Outside the restaurant, Gong Wenshu asked, "there are two good restaurants near the park. Let's go and have a look."

Yang Mi Tao said immediately: "that's OK. This is a park with a lot of people. There must be no place at this point. Besides, just now jingzhuo told me that he didn't invite any guests in the restaurant. He must treat us to a good meal at noon. In this case, we might as well have a good meal today. "

Gong Wen wrote: "jingzhuo, you are too polite."

"The first time I came out with my uncle, aunt and Weiwei, I had to treat you to dinner, didn't I? Otherwise, it would be a bit of a shame. "

Xue jingzhuo said, looking at Gong Wei and saying, "Wei Wei, are you driving here?"

Gong Wei nodded faintly, "well, the car is parked in the parking lot opposite the park gate."

"It happens that my car is also parked there. Let's just walk over. By the way, I have to withdraw some cash from a bank near the parking lot. I don't know if there is anyone in the bank at noon." Xue jingzhuo said.

"Because this bank is close to Xibin Park and has a large flow of people, there are people at the counter at noon." Gong Wenshu was obviously familiar with this side.

"Let's go first."

Immediately, the group walked towards the gate of the park.

Five minutes later, they came out of the park.

"Tut Tut, there are a lot of people coming to the park. There is such a heavy traffic jam outside."

As soon as they walked out of the park, they saw that there was a long traffic jam on the main road outside. They didn't know where the traffic jam was. The drivers in the car kept honking their horns, making a terrible noise.

"Fortunately, we just ate something and filled our stomachs. Otherwise, we'll get stuck in the car and be hungry." Yu nancui said.

He Feng sweeps both sides of his eyes and frowns. He remembers that when he came over earlier, there seems to be no road construction nearby. Is there a traffic accident?

But now this kind of scene, it seems not like a car accident.

"Oh, hurry to blow the air conditioner in the bank. The sun is too big." Yang Mi Tao urged.

"Come on, the bank is right ahead."

Gong Wenshu also can't stand the sun, quickly toward the front, he Feng and others quickly follow.

Soon, they came to a "riverside bank" outside the park.

At noon, there were not many people who came here to handle business. There were only two or three people. There were also two people sitting in chairs, playing with their mobile phones, like waiting for people.

After Xue jingzhuo took the number, he didn't even need to line up, so he went directly to the counter.

And he Feng and others are casually looking for a seat to wait.

"He Feng, Xue jingzhuo is just going to have a meal. Why do you want to get cash? Is it going to be a bit of a problem? " Wang Xiangyun sits beside he Feng and asks casually. She thinks that Xue jingzhuo's doing this will delay everyone's time.

He Feng shrugged, "who knows, maybe people don't like to pay by mobile phone, so they just take some cash."

Although their voices were not loud, they seemed to know what they were talking about in the nearby carambola. When they said, "Miss Wang, Mr. He, are you wondering why jingzhuo would withdraw money at this time?"

Wang Xiangyun and he Feng haven't answered yet. Yu nancui asks curiously, "honey peach, what's the matter with jingzhuo taking cash at this time?"

"It's going to be a meal soon. What else can I do? He withdraws money to pay for the meal later."

Yang Mi Tao said with a smile: "I'm really in your light today. For a while, jingzhuo is going to invite us to a very high-end and elegant restaurant for dinner. The name of this hotel is Yating. Have you heard of it? "

"Yating? I'm going to eat there. No wonder! "

Wang Xiangyun heard the speech, just suddenly, nodded: "I have been to the atrium once before, there is such a rule, every time you pay, you have to use cash."

Yang Mitao looks at Wang Xiangyun in surprise. She never thinks that Wang Xiangyun has been to Yating, but she also thinks that Wang Xiangyun is the chairman of Yuncheng group, worth billions, and a real rich man in Jiangbin city. It's normal to go to Yating for a meal.


In addition to going to Yating for dinner this time, she will invite a vice mayor to add luster to Xue jingzhuo, who will still have a great face.

"Now there are more and more rules in the hotel. If there are more than two people in the western restaurant they just ate, they can't enjoy frosty heart at the same table. Now what kind of atrium hotel can only pay in cash. Is the Atrium Hotel delicious?" Gong Wenshu looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked, after all, Wang Xiangyun has been to the atrium hotel.

Wang Xiangyun nodded and said, "Uncle Gong, Yating hotel is a Chinese restaurant with many cuisines, each of which has a top chef as the chef. The taste is absolutely authentic and first-class. However, their consumption is very high. The minimum consumption is 3000 yuan. "

If it is in peacetime, Gong Wenshu will feel that the consumption is too high.

But just after drinking a 999 drink, he was still able to accept the minimum consumption.

"It's true that the minimum consumption is 3000 yuan, but it certainly won't cost only 3000 yuan to look at jingzhuo."

At this time, Yang said suddenly.

Yu nancui stares at the front and asks in surprise: "eh, where is jingzhuo? Wasn't it at the counter just now? Why is there no shadow now? "

Gong Wenshu and others look at it, but they really don't see Xue jingzhuo.

He Feng naturally is aware of, but he is too lazy to say.

Sure enough, Yang said immediately: "Jing Zhuo has just been taken into the VIP room by a director. It should be that his withdrawal amount is not small. It seems that jingzhuo is going to invite us to a real feast. "

"This, this is too expensive..." Gong Wenshu frowned.

Now the relationship between Gong Wei and Xue jingzhuo is still uncertain. He is from the bottom of his heart and doesn't want Xue jingzhuo to spend too much money.

"It's OK. Jingzhuo is happy when he spends money. Besides, he's not short of money. Don't save money for him, or he'll lose face. " Yang Mi Tao smiles with indifference.

When Yu nancui heard this, her eyes began to light up.

Xue jingzhuo is not only rich, but also willing to spend money for their family, which really makes her happy from the bottom of her heart.

Now she began to hope that Gong Wei would agree to Xue jingzhuo and become Xue jingzhuo's girlfriend.


At this time, four men came in one after another outside the bank gate. The last one closed the glass door heavily.

"Everyone, get down, rob!"

A calendar drink, suddenly in He Feng and others next to ring.

The two men, who were sitting on the side playing with their mobile phones and seemed to be waiting for someone, had already stood up at this time, with a pistol in each hand, pointing to He Feng and others.

The murderous look on their faces made Gong Wenshu, Yu nancui and Yang Mitao, the three literati, pale at once.


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