The next morning, the sun rose.

He Feng did not rush to get up, still lying in bed.

It seems like sleeping, but it's practice.

Now he is practicing every day when he goes to bed, and he hardly wastes any time.

Until Ling Weiyu, who was lying beside him, gradually woke up, he just stopped practicing, "little feather, wake up? How was your sleep? "

"I'm so tired. It was too late last night."

Ling Weiyu lies in He Feng's arm, raises his catkin and rubs his temple.

"Haha, it seems that your body is not good. You are tired after so much time."

He Feng grinned and touched Ling Weiyu's belly.

"Brother Xiaofeng, what are you doing? Don't mess around, I, I want to go to the toilet... "Ling Weiyu said with a pretty red face, for fear that he Feng still wants to do something wrong with her.

"What do you think? Can the mind be pure? "

He Feng rolled a white eye, "convergence under the mind, I help you guide the sense of Qi."

"Leading the sense of Qi?"

Ling Weiyu heard this word for the first time, but he didn't respond.

"It's cultivation!" He Feng replied, "what's the matter? Don't you want to practice?"

"Yes, of course."

Ling Weiyu surprise said, this just understand he Feng is what mean.

"Close your eyes, so that your mind is free from distractions, and you can feel the movement of the power in your body." He Feng said: "next, I want you to break through to dark strength in a month."


Ling Weiyu closed his eyes with joy.

It's not the first time he Feng has done this to help people guide their sense of Qi and gather their inner strength. Everything is familiar.

Although Ling Weiyu has never been in touch with Neijin, and it's difficult to guide Qi sensation, after spending two hours, Ling Weiyu also suffered a certain amount of pain, finally her Neijin fluctuated.


He Feng said with a smile: "how do you feel?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, is this your inner strength? It's amazing. The cells in my body seem to be active. I think my power has become many times stronger now. " Ling Weiyu opened his eyes and said in surprise.

"If you turn around and master your inner strength, what you gather is the best strength. In the future, your cultivation speed will be very fast. When Huahai delivers the elixir, I'll buy some pills from elder brother Xi. In the future, you can use these things to practice, and the progress will be faster. " He Feng said with a smile.

He even thought about which pills to buy.

His purpose is very simple. He uses money to smash the accomplishments of the women around him.

At the very least, we have to hit the peak of Huajin.

Of course, he is also very clear that if he wants to use money to smash an ordinary person to the peak of Huajin, it will cost tens of billions.

If he wants to hit ten top talents, it will cost

Hundreds of billions!

But he doesn't care!

Money is a son of a bitch, no more to earn.

"Xiaoyu, now that you've cultivated your inner strength and are full of energy, let's..."

He Feng put the palm of his hand on Ling Weiyu's belly and moved it up.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm so hungry. Let's have some breakfast first..."

Ling Weiyu's face is as red as a burning cloud. Now in broad daylight, she's not very interested in doing that with He Feng.

"Well, shall we come back after breakfast?" He Feng's pathetic way.

After staring at the woman for more than two hours, he really choked his stomach.

"Well, good!"

Ling Weiyu nodded and agreed. As for whether he would come later, that's two words.

So they got up to wash up, changed a set of clean clothes they bought yesterday, and prepared to go out.

"Brother Xiaofeng, would you like to call elder brother Canglang and ask me about my tomato eating? If we can't take him, should we prepare to go back to Jiangbin? " Ling Weiyu asked as he tidied up the things in the room.

"Well, I'll call him now."

He Feng took out his mobile phone and called Canglang.

"Hello, brother Feng!" The voice of Canglang came quickly from the phone.

"I eat tomatoes. Are you still listening? What's the matter? " He Feng asked.


This is the only thing he Feng told him to do when he came to Nanjin city. He naturally wanted to do his best. "Last night, I was working when I ate tomatoes."

"Working all night?"

"Well, I've heard him tapping on the keyboard almost all night."

Cang Lang said: "he had been working until half an hour ago. He called his girlfriend and wanted to ask her to have breakfast with him, but her girlfriend refused. Then he seemed to have cooked noodles and was washing dishes."

"Well, doesn't he live with his girlfriend?"

He Feng heart move, but also didn't think much, "OK, then you continue to monitor, have new situation report to me at any time."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng looked at Ling Weiyu and said, "little feather, you say that I eat tomatoes, so rich, and work so hard, how does his girlfriend seem to have a bad relationship with him?"

