"I made dinner myself..."

Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng strangely, but he doesn't expect to make such a wonderful bet.

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi understand what he Feng means.

He Feng put forward this condition because he felt that Wang Xiangyun was busy working all day and neglected his life, so he wanted to make such a bet.

"Yes, that's my bet. Dare you bet with me?" He Feng asked.

"Are you sure your bet is that simple?" Wang Xiangyun reminded: "if you win, you don't earn much. But if you lose, my terms may be quite harsh. "

He Feng shrugged and said, "I'm such a simple person, so my bet is certainly simple."

Wang Xiangyun face a black, "you mean, I am very harsh?"

"Well, I didn't say that!"

He Feng is embarrassed, "and this is not the point, you say you bet with me or not?"

"Of course, I'll bet with you. It's an obvious business that you can't lose without making a profit. A fool won't do it."

Wang Xiangyun looked at Gong Wei and said, "Weiwei, don't blame me. I don't mean to look down on you, because I've been in the guwu family. I know how difficult it is to improve my cultivation. Even if there are pills, it's a long process to absorb the energy in the pills. In three days, it is absolutely impossible to make a breakthrough from the initial stage of Mingjin to the middle stage of Mingjin. "

"Well, I know. I won't be angry with you."

Gong Wei nodded, she naturally won't be angry with Wang Xiangyun.


She believes more in He Feng.

Since he Feng said that she can break through to the middle of Mingjin in three days, even if he Feng has no way, she will try her best to do it.

"Daughter in law, when you are free, please look at the menu carefully."

He Feng said with a smile.

It's only three days to break through to the middle of Mingjin. Is it difficult?

It seems that Xiaoyu and Yueyue didn't use it for 24 hours from the beginning of Mingjin to the end of Mingjin?

However, we have to send a message to Yueyue to say hello. We can't tell Wang Xiangyun about this.

"Can we go now?" Wang Xiangyun said, "Weiwei said that at eight o'clock in the morning, her parents contacted her and asked her to start early today. I called again at nine o'clock. Now it's almost ten o'clock, and I haven't started yet. It's all your work. "

He Feng shrugged, "daughter-in-law, how can I blame me? I'm not for these pills?"

Wang Xiangyun said: "ha ha, do you think I will believe it?"


He Feng smoked from the corner of his mouth.

Smart people just don't cheat.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not too big for Weiwei today. It's a man who wants to see her, not the man she wants to see. In that case, what's the big deal about having men wait? Let alone wait for an hour or two. Even if I stand him up today, I think it's normal. " He Feng said.

"Well, it's normal for a man to ask a woman out and a woman to stand him up." Wang Xiangyun nodded, "OK, I remember your words."

"I'll go, daughter-in-law. Are you going to enjoy my appointment in the future?"

"I'll have to say yes first. Basically, I won't say yes. So you don't even have a chance to let me have a date with you. "


He Feng is depressed and wants to vomit blood.

While Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi are watching their bickering, they feel very warm.

Wang Xiangyun is afraid that only he Feng and such a man, will such a quarrel?

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Gong Wei's mobile phone vibrated again.

"It's my mother. I think it's time to rush again."

Gong Wei helpless way, a little don't want to answer the phone.

"You'd better answer my aunt's phone, so that she won't be angry." Wang Xiangyun said.


Gong Wei nodded and answered the phone

"Vivi, where are you? Have you arrived yet? " There was a middle-aged woman's voice on the phone.

"I, I've already started, but there's a traffic jam on the road. There are so many cars this weekend. You and dad are playing with you. I went early. It's not your light bulb."

Gong Wei tells a lie one by one. Her face is not red and her heart is not beating.

"Cluck, your father and I are very old. We don't care about light bulbs. But you have to hold on a little. Jingzhuo and her aunt have arrived. You can't let people wait all the time. Do you understand? " Gongmu urged.

"I know, mom. Hang up first. I'll call you when I get there."

