"Captain, people have been rescued. Do you want to take out those people first

At this point, outside the detention center, a man with a gun next to the middle-aged captain asked.

"Now that the people have been rescued, we should withdraw first and pick up wen'er first. Then we will leave China together and never set foot on this land again." The middle-aged captain said, turned around and walked out on the main road.

At this time on the road, a car will block the road hard to move forward, and the people in the car after hearing the sound of guns and bombs, one by one screamed to leave the car, frantically ran away from here.

The whole road is in chaos.

In such a chaotic scene, once they get on the road, they can easily escape.

As the middle-aged captain issued an order, the gunfire became more intense, and his men were suppressing the fire to prevent the police in the detention center from rushing out.

And the police in the detention center because of Tang Wen's order, no one to take life to fight, helplessly watched a group of people into the lane, came to the side of the Public Security Bureau.

Go on for another 200 meters and you'll be on the main road.

Gunfire, gradually sparse down, and finally completely stopped, middle-aged captain they are a little relieved. Although they are well-equipped, if there are a large number of policemen, if they really play with them, few of them can escape safely.

And once a few more minutes are delayed and the armed police of Jiangbin City arrive, they will be in real danger.

"Captain, there seems to be a man in front of me."

At this time, a subordinate voice came from the middle-aged captain's side, "it's a young man. Shall I shoot him directly?"

The middle-aged captain looked forward, but the light was dim. He could only see that the other side was a young man, but he couldn't see clearly.

"Well, kill him." The middle-aged captain was too lazy to think much and nodded directly.


The firelight in the machine gun flickered, and the bullets flew towards the young man in front of him.

"Well? What about people? "

However, the bullet did not knock down the young man. As soon as the gunshot rang out, the young man's body had disappeared in the same place, which shocked the group of armed criminals.

"It's a master. Be careful!" The middle-aged captain's face changed a little, and he gave a loud reminder.

Just now he has met a master, so this time even if there is another master, he is not surprised.

Hearing his warning, his men slowed down and pushed forward cautiously, but they were not very afraid, because they all had guns in their hands. Once the other side appeared, so many people fired at the same time, they would be able to directly screen the other side.

The so-called master in their mouth is He Feng, who has come so late.

After he Feng came to the Public Security Bureau, he noticed these armed gangsters at a glance, but he didn't immediately fight them because he found the female killer hidden outside the Public Security Bureau.

"What about Yueyue and Tangwen?" He Feng dodges the bullets from the other side and comes to the female killer to ask.

"Mr. He, are you here? Great, Miss Chu. She's in the public security bureau now. She's not hurt. "

Seeing he Feng appear, the female killer is relieved, because at this moment Chu Yue is still safe, "however, her friend named Tang Wen was blown up by a grenade, and her injury is very serious. Now she is inside."


He Feng's face changed greatly, and he couldn't care what to say with the female killer any more. With a flash of body shape, he rushed into the Public Security Bureau building at a very fast speed.

"This... This speed is too fast, isn't it? Doesn't it mean that Mr. He's speed is about the level of dark strength? But why is the speed he shows now better than that of master Hua Jin? "

Female assassins have seen master Huajin fight and know how fast master Huajin is. But now he Feng's speed is much faster than that of master Huajin. It's not a level comparison at all.

"Is this Mr. He a powerful master of Huajin, and he is also a top master?" The woman killer was extremely shocked.

Now she gradually understand, why their boss crocodile, will let them listen to He Feng's dispatch.

At the beginning, they were reluctant. They thought it was a waste of time, and they were very upset to obey the orders of an ordinary person. But now the idea of female killers is different.

Let her obey the order of a great master Huajin, she will not have any opinions.

"However, even if Mr. he reaches the master of Huajin, he can't treat Miss Tang well."

The female killer shook her head with regret.


He Feng's speed is very fast, he directly showed the fastest speed, came to the building, and found Chu Yue and Tang Wen's room.

"Creak!" He Feng opens the door and sees Tang Wen lying on the sofa with blood all over her, and Chu Yue squatting beside Tang Wen with a worried and scared face pressing Tang Wen's wound.

"He Feng? Come and see sister Wenwen. She seems to be dying. Come and save her quickly. "

See he Feng, Chu month immediately cried, tears to the whereabouts.

"Don't be afraid, Wenwen will be OK."

He Feng rushed in and came to Tang Wen.

Although Tang Wen's breath is weak now, and it seems that she is out of breath, he Feng can still feel that Tang Wen is still angry.

Cut off gas, he Feng has no way at all.

But if not, he Feng can easily cure it.


Put your hand on Tang Wen's chest and let a wisp of true Qi enter.

Tang Wen's injuries were very serious. In addition to multiple injuries, her viscera were also severely impacted.

Fortunately, in less than three minutes, her injury was stabilized.

"Yueyue, Wenwen's injury has been stabilized. You should guard her here first, and I'll go out and solve those gangsters outside." He Feng said coldly in his voice.

Although Tang Wen usually does not like to see him, but this is only on the surface, he Feng knows that Tang Wen actually treats him as a friend.

Now, Tang Wen almost died in the hands of those gangsters, and he Feng's eyes seemed to be filled with murderous spirit.

"Well, you go. Be careful." Chu Yue reminds me.

"Don't worry!"

He Feng nodded, immediately out of the room, came to the Public Security Bureau outside.

"Mr. He, they are approaching. What shall we do?" Asked the woman killer.

Although the gangsters walked slowly after he Feng appeared, more than three minutes later, the two hundred meter trail was almost shuttled by them.

The sound of footsteps, getting closer and closer.

The female killer anxiously looks at He Feng and reminds him: "Mr. He, they have heavy weapons in their hands, machine guns, rifles, and even grenades. Should we avoid them first?"

Although master Huajin can avoid bullets, if several people with machine guns fire at a master Huajin, the final result will be that master Huajin is directly beaten into a sieve without any suspense.



"You can avoid it, but I don't have these two words in He Feng's dictionary."

Finish saying, he Feng path straight toward the path walked in the past, did not have the slightest meaning to avoid.

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