As the waitress left, Xue jingzhuo returned to his position, looked at Yu nancui and Gong Wei, and said, "Auntie, Wei Wei, you wait a little longer, and immediately eight cups of frost will come up."

"Really? Jingzhuo, how did you do it? " Yang asked in shock.

"Yes, he Feng has just communicated with her for so long, but he has not been able to persuade her. You just let her agree after such a short time?" Yu nancui asked curiously.

At this moment, everyone looks at Xue jingzhuo!

"Auntie, in fact, the way is very simple and a little vulgar. I just took the money to persuade her. Sometimes, money is very vulgar, but it's very practical. Isn't it called "money makes the devil push the mill"? If they don't sell them in 1999, I'll tell them that I'll give them three thousand one and buy them eight. This is not, she immediately said to apply to the boss, I guess there is no problem

Xue jingzhuo said modestly, but his eyes were full of pride, as if he wanted everyone to know that he was rich.

"So it is! The French restaurant is so realistic. It's willing to do this business with more money. " Yu nancui suddenly, with a touch of contempt in her eyes.

"Jing Zhuo is smart. He knows that it's unreasonable to reason with them, so he just throws money at them. This move is domineering and grand enough. Tut Tut, 3000 yuan a cup of frosty heart. I'm sure I'll have to take a good picture and send it to my friends in a moment. " Yang said expectantly.

When she spoke, she also glanced at He Feng with a look of satisfaction in her eyes.

"Mr. Xue, the waiter, did you agree to apply to their boss?"

Gong Wei frowned and asked, with a trace of worry on her face.

Although she didn't know much about the shop, she went to hear Wang Xiangyun talk about the style and habits of the top people in the country.

They like romance and luxury, but they don't care about money. On the contrary, they care more about reputation and other people's recognition.

Now, this French restaurant has made this rule, but Xue jingzhuo wants to break it with money. This is not to recognize others, but to say that your rule is a fart. I can make you break it with money.

It's an insult!

Therefore, Gong Wei is really curious, the other party will really agree to Xue jingzhuo, to apply to the boss, this is obviously contrary to their style!

"Of course, vivi, just wait for a moment to taste the frost heart!" Xue jingzhuo patted his chest and said.

Hearing this, Gong Wei said nothing more.

I hope what Xue jingzhuo said is true.

However, if so, it seems that there is no need to come back to this restaurant in the future.

Wang Xiangyun suddenly came to He Feng's ear and said in a low voice, "if I'm kicked out, I'll go back to work immediately."


He Feng mouth corner smoked to smoke, way: "if it dares to blow us, I give their shop to tear down."


Wang Xiangyun was amused by He Feng, but he didn't have a good way: "you are too overbearing. What if you scare Weiwei's parents?"

"You seem to have a point!" He Feng nodded, "then... I'll take a few hundred million dollars and buy their restaurant. I'll be the boss myself, and then change the rules of the restaurant. Is that the end of the story?"

"Hundreds of millions..."

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes, "you can try it, but the boss has a personality. Maybe he won't sell the restaurant to you for several hundred million."

He Feng said without hesitation: "if a few hundred million can't do it, it will be more than ten billion. If a few hundred million can't do it, it will be several billion. I don't believe it. No matter how he has personality, he can't get along with money. "

Wang Xiangyun could not help but stay, "tens of billions? Are you willing? "

"I'm kidding. If he really wants to drive my daughter-in-law out, I'll buy them this restaurant with billions. He really doesn't want to sell it, so I'll find a way to contract the park and then drive him out. " He Feng said.

Wen Yan, Wang Xiangyun said nothing more.

But on the corner of her mouth, she didn't feel a touch of light radian.


At the same time, on the second floor of the restaurant.

The beautiful French waiter ran up to the second floor and went straight to the kitchen.

"Dong Dong..."

The waiter knocked on the door.

A moment later, an enamel in chef's clothes came out and said, "what's the matter?"

"Downstairs, there is a Chinese looking for trouble. A group of them come here and want everyone to try" frost heart "and ask everyone to sit at the same table. I said that the restaurant rules do not allow them to have a table for two, but he said three times the price and asked me to apply to the boss. Moreover, his attitude is very arrogant, forcing me to apply to the boss, as if he has money, we have to agree to him. I want to report this to my boss and see how he wants to solve it. "

In fact, the French waiter has a purpose. He just wants to pay close attention to his boss.

Their boss is not only rich, but also handsome. His cooking skills are among the best in the whole country. He was going to return to the country recently, but he didn't know why he would stay in China. Recently, he often came to their restaurant to serve as a chef, and even developed a new product, frost heart.

This new product, they have tasted, it is a thorough heart of the cold, but when the drink into the stomach, and let people feel warm.

It's a wonderful feeling, and it's memorable.

Such a top kitchen god naturally wants to have a close look.

"Well, come with me."

The cook looked at the waiter, hesitated a little, and finally agreed.

Immediately, they walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, a piece of fragrance, all kinds of fragrance into the nostrils, make the waiter's throat rolling up and down, with the sound of swallowing.

Aware of his gaffe, the waiter quickly coughed to hide his embarrassment.

There are very few chefs in the kitchen, only four people. Everyone is busy in an orderly way, and they look very serious, as if it is sacred for them to do these meals.

The chef and the waiter went straight to a middle-aged chef from France, who was different from other chefs. Instead of being busy, he was playing with his mobile phone and reading novels.

"Tut Tut, the culture of China is really profound. I didn't expect that even the delicious food could be written into a novel, and it was so wonderful. I have read many famous books and even wrote an autobiography before, but why didn't I think of writing this kind of food novel? If I did, I would have to put it in Hollywood to make a century blockbuster. However, there is also a chance to write now. I will study it carefully and have a look at the routines of China's online novels. Now, only by using the routines of online novels can I occupy a certain market. "

The middle-aged man was amazed, and at the same time, he had the idea of writing a playbook.

If he Feng was here, he would recognize the middle-aged man.

He's Blaise, the boss of pust restaurant in Yinlong shopping mall!

"Hello, Mr. Bryce. A waiter said he had something to tell you. Someone is making trouble downstairs."

The cook stepped forward and said respectfully.


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