He Feng doesn't know about the conversation between mu Qianyu and Luo Fuguang.

Even if he knew, he would not take it to heart.

After he left the chamber of secrets, he frowned slightly and was thinking.

"Husband, are you worried about this wooden family?"

Ji Xinyu, who was next to him, vomited his sweet tongue. "It must be that our cultivation is too low and has become your husband's fetter, right?"

"What are you talking about? How dare you say that? It's itchy, isn't it? "

Say, he Feng can't help saying, directly slapped on Ji Xinyu skin.


Ji Xinyu screamed in pain and looked around. He was sure that no one was relieved. "Husband, don't hit me in such a place, OK? If I'm seen, how can I see people in the future? "

"Then you should pay attention to what you say in the future."

He Feng has no good way.

But just that slap, it was really comfortable.

Xinyu's wife's figure is getting better and better!

"I know. I won't talk about it any more. However, you should want to improve our strength as soon as possible? "

Ji Xinyu said, "if you suddenly buy so many pills today, you must think that our cultivation is a little low. You are worried about what danger we will encounter in the future and it is difficult to take care of all of us, right?"

Seeing that the woman saw it so thoroughly, he Feng stopped hiding it and nodded: "I really have this concern. I underestimated the ancient martial arts of China before. I didn't expect that the atmosphere of ancient martial arts in this country was so strong, and the styles of the major ancient martial arts families were quite domineering. If you don't have enough self-protection, I'm really worried. "

"Husband, what kind of accomplishments do you think you have to have in China to be able to protect yourself?" Ji Xinyu asked.

"Ha ha, I'm not sure now. But as far as the current situation is concerned, you'd better reach the peak of dark strength in a short time. With the cultivation of the peak of dark strength, I'll teach you some more powerful martial arts. It shouldn't be a big problem to deal with ordinary ancient martial artists in the early stage of transforming strength. " He Feng said.

"OK, let's set our goal at the peak of dark strength first."

Ji Xinyu pondered and said: "however, it's too expensive to buy pills. I'll go to make statistics later. I'll give my husband all the money I have here."

"No, I'm not short of money at the moment. What's more, if it's really necessary, it's not just a little bit, but tens of billions. "

"Ten billion?"

Ji Xinyu immediately embarrassed, "husband, so much money, where do we get it from?"

He Feng said: "we don't have a good way. I'll ask Wang Xiangyun later. She's a business genius. She's good at making money. Let's see if she can figure it out. "

He Feng estimates that it will cost him billions to smash an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty to the top of the dark force with his resources. Even if he gets a 40% discount on the pills from Guiyi medicine hall.

"Well, Wang Xiangyun is really a rare business genius. Besides, it's said that Yuncheng group has invited Mr. Tang Kan, a business tycoon, to be a financial adviser. If you go to consult them, maybe there's a good way. "

Ji Xinyu said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid they can't think of a better way."

He Feng shook his head with a bitter smile, but he didn't say more.

He doesn't want to talk to Ji Xinyu about all these troubles.

"Xinyu wife, send someone to send me to Yuncheng group." He Feng said.

"All right!"

Ji Xinyu nodded, "so you tonight?"

"Wash white, wait for me!" He Feng grinned.

"Good..." Ji Xinyu picks her eyebrows and hugs He Feng's arm. "Since my husband is so powerful, I will definitely satisfy you."

"Shit, I'll go first!"

Nephrite leaned on her body, fragrant, he Feng felt the evil fire that had just been vented, and there was a sign of rekindling. He quickly broke away from Ji Xinyu and ran to the outside.

"Pooh! It turns out that my husband has no resistance to my charm... "

Looking at the figure of the man running away, Ji Xinyu raised a smile on his mouth.

"However, I should try my best to practice. My husband is under too much pressure. Besides going to save his parents in the future, we have to protect us. Even if I can't help him, at least I can't be a burden to him. "


He Feng waited for a few minutes outside the Liuyue club. A Mercedes Benz car came to him and was waiting for the driver arranged by Ji Xinyu.

After getting on the bus, he Feng entered the cultivation state directly.

About half an hour, the car stopped outside the gate of Yuncheng group.

"Thanks, brother. You go back first." He Feng opened the door and got off, waving to the driver.

"OK, Mr. He, take your time!"

The driver nodded and drove away.

He Feng went to the gate of Yuncheng group, and four security guards stood outside the gate.

