"Go to hell!"

The robber stares at Xue jingzhuo coldly, and his eyes flash a touch of senhan's killing intention.


However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of him. The next moment, he felt an unspeakable terrible force coming towards him.

This powerful force was much stronger than Xue jingzhuo's attack on him just now, which made him fly out in an instant and hit another robber beside him.

"Poop! Poop

They fell to the ground, dizzy, feeling as if they were falling apart, without the slightest strength to get up.

"It's he Feng. He Feng has done it."

"Fortunately he Feng, otherwise Xue jingzhuo would be in danger."

"However, he Feng is also dangerous. These robbers don't look like ordinary people, and they still have guns in their hands."

Gong Wenshu and others see he Feng strong shot, are also quite shocked.

But at the same time, he was very worried.

These robbers are so fierce and cruel that they shoot people when they don't agree with each other.


"Shoot, kill him!"

Sure enough, the other four robbers were stunned and immediately drank.

In particular, the man named Xiang Ge had the fastest reaction. He had already raised his pistol when his voice fell.


Although he is fast, he Feng is faster.

In the moment they raised their hands, he Feng disappeared in place.

"Well? What about people? " The robbers changed their faces one by one, and then looked for people everywhere.

"Behind you!"

At this time, a voice came behind them.

"BAM, BAM, bam!!"

Then, a series of crashing sounds sounded, and the robbers flew out one after another. When they fell to the ground, they fainted.

Since then, all six robbers have been cleaned up.

"This... This is the solution?"

"It's amazing. Is this brother a martial arts expert?"

"Thanks to him, or we'll be in trouble."

"Indeed, this brother is good."

Those who are just doing business, as well as the bank staff, looking at He Feng's eyes are shocked and grateful.

Gong Wenshu and others were equally shocked.

I didn't expect that he Feng, who doesn't show mountains and water and doesn't have any temperament, would be so powerful in fighting.

Six armed robbers who seemed to have been strictly trained were so easily knocked down by him.

"Mr. He, are you all right?"

Gong Wenshu stepped forward quickly and asked anxiously.

And carambola is to care about Xue jingzhuo.

He Feng laughed and said: "Uncle Gong, it's just a few robbers, but it can't hurt me. Fortunately, Mr. Xue helped me to attract the enemy's attention this time, so I was able to knock them down so quickly. "

"Xue jingzhuo?"

Gong Wenshu looked at Xue jingzhuo not far away and shook his head secretly.

Although Xue jingzhuo has great strength, when he doesn't know his opponent's strength clearly, he rashly makes a move. It's too impulsive. He may also be eager to show himself. Compared with He Feng, he is too unstable.

What's more, although Gong Wenshu didn't know martial arts, he could see that Xue jingzhuo seemed to have attracted the attention of the enemy just now, but there were six robbers. He Feng could have found a better chance to fight, but because Xue jingzhuo was in danger, he had to take the risk to fight the robbers directly.

Therefore, it is not Xue jingzhuo who helps He Feng to attract the attention of the enemy, but he Feng gives up looking for a better chance to take the risk to take the risk to save Xue jingzhuo.

Even Gong Wenshu was moved by his courage, determination and responsibility.

Now he suddenly envies Wang Xiangyun and finds such an excellent husband.

Not only Gong Wenshu, but Yu nancui also envies Wang Xiangyun.

"Thank you for your help, sir. But for you, our bank would have suffered a great loss."

The director of the bank walked up to He Feng for the first time and bowed to him solemnly.

He Feng shook his head and said, "you'd better send the wounded to the hospital for treatment first. By the way, call the police and bring these people to trial."

"All right!"

The manager nodded again and again, and then ordered someone to go.

He Feng and others didn't leave immediately. After all, six people robbed the bank with guns and injured people. It's very important to avoid the police coming to ask them and causing unnecessary trouble. They are still ready to wait.

Xue jingzhuo also found a seat to sit down, his face is not very good-looking.

Just now, he was ready to perform well and solve several robbers, but he Feng finally showed him, and he turned pale with fright when he was pointed at by the robber with a gun. What a shame.

