"This smelly boy, the pace is accelerated again."

Outside the yard, he Juncong looks at He Feng who is walking step by step to the gate of the first floor. In addition to worry, he is shocked and


He is the son of the third brother and the third sister-in-law.

"General staff, look at the place he passed by..."

At this time, Yang Huan seemed to find something and said, pointing to the ground.

"Ha ha, I see it." He Juncong said with a smile.

In the yard, where he Feng walked, he would leave a deep footprint, which was very clear.

I'm afraid that only these footprints are safe in this hundred square meter yard.

"He's in the hall on the first floor."

A cry of ecstasy rang out on the first floor.


"It seems that the miracle really happened."

"Don't we have to die?"

All of them exclaimed. At this moment, he Feng, who walked leisurely in the court, was just like a God in their eyes.

In particular, several people on the first floor who were still alive shed tears of excitement.

"Brother on the first floor, I have footprints on all the roads I have passed. You can just step on my footprints and go out. Do you understand?"

He Feng left some footprints on the first floor and said to the crowd, "remember, don't step on the wrong foot, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Thanks, brother!"

"From now on, you are my benefactor."

"I am also Zhao Hong's benefactor."

Several soldiers on the first floor bowed deeply to He Feng.

"You are all soldiers who defend our country. I really want to thank you for killing more enemies on the battlefield in the future."

He Feng chuckled and stepped up the stairs.

But his answer made the soldiers even more excited and felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling.

They swore in their hearts that they would kill more enemies in the future.

About half a minute later, he Feng stepped on the second floor, and left some footprints on the second floor, so that everyone can escape his footprints and go out.

Then he finally came to the third floor.

"He Feng!"

"Xiao Feng, here you are..."

War crazy and others are excited to say hello to He Feng.

"Come on, help me." Cao Rui said anxiously.

He Feng didn't pay attention to him. He nodded to the war maniac first, and his eyes fell on Chu Yue.

When he saw that Chu Yue was in a mess, his clothes were broken, and all kinds of bloodstains on his body, a terrible sense of killing, swept out of him.

He can imagine that Chu Yue must have been killed in front of the gate of death, just because he was lucky.

But what if it's bad luck?

That he sees now, isn't it a Chu Yue's corpse?

He Feng's eyes are red up!

What a mieshen Pavilion!!!

"Why are you so stupid? Come and help us." Cao Rui urges impatiently.

"Shut up

He Feng's cold eyes suddenly fell on Cao Rui.

For a moment, Cao Rui felt that he was no longer staring at an ordinary man, but a demon from Jiuyou hell, which made him cold from head to foot.

The war crazy reminds a way: "small maple, now is not the time to get angry, first seize the time to save everyone out again.". And the bodies of the soldiers, see if you can get them out


He Feng nodded and left some footprints on the third floor. Then he went to Chu Yue and said in a soft voice, "Yue Yue, I'll treat your injury later."

"It's OK. This injury can't kill me. Go to save the people on the fourth floor and the rooftop... See if there is a complete body, and try to help take it out." There are tears in Chu Yue's eyes. Many people here are her former comrades in arms, but now some people have been blown up, which makes her very sad.

"Well, I will."

He Feng said, walking toward the fourth floor, and immediately went to the roof.

The scene on the rooftop is not much better than that on the first floor. It's full of broken limbs and skeletons. Everyone is beyond recognition. There is no complete body.

With everyone's concerted efforts, some debris was carried out of the yard, and everyone left the yard.

"Time is running out. Let's stay away from the yard. The power of this time bomb is not sure, so as not to be hurt by the aftershocks."

Outside the yard, he Juncong said.

Immediately, the crowd quickly retreated.


They just walked out more than 100 meters, behind them, a fierce roar suddenly broke out.

The fire is burning!

Even if they were more than 100 meters apart, they could feel the impact of a huge hot wave, the trees around them were beaten to the ground, swaying wildly, and the branches and leaves were flying down.

When they looked back, they saw that the building had been blown down and turned into ruins.

If they don't get out in time

"He Feng, thank you!" Mahong bowed deeply to He Feng.

The rest of the soldiers also bowed their thanks.

This is the real saving grace.


He Juncong patted He Feng on the shoulder.

"Xiao Feng, good job!" War maniac also has a look of admiration.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are all soldiers fighting for your country. I should have saved you. Why thank you?" He Feng waved his hand and said.

"He Feng, you... Can you let me go first?"

