When he Feng said that to Jiang Chen, everyone thought that Wang Xiangyun would persuade he Feng to apologize to Jiang Chen, or even apologize in person, and then leave with He Feng to avoid further trouble.

As like as two peas, Wang Xiangyun did not apologise and did not persuade him to apologize.

At this moment, all of us were shocked, looking at Wang Xiangyun in disbelief.

He Feng is a man, impulsive, and may not know Jiang Chen's weight. But Wang Xiangyun is not the same. Wang Xiangyun is the chairman of Yuncheng group and a well-known figure in the business community of Jiangbin city. How can he not know Jiang Chen's weight in Jiangbin city?

But since this is the case, why does she still aim at Jiang Chen?

Is she not afraid to offend Jiang Chen to death?

Moreover, it's just for such a small matter!

"Wang Dong, are you sure you didn't drink too much?"

Jiang Chen put down his wine glass. He was not angry. On the contrary, he had a smile on his face. He seemed to care about Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile, "vice mayor Jiang, I think you have drunk too much. Don't you see the drink in front of me? I didn't drink today. "

"So, Wang Dong doesn't want to be friends with Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen light smile, eyes have a little cold.

Wang Xiangyun has really developed very well recently, but Jiang Chen is not a businessman. Although he needs to make friends with him, he does not need to please him, let alone swallow his words.


Jiang Chen also has a backstage in Jiangbin city. He is the Secretary of the municipal Party committee of Jiangbin city. If Wang Xiangyun deliberately offends him, he can even use the energy of the Secretary of the municipal Party committee to suppress Yuncheng group, which will cause obstacles to the development of Yuncheng group.

"Vice mayor Jiang, you are mistaken. It's not that I don't want to be friends with you, but that you don't want to be friends with me!" Wang Xiangyun corrected.


Jiang Chen smell speech, pupil not from shrink for a while, a little don't understand Wang Xiangyun's meaning.

But, so what?

You, Wang Xiangyun, a businessman, have come to offend Jiang Chen. This is your fault.

"Well, Wang Dong, I see what you mean. In that case, I will not accompany you any more. In the future, we have a long way to go. "

Jiang Chen stood up and left without saying hello to Xue jingzhuo and others.

"Uncle Jiang, don't give them the same opinion."

"Brother Jiang, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to come here."

Xue jingzhuo and Yang Mitao's face changed greatly, and they rushed to catch up.

At this moment, the two of them treat He Feng and Wang Xiangyun with much resentment. Originally, he and Jiang Chen could build a good relationship, but now they make such a fuss, Jiang Chen's attitude towards him is not so good.

"Xiao Xue, honey peach, don't worry about it. I won't blame you for this."

When Jiang Chen was about to walk outside the box door, he suddenly stopped, patted Xue jingzhuo on the shoulder and said, "especially Xiao Xue, you can contact me more when you are free. In addition, there are few outstanding men like you among the younger generation in Jiangbin city who can be compared with you, so you can definitely find the same excellent women in the future. Do you understand what uncle Jiang means? "

Xue jingzhuo naturally understood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words. He wanted him to give up Gong Wei and find a better woman.

Thinking of Gong Wei's performance just now, Xue jingzhuo is also disappointed.

That woman, she's so stupid!

I'm afraid that such a woman's help in his career will be extremely limited.

"I understand, uncle Jiang. Thank you for your advice."

Thinking of this, Xue jingzhuo made a decision in his heart and nodded respectfully to Jiang Chen.

At the same time, he secretly glanced at Gong Wei, with some regret in his heart.

This woman is really beautiful. How could she want to be someone else's junior? I'm afraid it will be a tragedy in the future. This kind of woman is not qualified to let him spend too much time.

"That's good. I'll go first."

Jiang Chen said, looking coldly at Gong Wenshu and Yu nancui, who also stood up. He didn't say hello to them, turned around and pushed the door open to leave.

As for He Feng and others, he didn't even look at them.

As he said, in the future, both sides will have a long way to go, and there will be opportunities for mutual advice.


The door opened and Jiang Chen stepped out.

As soon as he went out, a middle-aged man who happened to pass by outside the door saw him and said in surprise, "Hey, Lao Jiang, why are you running to someone else's box? I've been looking for Mayor Jin for a long time. They're all waiting for you to drink together. "

This middle-aged man, like Jiang Chen, has an official face, and he calls Jiang Chen "Lao Jiang". His position is certainly not much lower than Jiang Chen.

"Lao yuan, why did you come out to me? Just give me a call. By the way, I'd like to introduce to you a friend of mine, Xue jingzhuo. He is a well qualified student, a Ph.D. student of Harvard University. He is also very business minded. Before he left school, he made several hundred million with his own ability. Now he has started his business in Jiangbin city. For this kind of young elite, we have to give more support. "

Jiang Chen pulled Xue jingzhuo out and introduced him emphatically. At the same time, he said to Xue jingzhuo, "jingzhuo, this is the mayor of Yuan Dynasty in Jiangbin city. You can get in touch with him more and learn from him more in the future."

"Vice, vice..."

Vice Mayor yuan quickly corrected and looked at Xue jingzhuo with admiration. "Tut Tut, Mr. Xue is really young and promising. I don't see Lao Jiang praising people very much. Yes, there is a future. "

With that, vice mayor yuan reached out to shake hands with Xue jingzhuo.

At the same time, the corner of his eyes looked curiously towards the inside of the box.

Xue jingzhuo was praised as excellent by Jiang Chen. Surely his companions are not ordinary people, right?

At this glance, he was surprised, for he saw two characters who were quite familiar.

Gong Wei, Yuan Yashi

These two people seem to be the top of Cloud City Group, right?

With the rapid development of Yuncheng group recently, high-level figures like Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi naturally focused on it, so they recognized their identities at a glance.

"Well, is that Wang Xiangyun, the chairman of Yuncheng group? She's here, too. What about her husband, Mr. He Feng? "

Yuan vice mayor immediately thought of He Feng, and then subconsciously looked at the man beside Wang Xiangyun.

Sure enough, Mr. He Feng was sitting next to Wang Xiangyun.

See he Feng, Yuan vice mayor's face, immediately emerged a touch of surprise color.

"Thank you, mayor yuan. I need to learn more from you in the future..." but at this time, seeing that vice mayor yuan wanted to shake hands with him, Xue jingzhuo quickly extended two hands to shake hands with Vice Mayor yuan.

However, just as he was about to hold the hand of vice mayor yuan, he saw that vice mayor yuan's hand directly retracted, then passed him by and walked behind him.

"Mr. He Feng, I didn't expect you to be here? What a coincidence. "

Vice Mayor Yuan went straight to He Feng.

Xue jingzhuo heard vice mayor yuan's enthusiasm and surprise for He Feng. He drew from the corner of his mouth, and his outstretched hand was frozen in the air.


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