"Vivi, what are you talking about? Why are you talking to your mother about philosophy? Your mother is just casually talking about her outlook on life to Mr. He Feng. It doesn't matter whether he listens or not. "

Gong Wenshu didn't want others to see his family's jokes, so he quickly began to persuade.

"Well, I know. I'll just say it casually. It's not to quarrel with my mother. How dare I quarrel with her? I'm still counting on her to make me delicious food." Gong Wei smiles. Anyway, her goal has been achieved, and her mother can't really be angry with her.

"You are a scholarly family. You have all kinds of principles. But let's not talk about it now. There's a western restaurant in front of us. Let's go and have a seat. " Yang said, pointing to a western restaurant in front of him.

"Western restaurant?"

Hearing this, Gong Wenshu and others walked forward one after another.

Near here, there are three or four snack bars. Now it's the weekend, and it's near the meal point. Almost all the snack bars are full of people, and two even have to queue up.

But this western restaurant is totally different. Not only don't wait in line, but there are few people in it.

What's more, those who enter the western restaurant are all dressed in luxurious clothes and have extraordinary temperament. At first glance, they are not ordinary people.

"Why are there so few people in this restaurant?" Yang Mi Tao asked in surprise. She had never been to Xibin park before, so she was very confused.

Gong Wenshu said with a smile: "Weiwei took us to eat once before, because the food in this restaurant is too expensive. For any drink, it costs two or three hundred yuan. For cakes, it costs two or three hundred yuan. Ordinary people can't afford it."

"So expensive?"

Yang Mi Tao opened her mouth, and her steps all stopped subconsciously.

Doesn't it mean that if you order a drink and a cake in it, it will cost five or six hundred yuan?

Her monthly salary is only five or six thousand. Where can she afford it!


Xue jingzhuo followed her and quickly gently pulled her.

Yang Mi Tao then reflected that although she had no money, Xue jingzhuo had a lot of money. She immediately said, "although it's a little expensive, today we all come here because of jingzhuo's business. Let jingzhuo pay for it today. How about jingzhuo?"

"I'll buy it."

Before Xue jingzhuo spoke, Gong Wei said, "I'll pay for drinks and snacks this time. If we have lunch together at noon, let Mr. Xue pay for it."

"Wei Wei, you are so polite to me!" Xue jingzhuo said.

"Yes, Weiwei, since jingzhuo wants to pay the bill, let him buy it. Anyway, everyone will be very familiar in the future. There's no need to fight." Yu nancui said quickly.

Now Xue jingzhuo has a chance to perform. She doesn't want to miss it.


What else does Gong Wei want to say.

"Weiwei, it's settled. Go and see what you want to eat. The chef of this restaurant is very skilled. Let's see if there are any new products."

Yu nancui interrupts Gong Wei and takes Gong Wei to the western restaurant.

This restaurant is a two-story building, each floor is about 200 square meters in area, but the location area provided to customers is only 100 square meters.

There are not many places. Fortunately, there are not many people coming to eat.

"Welcome to..."

As soon as he Feng and others entered the restaurant, a servant from the country of France stood at the door, and he called respectfully, and he still used the language of enamel.

Most of the tables here are for four people, but they are close to each other, so he Feng and others directly put two empty tables together after they came in, so that eight of them could sit together.

"Nancui, what language did the waiter speak just now?"

After sitting down, Yang Mitao can't help looking at Yu nancui and asking.

Yu teaches English in school and knows a little about the simple languages of other countries.

Yu nancui said: "they speak the French language. This restaurant is said to have been invested by the owner of a French company. Previously, people here said that the boss is still a top chef in the world. The meals here are all made by his apprentices, which is why they are so expensive. "

"No wonder!"

Yang Mi Tao suddenly realized.

"Let's look at the list first and see what we need. After a while, the waiter will come. Let's make sure. Let me know when we're sure. I'll tell the waiter later. " Yu nancui said.

I don't know why, there is a trace of expectation in her eyes.

When Yu nancui said that, everyone began to look at the menu.

"Well, what kind of drink is this frost heart? It's too expensive, isn't it? "

At this time, carambola looked at the menu, suddenly pointed to the top of a meal said.

The name of the food is enamel, but the price is Arabic numerals, so you can see it at a glance.

Everyone looked at it, and then their faces changed.

"It's really too expensive. The price of a drink is 99 yuan!"

"I've never drunk such an expensive drink before, but I don't know what it means when the name of this drink is marked in Chinese

"Is it hard to be mixed with gold?"

Yu Nancui and others make complaints about it.

"Sister yuan, do you know what this frost heart is?" Wang Xiangyun was also curious and asked yuan Yashi.

Yuan Yashi shook his head and said, "I don't know, but if you are curious, let's order a drink later."

"That's right. We'll order a cup of frosty heart later. I'll treat you to drink it." Xue jingzhuo made a statement immediately.

If he didn't take the initiative to say such an expensive drink, he would feel embarrassed for others.

"Oh, what a good idea..." Yu nancui said.

"Auntie, what are you doing with me?" Xue jingzhuo said with a smile.

"Well, you'll have to pay today."

"As long as you can be happy, no matter how much money you spend, it's worth it."

The smile on Yu nancui's face became more intense.

"Cluck, today I can drink 99's high price drinks. I must send a circle of friends later." Yang Mi Tao's face is full of expectation.

"Indeed, I want to send a circle of friends, too."

Yu nancui then said, "but tell me what you want to eat first. I'll order from the waiter later."

Immediately, several people are determined to want to eat, are a meal plus a frost heart.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, what can I do for you?"

Soon, a beautiful young woman came over and asked in fluent French.

This is the rule in their shop. First, they communicate with customers in enamel. If customers don't understand the language, they will speak Mandarin immediately.


Yu nancui, speaking not very fluent French, pointed to various dishes on the menu and said, "we need this, this, and this..."

"Dear lady, I'm really sorry, frost heart. We only sell two copies for each table." Said the beautiful French waiter with a smile.

"What did you say?"

Yu nancui frowned. The other person spoke too fast, and there were professional words. She didn't understand them for a moment. She only understood what the other person was saying, such as "sorry", "customer", "Liangfen" and so on.

Does she mean that every customer has to buy two copies?

Isn't that a pit?


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