
He Feng's eyes stare like a copper bell, "then you'd better not think about it. You can't remarry in your life. Don't mention the Cao family. Even the king of heaven can't kill me. "

"Oh, what else can I do for you?" Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"Of course it is!"

He Feng took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Wang Xiangyun, "this is a small gift I bought from Nanjin city for you. Didn't you just say that your head hurts when you work? It's sure to help you. "

Wang Xiangyun glanced at the box

He Feng handed the box to Wang Xiangyun, "open it yourself!"

Wang Xiangyun opened the box and saw a dozen red flowers in it.

"Why do you send me flowers? Is vulgarity not vulgarity

Wang Xiangyun subconsciously wants to push the box open.

But at this time, a faint smell of flowers penetrated into her nostrils.

In a flash, Wang Xiangyun only felt as if there was a clear flow in her mind, which made her brain very comfortable.

"What's the matter?"

The action on Wang Xiangyun's hand is one meal. He stares at the Safflower in the box and is shocked. "Is this... Elixir?"

"Oh, daughter-in-law, do you know the existence of the elixir?" He Feng was surprised.

"I have lived in the Wang family for so many years, how can I not even know the elixir? However, I haven't been exposed to many miraculous drugs. What kind of miraculous drug is this? " Wang Xiangyun asked.

"It's called amorous flower. It's a kind of elixir that can make ordinary people concentrate more. I estimate that ordinary people take about a gram, that is, almost a petal. If they don't close their eyes one day and one night, they won't feel tired, and they won't do any harm to their health. " He Feng said.

"So amazing?" Wang Xiangyun was surprised.

He Feng said: "of course, otherwise, how can it be sold so expensive? It costs more than 10000 yuan per gram. Ordinary people can't afford it."

Wang Xiangyun nodded, "it's really expensive, but the price is normal because the goods are rare."

"You can keep these amorous flowers and use them slowly. If you take one later when you work overtime, it will not make you tired and even spread your thinking." Hefeng road.

"Well, your gift has helped me a lot. I'll take it." Wang Xiangyun is also impolite, put the box on the side.

He Feng asked: "by the way, daughter-in-law, let me ask you a question. Do you want to be an ancient warrior?"

"Become an ancient warrior?"

Wang Xiangyun shook his head. "My cultivation talent is very poor. When I was a child, my grandmother taught me to practice, but I can't even guide my sense of Qi, let alone gather my inner strength."

"Poor talent? How about I help you? " He Feng said with a smile: "I know how to help people guide the sense of Qi and let them gather their inner strength. Before that, I have helped several people gather their inner strength and become an ancient warrior. "

"Can you even guide the sense of Qi?" Wang Xiangyun asked in surprise.

The ancient warrior's cultivation is strong to a certain level. As long as he is willing to spend a period of time, he can help an ancient warrior who has cultivated his sense of Qi and gather his inner strength.

Wang Xiangyun has heard of it.

But Wang Xiangyun has never heard of anything that can help people guide their Qi.

It's like cooking and frying. As long as you follow the recipe, you can easily learn it.

But if you plant rice and vegetables, it's not a matter of concept.

"Try it and you'll know. It'll take you about half an hour at most." He Feng's face is full of confidence.

Ordinary people certainly can't help people cultivate their sense of Qi, but he Feng is not the same. He is a legend with mysterious and powerful Qi.

"Well, what should I do?"

Listen to He Feng said, at most to spend half an hour, Wang Xiangyun also let he Feng try.

"You close your eyes and sense the energy flow in your body."

"All right!"

Wang Xiangyun obediently closed his eyes.

Immediately, he Feng went to Wang Xiangyun behind, put his hand on the woman's back, a wisp of Qi slowly into.

Wang Xiangyun, who used to be a little careless, suddenly became solemn and felt something.

He Feng can't help but wonder, "eh, it seems that he Feng's daughter-in-law is really smart. As soon as the real Qi enters her body, she catches it. Now she consciously guides her own sense of Qi. It's a pity that wisdom belongs to wisdom, but it's a matter of gradual and circular cultivation. "

Thinking, he Feng is ready to lead Wang Xiangyun's consciousness to control this sense of Qi.

