"Dear customers, thank you for coming to our restaurant. These eight" frosty hearts "are made by me. Please enjoy them."

Bryce came to the crowd and put the eight drinks on the plate one by one.

When he put down his last drink, he bent slightly and said in Mandarin, with a rather humble and polite attitude.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that he Feng is sitting in the same direction as he Feng.

"Thank you, boss!" Gong Wei nodded.

"Boss, the price of your frosty heart is a little high. Three thousand yuan for a cup, can you give us a little cheaper?" Gong Wenshu seriously said that he was conservative. Although Xue jingzhuo said he would treat, he still hoped to be cheaper.

"Uncle Gong, the price is not the main problem, as long as it is worth the money."

As soon as the sound of Gong Wen's words fell, Xue jingzhuo immediately opened his mouth and said, "if this frost heart is really so delicious, I will bring you to drink it often in the future."

At this time, a customer in the side position saw the situation here and immediately stood up. He was very dissatisfied with Bryce and said, "you're the boss, aren't you? Why do eight of them sit together, so that everyone can enjoy a cup of frosty heart, while we have to divide the table into two, so that everyone can taste the drink? Don't you mean you can't break the rules here? "

Hearing the voice of the customer, before Bryce spoke, Xue jingzhuo said to him, "brother, you don't know what's going on, do you? The reason why we can sit together and taste the frost heart is that I paid 3000 yuan for a cup. If you're willing to offer this price, I'm sure the boss will agree that you can enjoy it together, just like us. "

"Three thousand one?"

The customer frowned when he heard the words.

Although they are willing to spend money to taste the frosty heart, they are only limited to 999. If it is tripled to three thousand one cups, they are still reluctant to part with it.

"Mister, you are mistaken!"

Bryce suddenly looked at Xue jingzhuo and said, "all the dishes you ordered in this restaurant today are free of charge. It doesn't cost a cent."

"Is everything free?" Xue jingzhuo looks at Bryce in surprise.

"What's the situation?" Yu nancui and others were also shocked.

In addition to He Feng and Wang Xiangyun, the other six people on the table are all unknown at this moment.

"It's a great honor for Mr. He Feng and his wife to bring their friends to our restaurant. I'm too excited to accept the money."

Bryce has just been paying close attention to He Feng's expression. Seeing that he Feng didn't mean to stop him, he went to He Feng and bowed deeply to He Feng and Wang Xiangyun with an excited face: "Mr. and Mrs. He Feng, welcome to us!"

"What? The restaurant owner actually bowed to He Feng and Wang Xiangyun? "

"Well, what's going on? Does he allow us all to sit together and taste the frost heart, not because of Xue jingzhuo, but because of He Feng? "

"No, it shouldn't be because of He Feng. He Feng doesn't have a big start. It must be because of Wang Xiangyun. Wang Xiangyun is the chairman of Yuncheng group, so he is a big man. He Feng is in the light of Wang Xiangyun."

Seeing this scene, Yu nancui, carambola and others were shocked.

But in their view, this scene is definitely not caused by He Feng, but by Wang Xiangyun.

Because Wang Xiangyun is the chairman of Yuncheng group!

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi look at He Feng's eyes, but they are confused.

But Xue jingzhuo's face was very ugly at this moment.

"Bryce, we are old friends. Why are we so polite?"

Under the gaze of the crowd, he Feng helped Bryce up, and then asked, "do you own this restaurant?"

Bryce was a little frightened by He Feng. He didn't dare to be his friend. How could he have such qualifications.

He nodded respectfully and said, "yes, this is a western restaurant that I invest at will. I only come here once in a while. Recently, under the guidance of Mr. He Feng, I successfully made soul chicken soup and developed a new type of food with sudden inspiration. I named it frost heart. I also asked Mr. He Feng to help me taste it and see if there are any shortcomings."

"Frost heart? Hehe, it's a good name. I'll try it. "

He Feng picked up the frost heart on the table and took a sip at will.

Although he drank casually, Bryce was a little nervous standing beside him. After all, this was the moment when his achievements were tested.

Fortunately, a moment later, he Feng gave him a thumbs up, "Bryce, you've made great progress. I didn't expect to develop this kind of delicious food."

Hearing the words, Bryce looked happy and said excitedly: "really? Mr. He Feng, can you give me a detailed evaluation? "

He Feng said: "OK, you drink, I didn't feel cold when I held the cup. This should be because the cup is specially made. When I drink water into my mouth, I feel that what I drink is frost. It's very cold, but at the same time, it emits all kinds of fragrance, which seems to blend with countless kinds of natural flower fragrance. After swallowing it into the stomach, the cold turns into warmth, which makes people feel satisfied from the heart. This is no longer an ordinary food, it seems to cure people's mind, let people feel that everything is so beautiful. The whole world, it seems, is embracing him. "

"Mr. He Feng's cooking skill is really much higher than mine. If you take a sip, you can feel the real artistic conception of my frosty heart. I'm convinced!"

Bryce looked at He Feng with adoration in his eyes.

"In addition, if two people sit together to enjoy the frost heart, it will make the drinker feel as if his feelings with the people around him have been sublimated." He Feng continued: "that's why you make the rule that at most two people can sit together and enjoy the frost heart, right?"

"What Mr. He Feng said is very true. I admire him!" Bryce nodded heavily.

Yu nancui and others smell speech, are surprised to see he Feng, he Feng will cook?

What's more, Mr. Bryce said that he Feng's cooking skill is much better than him?

Is he a good cook?

Even, why can only two people sit together to enjoy the rule of frost heart, he just drink a frost heart to explain.

"By the way, isn't it possible to access the Internet now? I can check Bryce's information on the Internet. If he is really a good cook, he should be able to check his information on the Internet, right

Yu nancui had an idea in her head, then picked up her mobile phone and began to search.

Yang Mi Tao saw this and immediately put her head together to look like a child.

Gong Wei is also curious to look at the side.

Soon, Yu Nan cuicha saw a page with a photo of Bryce, an introduction to her identity, and various awards in the culinary field.

Looking at all kinds of information above, Yu nancui's mouth gradually widened, almost able to insert a big egg.


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