"What?! These people are so bold that they dare to shoot into the detention center and kill the police.... "

Tang Wen's face changed greatly. "Li Ping, you let everyone focus on safety. It's ok if people let them save them. If not, we'll arrest them all over the country."

After giving orders, Tang Wen immediately hung up the phone.

Although she wanted to keep the robber, her life was more important. She didn't want her subordinates to fight for their lives. There was only one life.

"Wenwen elder sister, is they..." one side of Chu Yue asked.

"You should call He Feng immediately and ask him to help us as soon as possible. I'll contact the armed police brigade and ask them to send someone to support me. "

Tang Wen to Chu Yue said, immediately rushed out of the noodle shop, at the same time took the mobile phone to make a phone call.

Chu month lost a note on the table, also followed quickly ran out, and took out the mobile phone to dial He Feng's phone.

"Hello, Yueyue's wife, call me now. Do you miss me?"

The phone was soon connected, inside came he Feng's rambling laughter.

Chu Yue doesn't have the heart to listen to He Feng at the moment, so before he Feng finishes speaking, she shouts out: "He Feng, you're coming to the detention center next to our public security bureau. At noon, the accomplices of the robbers come to break the prison. There are not only guns, but also grenades. Come quickly."

"Prison break? It's OK. Just go to the robbers. Someone will help you get rid of them. " He Feng said: "I have arranged a dark strength level gold medal killer beside you. No matter how the robbers use their guns, they can't escape. But you and Wenwen beauty should also be careful, understand? "

"The dark killer? OK, I see. Then I'll pass. "

"Well, I'll be there now, too."

With that, they hung up.

Chu Yue learns that he Feng has arranged a dark strength level killer beside her. She is not nervous at all. Instead, she speeds up and runs to Tang Wen, saying: "Captain, we will kill directly in a moment."

Tang Wen took a look at Chu Yue. She was a little surprised when Chu Yue's speed became so fast, but she didn't think much at the moment. She just said, "Yue Yue, just follow me. You can't act rashly without my orders. Let's find out the situation first. Do you understand?"

"All right!"

Chu Yue nodded and said nothing more.

Anyway, it's the killer who will deal with the robber later. She doesn't need to do anything.

At this time, outside the detention center, there was a mess. After hearing the sound of guns and bombs, the people on the street screamed and ran away. They ran 100 meters away. Some brave people stopped and hid behind an obstacle to watch the excitement.

However, the detention center is behind the Public Security Bureau and is blocked by the Public Security Bureau building. Therefore, they can't really see what happened in the detention center.

At the moment, no one dares to get close to the detention center, but there are two extremely beautiful women running quickly towards the detention center behind the Public Security Bureau.

It's because they're wearing police uniforms.

"Yueyue, slow down. Let's not go into the building of the Public Security Bureau, just go around the building and go to the detention center."

When she was about to run to the Public Security Bureau, Tang Wen grabbed Chu Yue and said, "at the same time, she took out a pistol with a dignified look." what we have to do now is try our best to contain these robbers, even if they have brought their companions out. Anyway, the armed police can arrive there in ten minutes at most, and they will be able to solve the problem at that time. "

"I know, but we'd better go to the detention center as soon as possible. I don't think they can last long. They don't have a lot of ammunition." Chu Yue said.

"Well, let's go and see what's going on first."

Tang Wen nodded.

Immediately, two people along the edge of the Public Security Bureau in the dark, the familiar touch outside the detention center.

The detention center is actually a relatively large building.

The building is more than 400 square meters, and the surrounding courtyard is larger, with a total of 500 square meters.

There is no underground parking lot in the detention center, so there are a lot of vehicles on the ground at the moment, but these vehicles are full of holes and bullet holes.

"Brothers, fire harder, kill these sons of bitches and save our brothers."

Outside the detention center, a tall, burly man yelled. He was dressed in black and his head was covered with black stockings. He couldn't see his face clearly.

As soon as the voice was over, he took out two high explosive grenades with his palm back and waist, pulled open the bracelet and threw them straight into the window on the first floor of the detention center.


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion.

"Paralyzed, blow them up and ask them to catch our brother."

"Yes, I'd like to see if they have more people or we have more firepower."

"Ha ha ha, at the end of this round, I will let them die."

With the sound of the explosion, seven or eight men nearby took out grenades one after another and threw them heavily at the place where they felt someone was in the building.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

A series of explosions sounded like fireworks, and the whole building vibrated violently, as if it was about to collapse. Even the ground vibrated violently, and the car siren sounded loud, as if it were an earthquake.

And the gunfire inside the building, instantly quiet down.

Obviously, there must be heavy casualties in the building at the moment. Even if they were still alive, they would be stunned by the explosion.

"Go in, save the brothers, and kill all those who are alive."

A middle-aged man went to the front, waved and yelled.


The rest of the men rushed to the building.

Not far away, Chu Yue and Tang Wen just arrived at this time. Seeing this behind the scenes, their faces changed greatly.

"No, if these people are allowed to enter the building, they will be in danger. Yueyue, come on, shoot to stop them, attract their firepower, and give them some breathing time. "

Tang Wen said, without waiting for Chu Yue to reply, she raised her hand and shot.


Tang Wen is worthy of being the captain of the criminal police team. She has excellent shooting skills. As soon as the gunshot rang out, a robber in black fell to the ground in the front yard.

Shot in the middle of the brow!


Chu Yue also fired a gun.

Unfortunately, her shooting method is quite general, and the robber responded immediately after hearing Tang Wen's gunshot, and quickly found the obstacle to block.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

The sound of the rifle rang out, and countless bullets seemed to be a huge net, covering Tang Wen and Chu Yue.

"Yueyue, be careful!"

Tang Wen immediately took Chu Yue to the back of the wall.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh..."

The bullet hit the wall, and the debris flew, and the bullet hit the two girls, which made them feel hot pain.


Chu Yue heavily breathed out a breath. If they hadn't dodged in time just now and been hit by these bullets, they would have become a hornet's nest and fallen into a pool of blood.

"Captain, there are two policewomen. One of them seems to be Tang Wen from the criminal police team." Said the tall, burly man.

"Well, I've already seen Tang Wen!"

The middle-aged team leader nodded coldly, "throw two grenades in the past and blow them to death."

"Tut Tut, Captain, you really don't care for jade at all. However, I like... "The burly man said, and took out two high explosive grenades, his eyes full of killing intention.


However, just at this time, a sudden burst of wind sounded behind him.

"Poof The burly man didn't know what was going on, so he felt a pain in his chest.

He subconsciously looked down and saw a sword point in front of his chest.

And the tip of the sword came from his back and penetrated his heart.


He wanted to look back to see who killed himself, but the point of the sword immediately drew back, and the power in his body seemed to have been emptied, powerless to the ground.


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