
Chu Yue opens the door and goes out. She looks at He Feng standing outside smoking leisurely, as if she doesn't know anything. Her beautiful eyes become a crack.

"Is it good?"

"Ah? What looks good? "

He Feng blinked, "do you mean the bustle downstairs? It's very nice. I just had a look. It seems that someone is quarreling. "

"It doesn't look good. I won't show it to you later." Chu Yue said with a smile.


Smell speech, he Feng immediately nodded, head with chicken peck rice like, "good-looking, very good-looking, your body is really wonderful, better than Wang Xiangyun."

"Really?" Chu Yue's smiling way.

"Well, of course it is." He Feng said without hesitation: "when will you show it to me next time?"

"That's fine!"

Chu month slightly a ponder, doubt ask a way: "what next time?"

"Didn't you just say you'd show it to me next time?"

"But didn't you just see it? You admit it yourself


He Feng silly, this girl film actually dug a hole for himself, but he was silly to jump in.

"You just said there was a fight downstairs? What's going on? " Chu Yue immediately changed the topic.

"I don't know. Just a few people I saved in the building are quarreling downstairs, and I haven't heard what they are quarreling about."

He Feng shrugged.

I'm kidding. When there is beautiful scenery to see, he doesn't have the heart to care about other things.

"Go and have a look."

Chu Yue immediately took he Feng's hand and walked downstairs.

At this time, on a Road downstairs, two people were carrying their luggage to leave, but they were stopped by a group of people.

The two people who want to leave are Cao Rui and Zhu Yongliang, who come to life and whose injury is stable.

As for the people who stopped them, they were Zhou Hui and others.

"Why, my cousin and I help you. Now my cousin is seriously injured. I want to take him away and go to the hospital for treatment. How can you stop him? Is that how you do things? "

Cao Rui coldly looks at Zhou Hui and others and says in a cold voice.

"Your cousin's injury has stabilized. Why are you still in a hurry to go to the hospital? If you are really worried, we can arrange a military doctor to guard him. As for you... "

Zhou Hui snorted, "if you don't apologize to Yueyue today and get her forgiveness, you can't leave like this."

"Ha ha ha, joke, do you want me to apologize to her? Do you think she deserves it? " Cao Rui disdained a laugh, "as for you, I Cao Rui really want to go, you dare to stop me?"

"You can try it!" Zhou Hui's voice is cold.

Standing beside him, Jing Ke, Huang Qisheng and others also clenched their fists.

Although some of them have not fully recovered from their injuries, Cao Rui's previous humiliation of Chu Yue in the building made them angry. Even at the risk of getting worse, they had to help Chu Yue take such a breath.

"Go away! Do you know who I am? I tell you, I'm a direct descendant of the Cao family in JIANGCHANG province. If you dare to touch my hair, the Cao family will crush you every minute. "

Cao Rui yelled angrily.

"The Cao family?"

Zhou Hui and others frowned.

They were born in ordinary families. After they joined the army, they were able to tap their potential to practice martial arts and have a whole body of accomplishments.

But they didn't know much about the Cao family in JIANGCHANG province.

"No matter what you are, I'll beat you as well as the Cao family."

Zhou huileng snorted, and he had to do it directly.

"Zhou Hui, stop it!"

At this time, Wu Shulin's voice came.

When Zhou Hui looked back, he saw Wu Shulin, Zhan Kuang, Ma Hong and others coming.

"Captain, Cao Rui is too arrogant. He was so frivolous before. Now I ask him to apologize. He not only doesn't apologize, but also threatens me to say that if I move him, the Cao family will crush me." Zhou Hui hummed softly.

"Cao family..."

Wu Shulin and war maniac did not speak, just looked at Mahong.

Here, Mahong has the highest status.

And they all know that Mahone's origin is not simple.

"This is the character of Cao's offspring. It seems that your Cao family is going to decline. " Mahong's tone was indifferent.

"Mr. Ma, even if you are the leader here, you can't say that about my Cao family, can you? Besides, you asked me to help you this time. My cousin and I almost died because of your mission. I haven't asked you to investigate the responsibility. "

Cao Rui hummed softly, looking very dissatisfied.

"Ha ha!"

Mahong gave a faint smile.

But his next words, the voice is suddenly cold, "then I also tell you, if it wasn't for me to invite you to help this time, and let you fall into danger, just by what you said before, I would have ordered people to arrest you now. Yueyue is now a police officer and still holds the rank in our military region. Do you think it's a light charge to humiliate a police officer and a soldier? I can take you to court martial, you know? "


Cao Rui's face suddenly became ugly.

He did not expect that Mahong's attitude would be so tough, just because that woman is his granddaughter?

"What do you want?" Cao Rui asked lightly.

"Yueyue, they have come. Now you go to apologize to her. We military can no longer investigate this matter."

Mahong pointed to He Feng and Chu Yue who came not far away.

Cao Rui also looks at Chu Yue. When he sees a gorgeous woman like Chu Yue walking hand in hand with He Feng, he Feng seems to be such a loser

A strong color of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

"What if I refuse to apologize to her?" Cao Rui frowned.

"If you don't apologize, you can leave now."

Ma Hong said: "but tomorrow morning, I will personally take people to your Cao family and ask Cao voters to give me an explanation."

"Dare you..." Cao Rui said angrily. Is this a threat to him?

"You can try, I dare not!" Ma Hong sneered, "do you really think that I will be afraid of your Cao family?"

At this moment, Mahong even hopes that Cao Rui will not apologize.

