"Daughter in law, do you know who owns this restaurant?"

He Feng didn't pay attention to Xue jingzhuo's eyes, as if he didn't see them. He just looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked.

Just now he also scanned the menu and found that the dishes here seemed to have the ingredients of a panacea in their names.

In particular, the 188888 yuan dish is called "amorous true game". Besides the word "special price", there is also a line: "this dish is mixed with amorous flower and true wild grass. These two kinds of plants are of great benefit to human body and are rare and expensive.".

The background of a restaurant that can cook with elixir is not simple. At least it must be a middle-class family dish, right?

Is there a middle-class family in Jiangbin?

Hearing he Feng's question, everyone looked at Wang Xiangyun one after another, obviously curious about it.

Wang Xiangyun saw that everyone looked at him. He shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "I have inquired about this matter, but no one knows."

"The owner of this restaurant is so mysterious?" Gong Wenshu was surprised.

"Yes, it's really mysterious. It's more than 30 years since the establishment of Yating hotel. It's one of the oldest hotels in the catering industry of Jiangbin city. In addition, I heard that it seems that because of the existence of the Atrium Hotel, the surrounding area has not been developed, because the atrium hotel needs a secluded environment. "

Wang Xiangyun said: "in addition, the origin of the Yating hotel must be quite large, because there were gang members making trouble here, and as a result, the whole gang was destroyed in one pot. There was also a city leader who was playing a maid in the language because he was drunk.


Hearing Wang Xiangyun's words, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Even he Feng was shocked.

The origin of this hotel is really big.

"However, Yating hotel has a very good attitude towards customers. All customers are treated equally. As long as you come here for consumption, you are the VIP here. If someone asks for trouble in the hotel, just tell the waiter directly, and he will help you solve it immediately, so that you can have an absolutely quiet dining environment." Wang Xiangyun continued.

"Great! It's not a simple hotel. " Gong Wenshu exclaimed.

"It's a great honor to be here for a meal." Yu nancui also sighed.

Wang Xiangyun nodded and said, "indeed, this Yating hotel is the most upscale Chinese restaurant in Jiangbin city."

A few people chatted for less than ten minutes, and the dishes they ordered here were brought up one by one.

In charge of serving dishes, all of them are beautiful waiters in cheongsam.

In addition to dishes, there are several bottles of drinks and two bottles of Baijiu green bottle.

"Gong Shu, he Feng, they drink drinks from several women. How about three Baijiu?"

When Xue jingzhuo opened the lid of the porcelain bottle, a strong smell of wine diffused out and filled the box.

Originally, Baijiu Baijiu would be pungent, but this wine is not only pungent, but also very fragrant, as if it is mixed with rice fragrance and some unscent odors. Even if people who don't like to drink liquor, they will have a taste of love at the moment.

"Good wine!"

As soon as Gong Wenshu, who was usually a good drinker, smelled the wine, his eyes lit up.

"Jingzhuo, Mr. He, aren't you two going to drive? Can I drink? " Yu nancui asked.

"I'll help jingzhuo drive later." Yang Mi Tao road.

Yuan Yashi then said, "if he Feng drinks, I'll drive."

"Well, I'll drink with you. This wine is really worth tasting. "

He Feng shrugged and agreed.

He couldn't see it. Xue jingzhuo wanted to vent his anger on the wine table because he had been in the limelight before.

"Let's drink first, the three of us..."

Xue jingzhuo said and began to pour the wine himself.

Baijiu cup is the kind of small wine cup, probably about half a face.

For other women, they poured drinks.

Xue jingzhuo stood up and raised his wine cup. "Come on, everyone, it's rare for us to have dinner together today. I'd like to propose a toast to you. Auntie, vivi, whatever you want. Uncle Gong, Mr. He, have we done it? "

When he speaks, he stares at He Feng, full of provocation.

When he was studying in Yanjing University and abroad, Xue jingzhuo often went to various clubs and bars with his friends. He was very good at drinking, and hardly met his rivals in business occasions.

Therefore, he is confident that he Feng can be knocked down on the wine table.

Once he Feng gets drunk, he is likely to make a fool of himself. The favor he built in Gong Wei's parents today will surely collapse.

This is the purpose of Xue jingzhuo!

"All right, just do it." He Feng shrugged indifferently.

"You young people are really good, but I don't agree with you. I'll accompany you. Ha ha." Gong Wenshu laughs. As he holds up his wine glass, his peacetime temperament seems to be a little different. He is much more forthright.

At that moment, everyone raised their cups. The drinkers were all free to drink. He Feng, Xue jingzhuo and Gong Wenshu were all dry.

Then, the waiter standing on the side came up to help them fill the glass.

"Gee, this wine is really good. It smells good, but it tastes strong and enjoyable." Gong Wenshu aftertaste some, surprised way.

"Uncle Gong, let me remind you first. This wine is called wanhuaxiang. It's a real flower wine, but its degree is quite high. It's 56 degrees. You should not drink too much. Otherwise, aunt Yu and Weiwei will not let me go. As for me and he Feng, we are all young people. Even if we are drunk, it doesn't matter, does it

Xue jingzhuo looks at Wang Xiangyun with a smile.

Wang Xiangyun said casually, "if you can get him drunk, that's your ability."

"Ha ha, I can drink with Mr. He with your words." Xue jingzhuo laughed, but he didn't think so.

He is a quantity of Baijiu. How many people can he compare with him?

Although he Feng's Kung Fu is good, and he is good at fishing, playing chess and cooking, these things have little to do with his drinking capacity. He doesn't think he Feng's drinking capacity is so strong. It's good to have one kilo.

Next, the waiter brought up the dishes one after another. The three men in the box also kept drinking.

However, in general, Xue jingzhuo kept congratulating Feng, and Gong Wenshu often found a chance to drink by himself.

At this time, the waiter brought up a plate of bright color, red and green dishes.

"Is this... Amorous game? Jingzhuo, you ordered the 188888 yuan dish? " Yang Mi Tao recognized the dish at a glance and exclaimed loudly.

In an instant, the whole box seemed to be quiet.

Gong Wenshu and Yu nancui are shocked to see Xue jingzhuo.

"Jingzhuo, why did you order such an expensive dish?" Yu nancui felt that it was not very interesting.

How much does Xue jingzhuo have to pay for nearly 20 thousand dishes?

And spend Xue jingzhuo so much money, if Weiwei and Xue jingzhuo didn't go together in the end, how sorry?

"Nancui, you don't know. In fact, this dish is not as expensive as the wine. I just saw the price of this wine. It costs 80000 yuan a bottle. These three bottles are 240000, aren't they? " Yang said with a smile.


Gong Wenshu and Yu nancui opened their mouths directly.

Seeing this scene, Xue jingzhuo's face sent out a smile from his heart.

This is a proud smile!

Now, is it his turn to show off?!

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