He Feng really saw that uncle Gong was going to die.

Because Zhang Ke's aim at this time was not Gong Wenshu's horse and gun.




As Gong Wenshu's horse retreated, Zhang Ke flew up and landed on the elephant.

"Well? What's going on? "

"It turned out that he was waiting for my horse to withdraw and then eat my elephant, but I just wanted to keep the horse and ignored the more important elephant."

"What a clever way!"

Seeing this, Gong Wenshu and others widened their eyes one by one, and their eyes were full of shock.

When the elephant was eaten, Gong Wenshu could eat the gun with another elephant, but once he did, Zhang Ke's gun and car could easily kill him.

"Mr. Gong, this game can't be turned over!" Han Kang said with a bitter smile.

"Indeed, I feel inferior to Zhang's chess skills." Gong Wenshu also embraces boxing to Zhang Ke.


Xue jingzhuo followed suit and gave Zhang Ke a thumbs up.

Zhang Ke smiles, just nods and doesn't say anything, but his eyes are obviously disappointed.

Master asked some of their disciples to go down the mountain to see if there are any new chess masters in the world. But now it seems that it is difficult to find a decent master.

"Uncle Gong, are you ready to give up

At this time, he Feng suddenly asked.

"Well, I have obviously lost. Do I have to wait for the general to admit defeat?" Gong Wenshu nodded.

"Young man, if you lose, you have to admit it. There's no shame." Han Kang smiles at He Feng.

Although with a smile on his face, he Feng was a little dissatisfied in his heart. He felt that the young man was not interesting.

"Headmaster Han, I don't agree with you. Of course, it's no shame to admit defeat. But what's the difference between giving up halfway and giving up before the last step?" He Feng also laughed back.

Although with a smile, the meaning of the words is directly refuting Han Kang.


Han Kang smell speech, not from a anger, want to reprimand, but think of each other is Gong Wenshu to bring people, he will hold back.

"Mr. He, if you don't know chess, don't say it." Yu nancui some unhappy said, he Feng in public to dismantle Han Kang's platform, this is not equal to do not give them face?

Yang Mitao said directly: "Mr. He, I know you are good at fishing, but playing chess and fishing are totally different things. Since you can't play chess, why do you pretend to be very good?"

Xue jingzhuo was modest and advised: "brother he Feng, in front of our predecessors, we young people should not comment, just study modestly."

Although Gong Wenshu was a little dissatisfied, he Feng was not criticized.

If people say that they are not happy and don't take themselves to sea fishing, he will have to regret it.

As for Wang Xiangyun and others, they all look at He Feng in doubt. They are very confident in He Feng. Since he Feng has said this, there will be a follow-up.

"Uncle Gong, next, how about I help you turn the tables?"

Sure enough, after everyone had finished, he Feng looked at Gong Wenshu's leisurely way.

"Can you turn it over?" Gong Wenshu was surprised.


Xue jingzhuo was amused by He Feng's words.

"Young people nowadays are so arrogant!" Han Kang shook his head.

"I don't know the heaven and the earth." Yang Mi Tao sneered.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Wang Xiangyun was so smart that he found such a stupid husband. If my family Wei Wei finds such a man to be a boyfriend, I can't agree to die. " Yu nancui thought.


He Feng nodded, only spit out a word.

"Well, I'll give you my place, and then I'll see what you do."

I don't know why, Gong Wenshu saw he Feng's expression. He had no reason to have confidence in him. He immediately stood up and gave his position to He Feng, while he was watching.

He had watched the game for a long time, but there was no room for turning it over.

He wants to see if he Feng can really help him turn the tables and create a miracle.

"Well? This young man even wants to turn over? Is it difficult for me to leave room? " Zhang Ke saw he Feng full of confidence, also some curious in the heart, subconsciously looked at the chess game, but did not see what the other side has to live.

He Feng sat down, then picked up a "pawn" and put it forward to cross the border.

"Well? This soldier... "Xue jingzhuo's pupil suddenly widened.

He is good at reckoning, he Feng this step out, he immediately reckoned out the next few steps.

Thinking of what situation he Feng's next step will create, Xue jingzhuo feels that his heart beat faster.

This move is simply incredible, such as a magic stroke.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! I finally understood that if the pawn crossed the boundary now, he could get close to the other party's gun and car as long as he took another step. However, because the pawn was protected by the car, the other party's car could not eat. Now, the gun beside the pawn must escape. And if this gun escapes, the other gun will be lost. " Han Kang analyzes Tao, but the shock in his tone can't be concealed.

And now he can't help blushing at the thought of his reprimand to He Feng and his refutation.

The young man in front of him is a bit arrogant indeed.


He seems to have arrogant capital!

Gong Wenshu also sighed, "well, I've been thinking about everything, but I've ignored such a pawn. I didn't expect that a small pawn could make me turn the tables, escape from death, and turn defeat into victory. "

Even Zhang Ke's eyes suddenly lit up, and then his expression became more dignified than ever before.

Originally, he thought he had easily defeated Gong Wenshu. After all, even Gong Wenshu himself gave up. He had watched the chess game carefully at that time, and didn't think Gong Wenshu had room for breathing.

But now

Gong Wenshu's chess game was not only breathed by the opponent's simple move, but also brought the dying back to life completely.

"It's a great move, but it can't beat me yet."

Zhang Ke picked up the gun and moved up.

He is ready to keep the gun that goes deep into the enemy camp.

In that case

He Feng continued to die without hesitation and soon ate one of his guns.

Next, two people you attack me defend, mutual injury.

But when five minutes passed, Zhang Ke's elephant was eaten by He Feng, and his brow immediately wrinkled.

Looking at the chess game in front of him, a bitter smile gradually appeared on Zhang Ke's face, "this game, I lost! I'm not as good at chess as my little brother. "

It's not a shame, it's a far cry.

This simple difference between the two words, but few people on the field to recognize.

Rao is so, Gong Wenshu, Han Kang and others looking at He Feng's eyes, is still full of shock.

This young man's chess skill is an eye opener for them.

"I'm good at medicine, computer and cultivation. Now I'm showing such exquisite fishing skills and chess skills. What else can't you do?" Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng with complicated eyes.

Yu nancui's face is not very good-looking, "this Gong Wenshu should have known his chess skills for a long time, so he deliberately brought him to show it? However, he Feng is not your son-in-law. What do you want him to show? "

Yang Mi Tao's heart is cold, "hum, let that smelly boy out of the limelight again!"

Xue jingzhuo is squinting his eyes, this is his "my name is He Feng, working in Yuncheng group."

"I don't know if brother he is interested in entering the chess industry? With your chess skills, if you enter the chess world, you will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future. "

Zhang Ke's eyes are burning at He Feng.

For a moment, Gong Wenshu, Han Kang and others look at He Feng's eyes, can not help showing the envy.


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