Because only in this way, he can really help Chu Yue out. Chu Yue was his granddaughter, but she was so frivolous and insulted by a man. An apology could not calm his anger.

As for the Cao family

Although Mahone was afraid, he would not be afraid.

But I can't help it. This is the military region. He has to follow the rules. No matter how angry he is, he has to bear it.

"Cao Rui, apologize."

Cao Rui was about to say something. Zhu Yongliang pulled him and said.


"Be obedient

Zhu Yongliang gave a soft drink.

He is quite dignified in Cao Rui's heart. Now he has a tough attitude and asks Cao Rui to apologize. No matter how reluctant Cao Rui is, he has no choice but to agree, "yes!"

Then he looked at Chu Yue who had come over and said, "Miss Chu Yue, what I said was a little too much. Please forgive me and don't take it to heart."

It seems like an apology, but in fact it doesn't even say "I'm sorry.".

Mahone frowned, but said nothing after all.

Cao Rui and Zhu Yongliang are both good hackers. Now they are in the information age. They may need their help in many tasks in the future. Mahong can't make things too ugly, which will affect the national interests.

When Chu Yue sees Cao Rui, her face is very ugly. She also guesses why people here are quarreling.

So now Cao Rui apologizes to her. She doesn't feel surprised, but her face is rather ugly. "I don't accept your apology."

"It's your business that you don't accept. I've apologized anyway."

Cao Rui snorted, looked at Ma Hong and said, "Mr. Ma, can I go now?"

"Go? What are you going to do? "

He Feng noticed something wrong, light back to him, immediately looked to Chu Yue, "Yueyue girl, tell me, what happened, why should he apologize to you?"

He didn't like Cao Rui before, but he was busy saving people at that time, so he didn't pay any attention.

Now, Cao Rui seems to have done something he doesn't know.

This matter has something to do with Chu Yue.

How can he easily let Cao Rui leave?

"What? Even if I have said some unpleasant things before, I have apologized to her and staff Ma has said that I can leave after apologizing. Now I have apologized and staff Ma has no reason to leave me. Do you dare to leave me? "

Cao Rui chuckled, "although you have some ability, I tell you that the Cao family behind me can't be provoked by you."

He Feng ignores Cao Rui and doesn't even look at him. He just stares at Chu Yue.

"He Feng, the Cao family is really powerful. It's a middle-class ancient martial family." Chu Yue warned in a low voice: "middle ancient martial family, but there are at least ten strong men with the peak of dark strength."

Chu Yue knows much about He Feng's style. It's because of He Feng's style that she is fascinated by him Feng.


Cao's family is different from those forces in Jiangbin city. She is really worried that he Feng will get into trouble.

She was going to tell the elder of the family about this and let the family go to the Cao family to ask for an explanation.

The Chu family behind her has the ability to deal with the Cao family.

"If you don't, I'll have to take care of you tonight." He Feng said.


Chu month face a burst of blush, did not expect he Feng to say this kind of words in front of so many people.

"Let me tell you..."

At this time, Zhou Hui said that he wanted to see how he Feng, as a man of the moon, would do it after he knew it.

Is it to help Yueyue vent her anger, or to endure it.

"Well, you say." He Feng looks at Zhou Hui.

"Before we were in the building, this man thought we couldn't escape, so he said something frivolous."

Zhou Hui pointed to Cao Rui and said, "he said that if he could sleep once a month, he would be satisfied with death."

Hearing this, he Feng's eyes narrowed into a crack in an instant.

As if, there is a blue lightning flash.

At this moment, people felt as if the temperature around them had dropped in an instant. They felt a chill from their heart.

"Xiao Feng, this is the military region!"

At this time, the war crazy suddenly reminded a.

Some things, because of their identity, are really not easy to deal with. Even if he Feng is here, it is not convenient.

"I know!" He Feng just nodded.

Then, his eyes fell on Cao Rui again.

His eyes were so calm that he couldn't even feel the anger.

But with such a look in his eyes, Cao Rui felt as if he had been targeted by a wild beast.

At this moment, a panic rose in his heart.

"He Feng, you can't kill people here." Chu month also some worry, hurriedly out a voice to remind.

"I know!"

He Feng still nodded: "don't worry, I won't kill people."

At this moment, he is thinking about how to deal with Cao Rui.

Dare to such frivolous his woman, this moment he Feng heart has risen to kill.

But it seems a bit cheap to kill this man directly.

"You, what do you want? I tell you, if you dare to move me, the Cao family will not let you go. You can't escape from the ends of the earth. "

Cao Rui subconsciously took a step back, and at the same time, he said to Ma Hong, "staff Ma, I have apologized according to your meaning. Now he wants to fight me in the military region, don't you stop him?"

"I don't see anything!"

Mahone turned around and ignored him.

Seeing this, Zhou Hui and others turned around one after another.

"You..." Cao Rui looks very ugly.

These bastards!

"He Feng, although Cao Rui's words were a little hard to hear before, he collapsed because he was in danger and in despair. Can you understand what he said wrong? Besides, hasn't he apologized? "

Zhu Yongliang was afraid that he Feng was really not afraid of the Cao family's revenge, so he immediately started and said, "if you are not satisfied with his apology, can I give you some money compensation? If you make an offer, as long as it's not too much, I can... "


Zhu Yongliang's words had not finished, a palm was heavily drawn on his mouth, and his whole person was taken out.

"I'll sleep with your woman and give you a little money, so you can forget it, can't you?" He Feng glanced at Zhu Yongliang, who fell on the ground, "idiot!"

He Feng goes to Cao Rui.

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