At the same time, Jiang Chen has now come to another box.

There were quite a few people in the box, seven or eight of them. Except for a middle-aged woman, the rest were all men, and they were not young.

None of these people are ordinary. They are all the leaders of Jiangbin city. The Secretary of the municipal Party committee, the mayor and several vice mayors are all here.

"Why, Lao Jiang, are you back? See Lao yuan? " Wang Tang, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, asked.

Wang Tang seems to be sixty years old. He is very powerful, but now he is smiling, which makes him look much more friendly, like a boss next door.

There is no reason for this, because there is a middle-aged man about 40 sitting beside him. He doesn't want the middle-aged man to feel that his attitude is not good enough.

It is reasonable to say that Wang Tang is already the top leader of Jiangbin city. No one in the leading group of Jiangbin city can make him so polite or even flattering.


This middle-aged man is different.

The middle-aged man is the new mayor, Jin Xi. At present, he is only the acting mayor of Jiangbin City, but Wang Tang dare not despise him.

Because Jin Xi's background is very big, far beyond the imagination of Wang Tang, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee.

Usually, these city leaders don't dare to come to the Yating hotel for dinner, but today it's Jin Xi who brings them here, and it's the manager of the hotel who receives them.

The food and drinks that Jin Xi ordered were also more expensive in the Yating hotel.

A table down, how also more than a million.

Such high consumption is extremely terrible for them.

At first, Wang Tang and others were a little scared, and they didn't understand what Jin Xi wanted to order so much money. But later, the manager told them that they didn't have to give them a cent for the meal.

As for the reason, Wang Tang and others do not know and dare not ask.

"Secretary Wang, what I want to tell you now is about vice mayor yuan."

Jiang Chen quickly came to the other side of Wang Tang, which was his position. It can be seen that Wang Tang attached great importance to him. "I asked vice mayor yuan to come back to drink with Mayor Jin and everyone else, but he insisted on staying in another box and drinking with another person. No matter how I said, he couldn't come here, alas!"

Speaking of the back, Jiang Chen sighed helplessly, as if he had tried his best.

"Drinking with others? With whom, with what wine? "

Wang Tang looked at Jin Xi and saw that Jin Xi had no expression on his face. He asked faintly.

Wang Tang doesn't like yuan Qian very much.

"In a box next to us, Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group, and her husband are drinking there. Vice Mayor yuan doesn't know what's going on. He seems to be close to Wang Xiangyun's husband. As soon as he sees him, he is very kind. At the moment, both of them have drunk a lot of wine. "

Jiang Chen thought about it and said, "as for what kind of wine it is, I'm not very clear, but I heard it's 80000 yuan a bottle."

"Wang Xiangyun?"

Hearing the name, Wang Tang raised his eyebrows.

After a few seconds of hesitation, he said in a deep voice: "no matter how much the wine costs, Mayor Jin is guiding us at this time. He should sit here and study hard. Since you can't call him Guo, I'll go myself. "

When Wang Tang said that he was going to go there in person now, Jiang Chen was overjoyed to see how arrogant yuan Qian was for a while. He expected that he would regret it or not?

As for He Feng and Wang Xiangyun

No matter how well and fast Yuncheng group develops, they don't have the courage to say anything about Secretary Wang, do they? Isn't that death?

Seeing this, the people around them also mourned for yuan Qian, but at this time they did not dare to say anything for yuan Qian, or even secretly send messages to Yuan Qian with their mobile phones.

After all, such a bad thing may affect their official career.

Wang Tang looked at Jin Xi and said, "Mayor Jin, please sit here first. I'll call vice mayor yuan."

"I'll go with you."

I don't know why. As soon as Wang Tang finished his talk, Jin Xi stood up and said, "let's go. Hold on for a while. Don't let it pass. They've finished eating and drinking."

With that, Jin Xi had taken the lead and walked out of the box.

When other leaders saw this scene, they could not sit still. They quickly stood up and followed.

"Jiangchen, come on, lead the way!" Wang Tang gave Jiang Chen a quick push.

"Good, good!"

Jiang Chen nodded and hurried to the front to lead the way.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was very excited.

If Secretary Wang Tang is the only one, I'm afraid it's just to let yuan Qian be suppressed. But now Mayor Jin seems to be unhappy. If yuan Qian's position is at the end of the day, even if he won't be allowed to step down, he will at least put his power on the line.

"Mayor Jin, Secretary Wang, they are in this box."

After a while, Jiang Chen brought a group of people to the box where he Feng was. When he reported, he first called not secretary Wang, but Mayor Jin.

On the contrary, Wang Tang stood beside Jin Xi with a smile.

"I'm going to push the door open now!" Jiang Chen said, and he wanted to push the door directly.

"Wait a minute. It's impolite to push the door. You should knock on it."

Jin Xi stopped Jiang Chen's action.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, but he said with a smile: "Mayor Jin's education is, I'll knock on the door."

"Dong Dong!"

Finish saying, Jiang Chen is very polite knock on the door, this gentle action, with a woman like.


After a while, someone came to open the door. A maid opened the door.

"Yuanqian, Mayor Jin has come. I want you to go back to the box. Come here soon."

Jiang Chen stood outside the door. As soon as the door opened, he saw yuan Qian, who was drinking and eating with He Feng. They had a good chat, which made Jiang Chen look very ugly. He immediately began to shout.

All the people in the box were quiet and looked at him.

Yuan Qian saw Jin Xi, Wang Tang and others standing behind Jiang Chen. All the people in their box came over.

This made his face suddenly change. He called "bad" in his heart. He quickly stood up and was about to admit his mistake and apologize.

He thought that even if Jiang Chen really complained, Secretary Wang would not be too unhappy. But he didn't think that not only Secretary Wang, but also Mayor Jin, had come. It can be seen how serious the matter is.

At this moment, Yuan Qian's heart sank, with a strong premonition.

He felt that his official career, I'm afraid

Not so good!

"Jiang Chen, I just taught you to be polite. How can you forget in a flash that you don't understand politeness when you are such a big man or vice mayor?"

But in this is, Jiang Chen behind suddenly rang out a voice of extreme dissatisfaction.

The voice is not only dissatisfied, but also unhappy.


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