But he was shocked to find that Wang Xiangyun didn't need his help at all. Her consciousness seemed to become very clear. She actively guided the current to swim through the meridians of her whole body, and finally crossed into the Dantian, and then gushed out of the Dantian and ran through her whole body.

Indistinctly, it seems that there is a trend of vigorous development.

"Damn, what's going on? Isn't this girl saying that her cultivation talent is very poor? How now she only needs brother Feng's genuine Qi and no other help, so she cultivates her own sense of Qi. Even now, still trying to gather their own strength? This, this is crazy, isn't it? "

He Feng shocked stare big eye bead son, saw ghost like.

"Dong Dong!"

Wang Xiangyun doesn't know how shocked he Feng is at this time. She is still immersed in the process of guiding the sense of Qi to impact her whole body. With each impact, a strong color of pain appears on her face, but she seems to understand that the cohesion of inner strength is right in front of her eyes.

Therefore, no matter how painful it is, it is supported by her teeth.

Even if the forehead has been out of thin beads of sweat

Even if the cool and beautiful face is white with pain

Even if the corner of her mouth had spilled blood!

She still insisted, without any intention of giving up.

"This crazy woman!"

He Feng is worried, but now it's Wang Xiangyun who is controlling the sense of Qi instead of his guidance, so he can't stop Wang Xiangyun, unless the woman takes the initiative to stop.

Otherwise, if he interrupts Wang Xiangyun rashly, it is very likely that this sense of Qi will not be controlled for a while, thus hurting Wang Xiangyun's meridians.

At that time, it is almost impossible to gather internal strength.


I don't know how long it has been, Wang Xiangyun's body seems to have a surge of air.

At the same time, a golden luster diffuses from the woman's body.

This light is not strong, extremely weak, if not He Feng careful observation, it is difficult to detect.

As for ordinary people's naked eye, it is invisible.

"The strength has finally condensed, but what happened to the golden light just now?"

He Feng checked Wang Xiangyun's body, can be clearly aware that the woman's Dantian in the accumulation of a strong strength.

Moreover, the momentum

"He Feng, can you feel my strength

Wang Xiangyun finished her cultivation. As if she didn't know the pain, she opened her mouth and asked, "is it ordinary energy or advanced energy?"

He Feng took a look at the woman. He felt some blame in his heart, but he couldn't say anything about the woman. He had to turn a white eye and said, "how can you guess the ordinary strength and advanced strength? Don't you always have confidence in yourself? Why don't you guess the best strength?"

Wang Xiangyun said: "my talent is very poor. It's good for me to gather ordinary energy. I guess the reason why I have advanced energy is because of your help. As for the best strength, I don't think I'll think about it. "

He Feng laughed, "but your strength is stronger than the best strength!"

"Stronger than the best strength?"

Wang Xiangyun opened his mouth, "what level of vigor is that? Isn't it true that the most advanced is the best strength? I have such a poor talent. It's good to gather ordinary strength. How can I gather strength stronger than the best strength? Is it because of your help? "

"This is not the main reason. Although I have helped many people to gather the best energy, it is the first time that I have surpassed the best energy."

He Feng said: "moreover, I have met many talented martial artists outside, but I have only seen one whose strength level is beyond the best."

Wang Xiangyun puzzled asked: "can this explain anything?"

He Feng smiles, "I saw him last year, when he was 22 years old, just breaking through to the beginning of Huajin. However, without using his martial arts, he defeated an ancient warrior in the later period of Hua Jin. As for your current strength, I guess you can defeat the ordinary ancient warriors in the late Ming Dynasty only by using your inner strength. "

"Is it so powerful?"

Wang Xiangyun blinked his eyes and was shocked.

"Yes, I don't understand why your strength level is so high." He Feng eyebrows slightly wrinkled, do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

To tell you the truth, he Feng doesn't want Wang Xiangyun to be so powerful. He just wanted women to have the ability to protect themselves.

Now, Wang Xiangyun's strength level alone surpasses that of the best. His power is infinite, and his future achievements are also unimaginable.

How much ability a person has, how much responsibility he will take in the future.

He wanted to carry all this by himself, and didn't want the women around him to help him.