Two ordinary people, the other two

It's Mingjin class killer led by meteor.

"Hello, Mr. He!"

"Minister He, are you back?"

As soon as he Feng is near the gate, the four security guards say hello to him one after another. Even the two killers of Mingjin level look respectfully at He Feng. Obviously, they know that he Feng has the strength of dark strength.

"Where's the meteor?"

He Feng nodded and looked at one of the Mingjin killers.

"The captain should practice upstairs!" The assassin replied, "but he would go downstairs to inspect three times a day. He had already come once at lunch."

"OK, I see."

Say, he Feng entered company gate.

After entering the company, he Feng suddenly turns around and looks at a tall building 100 meters away through the glass beside the gate.

Just now, he noticed that there were two eyes staring at him in the tall building.

It doesn't matter if it's just normal eyes, but these two eyes are mixed with Mori Leng's killing intention.

Moreover, the intention to kill is very strong, the other side is extremely human, with at least dozens of lives on hand. This has to let he Feng pay attention to it. Even if this kind of enemy can't threaten him, it can also threaten Wang Xiangyun and Xia Menglu.

After all, this kind of killing intention, even the meteor has not been aware of, visible each other's powerful.

Maybe the master of Cao family has arrived!

"I'll meet you tonight!" He Feng's eyes flashed a obliteration idea, immediately took the elevator, came upstairs.

Instead of going directly to the finance department, he went to Wang Xiangyun's office.

"Dong Dong..."

Wang Xiangyun came to the office, he Feng knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Inside, Wang Xiangyun's clear voice was heard.

He Feng opened the door and saw Wang Xiangyun working at his desk.

After a day's absence, Wang Xiangyun didn't change much. He was as cold and proud as ever, but he had a professional smile on his face. However, when he Feng saw a woman, he felt an impulse in his heart.

Then he went to Wang Xiangyun.

"It's you? Come back? "

Wang Xiangyun looked up and saw that he Feng was the one who came. He was a little surprised, but he only asked faintly. He lowered his head and continued to work. He asked casually, "how about having fun in Nanjin city with two beautiful women?"

"Happy is happy, just a little miss your daughter-in-law. Daughter in law, may I give you a hug? "

Unconsciously, he Feng has come to Wang Xiangyun's side, the tone of incomparable tenderness.

"You, what are you talking about? Hurry to the side, don't affect my work

Wang Xiangyun is startled by He Feng. This guy suddenly runs to him and says he wants to hold him. Is this a rogue disease?

"Daughter in law, I'm serious." He Feng did not go away, is still affectionate looking at women, eyes full of expectations.

Last night, when he saw Wang Xuan's disrespect and even humiliation to Wang Xiangyun, he knew that his daughter-in-law, Wang Xiangyun, had a hard time in the Wang family these years.

Even after she left the Wang family, she wanted to prove herself and let the Wang family know that she, Wang Xiangyun, was also valuable.

This woman, really too hard, too tired!

He doesn't know what he can do for women. He is afraid that if he does too much, it will make women unhappy.

So at this time, he just want to hold a woman, let the woman understand, no matter when, he will be at her side.

Wang Xiangyun see he Feng is not like a joke, slowly stood up, staring at the latter to see a few seconds, and then slowly open his mouth, "Ge Wen roll!"


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Can you cooperate a little bit?

"Daughter in law..."

"I don't care if you really want to hold me, or if you want to hold me falsely, I just want to tell you that I'm so busy that my head is going to explode. Can you spare me some time? If you want to talk about something, talk about it. If you want to chat, talk about it. When it's over, you can withdraw, OK? "

Wang Xiangyun impatiently looking at He Feng said.

She can feel men's true feelings, but

She really has no time!

No time to experience, no time to think, no time to... Love!

"All right!"

He Feng touched his nose, immediately went to the opposite of the desk, pulled a chair to sit down, said: "this time to Nanjin City, I broke Wang Xuan's leg! Cao people, I also hurt! Is that going to get you in trouble? "

"Nothing. My father called me last night."

Wang Xiangyun looking at He Feng, "however, he is not blaming, but want me to take you to the Wang family."

"He doesn't blame?" He Feng frowned, "isn't Wang Xuan his son? I disabled his son, and he didn't blame him? "

"I'm not sure, but he didn't mean to blame. However, he still asked me to send you a message. If Wang Xuan provokes you again in the future, please keep Wang Xuan alive. "

Wang Xiangyun frowned and was also puzzled.

