"Dudu, Dudu..."

The next morning, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated and woke him up.

He Feng opens his eyes and finds that there is no one around him. Ji Xinyu doesn't know when he has left.

He picked up his cell phone, looked at the caller ID, and answered the phone, "good morning, daughter-in-law."

"What a fart! Look at what time it is, and if you don't come back, where are you dead?"

Wang Xiangyun's cold questioning came from the phone.

"Is it late?"

Smell speech, he Feng quickly looked at the time on the screen, when he saw that it was now nine o'clock in the morning, immediately embarrassed.

It seems that in more than two months since I returned to China, I have never slept so late.

However, this sleep was really comfortable, and he felt that his mental strength had completely recovered.

"Daughter in law, I'm outside now, but I'll be home soon. Are you at home now?" He Feng, who dare to say that he is now in Liuyue club, swindles in the past.

"It's no nonsense. I'm waiting for you at home now. You'll come back soon. Weiwei and sister yuan have been waiting for you for more than half an hour." Wang Xiangyun is very dissatisfied.

"Oh, OK, OK, we'll be there soon. You'll wait for me for a while."

He Feng quickly hung up the phone, and then stood up, put on the clothes, went out.

Just came to the hall, he Feng saw Ji Gang sitting in the hall drinking tea, "Xiao Gang, where's your sister?"

"Brother in law, are you awake? She's busy living in the kitchen

Ji Gang also saw he Feng and said with a smile, "brother-in-law, you are so happy. My sister used to not go to the kitchen. She would cook in person during the Spring Festival, but now as long as you are here, she will cook every time."

"In the kitchen?"

He Feng was going to leave directly, but Ji Gang said that if he left directly, it would not disappoint Ji Xinyu.

"Well, I'll wash up first and come back later."

With that, he Feng went back to Ji Xinyu's room to wash.

Now he occasionally sleeps over here, so here is a pair of toiletries for him.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, he Feng goes back to the restaurant. At this moment, Ji Xinyu has made some cakes and cooked fresh milk.

"Husband, are you hungry? Come and eat quickly."

See he Feng come over, is wearing a home clothes Ji Xinyu, toward her waved.

He Feng looked at all kinds of cakes on the table and said with a bitter smile, "wife Xinyu, it's very late now. I'm afraid I don't have time to stay and eat with you. I'll take the car and eat while driving."

"Ah? Well, I'll clean it up for you. "

Ji Xinyu guessed that Wang Xiangyun should be looking for He Feng. Although he was lost, he was not unhappy. Instead, he took a bag to help him fill one or two cakes and a full cup of milk.

"Xinyu's wife, do you want to cultivate me into a big fat pig and let me eat so much?" He Feng takes over Ji Xinyu's packaged cakes and milk, and says helplessly.

"Wang Xiangyun, she doesn't hurt you. I must hurt you. Darling, all these things have to be eaten up. You can't throw them away. Do you hear me? " Jixin rainway.

"That's necessary. My wife, Xinyu, cooked breakfast for me in person. I have to eat it all even if I burst my stomach." He Feng laughed and said immediately, "by the way, what about the little feather and the moon?"

Ji Xinyu said: "last night, after a night's hard work, they have broken through to the middle stage of Mingjin, so they went back early in the morning and took some pills with them. It's estimated that they don't want to waste a little time of cultivation."

He Feng exclaimed, "well, it's very good. In one day, it's from the beginning of Mingjin to the middle of Mingjin..."

"Poof! Brother in law, you can't imagine how much cultivation resources you have provided us. I'll calculate. The pills used by sister feather and sister Yueyue yesterday, if used slowly, can almost help them break through to the later stage of Mingjin. "

Ji Gang thumbed up to He Feng and said, "that's your brother-in-law, who has the courage to let us spend pills like this. What's more, it also taught us a set of special methods of refining Qi, so that we can absorb the medicine power most quickly and effectively. Although there will be a lot of pills wasted, the speed of improvement of cultivation has indeed increased many times. "

"It's just a waste of elixir. It's no big deal. You can improve your strength quickly." He Feng indifferent way, he most don't care about is money, "Xiaogang, you also break through?"

Ji Gang nodded and said, "well, thanks to my brother-in-law, I have reached the peak of Mingjin now. Take a break today, and you will be closed tomorrow. If you don't get dark energy, you will never go out of the gate. "

It can be seen that Ji Xinyu's rapid progress is obviously stimulated.

Moreover, Ji Xinyu also tells Ji Gang that she could have gone back to Ji's house to get revenge, but finally decided to wait for her.