Because... It's not just responsibility, it's also danger!

"What are you worried about? Now that I've become so powerful, isn't that a good thing? "

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng with a smile, "thank you, not only let me become an ancient warrior, but also a powerful ancient warrior."

"I said, daughter-in-law, don't be happy too soon. Although you have become an ancient warrior, I hope you don't fight with others until you have to. " He Feng said.

"Why?" Wang Xiangyun wondered.

"Do you know what kind of situation I'm talking about now for the strong man who, like you, has gathered strength beyond the best?"

"What situation?"

"Almost all the major forces in the underground world are searching for his whereabouts, trying to catch him, and then studying the reasons why he can gather strength beyond the best. Over the years, he has been living in the dark like a street mouse, and almost no one dares to see him. "


Wang Xiangyun understood he Feng's meaning, "I understand. I won't fight with others until it's time to die."

"Well, you'd better not even expose your accomplishments." He Feng said.

"Good!" Wang Xiangyun nodded.

"I'll send you some pills later. You can practice with them later."

"Yes, but I'll give you all the pills you gave me at the market price."


He Feng pondered, nodded: "just right, I really will be short of money recently!"

"Short of money?" Wang Xiangyun took a look at He Feng. "There are still several hundred million yuan in the company's working capital. If you need it urgently, I will transfer it to..."

"What I lack is not hundreds of millions, but..." He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun, "I lack hundreds of billions!"

"What did you say?" Wang Xiangyun thought he had heard wrong, looked up at He Feng and asked.

He Feng touched his nose and said slowly: "I've calculated a sum of money. If you want to smash an ordinary ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty with the resources of pills to the peak of Hua Jin, it will cost tens of billions in the most economical case. If one person is tens of billions, then ten people will be hundreds of billions. "

Wang Xiangyun's eyes narrowed slightly. "Do you mean that you are going to spend tens of billions on those lovers around you to make them the top of Huajin?"

"Well, the plan is like this, but the premise is to make money first."

He Feng said with a smile, feeling that Wang Xiangyun had seen through his mind.

In fact, he has enough money. For his own assets, hundreds of billions are just a small thing.

But all the money is in Shenlong island. Ruo die is in charge of it. He doesn't want to use it.

Wang Xiangyun said with a faint smile: "you don't know how to earn money, so you come to ask me, right? First of all, they sent me amorous flowers, then helped me gather inner strength, and then let me help you earn hundreds of billions? He Feng, it's a good deal for you! "

He Feng immediately embarrassed, "look at what you said, I just want to consult you about the method.". You are smart and business minded. I can only ask you for advice. "

"Ask for advice?"

Wang Xiangyun said with a noncommittal smile, "now the cooperation with Kenny Huafu group has become more and more close. If there is enough time, it is not too difficult to earn 100 billion assets, but it will take at least two or three years. Can you wait?"

"I can't wait!"

He Feng replied very simply, "I hope that in these few months, we can make hundreds of billions."

"How many months?"

Wang Xiangyun pondered for a few seconds, said: "there is a way, should be able to earn hundreds of billions in a few months."

He Feng happily asked: "what method?"

"Robbing the bank!"

Wang Xiangyun said seriously: "if you rob a bank every day, you should be able to rob hundreds of billions in a few months."


He Feng is speechless about this method proposed by women.

"Daughter in law, I'm serious."

He Feng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "as for the capital, I also earned some yesterday, and there are almost 10 billion left."

"Ten billion?"

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun eyebrows a pick, "you make 10 billion a day?"

"It's good luck this time. It's hard to have such good luck in the future." He Feng explained.

"Well, since you have 10 billion yuan, I'll help you find a way. But the market economy has been depressed recently. I'm afraid it's not easy. Don't count on me too much. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"I understand!"

"Well, I'm working."

With these words, Wang Xiangyun really went straight to work.

See, he Feng heart helpless.

In a woman's heart, work is still the most important thing.

"OK, I'll withdraw first."

He Feng stood up and left the office.

Listening to the sound of the office door closing, Wang Xiangyun suddenly raised his head and looked at the closed door with a look of stupefaction.

"I'm so indifferent to you, why do you always treat me so well?"

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