In her impression, Wang Xuan's status in the Wang family is quite high, because Wang Qing has only such a son, so even if Wang Xuan's cultivation talent is not very strong, he directly regards himself as a little Lord.

Other members of the Wang family also regard Wang Xuan as a young master.

As for her, Wang Xuan's half sister, she was almost as good as the air in the Wang family.

No one cares!

He Feng said: "OK, I will try not to kill him. But the premise is that he will no longer humiliate your daughter-in-law. "

Wang Xiangyun's face moved slightly when he heard the speech.

This time he Feng abandoned Wang Xuan's two legs, because Wang Xuan humiliated her in words?

"And another thing? Do you want to go to the Wangs? "

Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Of course, I'll follow my daughter-in-law. I don't know anyone in the Wang family. If you don't go, I'll be too lazy to go alone. Of course, if you want to take me, I can go with you. " Hefeng road.

"Well! Since you don't mind, when we are all free, let's go back to Wang's house. I haven't seen grandma for a long time. " A trace of missing flashed in Wang Xiangyun's eyes.

"Granny?" He Feng said in a low voice: "how is grandma?"

"Well, grandma is an ancient warrior, and her accomplishments are quite high. The strongest one in the Wang family is of course in good health. It's just a pity that she has been missing her grandfather, so now she has no mind to take care of the family affairs. " Wang Xiangyun sighed and felt sorry for his grandmother.

Seeing he Feng staring at himself, Wang Xiangyun continued: "I don't know much about my grandfather, but I heard from my grandmother that my grandfather has always been very mysterious and has no intention to be powerful. He pursues martial arts wholeheartedly. No one knows how strong he is. Even my grandmother doesn't know. But in the year I was born, my grandfather suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. From that time on, grandma seldom asked about the Wang family. She often went out to inquire about her grandfather's news, but so far she hasn't got much

"I see!"

He Feng nodded.

He can feel Wang Xiangyun's grandmother's love for her grandfather and Wang Xiangyun's worry about her grandmother.

"Don't worry. I'll try to find out about your grandfather in the future." Hefeng road.

"Thank you, he Feng!"

Wang Xiangyun said sincerely.

Men pay too much for her, and she

After shaking his head, Wang Xiangyun didn't think much about it. He just asked, "I heard my father say that the Cao family will send someone to deal with you. Can you deal with it? If there is any danger, you might as well mobilize the power of the he family. Even if the he family just warned the Cao family, the Cao family did not dare to act rashly? "

"Obviously, I dare not, but as long as the Cao family wants to kill me, they will continue to send experts to lurk over and attack me unconsciously."

"Well, what about that?"

"Don't worry. It's just Cao's family. It doesn't threaten me."

"The Cao family is so strong, don't you worry at all?"

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng in surprise and said, "as far as I know, the Cao family has more than a dozen strong people with the peak of dark strength. Even if they just send a strong person with the peak of dark strength, you can't cope with it, can you?"

He Feng said with a smile: "who says I can't handle it? Don't just send one. Even if they come out, they can't help me. "

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng suspiciously, "are you really so strong? By the way, what level has your cultivation reached? "

"Oh, daughter-in-law, it's the first time that you care about my cultivation after we've known each other for such a long time. Why, do you really care about your husband now? " He Feng said with a smile.

"Don't say pull down!"

Wang Xiangyun buried himself in the documents.


He Feng's face is speechless. Does this woman change her face too fast?

"Well, my daughter-in-law, my accomplishments are relatively strong. You may not believe it when you say it." He Feng laughs.

"Ha ha, do you really think that I have never seen the world? I tell you, my grandmother once showed me a great master of Huajin, who was my grandfather's friend. Are you stronger than master Huajin? " Wang Xiangyun sneered scornfully.

He Feng nodded seriously, "many years ago, I was stronger than master Huajin!"


Wang Xiangyun chuckled, "I don't want to ask if I love you."

"I'll go. I'll say it. You won't believe it if you say it."

Seeing Wang Xiangyun's look, he Feng was speechless. "Forget it, you will know how strong my cultivation is in the future, but just like the Cao family, you don't have to worry about it."

Wang Xiangyun shrugged, "whatever you want. Anyway, if you are killed by the Cao family, I will remarry."


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