
He Feng explained: "for the ancient martial arts, the stronger their constitution is, the more powerful pills they can bear. You're just an ordinary person now. Naturally, you can only bear the Xuanyuan pill of the lowest level. If you have the constitution of more than three levels of physical training, even if you just start to practice internal strength, you can also take the Xuanyuan pill of the middle level of the human level directly. "

Wang Xiangyun looked at He Feng and asked, "is it difficult to improve your physique?"

He Feng said: "it's really hard, because it's too hard to find the effective medicine to improve the physique directly. In order to improve their physique, most people swallow the flesh and blood of fierce animals and absorb their essence energy to improve their physique. However, the taste of fierce animals will be heavier, and it's best to eat them raw, so as not to waste their energy. If they are cooked and eaten again, there will be no energy left. "


Wang Xiangyun nodded and said nothing more. He picked up a Xuanyuan Dan and said, "next, I'll practice by myself. Go and help you."

"OK, I'll go out first. You can call me if you have something to do."

He Feng stood up and left the room.

At this moment, he was wondering if he should go to the old forest of SenShan and catch some fierce beasts, and then let the women around him eat the fierce beasts' meat every day, so that their physique will be improved quickly, which will be of great help to their future cultivation.

Out of Wang Xiangyun's room, he Feng sits alone on the sofa, caressing his forehead and sighing

"Wang Xiangyun can only absorb one tenth of the energy of the pill when he uses it to practice. Isn't that to say that brother Feng will become a layman who can only make money in the future

He Feng is very distressed.

Ordinary ancient warriors like Chu Yue and Ling Weiyu spend tens of billions of yuan when they reach the peak of Huajin, but Wang Xiangyun spends ten times as much.

That is hundreds of billions!

Today, Ma Feng, who ranks first in China's rich list, has only more than 200 billion yuan of personal assets.

He Feng is actually very rich. In his personal bank card alone, there are hundreds of billions, and it's rice knife

However, now his bank card is given to ruodi for safekeeping. If he takes it back and says he wants to buy pills for his daughter-in-law Wang Xiangyun to practice, then

Such consequences, he Feng does not dare to think!

"Forget it, next brother Feng is still trying to make money." He Feng sighed deeply.


At the same time, Tang Wen and Chu Yue were eating noodles at a beef noodle restaurant near the Public Security Bureau of Jiangbin city.

Both of them are the best beauties, but some customers around dare not stare at them.

Because they were wearing police uniforms!

"Sister Wenwen, don't worry. There are more than 20 guards with guns in the detention center, and there are many people in our criminal police team. No matter how powerful their accomplices are, they dare not rob people?"

Chu Yue sat opposite Tang Wen and said with a smile, "just relax and eat a bowl of noodles. Just take it as a rest."

At noon today, they took the six robbers back to the bank in Xibin Park and started the trial. However, no matter what means they used, the robbers did not reveal any useful information.

Moreover, these robbers are extremely arrogant, saying that their boss will come to save them, so that Tang Wen has to arrange heavy soldiers to handle them, and has been in charge for a long time.

I haven't had dinner until eight o'clock in the evening.

Chu Yue is afraid that Tang Wen is too tired, so she drags her to accompany her to eat a bowl of noodles outside.

"If they were just ordinary people, of course I wouldn't worry. But you can see their information, one by one they retired from the special forces, their accomplices must also be very powerful. If they really come to rob people, even if we can leave them all, there will certainly be casualties, so we can't take them lightly in any case. "

Tang Wen's face is solemn.

Chu month smell speech, nodded.

What Tang Wen said is really reasonable. None of the robbers is simple, and they must have accomplices, and they also have a lot of hot weapons. If their accomplices do come to the police station, they'll be in a lot of trouble.

"Wenwen elder sister, why don't you call He Feng and let him come to our detention center. In this case, once the robber's accomplices come, they will surely fall into the trap." Chu month smile suggestion way.

"Come on, I don't want to go to other people for help when I have something to do. How can I be the captain of the criminal police force? Not to mention being deputy director in the future! "

Tang Wen rolled her eyes and said, "I see. Do you want to stay with him? Are you too fascinated by him? "

Chu Yue said with a smile: "who makes him so charming?"

"Yes? Why don't I find him attractive? "

Tang Wen didn't know if she could.

She admits that he Feng is really excellent. During this period, she also made a careful investigation of He Feng and found that he Feng is too mysterious and very capable.

Such a man, indeed extremely attractive, few women can resist it!

"Sister Wenwen, you are obviously saying something against your will. If he Feng doesn't have charm, which man still has charm?"

Chu Yue looks at Tang Wen with a smile, "sister Wen Wen, believe it or not, if you stay alone with He Feng for some time, you will definitely like him."

"Come on, I'll like his playboy?"

Tang Wen sneered, "although he is really excellent, my requirements for my boyfriend are also very clear. I don't need to be too excellent, but I have to be specific."

"Sister Wenwen, I know your request. You have told me many times before. But you should also know that the conditions for us to choose a boyfriend seem to be the same? Now, I'm He Feng's girlfriend. " Chu Yue said with a smile.


Tang Wen slightly a Leng, stares at Chu Yue way: "I just won't be the same as you will not be strong, you look at it, he Feng no matter how excellent, I won't look at him more."

"Well, I'll see."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

As they were chatting, Tang Wen's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

She looked at the caller ID and the caller was her assistant Li Ping.


Tang Wen pressed the answer button.

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Ping's anxious and flustered cry came from inside, "Captain, there is an accident. A group of people with guns in black have rushed into the detention center. Their firepower is very fierce, and there are grenades. Two of our colleagues have died... Unfortunately!"

Vaguely, Tang Wen also heard the sound of gunfire and grenade explosion.


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