"Bad relationship? Not so? "

"Why not? He worked so hard to make money, but his girlfriend didn't take care of him. He didn't even agree to ask her for breakfast all night, and let him eat instant noodles. It doesn't matter how much I eat tomatoes?"

He Feng shook his head, "anyway, if it's me, I won't want this kind of girlfriend."

"Maybe his girlfriend is busy..."

After all, Ling Weiyu is a girl, and she is still very feminine.

He Feng curled his lips and didn't argue with Ling Weiyu. Anyway, he thought I had a bad relationship with his girlfriend when I ate tomatoes.

Maybe his girlfriend is with him for his money.

"Forget it, let's have breakfast first. I'm a little hungry, too."

He Feng touched his stomach.

"Well, let's go!"

Ling Weiyu picked up his things and put them on the table in no hurry. Then he Feng's arm was in his arms and he walked out of the room.

They just opened the door to go out, not far away from the elevator door, was opened, an old man came out from inside.

It's summer city!

"Brother he, Miss Ling, good morning."

Xia Cheng came over with a smile.

"Good morning, brother Xia!" He Feng nodded, "did you sleep well last night?"

"Not very good!"

But Xia Cheng shook his head, "because last night, I was thinking about how to let brother he go to Guanghui province with me to be my younger martial brother. But in the end, I really can't think of any way... "

"Brother Xia, since you can't figure out a way, don't think about it. I really don't want to be someone else's apprentice for the time being. As you can see, I don't like to be constrained. But brother Xia, don't worry. Even if I can't be your younger martial brother, we are brothers. If anything happens in the future, we can still help each other. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, it seems that I don't have much hope for you to be my younger martial brother. But I won't give up easily, old man. " Xia Cheng said with a smile.

At this time, two more people came.

Xi Zhenxing and Jin Song.

"Brother Xia, do you want to pull He Feng into Guang's house again? Ha ha, it's a pity that he Feng is a strange man. He has no idea of being a disciple of others. You'd better give up as soon as possible. " Jin Song teased.

"Well, I don't want to give up. Do you want to trick me into giving up, and then take him to your master?"

Xia Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "and the master of the study hall, you should also want to pull He Feng into your Guiyi medicine hall, and finally cheat him to be your master's disciple?"

"I do have that idea!"

Jin Song did not hide, "so, I want to play a game of chess with He Feng first. If he is not as good as me, I will make this suggestion, but whether he agrees or not depends on himself. If his chess skill is better than mine, I won't mention it. Because I believe that if he is so old, his chess skill is higher than me, even my master is not qualified to accept him as an apprentice. "

Xi Zhenxing laughed and said, "brother Xia, you think too much. My master is not qualified to accept him as an apprentice."

I'm kidding. Brother he is a great master, and he is also a 26 year old master of Huajin.

How can a general master Hua Jin be his master?

"Oh? Master Xi, are you so optimistic about He Feng Xia Cheng looks at Xi Zhenxing in surprise and asks.

Xi Zhenxing has more contact with He Feng, so he thinks that Xi Zhenxing's understanding of He Feng must be more detailed.

Maybe you know how strong He Feng's talent is.

After all, he Feng was in a fight yesterday, and his martial will alone was amazing.

If he Feng still has something to hide

Well, it seems that the general master Hua Jin is not qualified to be his master.

"That's brother he's talent. It's better than you think." Xi Zhenxing replied casually, fearing that Xia Cheng would continue to ask, he immediately looked at He Feng and said, "brother he, you haven't had breakfast, have you? Or, together? "

He Feng touched his nose, "elder brother Xi, or not together?"


Xi Zhenxing took a puff at the corner of his mouth. Is it too shameful to refuse?

On one side, Xia Cheng and Jin Song both smile when they see this scene.

"All right, then you and Miss Ling go to eat, and we'll wait for you here. How about that?" Asked Xi Zhenxing.

"Brother he, I'm still waiting to play chess with you. Do you have time?" Jin Song said with a smile.

Smell speech, he Feng wants to refuse directly very much.

He agreed with Ling Weiyu to do some exercise after dinner

"Two elders, you can have a rest here. When he Feng finishes his meal, I'll let him go to you."

Ling Weiyu agrees to help he Feng directly. Of course, she knows he Feng's caution, but both Xi Zhenxing and Jin Song have helped him. She wants him to give each other face.

