"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang. I'm just interested in playing chess. I don't have the idea of entering the chess industry."

He Feng light smile, for fear that the other side and summer city is not easy to give up, even busy way: "Zhang old, if nothing else, we go first."

"Well! Well, I won't disturb you. I'll see you next time. "

Zhang Ke didn't ask, nodded with a smile.

"Uncle Gong, let's go." He Feng looks at Gong Wenshu.

Gong Wenshu immediately bid farewell to Han Kang and Zhang Ke, and then the party left.

Waiting for He Feng and others to go far, Zhang Ke looked at Han Kang and said, "headmaster Han, this He Feng, can you help me investigate his information?"

"Er... Mr. Zhang, why do you investigate his information?" Han Kang asked suspiciously.

"He's really good at chess. I'm afraid only the elder martial brother is qualified to compete with him. I'd like to invite the elder martial brother to fight with him. But the elder martial brother has a bad temper. I'm afraid he Feng will get into trouble if he Feng has a big deal. " Zhang Ke said.


Wen Yan, Han Kang had to nod solemnly, "OK, I'll go back and make a good investigation and try to make it clear. By the way, how is my cousin? I haven't seen him for three years. When do you want him to come to me to talk about the past? "

"The teacher started to close the door three years ago, and now he has gone out of the door, and has developed some exquisite chess tactics. Now he is ready to cultivate real top chess talents all over the country and practice his chess tactics. When the teacher is busy with these things, he should come to you in person. "

Zhang Ke said. He picked up a box from his feet and handed it to Han Kang. "In this box, the teacher asked me to bring you some pills, which are enough to make you reach the peak of dark strength. If he is expected to break through the myth in this life, he will help you find the elixir to cultivate to the peak of Huajin. "

"Dark strength peak..."

On hearing this, Han Kang's eyes flashed a touch of joy and took over the box. "My cousin is really good enough for me, but my talent is too poor to help him at all."

"If you can persuade that he Feng to take the initiative to worship the teacher's door, then your help to the teacher is not a little bit." Zhang Ke said and turned to leave, "I'll go to the elder martial brother first. You can collect the information of He Feng and send it to me as soon as possible. If I take my elder martial brother back to Jiangbin city and he refuses to be a disciple of the teacher, I think he will take him away by force. "

Watching Zhang Ke leave, Han Kang nodded solemnly, "I will try to persuade him!"


"Brother he, the old Zhang just now is so good at chess that he must have a great influence in the field of chess. If you promise him to enter the field of chess, you will earn both fame and fortune. At least you will meet more and more chess experts to compete with each other. How can you refuse so simply?"

After he Feng and Gong Wenshu leave, Gong Wenshu goes to He Feng and inquires curiously.

He Feng said with a smile: "Uncle Gong, your chess skills are not bad. Why didn't you enter the chess industry to develop?"

"Me? I'm lazy and have nothing to pursue when I'm old, so I just take go as an interest. But you are different from me. You should have momentum when you are young. " Gong Wenshu said.

"Uncle Gong, I understand what you said, but I think we should be more pragmatic. As long as we have a good time every day, why pursue those empty things?"

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "in fact, to put it bluntly, I don't have much ambition. I just want to live a simple life."

This is not a boast. Over the years, he seems to be a "butcher" in the underground world. But he is very tired. Even when he is sleeping, he is careful to watch out for everything around him, for fear that he will be killed in his sleep.

While in Jiangbin City, he felt very relaxed. He woke up every morning and could see the people he liked. All day long, he revolved around the people he liked.

This kind of life is very simple and monotonous, but it also makes him feel very happy.

Now he has only one goal, to save his parents, and then continue to live a simple and happy life.

"Well, I hope you can live the life you want."

Gong Wenshu looks at He Feng and wishes him sincerely.

But in the heart but some curiosity, because he Feng's eyes, as if to see has read the vicissitudes of life.

This young man, what has he experienced in these years?

"Wenshu, you are old and young. Are you too boring to talk about such things? Isn't this something that only people in their 70s and 80s can talk about? Young people should have vitality, vigor, dream and pursuit. Otherwise, what's the difference with salted fish? "

Just as Gong Wenshu pondered, Yu nancui's voice suddenly came.

In her voice, there was a strong sense of disdain.

He Feng's performance twice in a row has brought down the spotlight of her "son-in-law to be", which makes her quite dissatisfied. As soon as she has the opportunity, she doesn't want to let it go and immediately seizes the opportunity to suppress He Feng.

Hearing Yu nancui's words, Gong Wenshu frowned and felt that his mother-in-law had gone too far.

Even if you like Xue jingzhuo, you shouldn't belittle He Feng?

If Xue jingzhuo had the ability, he would go to grab the limelight by himself. It's not that he didn't get a chance.

For a moment, Gong Wenshu has such a trace of dissatisfaction with Xue jingzhuo, and likes he Feng even more.

He had an idea in his heart. If he Feng didn't get married, he even hoped that he Feng would become his son-in-law, much better than Xue jingzhuo.

He is a young man with excellent fishing skills and amazing chess skills. He doesn't think his opponent's future achievements will be low.

No matter in life or career!

"Mom, I don't agree with you. Who says that people who want to live a simple life have no vitality and vigor?"

However, when Gong Wei saw that Yu nancui deliberately belittled He Feng, she couldn't listen to him any more. "Life is not easy, and we are doomed to die after we are born. After decades of life, we try to make it happier. Isn't this a great pursuit and ideal? Isn't it a great achievement to live a happy life and spend it with the one you love? Do you have to put your mind on a vigorous career and finally earn countless money and get the recognition and admiration of countless people before you can be regarded as an achievement? "

He Feng surprised to see Gong Wei one eye, did not expect that the woman will for him, and quarrel with her mother.

But what Gong Wei said shocked him even more, because he understood the real purpose of Gong Wei's words.

He Feng was not the only one who was shocked. Wang Xiangyun was also complicated.

Gong Wei seems to be deliberately refuting her mother. In fact

This should be for yourself, right?


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