"Sir, you are in the box upstairs. You can go upstairs with him."

About to go to the stairway, the young waiter will he Feng and others to a middle-aged man wearing the same clothes.

He Feng looked at the middle-aged man, eyebrows a pick.

Because, this middle-aged waiter, breath more solid introverted, estimated to reach the peak level of Ming Jin.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that there was such a place in Jiangbin city. I have to look back and have a good understanding of which force opened this hotel." He Feng murmured in his heart.

Soon, led by the middle-aged waiter, the party came to a box on the second floor.

There is a big round table about two meters in diameter in the box. The space is very spacious. The walls made of mahogany are covered with calligraphy and paintings. There are also some potted plants full of business and antique flavor.

"Dear customers, this is your tea. It's a new super Longjing in Hangzhou city. Please enjoy it." A beautiful waitress in cheongsam put a pot of tea on the table with a menu. "This is the menu of our hotel. Would you like me to introduce all kinds of cuisines here? Or do you order it yourself? "

"You go out first. Let's order by ourselves. I'll ring the bell to call you." Xue jingzhuo said.

"All right!"

The beautiful waitress put down the menu and walked out of the box with a smile.

"Tut Tut, the quality of the waiters in this hotel is really high. They are absolutely no worse than those in five-star hotels." As soon as the waiter left, carambola couldn't help praising, "jingzhuo, you really let my aunt see you today."

"Auntie, look what you said. As long as you and uncle Gong like it, I will bring you here often in the future."

Xue jingzhuo said with a smile: "smile, you and uncle Gong have more than enough. Aunt, look at the menu and order whatever you like."

"Well, I won't be polite to you."

Carambola picked up the menu and took Yu nancui to look at it.

Just one look, they opened their mouths wide.

Yu nancui was shocked and said, "well, is the food in this restaurant so expensive? Any dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes costs 666 yuan, isn't it

Although the carambola had been psychologically prepared, looking at the price on the menu, he also wiped his sweat secretly. "Yes, the meat dishes are even worse. A crucian carp is actually 2888, and a black chicken soup is 5888?"


Gong Wenshu, who is a genuine Hangzhou Hangzhou super Longjing, has just taken a sip of tea and has not yet had time to swallow it.

"What? How much for crucian carp

Rao Shi Gong Wenshu has a good temper, and now he is angry. "Are they blackmail? I thought there was something special here. This kind of ordinary food is so expensive. It's obviously false. Jingzhuo, let's go and eat in another family. "

Even he Feng couldn't help touching his nose. He was quite dissatisfied.

It's really not so expensive. Can you really make some delicious food?

Wang Xiangyun came to the restaurant to eat. Knowing the situation here, he immediately winked at Gong Wei.

Gong Wei sat next to Gong Wenshu and said, "Dad, don't worry. The food in this restaurant must be expensive."

"Uncle Gong, the food in this hotel is really unusual. Both the cooking materials and the chefs are the best in the world. You'll know after a while."

Xue jingzhuo saw the reaction of Gong Wenshu and others, with a smile on his face. This is the result he wanted.

Expensive, that's right!

"By the way, auntie, don't just look at the menu here. These are ordinary home dishes. Just order a few and try them. The dishes on the back of the menu, if you order more, will be more worthy of our taste. "

Xue jingzhuo looked at the carambola and said.

Yang Mi Tao smell speech, subconsciously turned to the back of the menu swept up.

At this time, Yu nancui opened her mouth wide and her pupils dilated, as if she had gone to hell.

"Well, is this really what people eat?" Yu nancui murmured.

"What's the matter?"

Gong Wenshu leaned over to look at the menu.

Just a look, Gong Wenshu's mouth twitched two times.

"Jingzhuo, this dish... We, we really want it?"

Yang Mi Tao looks at Xue jingzhuo in embarrassment.

"Of course, I'm going to invite you and your aunts and uncles to have a good meal today. Don't save money for me. Just order it. I've already got enough cash. I won't have no money to pay."

Xue jingzhuo patted his chest and said.

"Nancui, you'd better have some." Yang Mi Tao released her hand with the menu.

Yu nancui was startled and quickly put the menu on the table. "I don't order at ordinary times. I'll take your order."

Although she is usually extravagant, after all, Gong Wei gives her a lot of pocket money every month, but she has never been so extravagant.

She really saw the dishes on the back of the menu. None of them cost less than 10000 yuan.

The most expensive dish, marked on the price, is clearly "188888.".

What's more, there are two words "special price" beside the price.

"Jingzhuo, why is the food in this restaurant so expensive? A dish can be sold for 188888 yuan. Is it made of gold Gong Wenshu said with a speechless face.

"Uncle Gong, of course, the food is not made of gold, but the food in this restaurant is very good for your health. As long as anyone who has come here to eat knows, the dishes that cost more than ten thousand yuan here are not ordinary dishes any more, but tonics and tonics. " Xue jingzhuo said with a smile.

"No matter how to make it up, it's also expensive. I think you'd better order it. We really don't know how to order it."

Gong Wenshu takes up the menu and hands it to Xue jingzhuo.

Although Xue jingzhuo seems to like Gong Wei very much and is willing to spend money for her, it's Xue jingzhuo's business. If they rely on this, they can order at will. What is it? If Gong Wei and Xue jingzhuo don't get together in the future, how embarrassing?

Yang Mitao also said: "yes, jingzhuo, you'd better order it yourself. We haven't even heard the name of those expensive dishes. We don't know what they are. You have a wide range of knowledge. You must be clear. You'd better order them."

"Well, I'll be more respectful than obedient."

Xue jingzhuo took the menu, and then took a pen to tick it.

Whether it's positive or negative, it's been checked more than a dozen times.

Then, Xue jingzhuo looks at Gong Wei, he Feng and others, "Weiwei, Wang Dong, do you want to order some dishes?"

"No, just order it." Gong Wei light way, she doesn't like Xue jingzhuo to her this kind of address, but now many people and hard to say what.

"The food here is good. Anything will do." Wang Xiangyun is indifferent to Tao.

"Well, I'll place the order."

Xue jingzhuo did not force, called the waiter to place an order, at the same time took a look at Yang Mi Tao.

Yang Mi Tao understood what he meant and immediately took out his mobile phone to send a message.

A moment later, he nodded to Xue jingzhuo.

Seeing this, Xue jingzhuo just relieved to smile, at the same time light swept an eye He Feng, the eye took a touch of cold idea.

Today, let he Feng out of the limelight.

Next, it's his turn to show off, isn't it?

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