"This is Gong Wei, the current Vice President of Yuncheng group. At the same time, it's my blind date today. "

Xue jingzhuo looks at Gong Wei with gentle eyes.

Jiang Chen hears the speech and his eyes move. Now he finally knows the real reason why carambola calls him over.

It was meant to help Xue jingzhuo!

If it is an ordinary person, Jiang Chen will not pay too much attention to it.

But Yang's husband, as a good brother, works in the Education Department of Jiangbin city. He is willing to sell Yang's husband and wife to save face.

However, Jiang Chen didn't understand. He should be able to win Gong Wei with Xue jingzhuo's identity and ability. How can he help?

Met a rival?

But he Feng, the only young man on the scene, is not married?

Moreover, besides being Wang Xiangyun's husband, he Feng doesn't seem to have any bright spots, does he? It can't be a threat to Xue jingzhuo.

"Blind date? Xiao Xue, you're really lucky. There's an excellent woman like Mr. Gong who has become your blind date. If you catch Mr. Gong, you'll be better to others in the future. "

Jiang Chen looked at Xue jingzhuo and said to Gong Wei, "Mr. Gong, you don't think I'm in the education industry, but I think people are pretty accurate. Although Xiao Xue is excellent, he's honest. If you go with him, you'll have to help him more and don't let him suffer losses outside."

His words seem to be instructing young people, but Gong Wei's face is not very good-looking.

Because this simple remark seems that Gong Wei will become Xue jingzhuo's girlfriend.

Fortunately, there is no outsider here, otherwise if she doesn't refute, it will have some influence on Gong Wei's reputation more or less.

But Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person, but vice mayor. How can Gong Wei refute?

When Xue jingzhuo heard Jiang Chen's words, he was very happy and said to Jiang Chen: "mayor Jiang..."

Jiang Chen interrupted Xue jingzhuo, "Xiao Xue, don't call the mayor of Changjiang city. There is no outsider here. Just call me uncle Jiang."

"Uncle Jiang!"

Xue jingzhuo called out without hesitation, "Uncle Jiang, don't worry. If I can go with Weiwei, I will be good to her."

Xue jingzhuo is very excited at this time. With Jiang Chen's help, he feels that there is no big problem between him and Gong Wei.

I believe Gong Wei herself can see that now that he and Jiang Chen are so close, in the future, their career will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and they will become rich people worth billions or even tens of billions.

In this case, Gong Wei will see he Feng as a married man?

Unless she's out of her mind!

"Ha ha, that's good. Mr. Gong, if Xiao Xue bullies you, please tell me and I'll help you teach him a lesson. "

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "take the first glass of Baijiu", and I will take the first two cups of wine.

Jiang Chen's heart is full of self-confidence, his attitude to Xue jingzhuo is so friendly, and Xue jingzhuo's conditions are extremely excellent, he is a perfect man.

Gong Wei can't refuse Xue jingzhuo as long as she has no problem with her mind.

After all, since she's on a blind date, it means she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Under such circumstances, Xue jingzhuo will definitely be chosen, or at least try.

Now that he's offering them wine, it's bound to bring them closer. Maybe he'll start talking about marriage soon.

Both Xue jingzhuo and Gong Wei are excellent people. If they are combined together, their future achievements will be very high.

Jiang Chen's helping Xue jingzhuo now is actually an investment for his future.

"Uncle Jiang, it should be Weiwei and I who respect you."

Xue jingzhuo saw that Jiang Chen had spared no effort to help himself. He was very grateful and excited. He quickly raised his glass and said to Jiang Chen. At the same time, he looked at Gong Wei.

He thought Gong Wei would toast Jiang Chen with him. At least he had to do some superficial work. But when he looked at Gong Wei, he found that Gong Wei was sitting there motionless.

The woman's face seems to be wearing a smile, but the smile is a little stiff, on the contrary, the eyes seem quite unhappy, even... Cold.

"Wei Wei..."

Yu nancui gently pulls Gong Wei and winks hard.

At this time, you have to propose a toast. No matter whether you agree to be with Xue jingzhuo or not, the vice mayor wants to drink with you. If you don't drink with others, you will lose face.

In addition, after seeing Jiang Chen and Xue jingzhuo so cordial, Yu nancui hopes that Gong Wei and Xue jingzhuo can get together.

Not to mention who is better between He Feng and Xue jingzhuo, but he Feng is already married. In her opinion, it has nothing to do with Gong Wei. On the contrary, Xue jingzhuo is most suitable for Gong Wei.

Gong Wenshu looks at Gong Wei and doesn't say anything, but he is still on the same front with Yu nancui in his heart

He Feng, indeed excellent, and not generally excellent.

However, they are married. No matter how excellent they are, they have nothing to do with us.

So he hopes that Gong Wei can go directly with Xue jingzhuo, at least in the future, no matter in life or career, will be much better.

Of course, he won't say these things. He wants Gong Wei to make her own decisions.

"I said, vice mayor Jiang, you are a vice mayor. If you don't serve the people well and do your own job well, why do you come here to join the alliance? What's more, how dare you drink this 80000 yuan bottle of wine? "

Just as everyone was staring at Gong Wei and waiting to see her reaction, a rather unpleasant voice rang out.

The sound was not very loud, and even there was a feeling of powerlessness. But when the sound came to the ears of the people, the whole box seemed to be quiet for a moment.

A shock, incredible eyes, have fallen on the speaker.

He Feng!


Xue jingzhuo was the first to react. He slapped the table heavily and pointed to He Feng angrily, "He Feng, what do you say? Drink too much and start to run wild, don't you

Jiang Chen's face was also gloomy. He looked at Wang Xiangyun and said, "Wang Dong, if your husband drinks too much, take him away."

If the person who said this was someone else, Jiang Chen would not let it go.

But he Feng is Wang Xiangyun's husband, and now the cloud city group is booming. Even the new mayor attaches great importance to the cloud city group. Just now, they all talked about the cloud city group and are discussing how to support it with policies.

"Mr. He, you'd better leave Weiwei's business alone." Yu nancui frowned and said that she was not happy.

Weiwei is able to find an excellent boyfriend. Why do you want to destroy her?

Even Gong Wenshu didn't speak to help he Feng this time.

Although you are much better than Xue jingzhuo, who let you get married?

Besides, Xue jingzhuo has a vice mayor standing behind him. If Wei Wei follows him, her life and development will be much better in the future.

"Miss Wang, he Feng must have drunk too much. You'd better take him back to have a rest to avoid humiliating you here." Yang Mi Tao is not hot or cold irony.

Wang Xiangyun glanced at Yang Mitao and immediately looked at Jiang Chen and said, "vice mayor Jiang, my husband he Feng is a good drinker. He never gets drunk. Besides, I don't think he said anything wrong. You said it yourself. You are an educator. Why do you come here to join in other people's feelings? Do you think that's appropriate? In addition, you can't drink a bottle of wine worth 80000 yuan... "

At this moment, Wang Xiangyun stood on the same front with He Feng, and really achieved

the husband to sing and the wife to follow!


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