"It's so expensive..."

Gong Wenshu's hand holding the wine cup trembled two times.

He thought that this wine might be only a few hundred yuan a bottle, but he didn't want to

Eighty thousand!

Do you have such expensive wine?

"Uncle Gong, you don't care whether it's expensive or not, as long as it's delicious. Today, we mainly eat and drink happily. As for money, we can't eat or drink. It's just a rush of figures and a pile of waste paper. It's useless. " Xue jingzhuo said with a smile.

Then he looked at He Feng again. "So, we can't waste the bottles of wine we ordered today. We must drink them all. If you don't have a drink, we'll have another one later. "

"More?" Gong Wenshu opened his mouth.

After knowing that the wine cost 80000 yuan a bottle, he didn't want to drink it that much. If this cup goes on, it will cost 4000 yuan, which is almost equal to his salary for half a month.

"Of course, the dishes I ordered at this table add up to about 400000, and three bottles of wine add up to 600000. And I was in the bank just now, but I took a million directly. "

Xue jingzhuo took the box under his feet and patted it. "I'm going to eat and drink all of the million. Uncle Gong, please don't save money for me."

Gong Wenshu looks at the box in Xue jingzhuo's hand. His face is a little complicated.

Xue jingzhuo seems quite generous, but Gong Wenshu is not very comfortable. He eats millions of dollars for a meal, which

This is really too much!

If I had known that, I would not have killed him.

"Come on, uncle Gong, Mr. He, let's go on drinking."

Xue jingzhuo ignores Gong Wenshu's reaction and directly raises the cup to continue toasting.

"Uncle Gong, come on."

He Feng raises a cup to Gong Wenshu, not polite to Xue jingzhuo at all.

See he Feng so straightforward, Xue jingzhuo mouth reveals a sneer.

It's really silly to drink so much. I'll wait for you to drink too much to see how you make a fool of yourself.

For a time, several people continued to drink.

Almost half an hour later, the wine in their bottle had reached the bottom.

Gong Wenshu's face turned red, but he seemed to be quite sober. People who drink on his face are not easy to get drunk.

As for he Fengyu and Xue jingzhuo, they seem more sober.

Sitting beside Gong Wenshu, Yu nancui said, "well, Mr. Xue..."

Xue jingzhuo interrupted Yu nancui, "aunt Yu, you call me 'Mr. Xue', it's too born, you call me Xiao Xue or jingzhuo directly."

After two seconds of deliberation, Yu nancui said, "Xiao Xue, uncle Gong can't eat more than one jin. Why don't you stop drinking at noon and order more? Every one of these dishes is delicious, delicate and delicious. It's a pity not to eat all of them. "

"Auntie, we will eat these dishes. We won't waste them. But this wine... "

Xue jingzhuo looked at He Feng and asked, "brother he Feng, your drinking capacity is really strong. One bottle has no reaction. Let's continue to drink another bottle?"

He had just two Jin of wine. The bottle was one jin. Xue jingzhuo estimated that he was almost the same.

As for He Feng, he doesn't think he Feng can really drink another bottle.

"You've spent about 640000 now, and there are 360000 left. If you want to spend one million bottles of this kind of wine, we'll order four bottles directly, and it's almost over."

He Feng said with a smile: "in order to let you spend all the money, I really want to help you with my life. You know, I usually never drink Baijiu, and I will drink a glass of red wine before I go to bed with me before I go to bed with me in the evening.


Smell speech, Wang Xiangyun beautiful eyes slightly narrowed for a while, but the cheek is a touch of red.

This He Feng, unexpectedly pulled up to her body, when did he drink red wine with him before going to bed?

Still flirting?

Flirt with your brother-in-law!

But at this time, she just can't expose He Feng, can only endure, let he Feng tease.

"Yes? That's very grateful to the He Feng brothers. But are you sure you want four? " Xue jingzhuo is also Leng Leng, did not expect he Feng actually opened his mouth is on four bottles.

In his plan, one more bottle.

More than two bottles, he is not sure whether he can stand still.

"Yes, he Feng, isn't it good to drink too much?" Gong Wenshu also advised him at the moment. Although he felt that he Feng's drinking capacity was much better than him after they had drunk, he didn't want he Feng to drink too much and his health was prone to accidents.

"He Feng, drink less." Yu nancui also followed a concern.

"Uncle Gong, aunt Yu, you can rest assured that I can still drink."

He Feng grinned, and then looked at Xue jingzhuo, "brother Xue, if you can't drink, then we'd better not order it. Let's have dinner directly. After eating, we'll go back to each home and have a nap."

"I can't drink it?"

Xue jingzhuo's eyes widened.

He originally wanted to intoxicate He Feng with wine, but now he Feng says he can't drink. Isn't he beaten in the face?

Insult, this is!

What's more, uncle Gong and aunt Yu were really concerned about him just now, which made Xue jingzhuo even more upset.

"Well, since brother he Feng is so forthright, I'll drink with you. Waiter, give us four more bottles of wine. "

Xue jingzhuo said to the waiter.

"Yes, just a moment, please."

The waiter immediately picked up the pager and asked someone to deliver the wine.

"Dong Dong!"

Two minutes later, there was a knock on the door. The beautiful waiter went to open the door. Another waiter came to deliver the wine.

