"Dear lady, I'm really sorry, frost heart. We only sell two copies for each table."

She continued to speak in French, but her speaking speed slowed down a lot. It can be seen that her professionalism is good.


Yu nancui still didn't understand and looked at her suspiciously.

Beauty waiter see, subconsciously frown, this is dissatisfaction with the restaurant rules, or did not understand their own meaning?

She's going to explain it in Mandarin!

At this time, Wang Xiangyun also understood the situation. Although Yu nancui knew a little bit of the language, she probably didn't learn it very well at ordinary times. In addition, there was no one to communicate with her in the language, so there were still big problems when communicating with others.

If I remember correctly, he Feng's language seems to be very good.

She is sitting beside he Feng at the moment and immediately kicks him Feng.

This guy has to force him every time before he knows how to behave?

He Feng looked at Wang Xiangyun helplessly, understood the meaning of the woman, and immediately asked the beauty waiter in enamel: "Hello, beauty, why is your" frost heart "limited to two at each table


Beauty waiter heard he Feng's voice, subconsciously surprised.

She grew up in Bali, the country of France. The language is the purest. But now she has a feeling that he Feng's language seems to be a little more standard than her.

It's not only the beautiful waitress, but Yu nancui's look at He Feng is also full of shock.

How could this man, who was regarded as a loser by her before, speak French?

And it sounds almost the same as the accent in the video. They are all very pure.

Gong Wei is also surprised to see him, did not expect that the man actually can also enamel language.

"Damn it, if I had known that he spoke so well, I would not have come to this restaurant."

Xue jingzhuo's face was full of chagrin.

He Feng did not pay attention to the expression of the crowd. Seeing the beauty waiter staring at him, he repeated, "beauty, why is frost heart limited to two copies per table?"

"Excuse me, sir!"

At the same time, she said in fluent French, "because our boss doesn't want to sell too many" frosty hearts ", so we set a limit of two copies per table. But I have a way. If you have a large number of people, you can divide it into two tables, so that everyone can enjoy the "frost heart". However, in that case, when you check out, it will be a little more troublesome, because each table needs to be settled once, and we are not allowed to pay for other tables. "

"OK, I see!"

He Feng nodded, did not expect that this restaurant has such strange rules.

"He Feng, what did he say?" It's Yu nancui who asked. Now she looks at He Feng with different eyes. In addition to shock, she appreciates him a little more.

Seeing this scene, Xue jingzhuo and Yang Mitao were not good-looking.

This is a very bad phenomenon!

He Feng said: "Auntie, she said that this" frost heart ", each table is limited to two. If we want everyone to taste the "frost heart", we have to sit separately, two people at each table. Besides, they stipulate here that we can't pay for other tables, so we have to pay separately at that time. "

"What, do you have to sit separately and pay separately? Isn't that ridiculous? " Yu nancui frowned.

Gong Wenshu and others are not happy!

"Who made the rules? It's amazing Yang asked.

"She said it was their boss!" Hefeng road.

"Who is their boss? Is he a top chef in France? " Carambola asked again.

Gong Wei thought for a while and frowned: "it seems that their boss is called Hess, but I don't remember the details."


All were speechless.

In foreign countries, the word "Si" is just like the word "Ming" in China. It's too many.

"He Feng, ask her if you can accommodate us. Don't make so much trouble." Yu nancui said.

"OK, I'll try to communicate with them."

He Feng nodded, and then communicated with the beauty of France.

Looking at He Feng's fluent language, Yu nancui's eyes brightened.

A moment later, he Feng reluctantly looks at Yu nancui and other humanitarians: "Auntie, she says that they can't change this rule. It's not only us, but also the tables beside us. Because they all want to taste the" frost heart ", they have to separate and have a table for two."

"Then what shall we do, or we shall not touch the" frost heart " Yu nancui suggested, but she felt a little sorry.

"Alas! It's better than sitting separately. " Yang Mi Tao also plans to give up tasting frost heart.

"I don't care!"

Gong Wei shrugged her shoulders. This time, she couldn't taste it. Next time, she would taste it again.

"Well, I don't think so." Wang Xiangyun and Yuan Yashi also expressed their views.

"Beauty, can you speak Mandarin?"

But at this time, Xue jingzhuo suddenly asked the beauty waiter.

"Yes, sir!"

The beautiful waiter nodded and spoke Mandarin, which was quite standard.

"Shall we have a chat?" Xue jingzhuo asked.

"All right!" The beauty waiter hesitated a little and immediately nodded.

Immediately, two people went to a corner, Xue jingzhuo said: "beauty, this frost heart, I am willing to pay double the price to buy, one for each, OK?"

The waitress frowned, shook her head and said, "I'm really sorry, sir. This rule of our restaurant can't be broken."

"Not even double the price?"

Xue jingzhuo's face was not very good-looking. "What's the matter with your shop? It's too wonderful, isn't it? Don't you earn money? How can your shop last so long? Hum, do you want to start from the ground and let me pay more? Well, you can tell me, how much will it cost to promise everyone a share? "

Smell speech, the facial expression of beautiful woman attendant is more ugly, "Sir, this one rule, I really cannot change! Besides, our boss is here today. If the boss sees us, we will be fired. "

"Here comes the boss? That's better. You can ask your boss directly. I'll pay three times the price for frost heart, as long as we all sit at the same table. Triple the price, isn't it? " Xue jingzhuo's tone was haughty.

Three times the price, that's 3000 yuan for a drink.

It's absolutely sky high!

There are eight of them, and a meal will cost 24000 yuan. If they are put in the countryside, it will be almost the income of a family in a year.

As long as the other party agrees, Xue jingzhuo is also in the limelight today. In order to let everyone sit together and taste the frost heart, he has spent a lot of money. I believe he will win Yu nancui's favor.

He heard his aunt Yang Mi Tao say that Yu nancui is a woman who loves vanity.

"Are you sure you want me to apply to the boss, sir?"

The beauty waiter was extremely dissatisfied and even disgusted with Xue jingzhuo, but she didn't show it. Instead, she asked with a smile.

Because she is very clear, once this matter into the boss's ears, will cause what kind of consequences.

I'm afraid they will be kicked out by the boss?!

"Of course, you should apply quickly and tell your boss that I'll pay three times the price for eight cups of frost heart."

Xue jingzhuo seems to have been waiting for some impatience, urged: "hurry up, don't let us wait too long."

"OK, just a moment!"

With that, she turned and walked upstairs.


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