"Shit, what's going on? Isn't that Wang Shangwu, vice chairman of our Nanjin chamber of Commerce? Why does he seem to be afraid of that loser now? "

"Oh, my God, can't I be wrong? Mr. Wang Shangwu is not only the chairman of a multinational group with a value of tens of billions, but also I heard that he is a legendary ancient warrior. Even when he stands in front of our mayor, he can talk and laugh. Why is he so nervous now? It's like facing someone big. "

"What's the special situation?"

Under the gaze of the crowd, he Feng patted Wang Shangwu on the shoulder. "Don't be nervous. I just want to ask you a simple question. I don't mean to blame you."


Hearing this, Wang Shangwu was relieved, but he was still under some pressure. He was afraid that his performance would cause he Feng's dissatisfaction. "If Mr. He has any questions, just ask, Wang must know everything."

"What's the status of the couple who just left?" He Feng asked.

"Mr. He Feng refers to the couple who just sat at a table away from you?"


"They are mi Xingquan of the MI family and Wei Tong of the Wei family!"

"Can you be a little more specific?"

He Feng frowned.

"Yes, I'll say it."

When Wang Shangwu saw he Feng frowning, he immediately became nervous and said, "well, a few years ago, master Mi Xingquan's cultivation talent was very general, and he was not very popular in the MI family. But over the years, I don't know why, his cultivation speed has suddenly accelerated. I suspect he may have got a lot of money and bought a lot of cultivation resources, so his cultivation speed is so fast. As for that woman, her name is Wei Tong. She used to be a side branch of the Wei family. She was recruited into the master of the Wei family because of her good performance in training these years. "

"OK, I see. Thank you."

He Feng nodded, immediately took Ling Weiyu and left.

He Feng has been watching into a corner in front of Wang Shangwu was a long sigh of relief.

And his back, in such a short period of less than two minutes, has been full of cold sweat, full of fear.

He Feng last night's cruel and domineering, he still remember it.

"Wang Dong, who was that man just now? How do you feel that you seem nervous in front of him? "

"Yes, chairman Wang, who is that man? Isn't he just a loser? "

"Lao Wang, that man, isn't it simple?"

Several successful people who had a good relationship with Wang Shangwu came to him one after another and listened curiously.

"How dare you call him a loser?"

Wang Shangwu a listen to this words, in the heart a clap Deng, hurriedly toward He Feng left direction to see one eye, make sure he Feng is really left, this just at ease, stare that person one eye way: "surname Guan, you want to die don't rely on me, special roll away a bit to die."

"Chairman Wang, I am wrong!" The man also realized that he had said something wrong and apologized, "but can you tell us who the man is first?"

"Who is he? Hehe, Mr. He Feng is the one who can't stir up trouble for all of us Wang Shangwu sneered.

"This... This is true? Is he really so terrible? All of us, even those guwu families in Nanjin City, should be treated politely? "

"It's true that all of us, even some ordinary guwu families in Nanjin City, should be polite. But I tell you, just last night, he killed the strongest talents of the Jiang family, the Huang family and the Wei family, but the three families had nothing to do with him. In addition, Wang Xuan, the son of the Wang family owner, had his legs broken, and miss Mi Jiaqi of the MI family was despised by him in front of hundreds of people. Now, he's intact. "

Wang Shangwu stares at all humanity: "now you tell me, can we afford such a character?"


When several people heard this, they all swallowed heavily, and their faces were shocked.

How can such a person appear in Nanjin city?

"Oh, my God, it's such a devil. I just couldn't help running up to provoke him." A successful person's face is white with fear.

"Damn, I said he was a loser just now. I don't know if he heard me. If I did, I would walk on the road and suddenly hang up for no reason..." a successful person felt his legs trembling.

"Lao Wang, who is this man? How could it be so powerful? "

Some people stare at Wang Shangwu curiously, waiting for him to solve his doubts.

"Don't worry about it. In Mr. He Feng's eyes, we are all small characters. He doesn't care about us."

Wang Shangwu waved his hand to let everyone not worry, "as for the identity of Mr. He Feng, I'm not very clear. But I know that in order for the Ling family to stand in the opposite of the MI family and other aristocratic families, Guiyi medicine hall is trying its best to win him over, and it is the leader of the Xi Hall of Guiyi medicine Hall who comes forward in person. In addition, Mr. Xia from Suqian wants Mr. He Feng to be his younger martial brother. And Mr. Xia's master is a great master of his generation. "


These successful people are also at the top of the society. Naturally, they know the realm of the ancient martial arts. Therefore, they deeply understand the weight of a great master.

When they heard Wang Shangwu say that he Feng could become a master disciple, they felt their hearts beating violently.

"Oh, my God, it's a step up to heaven!"

"No wonder the rice family and the Wang family do not dare to take revenge on Mr. He Feng."

"I... my eyes are getting worse and worse. Just now, I thought that Mr. He Feng was not worthy of that beauty. If even Mr. He Feng doesn't deserve it, according to the end of the day, who else is qualified to have that beauty? "

"Lao Wang, according to you, Mr. He Feng is now a disciple of a great master?"