Because the case here is very serious, the police attach great importance to it. As soon as the bank called the police, the police arrived at the scene within ten minutes even though the traffic jam was very serious.

The leader of the team is Tang Wen from the criminal police team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. It is said that now she has officially taken the post of deputy director.

Besides Tang Wen, Chu Yue also came.

"He Feng? Did you bring down these robbers? "

As soon as the two girls came in, they had a look at the scene, which was similar to what the bank manager described. Then, they saw he Feng and walked over quickly.

"Yo, Wenwen beauty, Yueyue, are you here?"

See two people, he Feng stood up and said with a smile: "these robbers are really me down, powerful?"

"It's not bad at all. You let them hurt two security guards here. Are you ashamed?" Tang Wen white He Feng one eye.


He Feng mouth corner smoked to smoke, unexpectedly don't know how to refute.

At that time, when the robber shot at the security guard, he saw that the robber didn't mean to kill him. He thought that the security guard was really impulsive and should be taught a lesson. In this way, he would have a memory, so he didn't help him.

I knew Tang Wen would say that, so he took the hand to save the two security guards at that time.

"Sister Wenwen, maybe the situation was urgent at that time. He Feng didn't have time to fight. Fortunately, no one died. This is very good. After all, there were six robbers with guns." Chu Yue hurriedly helps the way.

"Which side are you helping?"

Tang Wen has no good spirit of stare Chu month one eye.

Chu month vomited to spit sweet tongue, didn't again argue with Tang Wen, after all all all around so many people.

When she saw Wang Xiangyun looking at herself, she was a little flustered. She quickly went over and asked, "sister Yun, are you not scared?"

"It doesn't scare me yet!" Wang Xiangyun smiles and shakes his head.

"That's good!" Chu Yue was relieved and said, "I'll help my colleagues to handcuff these robbers and take them to the car."

Finish saying, Chu month then went first busy.

I don't know why, the better the relationship with He Feng is, the more guilty she is in front of Wang Xiangyun. She feels a little sorry for Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun treats her as a sister. She has helped her a lot in the past, but now she falls in love with Wang Xiangyun's man

Although, Wang Xiangyun and he Feng's marriage is a deal.

But she just felt guilty!

Seeing Chu Yue go away, Wang Xiangyun eyebrows pick, eyes deep, as if something had been determined by her.

Then, she pretended to look at He Feng inadvertently.

He Feng in the heart a clap Deng, is be aware of?

"Do you know the identity of Yueyue?" Sure enough, Wang Xiangyun asked about Chu Yue.

He Feng touched his nose. "I know, it's a middle-sized ancient martial family!"

Wang Xiangyun corrected, "it's not an ordinary middle-class guwu family. Her mother is from a high-class guwu family, and she is also a very powerful high-class guwu family."

"Daughter in law, what do you mean by saying this to me?"

"You know what I mean!"


He Feng was speechless.

I don't know what you mean at all, OK?

Are you reminding me or warning me?

Do you agree with me and Yueyue, or do you object?

Can't you be more direct?!


A few minutes later, several robbers were all caught in the police car, Tang Wen and Chu Yue returned to He Feng again.

"He Feng, just now the bank manager proposed to me that you be awarded a good citizen award. If you don't have any opinions, I'll talk to Zhao Bureau later. He should have no opinions either. Then we'll give you a good citizen award, OK?" Tang Wen said.

"Good citizen award?"

He Feng some speechless, this kind of prize does not seem to suit oneself very much?

"Why don't you?" Tang Wen frowned. It was an honor.

"No, I can't help it. It's my pleasure." He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, it's OK. I'll go first. I'll take these people to the Bureau for interrogation." Tang Wendao.

"Well, you'll be busy."

Speaking of this, he Feng suddenly said: "by the way, just that gang of robbers, their identities should not be simple, such as retired special forces, you can check their information. Besides, I suspect they have a partner. "

Smell speech, Tang Wen look suddenly become dignified, "retired special forces? partner? OK, I see. It's a serious matter. I need to go back to the police station immediately. I won't talk to you more here. "

With that, Tang Wen pulls Chu Yue, who still doesn't want to leave, and quickly walks towards the police car.

