After dinner, Yuan Yashi did not stay, but to return to the company to deal with the work.

Now both Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei have become Gu Wu. There will be some delay in the company's affairs.

However, Yuan Yashi had not yet cultivated his inner strength, so he naturally wanted to help with these affairs.

"Yunyun, let's go to my room and I'll teach you to practice."

He Feng sees aunt Zhan go to the kitchen to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, then faces Wang Xiangyun.

"Practice? OK, let's go! "

Wang Xiangyun's eyes moved, and he Feng's room went.

In the past, she would never set foot in He Feng's room, but now for the sake of cultivation, she doesn't take it seriously.

He Feng followed Wang Xiangyun and entered the room together.

At this time, aunt Zhan suddenly came out of the kitchen, staring at the closed door, slightly distracted.

"Miss, is it really possible to break the shackles of life wheel and become the master of Huajin?"

I don't know why, aunt Zhan's eyes showed a touch of expectation.


"Daughter in law, these pills are for you. In a moment, I will teach you how to absorb the energy in the pills and refine them as quickly as possible. However, after you learn my refining method, you have to give up the bet between us. "

In the room, he Feng and Wang Xiangyun cross their knees. Beside them, there is a box containing a large number of pills and miracles.

"Why?" Wang Xiangyun has no good airway.

"Because my refining method will make you absorb pills very quickly, so your cultivation will also be improved very quickly."

He Feng thought about it and said: "I will teach Weiwei the same method of refining Qi in the future. According to my estimation, if Weiwei is allowed to practice all her strength for one day, she can break through from the early stage of Mingjin to the middle stage of Mingjin in one day. You say, are you going to lose? It's better to admit defeat now! "

"Can we break through from the initial stage of Mingjin to the middle stage of Mingjin in one day?"

Wang Xiangyun looked suspicious and said, "is there such a powerful gas refining method? Please teach it to me first."

She was born in the Wang family, and she knew something about the cultivation speed of pills.

Elixir can really help people improve their accomplishments, but the speed is not very fast. Even if there are enough elixirs in the early Ming Dynasty to assist them in their cultivation, and their cultivation talent is also high, it will take at least a month or two to break through to the middle Ming Dynasty.

But he Feng said that with his method of refining gas, he could step from the early stage of Mingjin to the middle stage of Mingjin in one day. How could this be possible?

She doesn't believe it at all!

"No? OK, let's try it now. I'll show you how your self-cultivation develops by leaps and bounds. " He Feng said, picked up a human level primary Xuanyuan Dan and handed it to Wang Xiangyun, "swallow it!"


Wang Xiangyun swallowed this Xuanyuan pill into his abdomen according to his words!

Suddenly, great energy poured into her body.

Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng sitting behind her, "can we start?"

"Well, seriously feel the path of these energies, no detail can go wrong."

He Feng put his hand on Wang Xiangyun's back, a wisp of Qi into it, pulling the power of the woman's body, walking on the four limbs.

Time, minute by minute.

I don't know how long later, he Feng suddenly found a strange phenomenon, those pills energy controlled by him seems to be gradually decreasing.

"Well? What's the situation? "

He Feng frowned slightly.

Last time he helped Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu to practice, there was no such phenomenon. Why did it happen today?

These pills energy, in inexplicable disappear?

"No, it's not less powerful, it's just more refined. The quantity is less, but the quality is higher. So, what's going on? "

He Feng is a little puzzled.

But he didn't think much about it at the moment. He continued to lead the medicine, making it gradually integrate into the Dantian and turn it into inner strength.

When the medicine power is completely transformed into internal strength, he Feng is surprised to find that the transformed strength is extremely majestic and vast, which is too many times stronger than the best strength.

"It seems that yunyun's constitution has also changed because of the strong Qi. It can automatically filter the energy of pills and refine them. However, the energy absorbed in the end seems to be only about one tenth of that of pills. This... This is too wasteful, isn't it? "

Feeling the fluctuation of inner strength in Wang Xiangyun's Dantian, he Feng is speechless.

When he opened his eyes, he Feng looked at the time and found that Wang Xiangyun's cultivation had lasted for a full hour.

"Well? It took me an hour to guide the energy into the elixir field? "

He Feng was more and more puzzled.

When he helped Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu refine pills with real Qi, it took less than ten minutes for this human level primary Xuanyuan pill.

And Wang Xiangyun, it took an hour.

Then Wang Xiangyun's time of refining pills by himself was almost ten times that of Chu Yue or Xiao Yu?

"This... Is a bit beyond expectation!"

He Feng murmured.

"Well? What kind of energy did you just use to help me guide the energy of pills? And so fast? However, the speed of refining Xuanyuan pill by myself in a moment should be much slower? " Wang Xiangyun also felt the fluctuation of inner strength in his body. He knew that the Xuanyuan pill had been completely refined. He was surprised.

He Feng nodded, "it's really a lot slower..."

"Do you think that at this speed, Weiwei can break through to the middle of Mingjin in one day?" Wang Xiangyun sneered, "I'm afraid three days is not enough, right? Shall I give you two more days? "


He Feng heard a long face.

Indeed, according to Wang Xiangyun's current cultivation speed, even if he practices 24 hours a day without sleep, it is estimated that it will take about eight days to break through to the middle of Mingjin period. That's sure to doubt his gas refining method.

"Daughter in law, you may not find that the reason why you practice so slowly is not because there is something wrong with my Qi refining method, but because of your strength."

He Feng had to explain seriously: "when your body absorbs the energy of Dan medicine, it may be because your energy surpasses the best, and it will automatically refine the energy to be more pure, while most of the other less pure energy will automatically escape from your body and be wasted, so the cultivation will be very slow. But don't worry, I'll try to improve your constitution in the future, so that you can directly absorb higher level pills. "

"Improve your health?"

Wang Xiangyun eyebrows pick, eyes flash a light, do not know what to think.


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