"Trouble? What's the situation? "

Bryce put away his cell phone, looked at the beauty and asked.

When the waiter saw Bryce's handsome face and bright eyes, his heart jumped up, but he said quickly: "Mr. Bryce, it's like this..."

She told what had just happened downstairs, "Dear Mr. Bryce, that man is so unqualified that he thinks that if he has money, he can do whatever he wants and doesn't obey the rules. I think the quality of his companions is almost the same as that of him. Let's drive them out and never accept them into our restaurant again. "

"Well, I have been in China for a period of time. Some people in China are really poor in quality. However, it is also limited to a small number of people, especially the upstarts with small assets. In fact, not only China, but also our country. "

Bryce nodded faintly, looked at the cook and said, "open the video downstairs and show me. I'll see which table it is. I'll listen to their conversation in a moment and decide whether to drive them out."

"All right!"

The chef quickly brought a tablet and soon opened a screen. The content on it was exactly the picture on the first floor of the restaurant.

"Mr. Bryce, this is the table."

The beauty waiter pointed to one of the tables and said.

The cook quickly enlarged the picture of that table.

"Well? This is Lord Longdi and his wife? "

When Bryce saw two of them on the table, he was still careless, sitting on the chair like an old man, and seemed to be equipped with springs. He suddenly bounced up, stood upright, grabbed the tablet and stared at it with wide eyes.

"Mr. Bryce?" The cook and the beauty waiter looked at him in disbelief.

"It's really Lord Longdi and his wife. I didn't expect that they would come to my restaurant again. It's, it's a great honor for me. "

Bryce looked a little excited, quickly grabbed the beauty waiter and asked, "what did they just order?"


The waiter was a little puzzled, but still respectfully replied: "the man ordered eight glasses of" frost heart "to me, and the lady ordered some other dishes."

"Tell me all the dishes." Bryce road.


The waiter reported all kinds of dishes Yu nancui ordered.

When she finished the last name of the meal, Bryce said, "OK, let's put down our work for a while and prepare the food they ordered. I'll make it for them myself."

"Mr. Bryce, you said you would make the food for them yourself? But... They want to eat at the same table. If other customers see this, they will be dissatisfied, right? What's more, Mr. Bryce, you made the rule of limiting the purchase of two "frosty hearts" at a table? " The waiter became more and more confused.

"You don't need to think about these problems. What you have to do now is to go downstairs and treat these people well without slighting them. Any request they make must be granted. "

Bryce urged, "now, get there now!"

The waiter didn't understand Bryce's meaning, but Bryce's attitude was clear. She felt that if she said any nonsense at this time, she estimated that the end would not be very good.


The waiter nodded, quickly turned away and ran downstairs.

"You, tell the others quickly, and get all the ingredients ready immediately. I'll wash my hands now, and then I'll come to make them immediately." Bryce said a word to the cook and walked quickly to the sink.

"My God, Mr. Bryce is so excited that he even has to cook ordinary meals himself. Is there any big man in the table just now? " The cook was shocked.


At the same time, the beautiful French waiter who was in charge of ordering had already come to He Feng's table.

"Please wait a moment, sir. Your order has been placed now. Our boss is making it for you."

The waiter said to Xue jingzhuo.

What's more, the language she used this time is no longer in enamel, but in Putonghua, which is for the sake of respecting each other.

"Really? Sure enough, it seems that my method is quite effective. " Xue jingzhuo said pleasantly.

Before the waiter said this, he was still a little nervous. He was afraid that the other party would not give face, so he had no choice.

Fortunately, the people of France love money as well, and they don't want to lose money.

"Tut Tut, jingzhuo, you are still very good. I admire you, young lady. Young people are really different." Yang Mi Tao gives Xue jingzhuo a thumbs up.

"I've gained a lot of insight today. It seems that it's useless to reason a lot. Sometimes it's much easier and more effective to spend money than to reason." Yu nancui is surprised.

At this moment, she looked at Xue jingzhuo's eyes and was very satisfied.

Money is different. Xue jingzhuo is young and capable. He will certainly have more money in the future.

If Xue jingzhuo could become her son-in-law, how proud she would be.

Gong Wei frowned and looked at Wang Xiangyun suspiciously, as if to ask her what was going on. Didn't she say that the upper class of the country didn't care how much money they made?

Wang Xiangyun shrugged and said he didn't know.

This is really out of her expectation. She thought that the other party would come directly to drive them away. Unexpectedly, she placed an order. Is the owner of this restaurant just a greedy layman?

"Just place the order, then we can sit together and taste the frost heart." Yuan Yashi said.

Yang Mitao nodded, took out her mobile phone and said, "well, I'll send a circle of friends in a moment. Jingzhuo bought it for 3000 yuan a cup."

When the waiter heard the conversation, he frowned a little. He was very contemptuous. Are these people saying that their boss only agreed to place an order for them for money?

However, the boss is not such a person.

And listen to colleagues say, the boss is not short of money!

Then why did the boss promise to place an order for them and also act as the chef himself to make meals for them?

The waiter was very puzzled and upset, but at this time, she could only bear to avoid causing the other party's displeasure.

About 15 minutes later, the food he Feng ordered finally came up one after another.

The man who brought the plate was a middle-aged man from France. Judging from the work card on his chest, he turned out to be the manager of this western restaurant.

The store manager said respectfully, "distinguished guests, you can enjoy these meals first. Our boss is making the" frost heart "himself and will serve it right away."

"Well, we're not in a hurry. Let your boss do it slowly, and make sure that the taste is the best. If it tastes good, I'll always bring my friends here. " Xue jingzhuo waved and said, "I look like God.".

I'm kidding. I'll give you 3000 yuan for a drink. What's not God?

"All right!"

The manager nodded and turned back to the second floor.

About ten minutes later, eight drinks were served.

This time, the man who brought the drink was not the previous manager, but a middle-aged man with noble temperament and distinguished clothes.

"Why, Bryce?"

He Feng saw the middle-aged man who came down from the second floor at a glance. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then suddenly.

Not only he Feng, Wang Xiangyun also saw it, and immediately a smile appeared on his face.

They had some doubts about why the restaurant agreed to place an order and didn't drive them away, and the boss was the chef himself.

Now, they finally understand!


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