"He Feng, are we going back directly now?"

When she came to the car, Gong Wei asked, "do you want to go to the post restaurant in the evening?"

"Xiao Feng, I don't think we should eat at night? Your uncle Gong has drunk too much at noon today. I'm afraid he'll have to sleep a lot when he goes back. I want him to have a light dinner, too. " Yu nancui said that now her attitude towards He Feng is obviously more cordial.

"Well, I'll say hello to Bryce. The evening won't be over. You and uncle Gong will go back and have a good rest. I'll take you to the post restaurant when we have time next time."

He Feng naturally won't object.

Later, he looked at Xue jingzhuo, who was a little dizzy, and said to Yang Mitao, "Mr. Yang, you see brother Xue is obviously drunk. You can drive him home first."

"What about nancui?"

Yang asked.

"It's OK. I'll ask Mayor Jin to arrange a car to take them back. It's not a big deal." He Feng said.

"Well, I'll take Xiao Xue back first."

Yang Midao nodded, helped Xue jingzhuo to get on the big BMW and drove away.

But the litigant Xue jingzhuo, did not say a word about this, silently got on the car, and left with a gloomy face.

Today, he planned to perform well and win the favor of Gong Wei's parents.

However, it backfired. He Feng robbed him of all the limelight. Even Jiang Chen, the vice mayor who might become his backer, might have lost his official career because of He Feng.

At this moment, Xue jingzhuo felt that he was useless, and no longer had the confidence of the past. Everything he was proud of was smashed by He Feng.

He lost to He Feng!

It's too much to fight back!


Watching Xue jingzhuo leave, Gong Weicai is very relieved. She doesn't feel sorry for Xue jingzhuo, because Xue jingzhuo is responsible for everything.

"Weiwei, hold uncle Gong first. I'll call vice mayor yuan and ask him how to leave to see if I can send you back."

He Feng didn't really contact Jin Xi.

Jin Xi's enthusiasm for him made him feel a little puzzled. He didn't want to contact Jin Xi on his own initiative for the moment, so after taking out his mobile phone, he didn't contact Jin Xi, but yuan Qian.


Not long after the call, Yuan Qian's voice came, "Mr. He Feng, what's the matter?"

Hear yuan Qian's voice, he Feng obviously Leng next.

Because he was acutely aware that only a few minutes later, Yuan Qian's address to him seemed completely different.

Now yuan Qian, when calling him, is obviously more polite, even with a trace of


"Brother yuan, where are you now?" He Feng asked.

"Just now Mayor Jin saw that I had drunk a little too much, so he took me to tea with him. Now we are drinking tea." Yuan Qian replied: "in addition, Mayor Jin's wife is also here. She asked me to convey to you that there are so many people today that she didn't come out to propose a toast to you. She said that when you come to dinner next time, she will have a drink with you. By the way, Mrs. Jin's surname is the same as yours. It's all he. "

"Surname he?"

Hear this words, he Feng immediately suddenly.

Why is Kinsey so enthusiastic about him?

Why even Wang Tang, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, is polite in front of Jin Xi?

Why is Yating hotel so powerful?

All this is because of the he family!

One by one, doubts are quietly solved at this moment.

"OK, I see. When I have time next time, I'll come back to Yating hotel for dinner. The food here is really delicious."

He Feng said with a smile.

It seems that the he family really attaches great importance to him. In the city where he lives, a member of the he family is directly arranged to become mayor.

But he Feng doesn't care about these. He only cares about one thing, that is

"Brother yuan, are you going back now? If you go back, please help me send my friend Gong Wei and her parents back, OK He Feng asked.

On this hot day, he just hopes that everyone will go home and blow the air conditioner.

"OK, just a moment. I'll come to see you with my driver." With that, Yuan Qian hung up.

In less than five minutes, Yuan Qian and his driver had already arrived.

"Mr. He Feng, I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting." Yuan Qian strides to He Feng and says.

"Elder brother yuan, you'd better call me the same as before, sir. It's a lot of points."

He Feng helplessly shook his head, he knew that Yuan Qian might have guessed his identity, so he would be polite to him again.

"Well, brother he, let them get on the bus. It's hot outside." Yuan Qian changed his mouth with a smile.

"OK, vivi, you can take your uncle and aunt to the car."

He Feng said to Gong Wei, then looked at the driver behind yuan Qian and said with a smile, "Congratulations, brother yuan. I guess I will climb up again in a few years."

He Feng can see clearly. The driver behind yuan Qian is a waiter in the atrium hotel.

Although he's just a waiter, he's actually an ancient warrior of Mingjin level.

Now that the waiter has become yuan Qian's driver, it must be arranged by Jin Xi, in order to better protect yuan Qian's safety. It can be seen that Yuan Qian has been taken seriously.

He Feng can also guess Jin Xi's difficulties. Jin Xi just parachuted in and would not stay in Jiangbin city for a few years. So he wants to cultivate yuan Qian, who is familiar with He Feng, into a confidant. After Jin Xi leaves Jiangbin City, Yuan Qian will take over his position. As long as He Feng stays in Jiangbin City, it will be much more convenient no matter what he does in the future.

"It's all thanks to you, brother he. When I have a chance, I have to treat you well." Yuan Qian said gratefully.

"Don't thank me, elder brother yuan. It has nothing to do with me."

He Feng laughs, "you get on the bus quickly, it's hot outside."

"OK, brother he, sister-in-law and miss yuan, let's go first."

Yuan Qian said, then took the driver on the car, and soon drove away.

Watching yuan Qian and his party leave, Wang Xiangyun's Scarlet cheek again shows a sense of shame, "get in the car, go home!"

With that, she went straight to the back seat.

"Yunyun has drunk too much today. Your chance has come. Hurry to sit in the back row."

Yuan Yashi whispered next to He Feng, and then ran to the driver's seat.


Smell speech, he Feng eyes a bright, feel inside the body as if there is evil fire scurrying, subconsciously licked his lips, toward the woman in the back row.


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