Therefore, Ji Gang naturally wants to practice desperately.

"Yes, brother-in-law. I'll take care of you."

He Feng patted Ji Gang on the shoulder and said, "by the way, where is the pill? I'll take some."

"I'll get it!"

Ji Gang immediately went to get the pills.

"Xinyu wife, remember, you can't practice next, you know?" He Feng looks at Ji Xinyu Road.

"I know my husband. I'm so good. I'll listen to you."

Ji Xinyu nodded and immediately frowned: "but I'm afraid, even if I don't break through, she... Won't she wake up?"

Hearing this, he Feng also frowned, "now I can't think of a better way, in short, don't practice, I will find a way to solve this matter."

"Good!" Ji Xinyu said, hugging He Feng and kissing again, and said: "that tonight, won't you come again? I waited on you last night. Should you wait on me tonight? "


Looking at the woman that exhale like orchid, rather shy appearance, he Feng only feel evil fire in the body as if there are signs of ascension.

"Xinyu wife, let's talk about things at night. It's not suitable to say this kind of thing in the morning. I'll go first."

He Feng quickly turned around, bent and went out, as if to cover up some embarrassment.


Looking at He Feng's back, Ji Xinyu doesn't know what's going on. He covers his mouth and laughs.

That simple and happy laughter, full of happiness.

After he Feng disappeared in sight, Ji Xinyu took back his sight and went back to the restaurant to eat breakfast alone.

It's just a little happiness, but Ji Xinyu cherishes it very much.

So she won't allow anyone to take it away!


He Feng in the car waiting for not long, Ji just moved two boxes of pills to come over, put on the car.

About half an hour later, he Feng returned to Xinghui villa. Wang Xiangyun and others were sitting in the living room chatting.

"He Feng, are you back? Why did you carry two boxes home? "

See he Feng back, Gong Wei immediately stood up, doubt asked.

Wang Xiangyun was staring at him coldly without making a sound.

"He Feng, what's in this box?" Yuan Yashi is also curious.

He Feng put the box on the ground and said with a smile: "daughter-in-law, the reason why I am delayed in the morning is that I went to get something good for you. Come and see what is in the box."

"Yes? Then I'll see what you've brought with you that will delay you a whole evening and half a morning. "

Wang Xiangyun said noncommittally.

He Feng grinned, took the box apart and said, "look, is this a good thing?"

"It's a strong fragrance. It's a bit like the fragrance of flowers and medicine. It's so comfortable to smell. What is it?" Yuan Yashi was surprised.

"He Feng, is this pills?"

Gong Wei looks at the things in the box and is curious.

"Pills?" Wang Xiangyun walked forward and looked at the pile of pills in the box. He was shocked and said, "how did you get so many pills?"

Wang Xiangyun has been in the Wang family for a long time. He knows the value of pills. Ordinary people can't buy them. But he Feng has not only got them, but also two big boxes. How can ordinary people get them?

"Of course I bought it!" He Feng said with a smile: "these pills are specially bought by me for your cultivation. With these pills, you can easily cultivate to the peak of Mingjin. And when you reach the peak of Mingjin, I will prepare you to break through to the dark strength. In a word, my next goal is to make you all break through to the peak of dark strength within one month. "

"A month, the peak of dark strength?"

Wang Xiangyun sneered: "He Feng, do you think that with the elixir, you can immediately upgrade your accomplishments? If so, why are few of those rich people powerful ancient warriors? "

"Others can't, but I can." He Feng said softly: "with these pills, I'm sure you can improve your accomplishments."

"What if I don't get promoted?"

Wang Xiangyun asked.

"No? Daughter in law, how about we make a bet? " He Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Although Wang Xiangyun knew that there were many tricks, she was not Xiaobai who was born in the ancient Wu family. She immediately said, "what kind of gambling do you want to play?"

He Feng said: "Weiwei, just like you, gathered her inner strength yesterday and became an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. Then I'll give her three days. In three days, if she can break through to the middle of Mingjin, I'll win. On the contrary, you win. "

Wang Xiangyun eyebrows a pick, "three days time let her break through to Ming Jin medium-term, are you sure?"

Now she knows that Gong Wei has become an ancient warrior, but she doesn't say anything.

For the relationship between He Feng and Gong Wei

She knows it!

"Sure, it's up to you to bet with me."

"If you say ten days and a half, I may not dare. But you only have three days. What else can I do? "

Wang Xiangyun sneered: "tell me, what's your bet?"

"If you win, I can promise you any condition. On the contrary, you accompany me to a dinner that you make yourself. " He Feng smiles.


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