After leaving Wang Xiangyun's office, he Feng still did not go to the finance department, but came to the propaganda department.

Yesterday he had a phone call with Ning Caizhu. He knew that after Ning Caizhu became the director of the Propaganda Department, he was so busy that he wanted to see a woman.

"Dong Dong..."

He Feng knocked at the door of the minister's office.

"Come in, please Ning Caizhu's voice is more enthusiastic than Wang Xiangyun's, but it sounds tired.

He Feng opens the door and sees Ning Caizhu, who is wearing an ol dress, working at her desk. On her face, she can clearly see the deep fatigue. Her originally charming big eyes have turned into panda eyes with clear black circles.

"Why, are you back?"

Seeing that the visitor was he Feng, Ning Caizhu had a smile on his face

Obviously, she also knows that he Feng has gone to Nanjin city.

"Well, it's over."

He Feng nodded, his face quite a little unhappy, "how do you make yourself so hard? Can't you work slowly? "

Ning Caizhu said with a bitter smile: "I want to take my time, but there are too many things in the company recently. All kinds of news and publicity have to be completed immediately, otherwise it will have an impact. But don't worry, I like this kind of challenging work. Although I'm a little tired, it's better than working in the newspaper before. "

"What if you're tired?" He Feng stares at the woman.

"How can I? I usually take time to exercise. And in a few days, we won't be so busy. "

Aware of the man's concern for himself, Ning Caizhu's face rarely appeared a touch of tenderness, "you come to me, should not be to scold me?"

"Alas! None of you can make people worry. "

He Feng shook his head. "Can you spare an hour now?"

Ning Caizhu said, "yes, I can. What's the matter?"

"Have you ever heard of the ancient warrior?"

"Ancient warrior? What's in the novel? "

"Well, you can understand that. But in reality, there are also ancient warriors. "

He Feng said with a smile: "your future husband, I am a genuine ancient warrior."

"Screw you, you're not my husband."

Ning Caizhu rolled his eyes and blushed. He quickly changed the topic, "I know you are very good, but I don't know much about the ancient warrior. Have you become an ancient martial artist, just like the martial arts experts on TV, who can fly on the eaves, walk on the wall, or even fly in the clouds? "

"Flying on the eaves and on the wall is not easy, but if you want to fly through the clouds, it's another level. It's the legendary realm of true Qi, which is the ultimate goal of all ancient warriors. But in this world, there are not many people with strong real Qi. "

He Feng said: "however, if you become an ancient warrior, your physical fitness will be far more than ordinary people, even if you often work overtime in the future, you will not feel tired."

"Really? Well, do you have any way to make me an ancient warrior? "

When Ning Caizhu heard this, he immediately looked forward to it.

"Well, close your eyes. In the next hour, I'll help you gather your inner strength and become an ancient warrior. "

"Yes, yes, come on."

Ning Caizhu quickly closed his eyes, that look, not to mention more serious, and even a smile on the corner of his mouth, you can see that women are a little excited.

"I've lived in her house for so long before, but I didn't find her so beautiful. Apart from her temperament and appearance, she is no worse than yunyun. It's a pity that I've worked so hard that I've come out with dark circles under my eyes. Hum, Fengge has to teach you a lesson first. "

Read to this, he Feng went to the edge of Ningcai bamboo, and then bent down, heavy kiss in the woman's lips.


Ning Caizhu suddenly stares big eyes, a face of panic, subconsciously will he Feng to push away.

He Feng had long expected that she would push herself away, so she held out her hand and hugged the woman, so that she couldn't push herself away, and went straight in to explore the fragrance of the woman's mouth.


"Ah! You are a dog. Why do you bite me? "

He Feng pain call a, quickly let go of rather bamboo, cover mouth depressed said.

Are these women too bad? Every time I kiss them, I use this move. I'm not afraid to bite off brother Feng's tongue?

What a bully!

"Hooligan, I thought you could really turn me into an ancient warrior. It turned out that you took advantage of me. Hum, I won't believe you any more."

Ning Caizhu's face is so red that it can almost drip water.

Just now, she was really scared by He Feng. This bastard is too presumptuous. He doesn't know if she is in the company. In case she is bumped into by the staff, where does she have any authority in the future?

"Hey, hey, I can't help kissing you because you're beautiful? Besides, I'm your future husband. Is it OK to kiss you? " He Feng grinned.

"Then you can't kiss me in the office. How can I meet people when I'm seen?"

Ning Caizhu didn't say well.

"OK, I'll kiss you next time."

"If you think so, I won't kiss you."

Ning Caizhu pursed his lips, "unless, you really can think of a way to make me become an ancient warrior."

"Well, if I really turn you into an ancient warrior, you can kiss me as much as I like, right?" He Feng blinked and said.

This seems to be the advantage of taking the initiative to deliver it to the door?

Hearing he Feng's words, Ning Caizhu hesitated a little, then blushed and nodded: "Hmm!"

"You said that, ha ha..."

He Feng laughs triumphantly, "then you close your eyes, I'll help you gather inner strength now."

"Close your eyes again?" Ning Caizhu looks at He Feng suspiciously.

She thinks that men want to take advantage of themselves.

