"Be careful, brothers. There are experts sneaking attack. They are powerful ancient warriors. Suppress the fire quickly."

The middle-aged captain yelled. At the same time, he took out his gun and shot straight ahead.

"Tu Tu Tu..."

Not only the middle-aged team leader, but also a group of people took up their guns to shoot the sudden master. They didn't even need to aim, they just need to pull the trigger constantly.

"Go to hell, asshole!"

"Kill my brother, I will cut you to pieces in a moment."

"I will feed you to the dog!"

All of them roared angrily, and the bullet seemed to fly towards the figure that suddenly appeared.


However, the figure in black was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he ran into the back of a car and disappeared in their sight.

The sound of the gunshot was not controlled.

"Throw a grenade and blow him up!" The middle-aged team cried as they grew up and took out a grenade.


As soon as his voice fell, the figure in black came out again.

But this time, not to them, but to Chu Yue and Tang Wen.

"Tu Tu Tu..."

The gunfire started again, like a huge net covering the figure in black, but the figure's back seemed to have eyes, and every bullet was magically dodged by him.


Finally, the figure in black came to Chu Yue and Tang Wen and breathed heavily.

It took him a lot of effort to get out of that powerful firepower.

"Are you all right?" Chu month hurriedly concerned inquired a, she knew that this person is He Feng arrangement in her side to protect her killer.


The figure in black shook his head and said, "however, we have to leave immediately. The enemy's firepower is too fierce. Even me, I have to stay away."

Chu Yue did not reply, Tang Wen shook her head for the first time, "no, there are many of our colleagues in it. I can't watch them die in the hands of these gangsters."

"Then you will be buried with your colleagues!"

In addition, my task is not to protect you, but to protect Miss Chu Yue

"If the captain doesn't go, I won't go either!"

Who knows, he just finished, Chu Yue's voice rings out.

Tang Wen shook her head. "Yueyue, you can go with him. I'll hold these people down. Later, Li Ping and I will cooperate inside and outside. As soon as the armed police arrive, these people will not be able to fly."

With that, Tang Wen pushed Chu Yue back heavily, and then put her head out slightly. After seeing the situation outside, she immediately stretched out her hand and shot continuously.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

The gunfire rang out continuously, and the robbers outside were obviously suppressed.

Then, there was a burst of gunfire inside the building, and police were shooting outside the building.

"Paralyzed, let me get rid of the people outside first."

The middle-aged captain roared, and then he grabbed a high explosive grenade in his hand, which he threw to the direction of Chu Yue and others.

"Be careful!"

The figure in black is aware of the strong crisis for the first time. Subconsciously, he pours on Chu Yue and blocks Chu Yue behind him.


Almost at the same time, a violent explosion sounded.


The figure in black vomited blood on the black cloth on his face.

He pulled off the black cloth on his face. It was a woman in her thirties, but her face was extremely resolute and cold. Even if she was seriously injured, she just frowned and didn't snort.

"You, are you all right?"

Chu Yue inquires anxiously.

"I'm fine, but your friend, it's not optimistic." The female killer shook her head.

"Sister Wenwen?"

Chu Yue just looked aside and saw that Tang Wen was lying on the ground. Her clothes were blown to pieces, especially in her chest. There was a piece of black shrapnel, and her blood was flowing wildly.

And Tang Wen now has fainted in the past, more out of breath, less air, mouth kept spitting out blood bubbles, miserable to the extreme.

"Sister Wenwen!"

See, Chu month complexion big change, will rush to save Tang Wen.

"Miss Chu, you can't go there. They will kill you." The female killer quickly grabbed Chu Yue, "moreover, she obviously can't be saved."

"No! No, sister Wenwen will be fine. Come on, take her away. As long as she's breathing, you'll get her out of here. " Chu Yue kept shaking her head with tears in her eyes.

"Well, I can help you take her away, but you'd better be prepared. She really can't be saved."

The female killer shook her head helplessly, then squatted down and helped Tang Wen up.

If at ordinary times, she helped a person, it would not take much effort, but now will help Tang Wen up, as if exhausted all her strength, the face is more white.

"They're coming. Let's get out of here!"

The female killer says, grabs Tang Wen and Chu Yue, the inner strength turns and rises, the speed runs wildly, the speed is very fast.

"Tu Tu Tu..."

Chu Yue three people just around a corner in front, behind a dense gunshot, bullets hit at their feet, dust.


The female killer stopped and waited until the gunfire abated. After listening for a while, he was relieved and said, "they didn't come after us. Take her to the public security bureau to hide. I'm here to help you. I won't let them enter the Public Security Bureau."

The female killer is also extremely helpless. The strength of the other party is very weak. There are few ancient martial arts practitioners who can cultivate their sense of breath. But it's just because each of them has guns, rifles, machine guns, and grenades. Even if she has secret cultivation, it's hard to deal with these people. Even if she is not careful, she will be killed.

This is the power of modern science and technology. No matter how strong the ancient martial arts are, they still can't really control power. Because the thermal weapons are so powerful that they can barely avoid bullets unless they reach the goal of transforming strength. But if they are hit by bullets, they will be seriously injured.

"Well, be careful!"

Chu Yue has no way at this time, so she has to listen to the female killer and take Tang Wen into the Public Security Bureau. She finds a secret office to hide, and then lets Tang Wenping lie on a sofa.

At this moment Tang Wen's breath has been extremely weak, breathing is difficult to detect.

"Wenwen elder sister, don't worry about it. He Feng will be here soon. When he arrives, he will have a way to save you."

Chu month anxious unceasingly, looked for a cloth to press in Tang Wen chest wound place, avoids the blood fast outflow.

At this time, she has no mind to care about the situation outside, she just hope he Feng can arrive here early, and then cure Tang Wen.


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