Gong Wei said, hung up the phone, frowned: "that Xue jingzhuo, he has arrived, but also with his aunt."

Yuan Yashi pondered for a while and said, "it seems that Xue jingzhuo didn't talk in front of your parents."

Wang Xiangyun glanced at He Feng, "are you going to wear this dress today? At least get a clean one? "

"Well, you wait for me for two minutes, and I'll go and change now."

Finish saying, he Feng body move, quickly rushed to the room.

Wang Xiangyun looked at Gong Wei and said, "Weiwei, I've seen your parents twice. It's not that I speak badly, but they are conservative and stubborn. It's hard to make sense through reasoning, so sometimes they have to be tough. As long as you know in your heart that everything you do is worth it, that's OK. "

Gong Wei can't help but open her mouth.

Cloud cloud this is to tell her, must be desperate to get together with He Feng?

"Thank you, yunyun. I know what to do." Gong Wei slightly ponders, then nods.

Wang Xiangyun looked at Yuan Yashi again, "sister yuan, you are so smart that you don't need me to teach you, right?"

Yuan Yashi smiles, "yunyun, Weiwei and I don't need you to teach us, and you don't need to think too much about our affairs. You, you'd better think more about yourself. Career and ideal these things can be slowly, but life and feelings are always with you, if you fail, delay, the loss is your own

"Sister yuan, today we are helping Weiwei. Why are you talking about me again?"

Wang Xiangyun said helplessly: "my business, you'd better not worry."

"Don't you like he Feng enough?" Yuan Yashi asked seriously.

Seeing that Yuan Yashi was serious, he really cared about himself, and Wang Xiangyun was not easy to answer casually.

She looked at the direction of He Feng's departure, silent a little, then slowly shook her head, "like and don't like, I'm not good to make a conclusion now. However, my present job is really at a critical juncture. I have told you before that my research is of great importance and I don't want to be distracted at this time. All in all, I'll wait until the end of this experiment. "

"All right!"

Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei feel helpless when they see Wang Xiangyun's attitude.

"Are you all ready, gentlemen?"

At this time, he Feng had changed his clothes and came over.

"Why don't you change this suit? Why don't you wear the clothes I bought for you? " Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng in front of him and asks coldly.

The clothes he Feng is wearing now are brought by himself. Although the material seems to be good, it looks too ordinary. It's like a stall. It's less than 100 yuan.

"Daughter in law, today is to see Weiwei's parents. I think it's more appropriate for me to wear my suit. Only in this way can I show my respect for them."

He Feng said seriously: "I didn't tell you before. In fact, if I put these two clothes on the market, they will sell at least 100 million."

"How much do you say?" Wang Xiangyun exclaimed.

"A hundred million?"

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi are also looking at He Feng, which is too exaggerated, right?

"One hundred million, more or less." He Feng said with a smile: "moreover, most people can't buy it even if they have money. Because most people can't make my clothes. "

Wang Xiangyun doubted: "as far as I know, even if the clothes designed and made by Mr. robil are provided to some members of the royal family, it's only a few million sets. How can you ask for 100 million?"

"Daughter in law, do you know why robil was so polite to me at that time and promised to cooperate with Cloud City Group?"

"Isn't it because you used your medical skills to cure his hidden disease?"

"That's not the main reason, of course!"

He Feng shook his head, pointed to his clothes and said: "the real reason is actually because of my clothes and the people who make them."


"His teacher! A person in the clothing industry, regardless of technology or fame, is at least ten times more than him. "

He Feng said with a smile: "now, do you know why robil is so polite to me? Do you know why I'm going to wear this suit to see Vivian's parents today? "

"Mr. robil has a teacher? And more than ten times as famous as him? Then why haven't I heard of it? " Wang Xiangyun asked suspiciously.

Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei are also curious waiting for He Feng to answer.

They have a great reputation for robil, the world's top fashion designers.

