"This... This daytime robbery?"

Gong Wenshu and others looked at the robbers with guns in their hands and their whole heads wrapped in black stockings. Their faces changed greatly.

They are all teachers. How could they have seen such a battle?

Gong Wei, Yuan Yashi and Wang Xiangyun are better. During this time, they have seen many dangerous scenes with He Feng.

Especially when Yuan Yashi was in Yuanjia village, she saw he Feng slaughtering thousands of people. It was a bloody night.

The scene at this time, by contrast, is a pediatrician.

As a result, none of them was nervous at all.

Especially when Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei have gathered their inner strength

"Daughter in law, although you two have gathered strength, don't act rashly at this time. They all have guns in their hands. Just protect yourself."

He Feng see Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei two girls incredibly stupid want to try, it seems to want to put down these robbers, quickly out of the voice told up.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Wang Xiangyun had to give up.

"Be careful, too!" Gong Wei reminds a way.

"Well, don't worry!"

He Feng nodded.

It's just a few robbers. He can solve them at will before he can rest assured.

However, these robbers are very clever. They know that they will create traffic jams on the mainland first, so that even if they call the police, they will not be able to catch up in a short time. Even when the gunshot goes off, it will cause panic among the crowd and create chaos to escape.

Outside the bank, they lost the smoke bomb, which was enough for them to finish the work before the smoke bomb dispersed.

"What do you want? Put the gun down

Suddenly, two security guards rushed out.

And the two security guards were still wearing bulletproof vests, with a xiatan gun in their hands.

Looking at these two people, he Feng's eyes move.

In general, the security guards of banks are not equipped with guns, but in a few banks with coffers, they are equipped with guns.

Now he finally understood why the other party had sent out such a big battle to rob this riverside bank.

Not only because there is a lot of cash, but also because there is a vault

"Bang! Bang

When he Feng's thoughts are surging, the sound of two shots suddenly rings. The two security guards who have just picked up xiatan's gun are shot in the arm. Xiatan's gun falls to the ground. They lie on the ground in panic and beg for mercy.

Security, after all, just security!

See, he Feng pupil a shrink.

These robbers are not ordinary people, they have accurate shooting skills, and their movements are a bit like those in the army.

They're probably special forces!

Fortunately, these people seem to have a little conscience, not to kill the heart.

Otherwise, he Feng would have helped directly just now.

"What happened?"

At this time, the door of the VIP room with good sound insulation was opened, and a middle-aged man and Xue jingzhuo came out.

In Xue jingzhuo's hand, he held a box containing a million dollars in cash.

This time, Xue jingzhuo is ready to perform hard. A meal will cost one million yuan.

"Bank robbery?"

Xue jingzhuo can see the situation in front of him at a glance. He glances around and finds that a few people who do business have already put their heads down. Only Gong Wei and others are still sitting on the chair, while he Feng is sitting next to them.

"He Feng is obviously an ancient warrior. When he meets the robbers, he dare not fight. He is as timid as a mouse. At this time, once I take a few robbers, my image in Gong Wei's parents must be completely different. " Xue jingzhuo thought to himself.

"You two, put your hands on your heads. And you, what's in the box? "

Two robbers quickly walked up to Xue jingzhuo and one of them pointed a gun at Xue jingzhuo's road.

"I... I just took out cash. There's a million in it."

Xue jingzhuo pretended to be very scared and handed the box to the robber, "I'll give you all the money. Don't kill me, OK?"

"A million? Bring it to me! " As soon as the robber's eyes brightened, he immediately extended his hand to Xue jingzhuo. He was very excited.

The elder brother is smart. He knows that the bank has a lot of money. Before he even started robbing the bank, a person who withdraws money offered a million.

After taking away all the wealth of this bank, how can their brothers spend their whole lives?

They had already negotiated that they would flee China immediately after successfully robbing the bank.


Just as the robber's thoughts were flying wildly, a sudden wind burst out in front of him.

Then he saw that the guy who had just given the money to him with a look of fear, turned into a beast and attacked him.

"To die!"

The robber's face changed slightly and raised his hand subconsciously.


But the other side's speed is obviously much faster than him, the fist fiercely hit his chest, hit him upside down.

This heroic scene made the eyes of all around people bright.

Yu nancui, in particular, is even more excited. Her future son-in-law is really different.


After beating a robber, Xue jingzhuo's eyes fell on another robber. He was ready to seize the robber in the shortest time, plunder his gun, and coerce the other robbers to retreat.

He has already noticed Yu nancui's eyes. As long as he behaves well, he can certainly make Yu nancui fully support him and Gong Wei together.

"Don't move!"

However, he underestimated the reaction ability of the robbers.

At the moment when he just started, another robber responded and raised his pistol to Xue jingzhuo.

In a flash, Xue jingzhuo felt as if he had been targeted by a poisonous snake. He was in danger of dying at any time and did not dare to move.

"Damn, this is not a common robber at all! No wonder that he Feng just didn't start, so he had already noticed. But he didn't remind me. It's really wicked to let me do it. "

At the moment, Xue jingzhuo didn't hate the robbers, but he Feng.

"Brother Xiang, this man is very good. It's very dangerous to keep him. What should I do with him?" The robber who pointed a gun at Xue jingzhuo asked.

When he spoke, his eyes were still fixed on Xue jingzhuo. The degree of caution was far more than ordinary people.

Xue jingzhuo was angry and anxious, but he did not dare to act rashly.

"Why don't you ask me? Of course, it's direct killing. "

The man named Xiang elder brother said impatiently.

"Paralyzed, let me kill him, dare to attack me."

The robber who was injured by Xue jingzhuo stood up, picked up the gun and went to Xue jingzhuo. The muzzle of the gun pointed to the latter and tried to pull the trigger.

In an instant, Xue jingzhuo's face was as white as paper, and a thick fear appeared in his eyes.


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