Wang Shangwu shook his head with a smile. "No, he refused. He said, "he doesn't want to find master yet."


At this moment, everyone felt as if there were 10000 alpacas galloping by.


"Brother Xiaofeng, what are you asking about the two people just now?"

After he Feng and Ling Weiyu left, Ling Weiyu asked some questions: "do you still want to take the initiative to find the trouble of the MI family and the Wei family?"

"Little feather, you are so low. I didn't hear them just now, but I heard them very clearly." He Feng said with a smile.

At this moment, two people have gone to the elevator entrance, he Feng pressed the elevator button.

"What did you hear them say?" Ling Weiyu asked curiously.

"Little feather, what do you think is the relationship between those two people?" He Feng did not answer her, but asked a rhetorical question.

Ling Weiyu said: "of course, they are lovers, and it seems that their relationship is quite close."

He Feng laughed, "do you know that woman actually has a boyfriend outside?"

"Ah? And a boyfriend? Two boats? I didn't expect that these people of the guwu family were so playful, and they were still women... "

Ling Wei Yu make complaints about anger, "yes, how do you know? Do you know the man named Wei Tong? "

"Of course I don't know her, but I know her other boyfriend." He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "and her other boyfriend doesn't seem to know that she still has a boyfriend."

"And who's her other boyfriend?"

"Xiaoyu, in fact, you know her other boyfriend."

"I know you, too?"

"Yes, think about it and see if you can come up with it."

Smell speech, Ling Weiyu frowned, brain quickly turned up.

Brother Xiaofeng said that he knew this person, and he knew him, but they didn't know many people, did they?

And this woman's name is Wei Tong

"Wait, Wei Tong, Tong Tong?"

Ling Weiyu's eyes flashed and said in surprise: "brother Xiaofeng, the man you said, shouldn't be me eating tomatoes?"

"Smart! I remember so soon

He Feng gives Ling Weiyu a thumbs up.

"But, this... This is too incredible, I eat tomatoes and his girlfriend seem to love each other very much, how can his girlfriend find another man to be a boyfriend outside? What's more, how do you know that Wei Tong is my girlfriend who eats tomatoes? "

Ling Weiyu was shocked and confused.

He Feng said: "Canglang installed a monitor where I ate tomatoes. I heard Wei Tong's voice once in the monitor before, so I immediately confirmed her identity when I heard her speak. As for why she would find a man outside to be her boyfriend, I think it's very simple. She should never have liked me to eat tomatoes. From the beginning to the end, she was using me to eat tomatoes to cheat tomato God's high manuscript fee, and then used it to cultivate her and her so-called boyfriend. "

Hearing this, Ling Weiyu remembered. Just now Wang Shangwu said that he suspected that MI Xingquan and Wei Tong had recently received a lot of money, so the progress of cultivation would be accelerated.

It seems that this large sum of money is earned by the tomato God through countless all night hard work.

After thinking about this, Ling Weiyu's pretty face was full of anger, "too much! It's too much! Wei Tong and Mi Xingquan are too much. Brother Xiaofeng, we must help me eat tomatoes to get justice. "

"I'll call tomato God first. We have to ask him for advice on how to deal with this matter in the end." He Feng said.

"But if he knew the truth, could he bear the blow?" Ling Weiyu worried said.

"This kind of woman, I believe, won't make him feel broken. If he is a real man, he will only feel lucky and see through the real face of this woman in time. "

He Feng said: "little feather, give me the mobile phone number of the tomato God. I'll call him in person."

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you sure you want to tell him directly?" Ling Weiyu is still a little uneasy.

"I'll call him first and tell him face to face." He Feng said.

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu hesitated a little and reported the mobile phone number of my tomato to He Feng.

He Feng directly dial out.


After a while, I heard the voice of eating tomatoes on the phone, but it sounded a little tired.

"Hello, tomato God. I'm He Feng who met you yesterday. Do you remember me?" Hefeng road.

I eat tomatoes even busy way: "of course, remember, you are still in Nanjin city?"

He Feng said: "well, my girlfriend and I are now in Junlin hotel. We are going to leave soon. I want to see you again before we leave. I don't know if you are free now?"

I can't help hesitating when I eat tomatoes. At this moment, he is just washing up and lying on the bed ready to go to bed. If it's not a big thing, he really doesn't want to get up. He works all night and just wants to have a good sleep.

But he Feng and Ling Weiyu left a deep impression on him.

Although he promised his girlfriend and refused the invitation from Fengyu, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't believe he Feng and Ling Weiyu.

The reason why he promised his girlfriend was that he knew that his girlfriend was really short of money recently. He didn't want to take any risks or get angry with her.

Now he Feng and Ling Weiyu want to leave Nanjin City, and take the initiative to say that they want to see him again before leaving

He has no reason to refuse!

I don't want to refuse!

"Well, I'll be there at once!"

"Well, because I'm in a hurry, I hope tomato can be a little faster."

"I understand. It's not too far from Junlin hotel. It won't be long before I take a taxi."

Then they both hung up.

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