
Seeing this, the female killer's face changed slightly, angry and anxious, "hum, do you really think you have reached the level of strength when you are young? There are so many people shooting at the same time, you just wait to be beaten into a sieve

He Feng doesn't know the inner thoughts of the female killer. Even if he knows, he won't rest assured.

All he knew was that now he wanted to kill all the gangsters who almost killed Tang Wen.

Therefore, after discovering that the gangster was coming to his side, he took the initiative to go out.

"Well? Are you... He Feng

More than ten robbers stopped after seeing he Feng who came out suddenly.

The leader of the middle-aged team leader, after a little stupefied, soon saw he Feng's face, eyes gradually become cold.

"Minister Fang, take off the silk stockings on your face. You're a handsome man with a woman's silk stockings on your head. Are you ashamed?" He Feng stares at the middle-aged team leader to say.

When he appeared earlier, he had already found out the identity of the middle-aged team leader, which was Fang Kan, who used to be the head of Security Department of Cloud City Group.

He Feng thought that Fang Kan had fled the country, but he didn't expect that so many days later, he didn't leave the country, or even leave Jiangbin city.

At noon today, I went to rob the bank with my brother. At night, I came to the public security bureau to rob people. Even the police dare to kill me.

audacious in the extreme!

Middle aged captain heard he Feng's words, eyes narrowed up, and then pulled the black stockings off his head, revealing his true face.

It's Fang Kan!

"He Feng, I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of me. Ha ha, you are so brave. I thought it would be very difficult for me to get revenge for my son Fang Wen in my life, but you took the initiative to send it to me. "

Fang Kan looks at He Feng and laughs with surprise and excitement.

He and his son Fang Wen had a good life in the cloud city group, but he Feng made Fang Wen blind and destroyed his drug trafficking plan, resulting in huge losses. Such hatred made him want to cut his bones and cramp.

Fang Kan picked up a light machine gun in his hand and aimed at He Feng, "tell me, how do you want to die today?"

"Minister Fang, have you misunderstood something? I didn't do anything about your son Fang Wen. What's your revenge for him? "

He Feng asked with a smile.

"Shut up Fang Kan yelled angrily: "my son Fang Wen's eyes are clearly blinded by you. How can you say you didn't do anything to him? Do you think I'm a fool? "

"Oh? So you're not a fool? "

He Feng smiles, "then I ask you, did I take the initiative to provoke your son Fang Wen? I would have blinded him if he hadn't been used to trouble me? As for you, if you don't do bad things in Yuncheng group, I will deal with you again? Besides, you not only do bad things in the cloud city group, you also sell drugs, right? That's enough for me to kill you now. "

"Kill me? It's really arrogant. Do you think you are strong enough to kill me? You don't see what kind of situation it is now. If you want to kill me, it's no different from a fool's dream. And I'm going to kill you. It's just a wave. " Fang Kan sneered.

"Are you sure?" He Feng light way.

"Do you think you have a chance to escape now?"

"I came to you on my own initiative. Do you think I'll run away?"


Smell speech, Fang Kan just wake up, face suddenly changed, the first time issued an order, "brothers, shoot him!"

"Bang Bang Bang..."

Between speaking, the light machine gun in his hand was directly pulled by him.

Behind him, his group of subordinates also started shooting at He Feng.

Dense bullets, woven into a huge net, sweeping to He Feng.

"Well, it's really cheap for you!"

A sneer of disdain rose from the corner of Fang Kan's mouth.

In his view, he Feng will be directly hit into a sieve.

But soon, the sneer on Fang Kan's face gradually solidified

Because he found that he Feng's figure, as before, disappeared in his sight.

"What about people?"

Fang Kan carefully scanning around, still can't find he Feng's figure, can't help but toward the people around him asked aloud.

"Behind you!"

An indifferent voice sounded behind Fang Kan and others.

"BAM BAM bam!!"

At the same time, there is a series of dull impact.

"Click! Click! Click


Bone fracture, and many gangsters scream, followed by ring up.

Fang Kan subconsciously turned to look, and found that his dozen companions, in a short moment, had all been lying on the ground, and many of their bones had been broken.

Now they lay on the ground and had no strength to scream. His eyes were listless and his body twitched occasionally. He breathed more and breathed less, which was not much lighter than Tang Wen's previous injury.

Even if they were sent to the hospital in time at this time, few of them could survive.

"How could it be?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Kan's eyes suddenly widened, full of strong shock.

"Who knows how many lives you've hurt by doing evil for such a long time. Today, I, he Feng, will act on behalf of heaven and end your lives. "

He Feng's face is still wearing a smile, but Fang Kan's heart is cold and his heart is trembling with fear.

"No! Please, let me go

Fang Kan unconsciously stepped back two steps and asked for mercy.

At this moment, he finally realized that the young man in front of him was not what he could fight against, even with a gun.

"Next life, don't do bad things. Besides, I'll find your son soon and let him go down with you. "

Voice down, he Feng body flash, fast approaching Fang Kan.


"Bang Bang..."

Fang Kan yelled, and his machine gun rang again.

Bullets were fired, and bursts of purple fire shot out of the muzzle.


A dull crash broke the gunshot, and then Fang Kan's body flew out and hit the wall not far behind him.


The wall roared violently, and a shallow pit appeared on the wall. Around the shallow pit, there were cracks like cobwebs of tortoises.


Fang Kan's body stuck on the wall for a few seconds, then slowly fell to the ground without any movement, just like a dead dog.

Since then, Fang Kan, the biggest disaster of the cloud city group and a large number of drug traffickers in Jiangbin City, has finally died in the hands of He Feng.

"Hum, I had a chance to escape and enjoy my old age. I had to go to the bank to rob again. Now I regret it?"

Looking at Fang Kan's body lying on the ground, he Feng snorted, ignored it and walked to the Public Security Bureau.


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