"Brother he Feng, are these all your friends?" Jin Xi sat down and asked casually.

"Well, this is my wife, Wang Xiangyun. You should know. These two are the top management of my wife's company and my wife's best friends. "

He Feng nodded, pointed to Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi, and then introduced Gong Wenshu and his wife.

Then he looked at Xue jingzhuo and said, "as for this one, his name is Xue jingzhuo. He is Gong Wei's blind date. Today, he invited us all to have dinner here."

"Blind date?"

Jin Xi raised her eyebrows, glanced at Xue jingzhuo, and said, "young people are very good. There are a lot of things to order. It's estimated that this table is worth nearly a million, isn't it?"

Xue jingzhuo said: "Mayor Jin, it's my treat. It's my treat."

Jin Xi waved his hand with a smile and said, "ha ha, but since I'm here and Mr. He Feng is also drinking here, I'm sure you can't treat me any more. All your consumption here today is free of charge."

"Free bill?"

Hearing this, Xue jingzhuo and others were stunned.

Even he Feng looked at Jin Xi in surprise.


Jin Xi nodded and said, "because the manager of the atrium hotel is my wife."


After hearing this, Wang Tang and others just understood why Jin Xi had the courage to invite them to the Yating restaurant.

It turns out that this hotel belongs to Jin Xi's family.

"Mayor Jin, isn't that good? We have millions on this table! " He Feng said.

"Ha ha, we are not laymen. Why bother about money?"

Jin Xi picked up a glass of wine poured by the waiter and said to He Feng, "Mr. He, Mrs. he and all of you, I'll give you a toast first."

"Well! Well, I won't be polite to you. "

He Feng shrugged and took the cup to Jin Xi to drink.

Anyway, he didn't have to pay for the meal. He didn't care whether it was Xue jingzhuo or Jin Xi's treat.

Wang Xiangyun, Gong Wenshu and others also raised their glasses to drink.

Xue jingzhuo's face was rather ugly, but it was not obvious.

He had planned to squander the meal to show his financial resources and generosity, but now Mayor Jin said that he would not pay for it

The reason for the free bill is that he Feng is eating here. He also says that it's the layman who is obsessed with money!

If Xue jingzhuo insists on paying his own bill, won't he become a layman? Besides, it is estimated that Jin Xi will be upset?

"This damned He Feng, it's because of him again!" Xue jingzhuo stares at He Feng fiercely, and his heart is very cold.

He has decided to give up Gong Wei, and he Feng is still fighting for him. Does this guy really want to have a hard time with himself?

Jiang Chen stood on the side and saw this scene. His heart was full of shock, fear and regret

Even Mayor Jin should be treated so politely. Are they ordinary people?

If he had known this, he would never have ignored He Feng because of Xue jingzhuo.

Thinking of Xue jingzhuo, Jiang Chen's eyes also looked at Xue jingzhuo, but his eyes were filled with deep disgust and anger instead of previous friendliness.

If it were not for this guy, how could he fall into such a situation?

It can be predicted that Mayor Jin's attitude towards him will definitely change in the future. Even whether Secretary Wang's attitude towards him will change is now uncertain.

I'm afraid his official career is... Dangerous!

"Mayor Jin, Mr. He Feng and his wife, Ms. Wang Xiangyun, have made great contributions to the economic development of Jiangbin City, so I'd like to propose a toast to him here. Is it convenient for Mayor Jin and Mr. He Feng now?"

Jin Xi and he Feng don't know how long they have been drinking. Wang Tang suddenly comes over with a glass of wine.

Some other cadres of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government also followed, holding wine in their hands, smiling and expecting.

Jin xidun understood what Wang Tang and others meant. Wang Tang wanted to propose a toast to He Feng, but he still wanted to consult him.

However, Jin Xi didn't immediately agree and said, "I don't care. If it's convenient for Mr. He Feng, you can drink with him."

"Then my wife Wang Xiangyun and I will have a drink with you."

He Feng took advantage of Wang Xiangyun's slender waist and stood up with a woman in her arms, holding a cup and saying.

Wang Xiangyun's delicate body was obviously stiff, but soon recovered to nature, stood up with He Feng, raised his glass to Wang Tang and other humanitarians: "I also respect you

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. he!"

They all raised their glasses and drank them all.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. he. I hope your cloud city group will become better and better in the future. In addition, if you need any help, please call me at any time. Here is my business card. "

With that, Wang Tang took out two business cards from his pocket and handed them to He Feng and Wang Xiangyun.

Some other leaders also presented their business cards.

"Mayor Jin, Mr. and Mrs. he, take your time and we'll go back first." Wang Tang said and left with the rest of the leading cadres.

Only Jin Xi and Yuan Qian stayed here to accompany He Feng to drink.

Although he Feng is still confused and puzzled about Jin Xi's attitude, he doesn't ask. They seem to be close friends for many years. They have a good conversation. Even Gong Wenshu and others have joined in the chat. Jin Xi is also very enthusiastic towards them.

Except for two, of course.

Xue jingzhuo and Yang Mitao!

Until nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, the crowd stopped drinking and got up to leave the box.

Jin Xi sent them outside the hotel and said, "Mr. and Mrs. he, I won't send them. Next time we have a chance to have dinner together."

"OK, brother Jin, you can go back and have a rest. Let's make an appointment next time." He Feng nodded, and then a group of people to the parking place.

"Brother yuan, please go in and have tea with me first."

When Yuan Qian was about to leave, Jin Xi suddenly put his hand on his shoulder and pulled him to turn around and walk back.

"Okay, okay!" Where would yuan Qian refuse? His heart was full of shock and doubt. How could Mayor Jin be so polite to He Feng?

Even, because of He Feng's relationship, he is now so enthusiastic about him as an ordinary vice mayor, and his name is changed to elder brother yuan, which makes yuan Qian feel a little flattered and frightened.

"By the way, brother yuan, you should know where I worked before?" Jin Xi and Yuan Qian asked as they walked.

"Yes, it's in Yanjing." Yuan Qian said.

"Well! You are right Jin Xi said with a smile.

At this moment, they have come to a quiet box.

A middle-aged woman with luxurious clothes and extraordinary temperament is already sitting in it.

"Brother Jin, brother yuan, are you here? I've made the tea. You can taste it directly. " Said the middle-aged woman.

"Brother yuan, let me introduce you first. This is my wife, who comes from Yanjing just like me. Besides, her surname is he Jin Xi said with a light smile.

"Yanjing, surname he?"

Jin Xi was a little stunned.

But soon, a word came to his mind that made his heart beat wildly.

Four royal families, he family!

When Jin Xi introduced his wife, he didn't say his full name, but simply said "Yanjing, surname he". This is too direct to convey to him.

At this moment, Yuan Qian finally understood why Jin Xi, who was just in his early 40s, would be parachuted to Jiangbin city and become the mayor of Jiangbin city.

It turns out that the reason behind this is that the he family has made great efforts.

"Wait, he family..."

All of a sudden, Yuan Qian vaguely understood why Jin Xi was so enthusiastic and attached importance to He Feng.

He Feng, surnamed he!


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