"Oh, isn't this vice mayor yuan? Did you come to this restaurant for dinner? Do you have time? Would you like to sit down and have a drink? "

He Feng saw vice mayor yuan come, also stood up to greet, and politely asked.

The vice mayor of yuan is yuan Qian.

"Mr. He Feng wants to buy me a drink. I have to be free when I have no time."

Yuan Qian strides to He Feng. The waiter obediently pulls another chair over and puts it beside him. After setting up the dishes and chopsticks, Yuan Qian sits down and drinks with He Feng.

Seeing this scene, all the people on the field except Wang Xiangyun's daughter were wide eyed.

Including vice mayor Jiang Chen.

Yuan Qian, that's the grand vice mayor of Jiangbin City, but now he Feng and he Feng are talking and laughing, and they look very familiar.

And they can see that Yuan Qian's familiarity with He Feng seems to be not because of Wang Xiangyun, but because of He Feng himself.

"This... What's going on?"

"Vice Mayor yuan has such a good relationship with He Feng? What's the situation? "

Gong Wenshu and his wife were very surprised.

Xue jingzhuo and carambola, the face is not very good-looking, especially Xue jingzhuo, a face is gloomy and terrible.

A moment ago, Yuan Qian was still praising him and wanted to shake hands with him, but in the twinkling of an eye, he Feng was sitting with him drinking and chatting, and He Xue jingzhuo was hanging on the side.

Xue jingzhuo felt hot on his face, as if he had been slapped hard.

"Lao yuan, didn't you say Mayor Jin was waiting for us? Why do you sit here and drink instead? Hurry up and don't let Jin wait for a long time. "

Jiang Chen strode to Yuan Qian and said to him.

Yuan Qian said, "Lao Jiang, you wait a little longer. I'll have a few drinks with Mr. He Feng first."

"Lao yuan, are you sure you want to drink with him? I toasted his friend just now, but he said, as an official, I can't drink this wine casually. Because it costs 80000 yuan a bottle. "

Jiang Chen squinted and said.

Originally, he was not prepared to talk about the conflict between himself and he Feng now, but he could see that Jiang Chen and he Feng were so familiar that he could not see it, so he decided to talk about it.

He believes that Yuan Qian will make a decision soon after learning about it, and even leave immediately. He will never have any contact with He Feng in the future.


Hearing this, Yuan Qian frowned a little, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Now he finally understood why Jiang Chen's face was so ugly when he just left the box. It was because he had just been angry.

Thinking of Jiang Chen's rather self righteous character, Yuan Qian has guessed vaguely that it must be Jiang Chen's behavior that angers He Feng, so he Feng will say such words to him.

But Jiang Chen now tells him the purpose of this matter, afraid is to let oneself choose to leave the field, thus leave directly?

It's just

Jiang Chen obviously does not know the relationship between himself and he Feng.

"Vice mayor Jiang, this wine is really expensive, but so what? My relationship with Mr. He Feng is pure and clear, without any interest disputes. Not now, not in the future. I'm open-minded and have nothing to worry about. "

With that, Yuan Qian raised his glass in front of Jiang Chen and drank all the wine in it.


Jiang Chen's face was instantly ugly.

Yuan Qian's attitude was very clear.

In particular, the title of Jiang Chen has changed from Laojiang to vice mayor Jiang, which obviously means to distance himself from him.

Not only Jiang Chen's face was ugly, but Xue jingzhuo and Yang Mitao's face was also ugly.

However, the three people are more and more curious about He Feng. Why does he Feng make vice mayor yuan attach so much importance to him?

Is it because of Wang Xiangyun?

Apart from this reason, they can't think of any other reason.

Because he Feng is too ordinary, there is no big bright spot on him.

Although he is good at fishing, playing chess, cooking and so on, it is impossible for the vice mayor to attach such importance to him.

Absolutely because of today's rapid development of Cloud City Group!

"Vice Mayor yuan, do you think it over? Do you really want to drink with them here? "

Jiang Chen's voice had cooled down. "I can tell you clearly that this kind of wine is not so good. If Secretary Wang asks about you later, I will tell him the truth. You'll have to bear the consequences. "

"Ah, vice mayor Jiang, since you are going to complain to Secretary Wang, you can go." Yuan Qian said helplessly.

Yuan Qian also knows that Jiang Chen is following Secretary Wang, but at this time, Jiang Chen and he Feng are in conflict. He can't abandon He Feng here because of Jiang Chen. After all, he Feng saved his son's life some time ago.

Although Secretary Wang's attitude towards him has not been very good, he thinks that Secretary Wang should not blame him for such a trifle.

Even Jiang Chen said verbally that he would not go to Secretary Wang to complain afterwards.

"Well, don't blame me."

Jiang Chen dropped the words and walked out of the box.


After walking out of the box, Jiang Chen slams the door heavily. His voice is very loud. Yu nancui's body vibrates obviously.

This is the boss in charge of the whole education industry in Jiangbin City, and they are just ordinary teachers. Although Jiang Chen should not be angry with them, they are also frightened.

At this moment, they look at He Feng's eyes, full of complexity.

This young man is really excellent, but his temper is quite arrogant. Even the vice mayor has to offend him. How can such a man achieve in the future?

When Xue jingzhuo and Yang Mitao saw this scene, they were embarrassed to leave or not.

Xue jingzhuo looks at He Feng's eyes, almost to eat people.

Originally, he was supposed to be in the limelight of the meal. But he Feng's words made him very embarrassed. Vice mayor Jiang didn't know whether he would pay as much attention to it as he just did.


Seeing that he continued to drink with Yuan Qian, Xue jingzhuo secretly clenched his fist, hoping to teach him a lesson. But he knew he couldn't because

He Feng is better than him!

"Vice Mayor yuan, was Jiang Chen ill just now? It is reasonable to say that even if he is not expelled, his power should be elevated. "

He Feng watched Jiang Chen slam the door to leave, quite a bit unhappy.

Brother Feng is having dinner with his girlfriends and future parents-in-law. How dare you break the door?

Originally, as long as Jiang Chen no longer meddles in Gong Wei's affairs, he Feng doesn't intend to worry about it any more, but now he Feng has another idea.

If you don't teach Jiang Chen a lesson, others think that brother Feng is a bully.

"Shh! Mr. He Feng, let's not discuss this kind of words. "

Yuan Qian quickly pulled He Feng said.

There are outsiders here. How can we discuss the power of a deputy mayor.

After all, he is also a member of the Jiangbin municipal government.

"All right, let's keep drinking." He Feng understood yuan Qian's meaning, so he didn't speak any more and took yuan Qian to drink.

Just now he drank a bottle of wine, which was not very enjoyable, but he didn't want to drink with Xue jingzhuo any more. He estimated that Xue jingzhuo would not drink with him either. At this time, Yuan Qian came at the right time, so he could drink with him a little more.


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