"The top chef of the country has won the championship of two World Kitchen God competitions and is known as the first chef of the country. Every new year's day, he is the number one chef of the Royal chef group of the kingdom of France. At the same time, he is also a famous investor in the catering industry, and the largest shareholder of the world famous western restaurant pust restaurant. And this restaurant has a market value of more than 20 billion meters. "

Yu nancui swallowed heavily, and then looked up at Blaise, who was talking and laughing with He Feng, but looked respectful. She felt that she was in a dream.

"Aunt Yu, just now Bryce invited us to have dinner at the post restaurant. He is our chef himself. Do you have time?"

At this time, he Feng suddenly turns his head and asks Yu nancui.

"Post restaurant..."

Occasionally Gong Wei will take Yu nancui to Yinlong shopping mall to buy some luxury goods, so they know what kind of restaurant puster restaurant is.

It is said that a meal there can cost tens of thousands, even tens of millions.

Although Gong Wei's income is good, she also mentioned taking Yu nancui there to eat and squander, but Yu nancui didn't dare to go.

But now

Because he Feng, the biggest shareholder of post restaurant, invited them personally and cooked for them.

What kind of treatment is this?

I'm afraid even if the mayor of Jiangbin goes, people may not cook in person, right?

"Mom, he Feng asked you, you should have nothing to do at night?"

Gong Wei is very quick reaction come over, not from pull Yu nancui for a while, remind a way.

"I, I'm fine!" Yu nancui responded.

"Bryce, I'll see you at the post restaurant that night. Go ahead and do your work. Let's sit here for a while. We'll leave soon

He Feng turned to look at Bryce and said.

"Well, please let me know if you need anything."

Bryce nodded respectfully to the forehead and then looked at Yu nancui and other humanitarians: "everyone, take your time!"

With these words, he just turned away and went back to the second floor, leaving the former store manager to wait on him.

"He Feng, what's the matter? Why is Mr. Bryce so polite to you? "

As soon as Bryce left, Gong Wei asked directly. She was really curious.

Yu nancui and others listen to Gong Wei ask this question, are staring at He Feng.

Especially Xue jingzhuo, his face is black now.

He thought he was in the limelight, but now he only felt the burning pain in his cheek, but he was also shocked. How could Mr. Bryce, such a big man, be so polite to He Feng?

At first he suspected it was because of Wang Xiangyun, but just now he saw it clearly and had nothing to do with Wang Xiangyun.

Is He Feng a big shot?

"Wei Wei, in fact, Mr. Bryce is polite to me because my cooking skills are better than him. He adores me. Otherwise, he may not even look at me."

He Feng randomly pulled out a reason.

This is not a lie. The reason why Bryce really respects him is not only because of his terrible strength, but also because of his cooking skills.

That's far better than the cooking skill of the World Kitchen God!

"I see!"

Gong Wei suddenly realized that, and then her heart was full of pride.

She has personally tasted the craftsmanship of He Feng. Even if she just does it at will, and the food materials are limited and the kitchenware is general, the taste is far better than that of a five-star hotel.

This kind of cooking is at least the best in the world.

"I didn't expect that Mr. He Feng's cooking skill is so powerful. It's really amazing."

Gong Wenshu thumbs up to He Feng, "next time I'm free, I'll try your craft and ask you for advice."

At home, although Gong Wenshu doesn't do much housework, he is responsible for cooking.

It's not because Yu nancui doesn't do it, but Gong Wenshu likes delicious food.

At this moment, he looked at He Feng's eyes, is more and more bright, more and more satisfied with He Feng.

He Feng is the best in fishing, chess and food he likes. How can he not like it?


He Feng is married!

Even Yu nancui, looking at He Feng's eyes are a little different.

This young man seems totally different from what he thought at the beginning.

"OK, I'll make it for uncle Gong when I have time next time." He Feng readily agreed, and then pointed to the frost on the table and said: "Uncle Gong, in fact, Bryce's craftsmanship is quite good. Try this drink, it's really worth 99 yuan."

"Yes, I'll try it."

Gong Wenshu and others immediately picked up the cup and tasted it.

After drinking, it's a compliment.

But Xue jingzhuo is not the same. It seems to be a good food that can cure the soul, but it makes him taste the same.

"Jingzhuo, cheer up. Don't give up so easily. You still have a chance." Aware of this, Yang Mi Tao secretly kicked him and whispered in his ear.

"Auntie, do I still have a chance?"

But Xue jingzhuo had a bitter smile.

Yang Mi Tao may not know the relationship between He Feng and Gong Wei, but he knows very well that two people who have ten contacts are real lovers.

Now, with the performance of He Feng several times, Gong Wenshu and his wife look at He Feng's eyes, has been completely different.

On the contrary, it was Xue jingzhuo who lost face again and again.

"Why not? Don't forget, you are Xue jingzhuo. You are a Ph.D. graduate of Harvard University. You are a very powerful hacker. Your family has more than one billion assets. In recent years, you have made hundreds of millions through entrepreneurship. You are the best by all that. "

Yang Mi Tao seemed to have something wrong, and suddenly said, "there is a restaurant called Yating hotel. After lunch, you will take us there."

"Yating? The hotel that can only use cash but not credit card? "

Hearing the name of the hotel, Xue jingzhuo couldn't help but brighten his eyes. "I understand, auntie. I will show myself well at noon today."

"Well, I'll introduce a big man in the middle of the way. He's a vice mayor in charge of our Ministry of education, and he'll go to Yating for lunch. He has a good relationship with your uncle. I'll let him come to our table for a while later. When you take the opportunity, I'll help you Said the carambola.

"OK, thank you, auntie. I know how to do it." Xue jingzhuo nodded heavily, and the fire was rekindled in his eyes.

He stares at He Feng and pinches his fist secretly.

He Feng, I will not lose to you.

About ten minutes later, the food and drink on everyone's table were almost gone. Carambola immediately said, "nancui, these food items are too small to eat. Let's go out and find a restaurant to eat?"

"Well, I had breakfast early in the morning, and then I waited for Vivian in the park for a long time, or I just had something to eat, and now my stomach is going to cry. Now that it's time for dinner, let's have dinner first. "

Yu nancui nodded, immediately looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked, "Miss Wang, what do you think of Mr. He Feng?"

Now, her attitude to He Feng is much better, and she pays more attention to his opinions.

"Auntie Yu, the main purpose for He Feng and I to come here today is to visit you and uncle Gong. What do you say? Let's just do it." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile.

"Well, let's go straight to dinner. Otherwise, if I starve you, I'm afraid he Feng will blame me in his heart. " Yu nancui made a big joke.

He Feng said with a smile: "aunt Yu, look what you said. If you are not a teacher but a student in school, you must be the flower of your school."

"Cluck, young people's mouths are sweet now."

Yu nancui is beamed by He Feng.

Seeing this, Xue jingzhuo's face became more and more ugly, but he couldn't tell him to make such a joke.

So he could only stand up and take the lead to walk outside the restaurant.

After saying goodbye to the store manager, he Feng and others also left the western restaurant.


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