This time, Gong Wenshu did not stand beside Xue jingzhuo any more, but walked beside he Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

When Wang Xiangyun saw this scene, he went forward a little wisely and came to Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi. The three girls talked to each other one by one. They were very happy.

Gong Wenshu immediately went to He Feng and said to him, "Mr. He..."

"Uncle Gong, you just call me Mr. or something. Just call me Xiao Feng. That's what my elders call me." He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, I'll call you Xiao Feng!"

Gong Wenshu nodded, "how do you practice your fishing skills? It's not as old as ten years. It's hard to practice this kind of fishing skill. "

"Uncle Gong, in fact, I think my fishing skills are very common, because I used to live by the sea and often go fishing with some friends. This kind of Taiwan fishing, I do it casually. What I'm really good at is sea fishing. " He Feng said seriously.

Most people can learn Taiwan fishing.

But sea fishing is much more difficult.

"Taiwan fishing is free to practice, good at sea fishing?"

When Gong Wenshu heard this, his eyes lit up: "when I have a chance, I will go fishing with you."

"Yes, I'll be with you any time." He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, isn't this Mr. Yu, Mr. Yang and Mr. Gong? Are you going to the park

This is the voice of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is wearing a gray T-shirt with white hair. He looks dignified, but he is also elegant. He looks like a scholar, but he also looks like a leader.

At this time, the middle-aged man was sitting at a stone table with another old man, playing chess and drinking tea.

"Headmaster Han, are you there? Let's just walk around. "

Yu nancui said to the middle-aged man in a polite voice. This is the headmaster of his school. I didn't expect to meet him in the park.

"Ha ha, since Mr. Gong is here, come and join us in the next round."

Han Kang went to Gong Wenshu, took him and said, "Mr. Gong, do you have time now?"

Gong Wenshu loves fishing and playing chess. At this moment, he is eager to sit down and kill all sides. But he doesn't answer immediately. Instead, he takes a look at Yu nancui.

It seems to be telling Yu nancui that it's not that I want to play chess, but that headmaster Han has forced me to play chess.

"Wenshu, since President Han wants to play with you, you can play with him." Although Yu nancui was reluctant, she could not refuse if principal Han spoke. Otherwise, where would she let the principal face?

One side of the carambola is also helpless, he saw the lonely walk behind Xue jingzhuo one eye, can not help but frown.

"Mr. Yu, you are wrong. Mr. Gong and I often play chess. We know each other's chess skills very well. Today, I didn't ask Mr. Gong to play with me, but with my big brother. "

Han Kang said and wrote to Gong Wen: "Mr. Gong, do you remember that I told you one thing before, although I can play chess, and I'm the vice president of Jiangbin Chess Association, my chess skill is just like a three-year-old child compared with my cousin, right?"

Gong Wenshu nodded, "of course I remember!"

Han Kang had told him before that his cousin was a chess master. Ordinary people couldn't see him. Only the real top chess master was qualified to fight with him. Even Gong Wenshu didn't look forward to him.

"Is this old gentleman..." Gong Wenshu looks at the old man opposite Han Kang.

The old man looks like he is 70 years old, but he is not very old. He looks very energetic. His eyes seem to be shining and his body is very strong.

"Ha ha, his name is Zhang Ke. He is one of my cousin's disciples. Zhang Lao's chess skill is very good. I played five games with him this morning, and each game lost miserably. Come and play two games with him, and see if you can help me pull back one game. " Han Kang pushed Gong Wenshu to the stool and said to the old man Zhang Ke: "Mr. Zhang, brother Gong is a teacher in my school. His chess skill is more exquisite than me. He can match the president of our Jiangbin Chess Association. Now I ask him to play with you. You have to be careful."

"Yes, I'll be careful." Zhang Ke smiles and drinks a cup of tea.

"You young people, learn a little. Chess is the quintessence of our culture. You young people should carry it forward. " Han Kang looked at He Feng and others said.

"Jingzhuo, you seem to be very good at chess, don't you? Go and have a look. " Yang Mi Tao seems to think of something, and pulls Xue jingzhuo to Gong Wenshu.

"Well, I'll take it seriously." Xue jingzhuo nodded and his eyes began to shine with confidence.

Fishing depends on real technology.

But playing chess is not the same, in addition to have the technology, but also can calculate.

Xue jingzhuo is good at this aspect.

There are also several chess masters in their school, but they can't beat him because he has strong calculation ability and can calculate the situation after two or three steps.

This time, he had to rely on chess to let Gong Wenshu appreciate him again.

His eyes subconsciously looked at He Feng, "also don't know this Wufu, can play chess?"

"Then hurry up and start. We'll just watch."

Waiting for Zhang Ke and Gong Wenshu to put the chess in order, Han Kang urged, "Zhang Lao, you are skilled in chess. You are my cousin's disciple. Let Mr. Gong play first. How about that?"

"It's natural!" Zhang Ke nodded.

"Mr. Gong, don't be polite to him. Think about what plan to use to deal with him." Han Kang smiles at Gong Wenshu.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

Gong Wenshu hugged his fist and immediately fell to the chessboard. He picked up the black chess and played it.

Han Kang and Xue jingzhuo both nodded and agreed with Gong Wenshu.


However, he Feng saw this scene, but he sighed helplessly, then shook his head.

Uncle Gong, it's over!


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