Chu month is being hugged by He Feng in the bosom at this moment, some embarrassed say, she feels that many people around are staring at her.

"I won't let you go if you are hurt." He Feng not only did not let go, but hugged more tightly.

Now his heart was full of fear.

Almost, he lost his beloved woman.

He didn't know if he could bear the pain!

See, Chu month's face more red, small head deeply buried, dare not go to see people, but the heart head is incomparably sweet.

"Ha ha..."

Looking at Chu Yue's appearance like a little woman, Mahong couldn't help laughing, and the rest of the people also laughed.

They don't know. Mahong is happy from the bottom of his heart, because he already knows that the relationship between He Feng and he Juncong is extraordinary.

This He Feng is from the he family in Yanjing.

And it seems that they are still the direct children.

"Let's go back to the military region first. We'll wait until we get back to the military region." He Juncong said.

"OK, let's go!"

Immediately, the group walked up to their car.

He Feng, Chu Yue, he Juncong, Zhan Kuang and Ma Hong got on a military SUV.

After getting on the bus, he Feng makes a phone call to Ling Weiyu and tells her that things have been handled here, so as not to worry her.

The woman is very clever, just let him deal with the matter well, even did not ask if he would return to the hotel.

Later, he Feng called Xi Zhenxing and asked him to arrange someone to send some healing medicine to nanjinshi military region.

More than 20 minutes later, he Feng and other talents returned to the military region. The elixir Xi Zhenxing personally sent also came to him. He immediately assigned it to help people heal.

With the help of the elixir, people's injuries were soon stabilized.

On the way, he Feng also knows the whole process of their action and why they fell into each other's trap.

At this time, in a room, he Feng is using Qi to help Chu Yue treat the injury.

With the help of real Qi, Chu Yue's body is not to mention internal injury, even trauma, is recovering at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"He Feng, what is your power? How could it be treated? "

Chu Yue looked at the wound on her body's surface, which had healed to 7788. She was shocked and asked, "I've heard my grandfather say before that the legendary master of true Qi can use true Qi to heal people's wounds. Your method is similar to that of the strong one of true Qi. By the way, you didn't cure Tang by such means before, did you? "

He Feng said with a smile: "Yueyue, if I say that I am actually the myth and legend of true Qi State, do you believe it?"

"Are you a myth of true Qi?"

Chu Yue looked at He Feng and said with a smile, "well, it's a bit like that!"

"..." He Feng rolled his eyes depressed, "girl, I don't believe what your husband said?"


Chu Yue heard these two words, pretty face suddenly burst out a touch of red, "what husband, you are not my husband, you are sister Yun's husband."

"Yunyun is my wife, and you can't escape me." He Feng overbearing said, and then directly put the woman in his arms, overbearing Pro up.


Chu Yue didn't expect he Feng to be so direct. This is a military camp. He dares to kiss himself like this.

However, when she felt he Feng's love for her, she did not have the slightest resistance in her heart, and even cooperated.

Fortunately, he Feng just hugs her and kisses her, with no other action.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Yue was a little bit breathless when she was kissing, and then he Feng was pushed away. "Well, we should go out and see how other people are. Today, so many people died. Everyone must be very sad. Let's go and comfort everyone. "

"Well, you can change your clothes first." He Feng said.


Chu month clever nod, her clothes are broken a lot, really too embarrassed.

Immediately, she took out a suit of clothes from the box and was about to change them. However, he Feng was still standing here and said, "I changed my clothes..."

"Well, change it!" He Feng replied.


Chu month cheek crimson way: "you sit here I how to change?"

"I didn't stop you. Why can't you change it?"

He Feng grinned and said, "is it hard to be seen by me? We're all in this relationship. Are you ok? "


Chu Yue's face is more red. She is a yellow girl. Even if she has given her heart to He Feng now, she is embarrassed to change clothes directly in front of He Feng. "Don't make trouble. Go outside and wait for me. I'll show you next time, OK?"

"Next time?"



"Do you want me to change again?"

Chu Yue looks depressed.

This guy is really grinding.

"Pooh! I'll wait for you outside the door. " Looking at the woman being teased by herself, he Feng couldn't help laughing and walked towards the door.

Before long, Chu Yue changed her clothes, put on a clean new suit, and then walked out of the door.

It's just

As she approached the door, her steps stopped, and her face turned red instantly, almost dripping water.

Because she found that the door was not closed, there was a small gap.


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