"Sister yuan, you just had a drink. You sit in the back row and let he Feng drive."

Who knows, he Feng just walked to the back row and was about to open the door when he saw Wang Xiangyun rolling down the window, glancing coldly at He Feng and saying to Yuan Yashi.

"Ah? Let he Feng drive. Isn't that good? He drank so much Yuan Yashi opens her mouth. She wants he Feng to take advantage of the situation. Maybe when Wang Xiangyun's defense is the lowest, she can take down the woman.

But now it seems that she underestimated the vigilance of women.

"I know how much he drinks, no matter how much he drinks. Well, don't delay any more. Get on the bus and start the car to turn on the air conditioner. I'm dying of heat. " Wang Xiangyun urged.

Yuan Yashi had to stand up to He Feng, and she was helpless.


He Feng bit his teeth, not to mention how depressed he was.

This fire has just been lifted up, no one cares, bullying brother Feng too much, right?

On the car, he Feng turned on the air conditioner, stepped on the accelerator, the car quickly left.

At about four o'clock, the three returned home.

"Uncle, miss, Miss yuan, how much wine did you drink today? Why is it so heavy?"

As soon as I got home, aunt Zhan, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, came up and said, "go to the sofa and sit down first. I'll make a pot of tea for you."

"Aunt Zhan, I don't drink tea any more. I'm going to go upstairs to the toilet, and then I'm going to have a sleep. My head is dead."

Wang Xiangyun waved her hand and her eyelids were fighting.

Although she is in business, she seldom drinks alcohol. She only drinks about half a Jin today. Now she can't carry it.

"Well, I'll help you up to bed." Aunt Zhan said and went to help Wang Xiangyun.

"Aunt Zhan, you can make tea for sister yuan. I can go by myself."

Wang Xiangyun pushes aunt Zhan away and walks towards the stairway.

It can be seen that she is very strong in character.

Even now she's drunk, she doesn't want to be helped.

Aunt Zhan shook her head helplessly and looked at He Feng.

"Aunt Zhan, you'd better follow her upstairs so that she won't fall."

He Feng shrugged.

He would like to help Wang Xiangyun, but the key is that people won't let him.

Wang Xiangyun knows that he drinks too much now, so he Feng's special precautions can be seen from the fact that he was not allowed to sit in the back row outside the atrium hotel.

Now Wang Xiangyun wants to go to bed in his room. If he Feng follows, Wang Xiangyun will definitely disagree.

"All right!"

Aunt Zhan answered and followed.

At this time, Wang Xiangyun has already stepped up three or four steps, and his graceful body is shaking.


All of a sudden, Wang Xiangyun seemed to slip at his feet, and the whole person turned his back.

"Be careful, miss!"

At the back, aunt Zhan's face changed greatly, and her body suddenly sent out a strong breath. She rushed over and helped Wang Xiangyun, "are you OK, miss?"

"I, I'm fine!" Wang Xiangyun shook his head, looking rather confused. It was obvious that she didn't realize that she had almost fallen over.

"I'll help you up."

Aunt Zhan said helplessly, and then helped Wang Xiangyun upstairs as if nothing had happened.

He Feng watched aunt Zhan leave, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because, just now, when Aunt Zhan was in a hurry to save Wang Xiangyun, he was acutely aware that Aunt Zhan was sending out a wave of internal strength.

He still remembers that when he first met aunt Zhan, he felt that Aunt Zhan was an ancient warrior, but he didn't know exactly what level she was.

Later, when he learned that Wang Xiangyun was a member of the royal family of the ancient Wu family, he didn't worry about it any more. After all, there are too many ancient Wu people in the Wang family. As Wang Xiangyun's nanny, aunt Zhan is an ancient Wu person, which is too normal.

But just now, aunt Zhan's inner strength fluctuated, which shocked he Feng.

Because Aunt Zhan is not an ordinary Mingjin guwu, or even a dark guwu, but

Hua Jin!

"In the whole Wang family, the most powerful people are just dark strength, but how can aunt Zhan be so strong?"

He Feng looked at the stairs of aunt Zhan and Wang Xiangyun, who were gone, and was in a daze.

"He Feng, what are you thinking about? Do you want to go upstairs to do something bad while yunyun is asleep? " Yuan Yashi see he Feng in a daze, can't help but smile asked, think he Feng in mind what dirty things.

"I'll go. Am I such a wretch?"

He Feng rolled a white eye, way: "you also drank a lot of wine at noon, you also find a place to sleep."

"And you?"

"I'm fine. I'll sit down for a while."

He Feng said, then sat down on the sofa.

"Well, I'll go to the room over there and sleep."

Yuan Yashi pointed to a room and said, then walked over.

However, after only two steps, her steps faltered slightly, blushing and whispering: "I'll take a bath first. If I have a chance later, you... You can come in."

With that, the woman speeded up her pace and walked towards the room, and soon hid in the room.


He Feng suddenly depressed, but also let people think about the problem?

Maple brother is thinking about an important problem, even tempt Maple brother, too sensible?


Brother Feng likes it!

He Feng's thinking immediately jumped out, pondering whether to find a reason to support aunt Zhan for a while?

"Dong Dong..."

After sitting on the sofa for less than five minutes, aunt Zhan came down from upstairs.

After going downstairs, aunt Zhan looked at He Feng sitting on the sofa and said, "uncle, is Miss yuan resting?"


He Feng nodded, looked at Aunt Zhan and said, "aunt Zhan, come and sit down?"


Aunt Zhan hesitated a little, went to the opposite of He Feng and sat down, "just now, uncle sensed it?"

When Aunt Zhan saw he Feng for the first time, she also felt that he Feng was an ancient warrior. Later, she knew more about He Feng's performance in Jiangbin City, so she also determined that he Feng was an ancient warrior, and her accomplishments should not be weak.

Just now, she was in a hurry, showing the fluctuation of her inner strength. She knew that he Feng must have noticed it.

Sure enough, as soon as she went downstairs, he Feng wanted to talk to her.

Obviously, he Feng is not only aware of her inner strength fluctuation, but also aware of her cultivation level.

"Well, at the beginning of Huajin, aunt Zhan's accomplishments were good."

He Feng said with a smile: "aunt Zhan is so strong in cultivation. How can she become yunyun's nanny?"

"I didn't expect that my uncle's perception was so keen that I could even feel my cultivation realm." Aunt Zhan said, "I don't know what level my uncle's cultivation has reached."

"Aunt Zhan, you should know my identity. I'm the he family's son. I'm 26 years old now. Even if my cultivation is the same as yours, it's not too much. It's aunt Zhan. Why are you willing to stay by yunyun's side as a nanny? If you like, you can enjoy the splendor and respect in this secular world. " He Feng continued to ask.

"He family..."

Aunt Zhan murmured, then shook her head and said with a smile, "uncle, you'd better not ask more about my business now. It's not good for you. You just need to know that I'm willing to be yunyun's nanny. Not only before and now, but also in the future, I will guard her all my life. "


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