Her voice is still the same, no change, but the cold and holy tone is different from Ji Xinyu.

This kind of feeling, as if returned to He Feng to see Ji Xinyu's appearance for the first time.

Ji Xinyu at that time, like a piece of ice, no one can get close to her, no one can walk into her heart.

Hear the woman's question, he Feng only feel a burst of thunderbolt, head buzzing.

But at this time, he can't think too much. From Ji Xinyu's struggling and painful face, he seems to understand something.

It seems that there are two kinds of consciousness in a woman's body. At this time, he should be talking to another kind of consciousness.

"No, I can't let this consciousness occupy Xinyu's body. I have to wake up Xinyu."

He Feng's mind flashed this idea, and then he immediately yelled: "Xinyu, wake up, I'm He Feng, I'm your husband, wake up quickly..."

"Wake up, wake up, wake up..."

Voice in He Feng's spiritual package, wanton into a silk thread, into Ji Xinyu's mind, echoed in her mind for a long time.

"Damn it, shut up!"

Hearing this voice, Ji Xinyu's face changed slightly. He Feng's eyes flashed with a touch of cold.

But immediately, on her face, there was pain and struggle.

"Xinyu, I'm your husband. Wake up quickly."

He Feng didn't pay attention to Ji Xinyu's eyes just now, but his look became colder and colder. Then he continued to use his mental power to wrap his voice into a silk thread and force it into Ji Xinyu's mind, so that the voice could be directly transmitted to the deep soul of a woman.

She knows that the real Ji Xinyu must be struggling with another "Ji Xinyu" at this time.

The result of this struggle will determine who will occupy this body in the end.

He Feng heart incomparable tension, fear, but he did not dare to relax.

If he fails, he is afraid that Ji Xinyu, whom he likes, will never come back.


When he didn't know how many times he called, Ji Xinyu, who was sitting in front of him, finally calmed down.

Ji Xinyu looks at He Feng with a trace of doubt in her eyes. When she hears he Feng still calling, she can't help but say: "husband, you, don't call, I know you are my husband."

"Xinyu, are you back?"

Hear that familiar tone, he Feng this just stopped, then stare at Ji Xinyu to ask a way.

"What, I'm back? I never left. But I just fell asleep? I remember that I was practicing. Why did I suddenly fall asleep? " Ji Xinyu asked rather puzzledly.

He Feng did not answer Ji Xinyu's words, so staring at her, as if to see through her whole person.

"Honey, why are you staring at me like that? I look a little hairy... "Ji Xinyu looks at He Feng, very speechless.

But soon, she guessed something. Her face changed, and she said subconsciously, "what happened when I was practicing?"

He Feng still did not answer her, but is inexplicable asked a, "Xinyu, is it really you?"

"What? Husband, how do you ask me such a question? I don't know what you mean Ji Xinyu doubted: "tell me quickly, is it the same as last time when I just practiced?"


See Ji Xinyu like this, he Fengcai completely overlap her with Ji Xinyu in the past.

Ji Xinyu, who just asked who he was and where he was, should have left.

No, I can't say leave. Maybe she will show up next time.

He Feng didn't say anything more. He came to Ji Xinyu and put the woman in his arms.

Hold it tight!

Ji Xinyu opens her mouth, but she doesn't say anything. Let he Feng hold her.

She knew that something must have happened when she was practicing, and it was quite serious.

Otherwise, he Feng would not hold her like this.

"Xinyu wife, you know, I almost lost you just now."

After five minutes, he Feng said.

"Honey, tell me what just happened? I feel that after I break through to the peak of dark strength, I suddenly immerse myself in some emotion, and then gradually fall asleep. Later, I seemed to hear you calling me, so I tried to wake up. "

Ji Xinyu asked again, "what happened when I was asleep?"

He Feng nodded, "Xinyu wife, there may be another soul hidden in your body."

"Ah? What do you mean Ji Xinyu doubts.

"I think that every time you break through, your cultivation can be immediately promoted to the peak of the state after you break through. It should be because of another soul. This soul, it seems very powerful, can control a special energy that I can't even capture. Just now, it seemed that this kind of energy made her wake up. When she woke up, she took over your body and asked me who I was and where I was

Speaking of this, he Feng's face is still full of fear, "seriously, at that moment I was really afraid, I thought I would lose you, and then I used my mental power to call you, let you wake up. Fortunately, that person should just wake up, mentally weak, soon let you regain control of the body

"There is another soul in my body. Besides, she occupied my body for a while

Ji Xinyu hears he Feng's story, and his face also shows fear, shock and doubt.

This kind of thing is too strange, she almost can't believe it, but he Feng told her personally, and he Feng also saw it with his own eyes, so she can't help but believe it.

"Wife Xinyu, don't practice in the future, OK? Now that your cultivation has reached the peak of dark strength, I'll teach you some more powerful martial arts. In the future, even if you are an ordinary Hua Jin master, you won't be your opponent. You have the ability to revenge. " He Feng looked at Ji Xinyu and said.

Last time, Ji Xinyu broke through to Mingjin, and the movement was smaller.

And this time, Ji Xinyu breaks through to dark strength, the control of the body is almost taken away by the other party.

If you break through to Huajin

He Feng is really a little worried. When the time comes, the other party's strength will be strengthened and Ji Xinyu's body will be occupied again. He can't even wake up the real Ji Xinyu.

Then he really lost the woman he loved.

"Well, husband, don't worry. I'll listen to you. I won't practice any more. I won't break through to master Huajin."

Fortunately, Ji Xinyu is very obedient. Seeing that he is worried, she immediately nods her head cleverly. Her attitude is very serious. She is not fooling at all.

She really wants to improve her strength and give him more help in the future.

But if there is a risk that someone will take control of her body, she naturally knows how to choose.

In this respect, women are very rational.


Smell speech, he Feng just heavily relaxed tone, on the face emerge from the heart smile.

As soon as he relaxed in his heart, he could not help feeling tired on his face.

"Husband, are you very tired?" Seeing this, Ji Xinyu asked.

"Well, just to wake you up, I expended a lot of mental energy, and now I have a slight headache."

He Feng rubbed his forehead and said helplessly.

Ji Xinyu hears speech, distressed way: "that... Otherwise you directly rest here in me?"? How about not going back tonight? "

He Feng thought about it. Knowing that the woman was worried about herself, he didn't refuse. He nodded and said, "well, I'll call Wang Xiangyun and let her go home by herself."

Thinking, he took out his mobile phone, ready to call Wang Xiangyun.

But looking at the mobile screen, he was speechless.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Ji Xinyu asked.

"It's two o'clock in the morning!"

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "I didn't expect that time passed so fast. I thought it was not 12 o'clock now."

"Ah? It's so late. Is Wang Xiangyun still in the company? "

"No, she's already sent me a message saying she's home. Let me contact her again tomorrow morning."

"All right!"

Ji Xinyu said to herself, "I'm sorry, my husband. I've ruined your impression in her heart."

"It's nothing. It's not a big deal." Looking at the beautiful person in front of him, he Feng said with a grin: "if you really feel that you owe me, then you can serve me well tonight."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the woman's face, "husband, lie down. Tonight, I'll serve you all the way. "


He Feng took a breath, "OK!"

This evening, he Feng is destined to be happy.

The two had been tossing about for nearly an hour before they hugged each other and fell asleep.

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