and Wu Shulin.

"Mr. He, don't get close to the building. There are countless heat sensitive micro bombs in and around the building. There are time bombs underground. They will explode in ten minutes. Please arrange bomb disposal personnel to come here."

The war maniac took a deep breath, and the energy gathered in the sound and went towards the helicopter.

"Uncle, are you all right with Yueyue?"

At this time, a familiar sound came from the helicopter.

"Who is this?"

Hearing this sound, many people have some doubts.

But Chu Yue suddenly raised her head, a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly became red, eyes seemed to have excited tears flashing.

That man, he... He really appeared at his most desperate and dangerous time.

"Xiao Feng, I'm fine, and so is Yueyue."

War crazy also some surprised, did not expect he Feng unexpectedly also came, and still with he Zongshen together.

But he didn't think much about it, and responded loudly.

As he spoke, he looked at Chu Yue beside him. Seeing Chu Yue's expression, he felt a thump

So, what's going on here?

What's wrong with Yueyue?

"Is this yunyun's rival?" After this thought came to mind, the war maniac knew that it must be right.

He reluctantly touched his forehead. Anyway, it's a young man's business. He's too lazy to take care of it. Besides, he doesn't know if he can live now.

"Uncle, you wait, I'll find a way to save you."

In the helicopter, he Feng yelled, then said to he Juncong: "land the plane outside the yard first."


He Juncong nodded and landed more than 100 meters outside the courtyard.

After the plane landed, three people jumped down one after another and came out of the yard.

When they saw the mess in the yard, as well as all kinds of blood and limbs, their faces became very ugly.

"You bastards of mieshen Pavilion!" He Juncong narrowed his eyes, and his murderous spirit was surging, even the strength in his body was surging.

He Feng looks at the fourth uncle beside him in surprise

I didn't expect that the fourth uncle was young and less than 40 years old. He was already a strong master of Huajin.

A moment later, he Juncong continued: "Yang Huan, just now the war maniac said that there are many heat sensitive micro bombs installed in it, and there are time bombs buried underground. You should contact the bomb disposal personnel to come here, and make sure they hurry up."


Yang Huan nodded and took out his mobile phone to make a call. When he saw the mobile phone screen, his face became a little ugly. "Damn, there's no signal here."

"Forget it, you don't have to call. It's no use calling. In this yard, there are at least hundreds of bombs. You can find bomb disposal personnel, and you don't know how long it will take just to discharge bombs. Moreover, this kind of bomb can't be removed at all. "

He Feng looks around, his eyes seem to have a wisp of white fog surging, so that he can clearly feel the hidden crisis around.

Yang Huan frowned and said, "if we don't find bomb disposal personnel, how can we rescue people?"

He Juncong asked: "He Feng, what can you do?"

"Well, leave it to me. It's not a big problem."

He Feng nodded and immediately walked towards the yard.

"He Feng, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, he Juncong immediately grabbed his arm and asked anxiously.

This smelly boy wants to scare himself to death.

"Go in and save people, of course."

He Feng opened he Juncong's hand, "don't worry, I'll be OK."

"No, I can't risk you. I'll go if I want to." He Juncong said firmly: "my accomplishments are higher and faster than you. At the moment the bomb exploded, I could retreat quickly. "

"Mr. He, you are the God of the sea of our Nanjin military region. You can't take risks." Yang Huan was in a hurry.

If something happens to he Juncong, how can he explain to the commander when Yang Huan goes back?

The commander had to skin him!

"Shut up

He Juncong said softly, "do you want me to watch Mahong die?"

"Are you sure?" He Feng asked.


He Juncong frowned and said, "even if I'm not sure, I'll have to try."

"I'm 100% sure!" Hefeng road.


He Juncong can't help but be stunned. Yang Huan also looks at him in shock.

He Feng himself said that there are hundreds of miniature bombs in the yard alone, and they are also heat sensitive bombs. As long as you are close enough to the bomb, you can detonate it without even touching it.

Under such circumstances, does he even say that he is 100% sure?

Are you kidding?

"There's my aunt and the woman I like. Moreover, there are so many people waiting for me in Jiangbin city. And... There are more important things for me to do. I will not risk my own life. "

He Feng looked at he Juncong and said, "so, believe me!"

He Feng's cultivation has reached the true state of Qi, his thoughts are clear, and his response to the crisis is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

He Juncong's brow twisted into a "Sichuan" character, "are you sure?"

"Believe it or not!"

He Feng rolled a white eye, lazy to talk to him again, "time is not much left, now every delay a minute, they are more dangerous.". I went first

The voice falls, he already walked toward the courtyard gate past.


He Juncong opens his mouth and wants to stop He Feng. Even if he Feng is 100% sure, he is extremely nervous.

If he Feng has a problem, how can he explain it to his family?

This is the only blood of the third brother!

What's more, if the third brother and the third sister-in-law come back in the future, how can he face them?

However, he Feng just waved to him, the pace at his feet was accelerated, and soon stepped into the yard gate.

He Juncong's voice stopped and he looked at it quietly.

Not only he Juncong, but anyone who can see the situation in the yard is shocked at this moment.

What does that young man want to do?

"Captain Zhan, the man named He Feng, has stepped into the yard." On the third floor, Zhou Hui, leaning against the window, said to the war maniac.

He met he Feng, so he knew his identity.

"What? Let he Feng go out. He can't come in. Let him go. Come on... "

Before the war maniac opens his mouth, Chu Yue shouts anxiously. His voice is full of urgency and panic, for fear that he Feng will be in danger.

"He Feng?"

Hearing Chu Yue say the name "He Feng", Jing Ke and Huang Qisheng are also shocked.

What does that man want to do?

Risking his life to save Chu Yue?

It's not risking your life. What's the difference between it and dying?

"He Feng, get out of the yard. The yard is full of heat sensitive micro bombs." The war maniac quickly cried out, also very eager.

He Feng has an accident. He can't explain it to Wang Xiangyun.

Not only Wang Xiangyun, but also he family

"Uncle, Yueyue, don't worry. I'm sure enough." He Feng's voice came into the building.

"Is he sure?"

When people heard this, they looked forward to it, but they were more worried that there would be accidents.

"If you are sure, hurry up. We don't have much time. Hurry up..."

Cao Rui suddenly cried to the downstairs excitedly, "come up and save my young master. If you save me, my young master will give you a million."

"Shut up

"Shut up

As soon as Cao Rui's voice rang out, all the people began to drink angrily at him. They were extremely angry.

"He Feng, don't worry. The time bomb will explode in about ten minutes. You control the time. If it's too late, you leave immediately. " Cried the war maniac.

As soon as he finished, Zhou Hui's voice rang out, "Captain, he's already in the middle of the yard."

"What, so fast?"

Hearing the speech, everyone was shocked.

As they all know, it's more than ten meters from the gate of the yard to the gate of the first floor.

He Feng through five meters, did not detonate a bomb?

Are there not many heat sensitive bombs in the yard?

"He... Could do wonders!" Chu Yue said in a low voice.


Everyone was quiet for a moment, and no one dared to speak.

Even Cao Rui shut up at this moment.

Everyone's eyes, nervous and afraid, of course, more are looking forward to, hope he Feng can successfully rescue them, no one wants to die.

Zhou Hui, Jing Ke and Huang Qisheng couldn't help looking at Chu Yue

At first, they didn't trust he Feng.

But now

He Feng's courage alone completely conquered them.

If such a man is not qualified to be with Chu Yue, who is qualified?

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