"Brother Xiaofeng, when I eat tomatoes, shall we tell him about it directly?"

See he Feng hang up the phone, Ling Weiyu asked.

"Of course, why don't you beat around the bush with him? There's no need for that! It's better to be more direct about this kind of thing! " He Feng nodded.

"But he will believe what we say directly?"

"Naturally, we won't believe it, so we need evidence. It's better to have a shoulder in bed!"

"Shoulder in bed? However, it seems that we don't even know which room Mi Xingquan and Wei Tong live in, do we? Shall we ask Master Xi for help and see if we can find out the room number of MI Xingquan? "

"Elder brother Xi told me that this Junlin hotel is not small. I'm afraid it's not easy for him to check a guest's room number."

He Feng said with a smile: "however, your brother Xiaofeng's method is powerful. It's just to check the room number. It's very simple. I remember you brought your laptop. Let's go. Let's go back to the room first. I'll check the room number with your computer. "

"On my computer?"


He Feng nodded with a smile.

"I see!"

Ling Weiyu soon knew he Feng's meaning, raised a smile on his face and looked forward to it.

Before long, the two returned to the room. Ling Weiyu rushed to take out his notebook and put it on the desk.

"Brother Xiaofeng, come on."

"OK, it'll be done in two minutes."

He Feng stepped forward, his hands tapping on the keyboard.

It took two minutes, but it took five minutes for He Feng to stop typing the keyboard and exclaim: "tut Tut, the origin of the grand hotel is really not simple. This defense system can match the most confidential defense system of some small countries."

"Brother Xiaofeng, have you found it?" Ling Weiyu asked.

"Well, I found it. It's on the second floor, room 2608. Besides, this is the monitoring system... "

He Feng click twice on the computer desktop, which shows a video picture, which is the picture of the corridor outside room 2608.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you're really good!" Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng admiringly.

"Would you like to try something more powerful?" He Feng licked his lips, his eyes flashed with evil fire, and got up to hold Ling Weiyu in his arms, his hands moved dishonestly.

"Ah! Brother Xiaofeng, you, you'd better go to the leader of Xi hall. They must have been waiting for you for a long time. What's more, this video has to be watched. What if Mi Xingquan and Wei Tong leave? Then all our efforts are in vain? "

Ling Weiyu exclaimed, and quickly reached out to push he Feng away.

She didn't want to do that in broad daylight.

If someone knocks at the door all of a sudden, it will be shameful.

"Well, well, you watch the video here first, and I'll go to see elder brother Xi and them."

He Feng a face depressed, had to turn around to leave.

Otherwise, if he stays any longer, he is afraid that he can't hold back.

Ling Weiyu, who has cultivated his inner strength, now has more temperament and charm than before, and his figure seems to be much more sexy.

Coupled with that flawless appearance, it is really hard to resist He Feng.

After he Feng left, Ling Weiyu let out a breath, but he was worried, "I drove Xiao Feng away, he won't be angry, will he? Forget it. Make it up to him later in the evening! Now I have cultivation. When I do that kind of thing, I have no problem with my physical strength. I'm sure I won't be unable to satisfy brother Xiaofeng for several times. "


"Bang bang!"

And at this time of He Feng, has come to the door of the summer city, directly knock on the door.

It's better to knock than to clap.

The violent impact sound, feel at any time will be shot like falling apart.

They all blame these guys. They came to play chess with them early in the morning and gave Xiaoyu an excuse to drive them away. Otherwise, they might be playing with Xiaoyu now.

"Who is it?"

In the room, Xia Cheng's dissatisfied voice came, and then the door was opened heavily. Xia Cheng was about to open and scold.

But when he saw that the man standing in front of him was he Feng, and he was about to curse, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "it's brother he. Have you finished breakfast?"

"As for old man Kim, I've come to play chess with him." He Feng said murderously.


Seeing this scene, I don't know why, Xia Cheng began to worry about Jin Song.

Brother he is so confident and murderous. Can't his chess skills really be better than Jin Song?

"Brother he, are you here? Come on, come and get my revenge. I've lost one game, and this second game won't last long

Xi Zhenxing heard he Feng's voice, ran over and pulled him into the room.

When he Feng came into the room, he found a chessboard on the table, which was covered with black and white chesspieces. At this time, white chessboard had already occupied the absolute advantage, and black chessboard could not return to the sky, so he had to be surrounded and killed.

"It's the second inning?" He Feng glanced at the chess game and asked.

"Yes, I lost the first game in less than ten minutes, and this one looks similar." Xi Zhenxing's way of holding back.

"Elder brother Xi, you're not good..."

He Feng smile on the face, patted Xi Zhenxing shoulder, "however, next I can revenge for you."

"Hey, hey, then it's up to you."