By this time, the road outside was clear, and the police car roared away.

"Congratulations, Mr. He, you are about to win the good citizen award. Few people in Jiangbin city have won this award. However, your performance today is really heroic. I admire you

Gong Wenshu thumbs up to He Feng.

Yu nancui looks at He Feng with admiration. This young man is really amazing.

Gong Wei and other women are proud!

Xue jingzhuo was resentful and jealous, but he didn't show it. On the contrary, he was smiling.

"Uncle Gong, you are serious. I just did what I should do." He Feng's modest way.

"It's very late now. We'd better take advantage of the traffic recovery and rush to the hotel. Don't get stuck in traffic again."

Yang Mi Tao doesn't want to see someone praising Feng, but forgets Xue jingzhuo and says.

Yu nancui looked at the time and said, "yes, it's really late now. It's almost 12 o'clock. Let's go to the hotel."

Immediately, a group of people in the bank manager that full of respect and worship under the gaze of a big sun to the parking lot.

After entering the parking lot, carambola pointed to the area a near the exit and said, "Weiwei, would you like to sit with your parents in jingzhuo's car?"

While talking, Yang Mi Tao also bumped into Xue jingzhuo.

Xue jingzhuo picked up the car key and pressed it. Suddenly, a BMW 730 in front of him called twice and turned on the lights.

"Vivi, my car is big enough. You and your parents are sitting in the back row. It won't be crowded at all." Xue jingzhuo said.

"No, I'd better sit with them so that sister yuan won't be the light bulb alone." Gong Wei smiles, seemingly euphemistic, but refuses directly.

Wen Yan, Xue jingzhuo is not easy to say, "OK, I'll wait for you at this exit."

"All right!"

Gong Wei nodded, said goodbye to her parents for a while, and went on with He Feng.

Before long, several people got into the chair of Maserati, and the driver was still he Feng.

When the car arrived at 730, he Feng saw Xue jingzhuo staring at him all the time. Thinking that Gong Wei's parents were sitting in the car, he Feng stepped on the brake and stopped beside him. He rolled down the window and asked, "is there any problem?"

"It's OK. I'll just enjoy Dong Wang's car. It's really beautiful. I'm going to buy one this year." When Xue jingzhuo spoke, he spoke to Wang Xiangyun, who was sitting on the copilot.

Obviously, in terms of money and assets, he doesn't think he Feng has the same qualification as him. After all, he Feng is just a minister who works for Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun turned his head, looked at Xue jingzhuo and said, "Mr. Xue, you misunderstand me. This car really belongs to me, but now I have given it to sister yuan, my only assistant and my good sister."

"Send someone..."

When Xue jingzhuo heard the words, he was stunned. How could the 100 or hundreds of thousands of cars be sent directly?

Too generous, isn't it?

But when he thought of Wang Xiangyun's wealth, he was relieved. He gave Wang Xiangyun a thumbs up and said, "Wang Dong is really generous!"


Wang Xiangyun took back his eyes and didn't pay any attention to Xue jingzhuo.

Such a man, she does not want to waste too much saliva.

Two luxury cars left the parking lot of Xibin park one by one and headed for the atrium hotel.

About 30 minutes later, the car stopped in the spacious parking space outside the atrium hotel.

"Is this the atrium hotel? Why doesn't it look like an upscale hotel on the surface? "

After getting out of the car, Yu nancui looks at a building not far in front of her and asks strangely.

The location of this building is quite remote. There are no high-rise buildings or residential areas. The business atmosphere is very light. The flow of people in this place is quite small. It is reasonable to say that the hotel should not be built in such a place.

Fortunately, the surrounding environment of Yating hotel is good, with green trees, green lawns on the ground and colorful flowers planted on both sides of the road.

"Yating hotel is different from other ordinary hotels. Ordinary hotels want to be built in the commercial center with huge flow of people, but Yating hotel does not need ordinary customers at all. It is doing business with old customers, and new customers are introduced by old customers." Xue jingzhuo explained.

"So it is. Tut Tut, the grand hotel is really different. It's really willful."