"Well, take your time. The breakfast in this hotel is really good. We'll wait for you in the next room."

Xi Zhenxing looks at Ling Weiyu gratefully and quickly pulls Jin Song and Xia Cheng away.

"Little feather, do you want to be a deserter?"

He Feng speechless looking at Ling Weiyu road.

Ling Weiyu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "where do I want to be a deserter? I've long been brother Xiaofeng's woman. Where can I escape? Let's go and have breakfast. I'm almost hungry. "

"Well, it seems reasonable to say that... However, how can I feel that something is wrong?" He Feng blinked, but still led Ling Weiyu into the elevator, came to the hotel restaurant.

Now it's eight o'clock in the morning, and many people come to the restaurant for breakfast. However, the food here is abundant. All kinds of exquisite snacks, fruits, milk, juice and so on are transported by air from all over the country. They are extremely fresh.

This is because almost all the people who live in the grand hotel are people with status.

At least after he Feng entered the restaurant, all the people he saw were people with outstanding temperament, who were either rich or expensive. Everyone's clothes looked much more expensive than his.

After all

The clothes he was wearing looked really ordinary, just like a stall with a hundred yuan.

However, with his arrival, many people's eyes fell on him.

He Feng was not afraid of the rice family and the Wang family at the auction of Junlin hotel last night. After that, he was even more powerful in fighting with the major families. The Ling family came out to protect him, and the Guiyi medicine hall came out to protect him. Xia Cheng, who moved quickly to the city, also wanted to protect him. It is said that Xia Cheng also wanted him to be his younger martial brother. He Feng is expected to become a disciple of Huajin master.

How can such a character not be noticed?

However, these people do not dare to see more after a look, for fear of causing misunderstanding or disgust of He Feng, and even dare not talk about anything.

No way, he Feng was too overbearing last night, no one dare to offend.

Of course, there are many people who don't know he Feng. Instead, they stare at Ling Weiyu beside him.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that there were such beautiful women living in the Junlin hotel. No matter in appearance or temperament, they are no inferior to Xi Xueqing, the goddess of Nanjin city. They even have it before. "

"It's amazing, but how did she find a loser to be her boyfriend?"

"Yes, I'm also very puzzled. It seems that the relationship between the man and her is still very close. The flowers are really planted on the cow dung."

"It seems that although this woman is good-looking, her eyes are not so good."

Those who don't know the identity of He Feng, a face of envy.

In their view, only those real upper class people, such as Ling Weiyu, are qualified to have the best goddesses.

That loser, why is he?

"Feather, what would you like to eat?"

For those people's eyes, he Feng didn't feel at ease at all. Instead, he put his hand on Ling Weiyu's slender waist and hugged him tightly.

envious, jealous and hateful?

If you can find such a beautiful daughter-in-law!

This scene, of course, is to see those successful people around a tooth itch, want to go up to stink flat this stinky loser.

"I like porridge in the morning, just drink a bowl of porridge and eat some fruit." Ling Weiyu said.

"OK, let's make porridge."

Under the gaze of the crowd, he Feng and Ling Weiyu have porridge and fruit. Then they find an empty seat to sit down.

And, after two people sit down, is still sitting together, he Feng's hand, is still on the woman's slender waist.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you on purpose?"

Ling Weiyu is really ashamed to be watched by so many people with his head buried.

"Hey, hey, who let them keep looking at us like this, I just want to piss them off." He Feng's proud way.


Ling Weiyu shook his head helplessly, "eat quickly, master of Xi Tang, they are still waiting for you."

"It's OK. Let them wait. Come on, I'll feed you a piece of Hami melon... "He Feng forked a piece of Hami melon and put it to Ling Weiyu's mouth.

See, Ling Weiyu is speechless, but also did not refuse, clever mouth to eat.

For a moment, those successful people around him looked at He Feng's eyes, almost cannibal.

But he Feng turns a blind eye to it and makes Jinxiu love her in front of them.

And those who know he Feng's identity are happy to watch, anyway, they have nothing to do now.

They really want to see if there will be any so-called successful people who will not know what to do.

At this time, the restaurant after another several people.

One of them is a young couple, which has attracted many people's attention.

The man looks nearly 30 years old, handsome, tall and tall.

The female is in her twenties and twenties. She has a beautiful face and a graceful body, especially a pair of beautiful eyes, which are very attractive. If ordinary people look at such a woman, it's hard to forget.