Xi Zhenxing said with a smile, "Mr. Jin, I'll give up this game of chess. Next, let brother he play with you. You'll have to play twelve points, or you'll probably collapse in the sewer."

Jin Song said with a light smile: "ha ha, if he Feng can beat me in go, I'm too happy. However, in China, there is only one person who can win me in go

One side of Xia Cheng asked curiously, "Mr. Jin, who is this person you are talking about?"

"Han Xiang, the first national player in China's go world!" Jin Song said a name in his mouth and immediately regretted: "unfortunately, I don't know why. In the past three years, Mr. Han Xiang hasn't done it again."

"It's Mr. Han Xiang!"

Xi Zhenxing is also a go expert. Naturally, he has heard of the name, "it is said that Mr. Han Xiang was defeated abroad three years ago, so after returning home, he devoted himself to studying various go tactics. If his chess skill is lower than that of him, he will not play chess with his opponent."

"After all, hearsay is hearsay, not credible. I know Mr. Han Xiang's chess skills best. It's hard to meet an opponent in China, except for those old guys who don't play chess with others. Even if those old guys win him, he won't feel ashamed, and he won't be hit. As for being abroad, I believe no one can win him, and he will return home to study chess

Jin Song shook his head and said that he had great confidence in Han Xiang.

"Han Xiang? I didn't expect that guy even went to study chess. Do you still want to take revenge on me? However, compared with three years ago, Fengge's chess skill has made greater progress. Even if you come to Fengge for revenge, Fengge is not interested. "

He Feng murmured.

Then he said to Jin Song, "old man Jin, can we start?"

"He Feng, you look very murderous. OK, I'll see how you suppressed me last time. " Jin Song light smile, and then put away the pieces on the chessboard, "come on, let's also seize some time, in the morning I have a martial arts association meeting to be held."

"Well, I have something to do later."

He Feng nodded and immediately sat opposite to Jin Song.

Xia Cheng and Xi Zhenxing, two strong men at the top of their dark strength, stood by and watched without making a sound.

"He Feng, you are young. I'll let you do it first." Jin Song holds Bai Zi in his hand and says with a faint smile.

"Old man Jin, you'd better go first. I'll make you lose heart and soul." He Feng said with a smile.

"Well? So arrogant? " Jin Song eyebrows pick, but the heart is not too angry.

Of course, if he Feng's performance is too bad, he will not be happy.

You can be arrogant, but you have to have the ability to be arrogant.

"Ha ha, this is my character." He Feng urged: "old man Jin, let's get out of here. Don't waste your time."

"Well, I'll take advantage of you, old man. If you lose later, don't blame it."

With that, the white son in Jinsong's hand fell gently.

"That's right!"

He Feng smiles, and then falls a son.

"Ding! Ding! Ding... "

They kept falling, without stopping for a moment.

Three minutes later, nearly half of the board was occupied by pieces.

At this time, the speed of jinsongluozi gradually slowed down, and every time he fell, he had to consider a few seconds.

In the past two minutes, Jin Songzi's speed was slower, and every step had to be considered for more than ten seconds.

"Don't you slow down, old man king? It's a waste of time He Feng said helplessly.

It's not that he doesn't give Jinsong face, but that he really doesn't want to wait.

Jin Song's face was a little ugly, but he didn't know how to reply, because he was really slow.

However, under such circumstances, he must consider clearly. He feels that his layout is completely controlled by the other party. If he is careless, he will lose everything.

"Well, brother he, it's rare for Mr. Jin to play chess with you. Just be patient."

However, Xi Zhenxing, who is quite skillful in chess, knows that Jin Song is under great psychological pressure, so he has to help and say something.

He knew that Jin Song must be embarrassed to say something at the moment.

"Well, if you can't speed up, I'll speed up and finish the game in ten steps." He Feng stretched a stretch, also no longer urge.

Jin Song didn't get angry because of his arrogant words. After some deliberation, his chess pieces fell down.


As soon as the white son falls, he Feng's sunspot follows.



The two continued to fight.

He Feng is still calm and calm. His face is normal. The falling speed doesn't slow down at all. Less than three seconds after Jin Song's falling, his pieces must fall.

Jin Song's brow is more wrinkled and tighter, and there is a trace of sweat oozing from his forehead. The light in his eyes flickers, but it has no effect at all. He feels as if he has fallen into the mire, but it is deeper and deeper.


After seven steps in succession, Jin Song held a white son in his hand and thought hard for two minutes. He couldn't figure out where to put it, which made him sigh helplessly.

"I lost!"

Jin Song said with a bitter smile, the light in his eyes gradually dissipated, "I didn't expect that under the full operation of my mental power, my thinking was extremely concentrated and meticulous, and I couldn't break the game of He Feng's little brother. Great, old man. I'm willing to lose. I'm convinced to lose! "

While speaking, Jin Song arched his hand toward He Feng with respect.

It has nothing to do with age.

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