Yu nancui suddenly realized.

"Come on, let's go and have a long insight and see what this low-key local tyrant hotel looks like." Yang Mi Tao some urgent said.

"Well, let's go."

Several people quickly walked to the Atrium Hotel, and within two minutes they came to the door of the hotel.

From a distance, Yating hotel is more ordinary, but now it's close. When they come to the front door, he Feng and others find that the hotel is decorated in an atmosphere. There are several gold-plated characters on the plaque, and the eaves on the top of the door are covered with glazed tiles, giving people a retro style.

The two young waiters standing outside the gate are wearing a light gray retro T-shirt and a pair of cloth shoes on their feet.

"Hello, sir. Do you have an appointment?"

When he Feng and others came to the gate, one of the waiters came to them first and asked politely.

He Feng carefully looked at the two waiters for a while, slightly moved in the heart.

Because these two waiters are the ancient martial artists who have cultivated their inner strength. They just don't know what level of cultivation they have reached.

However, only their ancient warrior identity to serve as a waiter, is enough to let he Feng pay attention to the atrium hotel.

This Yating hotel must be a big one. There are ten contacts behind it. There is a powerful force behind it.

Xue jingzhuo took his mobile phone, turned out a message and handed it to the waiter, "this is my reservation number!"

He once came to the atrium restaurant for dinner, and naturally knew the rules here, so he made an appointment long ago.

"Yes, sir. Please come inside."

The waiter immediately opened a pearl curtain outside the door and made a "please" gesture.

If you look carefully, the pearls are full and mellow, obviously they are all top-grade pearls. How can they get more than ten thousand.

And on this door, there are at least hundreds of scurrying.

Before you enter the hotel, the financial strength and courage of the hotel will be enough to shock you.

Gong Wenshu and others are all literati. Although they don't know the specific price of pearls, they can also guess their value. They are shocked in their hearts.

"Uncle Gong, you and auntie, please invite them first." Xue jingzhuo said very gentlemanly.

"Ha ha, then we are welcome."

Yu nancui and others came back to their senses and stepped into the atrium hotel first, followed by He Feng and others.

There are two floors in the hotel. The first floor is the hall and the second floor is the box.

There are nearly twenty eight immortals tables in the hall, which are extremely spacious. The ground is paved with flat bluestone, and the walls are made of precious wood. There are sixteen thick wooden piles around the hall, which support the ceiling of the first floor.

The stakes are silvery gray, stripped of bark, and look as if they are metallic.

"Tut Tut, even the stake is made of iron sand tree. It's really luxurious."

He Feng recognized at a glance that the real material of these piles was some rare trees in the primeval forest.

The iron sand tree is harder than iron. Ordinary swords will only leave a white mark on it. If this kind of tree is sold outside, it must be at least one hundred thousand.

Now in this hotel, more than ten iron sand trees are used as stakes.

This hotel is really unusual.

At this time, there are more than ten tables in the hotel, each of which is very well-dressed and has excellent temperament.

When he Feng and others came in, many people's eyes subconsciously looked toward them.

"Eh, isn't that Wang Dong of Yuncheng group?"

"And her husband he Feng! But now they are walking behind like younger generation. What's the situation? "

"Today's Cloud City Group is amazing. It's a pity that I'm not familiar with Wang Dong, otherwise I have to go and say hello."

"It's true that after the cooperation between Yuncheng group and Kenny Huafu group, the market value will rise rapidly almost every day, and it won't be long before it can surpass song's group and become the group enterprise with the highest market value in Jiangbin city."

"It's said that the reason why Yuncheng group and Kenny Huafu group can cooperate is thanks to Mr. Wang Dong's husband he Feng. However, Mr. He Feng seems to be more ordinary. I don't know if the rumor is too exaggerated."

Wang Xiangyun is really well-known in Jiangbin city. The chairman of Yuncheng group is also known as "one of the four beauties in Jiangbin city". As soon as she comes in, almost everyone recognizes her identity, as well as he Feng.

Just when they discuss He Feng, looking at He Feng's eyes, they all show a touch of doubt.


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