"Mayor Jin?"

Jiang Chen looked back at Jin Xi. His face was full of wonder and doubt. He didn't understand Jin Xi's meaning.

Wang Tang is also puzzled looking at Jin Xi!

You follow us to find Yuanqian, not because you are dissatisfied with him, so you come to him personally to ask him?

How now, instead of being Jiang Chen's?

"Jiangchen, you've disturbed everyone in the box. Why don't you go and apologize to everyone? Don't lose face with our city government. " Jin Xi saw Jiang Chen staring at himself, and immediately frowned and said impatiently.


Jiang Chen's mouth was slightly open and his eyes were wide open. He thought he had heard wrong.

Wang Tang and others are also shocked!

"Why, vice mayor Jiang thinks that I'm just a new mayor and an agent, so he doesn't pay attention to me and doesn't even listen to me, does he? OK, I'll report to the provincial Party Committee immediately after I get back. Or we can transfer Jin Xi out of Jiangbin city. Or, transfer your Jiang Chen out of Jiangbin city. "

Jin Xi said coldly.

"Mayor Jin, you... You misunderstood me. I just drank too much and my reaction was a little slow. I, I'm going to apologize to them now. "

Hearing Jin Xi's words, Jiang Chen almost blew his scalp and said quickly.

If Jin Xi is really asked to call the provincial Party committee, then he is the vice mayor.

Therefore, at this time, he didn't have time to think too much about other things, and he didn't dare to give Jin Xi another chance to speak. He strode towards the box.

Now he has confirmed that Jin Xi is not joking. He really wants him to apologize to the people in the box.

Moreover, Jin Xi did not mean to apologize to Yuan Qian, but to "everyone.".

Therefore, when he went to the front and back of He Feng's table, he said to the whole table: "sorry for disturbing you. I'm here to apologize to you. I'm sorry!"

Then he made a deep bow.


Gong Wenshu and his wife were all wide eyed and their hearts were pounding wildly.

This is vice mayor Jiang, who is in charge of the whole education industry of Jiangbin city. Even the headmaster of his school has to pretend to be a grandson in front of others. But now such a big man bows and apologizes to them, which makes them have the illusion of being in a dream.

"What's going on? Mayor Jin even uses my business as an excuse to force Jiang Chen to apologize? Is there something about Jiang Chen that makes Mayor Jin unhappy, and that's why this situation is happening? " Yuan Qian secretly guessed.

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng doubtfully, "what's the situation?"

Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei both look at He Feng.

In their view, it is estimated that he Feng's hand.

He Feng shrugged, puzzled way: "I also want to know what the situation is!"

"You don't know what's going on?"

Wang Xiangyun and others were immediately confused.

"Mayor Jiang, I can't use it." Yang Mi Tao rushed forward to help Jiang Chen.

"Uncle Jiang, please stand up. We all have no dissatisfaction with you." Xue jingzhuo also walked quickly.

Jiang Chen didn't respond to them. He just looked at Jin Xi and asked with a smile, "Mayor Jin, is it ok now?"

Jin Xi said faintly: "there are only two people who can forgive you now. But there are eight people on this table. You have to be forgiven by the other six

"..." the smile on Jiang Chen's face suddenly solidified, and his heart was rather cold.

He is a deputy mayor of a quasi first tier economic city. He just bows and apologizes to others, but he has to be forgiven?

It seems that Jin Xi is trying to make him be polite, but if you think about it carefully, you are humiliating him in public.

Such a scene, more embarrassing than what he Feng said earlier.


He dares to refute He Feng, but he has no courage to refute Jin Xi.

Not only because Jin Xi is the new acting mayor, but also because of his background, which even Secretary Wang is afraid of.

"It's OK. I've forgiven him. Let him stand aside so as not to affect our eating and drinking."

He Feng waved to Jiang Chen.

It's like driving away flies!

Jin Xi then said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, thank you for your help!"

Jiang Chen's corner of his eye lashes out. He Feng is insulting him, but he still wants to thank him?

"Thank you, Mr. He Feng!"

However, the speaker was Jin Xi. Jiang Chen didn't dare to disobey him. He immediately expressed his thanks and then retreated to the side.

At this moment, his heart was full of frustration, anger and reluctance.

He vowed that the face and dignity he lost here today would be doubled in the future.

At this time, Jin Xixi walked into the box. He Feng and others looked at him. They couldn't understand why Mayor Jin would help them, or even let Jiang Chen lose face.

"Mr. He Feng, Mrs. he, and all of you, nice to meet you!"

Jin Xi walked up to He Feng and others and said politely to them, "Jin was the acting mayor of Jiangbin city at the beginning, and I'll ask you to give me more advice in the future. If there is anything wrong, please bear with me. "


Jin Xi's words seemed polite, but Gong Wenshu, Xue jingzhuo and others were so excited that they didn't dare to answer them.

But he Feng, looking at Jin Xi, was even more surprised. Why did the other party treat him so politely?

Wang Xiangyun eyebrows slightly pick, subconsciously looked at He Feng.

She was used to all kinds of scenes. As soon as Jin Xi spoke, she inferred that he Feng was the reason why Jin Xi was so polite to them.

Otherwise, Jin Xi's address to her would be "Miss Wang" or "Wang Dong", not... "Mrs. he"!

However, Jin Xi's "Mrs. he" made her feel strange.

But Wang Tang and Jiang Chen and others were shocked at the moment. Wang Tang, in particular, is very clear about Jin Xi's background. Is there anyone in Jiangbin city who can make him so low-profile?

Their eyes subconsciously toward He Feng!

Jin Xi just called Wang Xiangyun because of He Feng?

These people don't know much about He Feng. All they know is that he Feng has suddenly become Wang Xiangyun's husband, and has offended many people. Such a young man, who are important figures in the political arena of Jiangbin City, won't be ignored.

But now they find that they seem to underestimate the young man.

"Mayor Jin, you are too modest to say that. You should give us more advice on our work. Especially, my daughter-in-law's Yuncheng group is now in a stage of rapid development, which will certainly bring some disadvantages. At that time, I will ask Mayor Jin to help us." He Feng said with a smile.

"OK, since Mr. He Feng has spoken, I will pay more attention to Yuncheng group. After all, with the current development trend of Yuncheng group, I believe it will become the largest group in Jiangbin city in a short time. Its healthy development will greatly help the economic development of Jiangbin City, and naturally needs attention and help. "

Jin Xi said without hesitation.

"Mayor Jin, don't stand and talk. If you're not busy, why don't you sit down and have a drink with us?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Ha ha, then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

Jin Xi said with a laugh.

"Mayor Jin, you sit here and I'll sit over there." Yuan Qian is very witty, quickly left the position, to the original Jiangchen sitting position.

"Well, thank you, Lao yuan."

Jin Xi walked past yuan Qian and said with a smile that he was very friendly and polite.

"Should be, should be..." Yuan Qian hurriedly back a sentence, but the heart is a thick joy.

In the past, Jin Xi didn't pay attention to Yuan Qian at all. He didn't even say anything.

But now yuan Qian is very clear that from now on, he will become the red man around Jin Xi.

His official career will be smooth sailing.

And all this is because of He Feng!


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