"Well, what do you think? Brother Feng is a gentleman. He won't take advantage of you when you close your eyes."

At this point, he added, "that was just to teach you to be disobedient these days!"

"Well, if you take advantage of me again, I won't believe you any more."

Ning Caizhu snorted, warned, and then closed his eyes.

He Feng helpless way: "rest assured, but you have to convergence mind, pay attention to the changes in the body, do not patronize the embankment I, I am not a sex wolf."

As he spoke, his hand had fallen on Ning Caizhu's vest and entered a wisp of genuine Qi.

Soon, Ning Caizhu also noticed that there was a lot of Qi in his body. He didn't dare to be distracted any more and quickly concentrated.

About an hour later, Ning Caizhu just opened his eyes.

"Well, do you feel the inner strength?" He Feng asked with a smile.

"Is that the inner strength? It's amazing. I feel that with this inner strength, my body has become stronger, and I don't even feel tired. " Ning Caizhu said in surprise.

"Nonsense, now you are an ancient warrior. As long as you don't stay up late for a long time, you won't be tired. Even when you go to bed, you can use it to practice. The next day will make you more energetic. " Hefeng road.

"Hee hee, I'll try next time."

Ning Caizhu was very happy to make sure that he really became an ancient warrior. "He Feng, how did you do it? You can turn an ordinary person into an ancient warrior. Aren't you more powerful than an ordinary ancient warrior? "

"Of course, your husband, I'm really in a strong mood!"

"True Qi State? Are you in the true mood

Ning Caizhu didn't pay attention to He Feng's address, so he asked in surprise.

Just now he Feng said that there are few strong people in the world, because the real Qi is so strong that they can fly through the clouds.

But he Feng said that he was really strong, which is too incredible, right?

"It's necessary. Only those who are strong in real Qi can make an ordinary person become an ancient warrior." He Feng has a proud face.

"My God, you are really the most powerful state of true Qi. Aren't you invincible?"


Can you stop doing this.

He Feng touched his nose, "invincible in the world is not, but few people in the world are my opponents. Oh, don't say that. Let me tell you something about the ancient warrior. "

"Yes, yes!"

Ning Caizhu has become an ancient warrior and is curious about his world.

"As for the ancient martial arts, they are also graded. They can be divided into clear strength, dark strength and Hua strength. Above Hua strength, they are the real Qi state. In addition, the ancient martial arts also have a lot of influence, the most common is the ancient martial arts family.... "

He Feng slowly tells the story with Ning Caizhu, but Ning Caizhu turns into a curious baby and listens carefully. The picture is like a baby listening to an adult telling a fairy tale.

Unconsciously, more than an hour passed.

Looking at Ning Caizhu, he Feng said with a smile: "bamboo, this is the world of ancient warriors. It's very wonderful, beyond the imagination of ordinary people. But there is also danger, because the warrior has a strong power, a word may be blood splashed five steps. Therefore, I hope that even if you become strong in the future, you will have less contact with the world of ancient martial arts. This kind of fighting life is not suitable for you. "

"Well, I understand."

Ning Caizhu nodded cleverly.

"Then... Can I kiss you now?" He Feng is looking at Ning Cai bamboo.

He clearly remembered what the woman had promised just now.

Now I help women to gather their inner strength, and it's time for women to fulfill it.

"Oh, I almost forgot that I still have a report to give to vivi before work. No, no, I have to work first. That... He Feng, you just returned to the company, there must be a lot of things to deal with, right? Go ahead and get busy. We'll talk slowly when we have time next time. "

With that, Ning Caizhu stood up and ran to open the door of the office.

Although there was no one outside, there were footsteps not far away, and I didn't know if I would come this way.


He Feng mouth corner mercilessly smoked.

Is this woman too cunning?

"Zhuzhu, are you not going to admit it?" He Feng narrowed his eyes.

"I don't admit it, but I'm really busy now. Will you let me finish the work in a hurry? Otherwise Wei Wei will definitely blame me Ning Caizhu said pitifully.

He Feng's teeth are creaking, but he still has no way to pick bamboo. Otherwise, when the news spread to Wang Xiangyun's ears, he would not be able to explain it clearly.

"Ha ha, OK, I'll come back to you when you're not busy."

He Feng chuckled, a good way to talk, and walked slowly towards the door.

Seeing this, Ning Caizhu was relieved.

It's time to get rid of this rascal!

Otherwise, if really let he Feng casually kiss, God knows what will happen in the end.

This is in the company!

"Go ahead and I'll help you close the door." He Feng went to the gate and said with a smile to Ning Caizhu, "although you have become an ancient warrior now, don't work too hard, you know?"

"Well, I know. Well... I'll go to work first. "

Ning Caizhu nodded obediently, and then turned to the desk.


At the moment of turning around, Ning Caizhu is acutely aware that there is a broken wind behind him.


The next moment, a crisp slap came from her dolphin department.


Then, he Feng's figure, fast flash away.

Ning Caizhu felt the burning pain of the dolphin, and his face turned black in an instant.

"He Feng, you bastard, don't let me see you again!"

Rather bamboo hate teeth itch, a heavy door fell.


The office is like an earthquake.


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