He Feng also said that the strength and reputation of teacher robil are more than ten times that of robil. It is reasonable to say that such a person must be famous in the world, but they have never heard of him.

Smell speech, he Feng not from touched nose, don't know how to answer.

When Wang Xiangyun saw he Feng's appearance, he seemed to understand something in his heart, and his face became gloomy. "You mean, I'm not qualified to know the identity of teacher robil, right?"

"Well, daughter-in-law, you misunderstood. It's just that robil's teacher is more low-key than robil's, so there are not many people who know him. Daughter in law, if you want to know him, I'll let him go to Jiangbin city and make some clothes for you. "

He Feng hastens to explain, can't because of this kind of trifle again give the woman offend.

"Tell me about robil's teacher. Why do you say that his strength and fame are more than ten times that of master robil?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xiangyun pointed to a gift box not far away and said, "that gift box is for Weiwei's parents. Take it. Let's go to the car and talk as we walk."


He Feng immediately ran over and picked up the gift box.

Before long, four people got into Wang Xiangyun's previous car, President Maserati, which is now driven by Yuan Yashi.


This time he Feng is very witty on the driver's seat, for the three beauties as a driver.

"Now you can say it!" Wang Xiangyun, sitting on the passenger's seat, said.

While driving, he Feng introduced: "robil's teacher's name is Moses. If robil is a top master in the clothing industry, old man Moses is the top master. However, most people have never heard of the name of Moses. Only members of the immediate royal family and the head of a nation are qualified to wear the clothes involved in the production of Moses. "

Hearing the words, Wang Xiangyun felt a slight shock in his heart, but his face was quite calm. "Do you sell the clothes he made in the market?"

"Of course not!"

He Feng shook his head, "but every year, he will take two sets of clothes out for auction. The final transaction price of each set of clothes is 100 million yuan. There was once a super rich man who didn't have time to catch up with the auction, so after the auction, he wanted to talk about a deal with Moses and make a suit for him with a billion meter knife. As a result, the super rich man was kicked out by Moses. "


Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng suspiciously.

She is a little suspicious of the truth of the matter. It's a billion yuan. It's more than six billion yuan. Is it true that someone is willing to spend so much money to buy a suit of clothes?

Even the legendary jade clothes are not so expensive, are they?

Wang Xiangyun did not continue to struggle with this problem. After all, the real rich world may indeed exceed her imagination.

She pointed to He Feng's clothes and asked, "how much did you spend on this suit of clothes?"

"Buy? Daughter in law, you look down on your man too much. "

He Feng said helplessly: "you may not believe it. My clothes are really made by Moses, but they are not bought. He begged me to wear them after he made them. Alas, you didn't see the scene at that time. After he made the clothes, I didn't want to wear them. He knelt down in front of me and cried with tears, begging me to wear them. What do you think I can do? He is very old, how can I keep watching him cry, so I reluctantly agreed to wear these clothes. When I saw robil the other day, I had another phone call with Moses. The old man really wanted to make clothes for me and begged me to wear them. "

"Can you die without boasting?" Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes.

He Feng said these words, she did not believe a punctuation mark.

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi sitting in the back row are also helpless. They don't know whether he Feng should believe this.

They don't want to doubt he Feng, but he Feng's words are a little fake.

What kind of clothes can't be bought by other people, but they make them and ask you to wear them?

And a runny nose and a tear?

"Don't believe it?"

He Feng a face of speechless, he clearly did not lie, OK? He didn't even exaggerate. Old man Moses knelt down in front of him and begged him to wear it!

But they don't believe Wang Xiangyun. He Feng really doesn't know how to explain it now.

Is it difficult for old man Moses to come to Jiangbin city now and repeat the scene at that time?

Doesn't that seem appropriate?

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Wang Xiangyun's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Seeing the caller ID of the transoceanic phone, Wang Xiangyun looked a little more serious and said, "don't talk. It's Mr. robil."

Then she pressed the answer button. "Hello, Mr. robil!"


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