"Sir, do you need all your wine?" Asked the pretty waiter.

"Yes, all of them."

Xue jingzhuo nodded.

At this time, sitting next to Xue jingzhuo, carambola gently touched him, and whispered in his ear: "vice mayor Jiang is coming!"

Xue jingzhuo looked at Yang Mitao and saw that Yang Mitao pointed to the mobile phone screen. Xue jingzhuo looked at the mobile phone screen and there was a wechat message on it, which said: I'll be in your box soon.

The name of the sender is Jiang Chen.

"Dong Dong!"

Just after reading the information, Xue jingzhuo heard a knock on the door.

The beautiful waiter wants to open the door.

"Wait, this time it's a distinguished guest. I'll open the door to meet you."

Xue jingzhuo stood up for the first time and stopped the waiter from opening the door. He walked quickly to open the door, followed by carambola.

As she passed by Yu nancui, she quickly whispered in her ear, "there's a big man coming, ready for a toast."

"Big shot?"

Gong Wenshu and others are curious to see.

The door opened, and outside stood a middle-aged man, about 50 years old, in a blue shirt, with a beer belly, with a dignified and dignified face, but now he had a smile on his face.

"Brother Jiang is here? I thought you weren't free Yang Mi Tao and the middle-aged man obviously know each other, quickly went forward to ask.

"Ha ha, I heard that you brought your grandson jingzhuo to dinner here. No matter how busy I am, I'll have to come and sit down." Jiang Chen laughs a way, at the same time the eye looked at Xue jingzhuo one eye, praise of way: "Jing Zhuo?"? Sure enough, he is young and promising. At a young age, he became a doctoral student in Harvard University, and he also made several hundred million profits from his own business. Yes, the future is limitless. "

"Thank you for your praise. I'm Xue jingzhuo. I'll ask mayor Jiang to give me more advice. We young people should learn more from you."

Xue jingzhuo's face was humble, but his heart was extremely excited.

You know, Jiang Chen in front of you is the vice mayor of Jiangbin city. He is not only a real bigwig, but also a politician. No matter where he goes, others will treat him politely.

But now, Jiang Chen praises and praises him so much. I don't know that he has more face than a million yuan for a meal.

He has already noticed that Gong Wenshu and Yu nancui's eyes are full of shock when they look at him.

"Brother Jiang, since you're here, please sit down and have a drink with us. By the way, you can give us some advice on our work. You're the real leader in the field of education." Yang Mi Tao said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I dare not tell you, just communicate with each other."

Jiang Chen laughs a way, looking at Gong Wenshu and others on the table, way: "everybody won't mind me to sit over?"

"Mayor Jiang, please take a seat!"

"Yes, yes, please sit down!"

Gong Wenshu and Yu nancui had already stood up. Hearing Jiang Chen's words, they left their seats and stood beside them to greet them.

They are teachers. They often watch the news. When Jiang Chen comes, they recognize him.

The vice mayor of Jiangbin City, who is in charge of education, is the real leader in the education industry of Jiangbin City, and he also holds great power.

Once, Gong Wenshu saw Jiang Chen with his own eyes. It was in their school. Jiang Chen was invited to their school to guide his work. At that time, the principal had to follow him. Gong Wenshu could not get close to Jiang Chen.

But now, they have the opportunity to eat at the same table, which shows that Gong Wenshu is very excited.

At the same time, their views on Xue jingzhuo also changed a little.

Xue jingzhuo has been praised and valued by the vice mayor. He may have made extraordinary achievements in the future.

As for He Feng and others, seeing that Gong Wenshu and his wife all got up to greet them, they naturally got up, but their attitude was obviously not so enthusiastic.

"Well, isn't this Wang Dong of Yuncheng group? Are you here, too? "

Jiang Chen's eyes swept over all the people one by one, and soon saw that Wang Xiangyun, who was the best in both temperament and appearance, had a bright eye. He strode over to say hello and reached out to shake hands with Wang Xiangyun. "Now Yuncheng group, but it's amazing. It's hopeful to become the first group in Jiangbin city in the future."

If it was Yuncheng group a week ago, Jiang Chen would not have paid much attention to it. After all, it was the low ebb of Yuncheng group at that time, and many people even thought that Yuncheng group would go bankrupt.

But now the cloud city group, that is the real Nirvana rebirth, and the world's top group Kenny Huafu cooperation, the future assets of more than 100 billion, will not take too long.

Under such circumstances, even if Jiang Chen is the vice mayor, he is very polite to Wang Xiangyun.

Of course, only Wang Xiangyun

As for the other people around Wang Xiangyun, he didn't look at them directly.

"Ha ha, mayor Jiang is flattered!"

Wang Xiangyun and Jiang Chen simply shook hands, then quickly pulled back his hand, "mayor Jiang, sit first!"

"All right!"

At this moment, the waiter has brought a chair, and a new set of dishes and chopsticks, which is next to Xue jingzhuo. Jiang Chen sits over.

"Mayor Jiang, let me introduce you first."

Xue jingzhuo said and introduced them one by one.

He specially put Gong Wei in the last introduction. When he introduced Gong Wei, a touch of tenderness appeared on his face. "This is Gong Wei, now vice president of Yuncheng group. At the same time, it's my blind date today. "


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