Many people secretly compare this woman with Ling Weiyu. At last, they find that although she is sexy and charming, she is much worse in appearance and temperament than Ling Weiyu.

In particular, Ling Weiyu is more tolerant.

However, people who know their identities look at them politely or even flatteringly.

"I didn't expect that master Mi Xingquan also stayed in Junlin hotel yesterday, but who was that woman and how did she have such a close relationship with master Mi Xingquan?"

"Ha ha, you don't know that. The woman's surname is Wei, and she is a member of the Wei family. However, at the age of 27, he has already broken through to the late Ming Dynasty. Now he has entered the Wei family's cultivation, and has been focused on training. He is expected to step into the dark energy in the future. "

"It turned out to be the key training object of the Wei family. No wonder they are qualified to go with MI Xingquan."

"However, master Mi Xingquan doesn't seem to know what happened outside the hotel last night. Do you want to tell him to leave so as not to conflict with He Feng? That's not so good."

"I don't think so. Anyway, we'd better mind our own business. It's enough for us to drink if either party offends us."

Some people talk in a low voice, and look at him Feng at the same time.

But he Feng doesn't know Mi Xingquan at all. He doesn't even look at Mi Xingquan.

Mi Xingquan and his girlfriend seem to have no idea what happened outside the hotel last night, and they don't know he Feng. After entering the restaurant, they order some food and then sit down in a window seat.

Unfortunately, the position they are sitting in is only one place away from the position he Feng and Ling Weiyu are sitting in.

The Wei family woman sitting opposite Mi Xing Quan glanced around and said, "brother Quan, why do I feel these people are staring at us?"

Mi Xingquan said with a haughty smile: "of course, I'm a direct descendant of the MI family. Naturally, I will attract a lot of people's attention. You don't have to pay attention to it. Now it's my first time to take you out of public places. That's why I think their eyes are strange. You'll get used to it when you experience more later. "

"Oh, so it is. I see. Brother Quan, you have a big face."

Wei Tong suddenly, looking at Mi Xingquan's eyes, could not help showing a touch of worship, "brother Quan, it's really the greatest honor in my life to be your woman."

"Ha ha, in the future, if we can break through the dark force and become a generation of masters, we will enjoy more glory." Mi Xingquan said with a light smile, while looking at Wei Tong's eyes, full of enthusiasm, "by the way, that fool, when will his money come? Next, I'm going to hit the peak of Mingjin. I need at least two intermediate Xuanyuan pills. As for you, it's almost time to hit the peak of Mingjin. At that time, you need two. His ten million in advance, plus the little money we have left, is just about the same

Wei Tong said: "brother Quan, don't worry. He said that the money will arrive at the end of this month. At that time, I will ask him to transfer the money to me immediately, and then we will take it to buy four Renjie intermediate Xuanyuan pills."

Mi Xingquan nodded, "well, when we all reach the peak of Mingjin, you can dump him, so as not to be disgusted by him."

"Yes, I don't want to talk about meeting him now. Even if I'm tired of hearing his voice, that guy is an idiot." Wei Tong nodded and said, "he and brother Quan are like a dragon in the sky and a mole ant on the ground."

"Ha ha, let's have breakfast. We came to the hotel late last night. We just came once and went to bed. After a while, I'll come again. "

Mi Xingquan's eyes fell on Wei Tong, and his eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

"Well, I will serve brother Quan well in a moment." Wei Tong nodded with a smile, and there was a desire in her eyes.

Immediately, two people quickly eat breakfast, less than five minutes, will eat up, and then left together.

Ling Weiyu looked at the two people who left and said, "brother Xiaofeng, how are you eating? I think the two people next to us ate up so quickly. Should we go back? So that they will not wait long. "

"It's reasonable. Don't eat it. Go to elder brother Xi directly."

He Feng nodded and drank all the porridge left in the bowl, leaving no rice soup.

For him, food is more important than gold.

"Let's go!"

He Feng took Ling Weiyu's hand, got up, left his seat and walked out of the restaurant.

However, in front of a man with unusual temperament, he suddenly stopped and looked at the man.

Just a very casual look, but let the noble man stand up immediately, respectfully and uneasily said: "he... Mr. He, I just didn't mean to stare at you, please, please forgive me!"

When he spoke, there was even a hint of fear in his eyes.

This scene immediately made those successful people around the moment dumbfounded.

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