He Feng heard aunt Zhan's answer, but he was stunned.

Then he gave a wry smile and said, "aunt Zhan, do you have any trouble to tell me? Don't worry, even if there is any secret involved, I will keep it secret. "

Aunt Zhan is a master of Huajin, but she wants to stay with Wang Xiangyun as an ordinary nanny. In addition to taking care of Wang Xiangyun's daily life, she must also protect her safety. The things in this must be not simple.

Even, it may have something to do with a secret.

Aunt Zhan still shook her head. "Uncle, don't ask about this. It's not good for you. In a word, as long as miss will not become the top ancient warrior or the top genius, she will be safe in this life. "

"Aunt Zhan, even if you tell me, she will be safe. I'm sure I can protect her." He Feng said solemnly.

"Uncle, although the he family is strong, it is not invincible in China. I don't want to add trouble to you in vain. In a word, some things I would rather rot in my stomach than... "

"Yunyun, now she has gathered her inner strength and become an ancient warrior!"

He Feng interrupted aunt Zhan.


Aunt Zhan was shocked and said, "how can it be possible, miss? She doesn't have the talent to practice at all. She can't even guide her sense of Qi. How can she gather her inner strength?"

He Feng said: "you don't need to pay attention to Aunt Zhan. You just need to know that yunyun has gathered her inner strength now. In addition, I have prepared a lot of cultivation resources for her. In a short time, her cultivation will at least reach the level of Hua Jin. "

"Hua Jin..."

Hearing this, aunt Zhan frowned, "uncle, why are you doing this? Isn't it good to let Miss be an ordinary person? With her great strength, she will certainly bear great responsibility and danger in the future. "

"Because I accidentally provoked a senior guwu family, I was worried that they would soon find me and retaliate, so I had to find a way to improve their strength as soon as possible."

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and said: "in addition, if there are really huge responsibilities and dangers in the future, I will bear them together with yunyun. After all, I'm her husband! "


With a heavy sigh, aunt Zhan said, "uncle, I can't tell you the specific things for the moment. I'll tell you when the young lady really reaches the level of Hua Jin. What I can tell you now is that the identity of the young lady is related to the ancient people. "

"The ancient clan!" He Feng couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

Ancient clan is a concept of aristocratic family, which has been inherited for a long time.

But the ancient clan and the aristocratic family are different. Each ancient clan has been handed down for at least 500 years, and they are all invisible families.

Nowadays, there are not many ancient ethnic groups in the world. It is said that there are no more than ten. But the strength of each ancient ethnic group

It is said that no ancient clan is weaker than the four Royal clans!

And the strength of the four royal families, at least ten great masters of Huajin. As for whether there are mythical strongmen, only they know.

Thus it can be seen that Rao and he Feng are not absolutely sure of the strength of the ancient clan.

"Well, after yunyun reaches the level of Huajin, aunt Zhan, you can tell me all the specific things, OK?" He Feng said with a smile, as if let Wang Xiangyun's cultivation step into the power, just a small matter.

"Well, if Miss can really reach the level of strength, then I really have no need to continue to hide."

Aunt Zhan nodded and continued: "but, uncle, you have to be mentally prepared. There was once a strong master of Huajin who had awakened her life circle. He checked the life circle of the young lady. It's hard for miss to cultivate in her life. Even if she can cultivate in the end, her cultivation will be ten times more difficult than that of ordinary ancient martial arts. "

"Ten times?"

He Feng sniffed and didn't believe it at all.

When he helped Wang Xiangyun to guide his sense of Qi and gather his inner strength, he didn't feel how difficult it was, and it didn't take him long, and the strength he gathered still surpassed the strength of the best.

As far as he knows, Gu Wu, who has such superior strength, can easily defeat the enemy by one or two levels with the power of strength alone.

How slow is the cultivation speed for such a genius?

Kill He Feng also don't believe!

"Uncle, I know you may not believe it now. It doesn't matter. After a while, you will naturally know whether what I said is true or false."

Aunt Zhan stood up and said, "you and miss should have dinner at home in the evening. I'll drive to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and you can have a rest."

"Yes, aunt Zhan!"

He Feng nodded and said nothing more.

Brother Feng has prepared so many cultivation resources, and also has a special method of refining Qi, which can quickly absorb the efficacy of pills. He doesn't believe it. There's no problem with Wang Xiangyun's meridians. How can he slow down his cultivation.

Watching aunt Zhan drive away, he Feng takes back his eyes and doesn't think about it any more. When Wang Xiangyun wakes up, he will have a try.

"By the way, should sister yuan have finished her bath?"

He Feng suddenly thought of a thing, heart suddenly became hot up, eyes full of excitement.

At the beginning of talking with Wang Xiangyun about getting married, Wang Xiangyun warned him that he could pick up girls outside, but he could not take women home.

But now, isn't sister yuan brought back?

What's more, he is about to do bad things with sister yuan at home!

It's exciting to think about it!

"Dong Dong..."

He Feng went to the room that sister yuan had just entered and knocked on the door.

No one came to open the door.

"Well? Haven't you finished taking a bath after all this time? "

He Feng frowned, ready to open the door directly.

But with a little effort, he found that the door was locked.

Helplessly, he Feng had to work up his mental strength and feel the situation inside.

This one induction, he Feng immediately perceived the situation inside, a face of speechless.

Yuan Yashi did take a bath. He not only took a bath, but also lay in bed waiting for him

Just, the woman seems too tired, waiting, actually fell asleep!

"Alas, brother Feng vented so many times yesterday, but today, he didn't expect to vent all at once?"

He Feng sighed, "brother Feng is really poor!"

He Feng went back to the room where he used to sleep and began to practice depressed.

It was not until seven o'clock in the evening that he Feng finished his cultivation because someone knocked on the door outside.

No, it's not knocking, it's shooting!

"Bang bang!"

The door of the room was shot, and Wang Xiangyun's voice came in, "He Feng, have dinner."


He Feng opens the door and looks at Wang Xiangyun, who is wearing a white nightgown outside. His eyes are slightly bright.

Although women wear simple, but this loose nightdress, on the contrary, it makes her sexy and graceful posture more attractive.

"What are you looking at, rascal? Get out and eat. "

Aware of He Feng's eyes, Wang Xiangyun's cheek is slightly red. After staring at him fiercely, he turns straight to the dining table.


At the dinner table, Yuan Yashi couldn't help laughing, and aunt Zhan was looking at this side with a smile.

"Well, it's true that the relationship between husband and wife is getting deeper and deeper, and the man's position is becoming less and less important."

He Feng sighed and went to the table.


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