
When Tang Wen saw this scene, she didn't scream like other women, but slapped her hands in the past without hesitation.

And, this slap almost exhausted whole body strength, heavy fall on He Feng's face, crisp slap sound suddenly rang up.

"Damn it

This sudden slap, almost He Feng to play muddled, subconscious scream, quickly stood up.

Seeing that Tang Wen was the one who hit him, he couldn't help asking, "why do you hit me?"

Tang Wen had found her shirt and quickly put it on. Her face was as cold as frost.

For He Feng's question, she did not answer.

She skillfully touched her back, but she didn't touch the pistol. She didn't know where to throw it when she was fighting.

"I'll kill you!"

Can't find the gun, Tang Wen also didn't give up, beautiful Mou middle kill idea surging, in the body a strong force to run up, wave a fist then boom to He Feng.

"Wenwen beauty, can you stop being so impulsive? I saved you clearly. You don't want to thank me, but you still want to kill me. Aren't you avenging me?"

He Feng, while avoiding Tang Wen's attack, said: "it's a misunderstanding just now. It's because I found that you don't have a smooth flow of Qi and blood, so I helped you to get through your qi and blood. I mean it well..."

"You die for me!"

Tang Wen drinks coldly and attacks again.

At this time, she doesn't want to talk nonsense with He Feng, and she doesn't want to ask him any questions. She just wants to kill this luster, hooligan and lewd thief.

"I'll go! Wenwen beauty, since you don't believe my explanation now, I'll leave first. We'll talk when you calm down. "

Looking at Tang Wen in a violent state, he Feng's scalp is numb and quickly runs out of the room.

Seeing this, Tang Wen wanted to catch up.

But she soon found on the ground there are He Feng torn from her vest, Neiyi, the pace of life stopped. She has to deal with these two things first, otherwise it will be bad for others to see them.

"He Feng, whether you want to save me or not, I will never let you go. You dare to take advantage of me when I'm in a coma. Wait and see. "

After he Feng ran out of the Public Security Bureau, he saw a group of people standing outside.

In addition to Chu Yue, Zhao Enlai, the director of the Public Security Bureau, and many other policemen and armed police have blocked the whole public security bureau layer upon layer, and set up a long cordon. There are many reporters taking photos outside.

"He Feng, how is sister Wenwen?"

Chu month sees he Feng to come out, hurriedly asks a way.

He Feng looked back and saw that Tang Wen didn't come out. Then he stopped and said, "Wenwen beauty is OK. You can go in to see him later. By the way, are your police casualties serious? This night's prison break didn't have much impact, did it? "

"Although the people are in a bit of panic, fortunately they have not caused ordinary people's casualties. In addition, you have eliminated the robbers in time, and the people have not seen the robbers, so the degree of panic is relatively limited. Just now, the director has explained to reporters and the public that the police have taken all the robbers. Now we are at ease. "

Chu Yue said: "our police side because there is Wenwen sister in advance to say hello, let everyone not and robbers work hard, so the degree of casualties is good, only one police officer unfortunately died, injured people are not many."

Today, the firepower of the robbers is too fierce. They have all kinds of heavy weapons, even grenades. If the police really fight for their lives, few people will survive. Therefore, if only one person is sacrificed, the degree of casualties is really small.

"That's good!"

He Feng nodded, "you didn't tell me my name, did you?"

Zhao Enlai stepped forward and said, "don't worry, Mr. He Feng. I know you like to keep a low profile. So when I explained to the outside world, I didn't mention Mr. He Feng's name in the whole process. I mainly mentioned captain Tang. This credit was robbed by our police. I hope he Feng can show his understanding. "

Zhao Enlai took the credit to themselves, also for the sake of public credibility, to avoid people's disappointment with the police.

He Feng brightened his eyes and said: "director Zhao, you have done a good job. The credit really belongs to captain Tang. It's too much for her to pay today. "

Tang Wen really paid a lot. She almost lost her life and was taken advantage of by herself.

Of course, he Feng won't say that.

"Well, I'll apply to captain Tang for a first-class merit. With this first-class credit, the position of deputy director should be able to completely fall on her head. "

Zhao Enlai knows that he Feng has a good relationship with Tang Wen and Chu Yue, so he naturally helps Tang Wen say good things.

"OK, you can handle these things. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. That... Yueyue, Wenwen, she just went to the gate of death. She may not be very stable. Please calm her down. "

He Feng heard the sound of footsteps coming from the Public Security Bureau behind him. He said hello to Chu Yue, then ran away quickly and disappeared into the night.

"Yueyue, did he Feng leave?"

He Feng just left, wearing a police uniform of Tang Wen, then a face of anger came out.

"Sister Wenwen, what's the matter?"

Chu month doubted asked a sentence.

However, she is now an ancient warrior, and has broken through to the middle of Ming Dynasty. Her eyesight is far beyond ordinary people's ability. At a glance, she can see Tang Wen's abnormality.

Tang Wen's police uniform was penetrated by shrapnel. Although the hole is not big, Chu Yue can still see clearly. She finds that there are no clothes in Tang Wen's police uniform.

"If I remember correctly, sister Wenwen would always wear her vest, and there would be a Neiyi in it, but now there are no two clothes in it? What's more, the bottom button seems to be reversed. Was it in there just now... "

A bold idea appeared in Chu Yue's mind, which shocked her face. "My husband is too bold, but he did that to Wenwen when she was in a coma?"

"It's OK. I have something to do now. I'll go back first and come back to the police station tomorrow."

Tang Wen didn't find he Feng. She knew he Feng must have run away, and she didn't want to stay. In case someone found that she didn't wear clothes inside, it was not very good.

Therefore, after greeting Zhao Enlai, she went to a car not far away.

"Captain Tang, are you all right?"

Zhao Enlai asked with concern.

"No problem!" Tang Wen returned.

"Sister Wenwen, I'll see you off."

Chu Yue quickly follows Tang Wen, gets into the car with Tang Wen, and then drives away from the police station.


"Yueyue, I advise you to seriously consider whether you want to be with He Feng. That guy is a thief."

In the car, Tang Wen said while driving.

"Wenwen elder sister, you are not given by He Feng..." Chu Yue some say not export.

"What?" Tang Wen doesn't understand the meaning of Chu Yue.

"That's it. What's it for?" Chu Yue said with a smile: "you know what lovers like to do most!"

Smelling speech, Tang Wen's face suddenly suffused with a blush and glared at Chu Yue, "what nonsense? If he really dares to do that to me, I will not let him go."

"Ah? He Feng, he didn't sleep with you? "

Chu Yue suddenly wondered, "since he didn't sleep with you, how can you still say that he is a thief?"


Tang Wen said, "what are you talking about? Must I be put to sleep by him before he can be regarded as a thief? "

"Of course!"

Chu Yue said: "however, it seems that your clothes have been stripped by him, right? He can even control you. It seems that he Feng is really a gentleman. He is the man I fall in love with in Chu Yue. "


When Tang Wen heard this, she immediately wanted to vomit blood.

Is that thief a gentleman?

"Wenwen, you must have misunderstood He Feng. He is not what you think. Besides, don't you see that he has done you a big favor? " Chu Yue said with a mysterious smile.

"He helped me a lot?"

Tang Wen thought about it and said, "hum, he really helped me a lot. He helped me cure my injury. But, one yard at a time, I'll thank him for healing my injury, but... In a word, he's a thief. "

"Sister Wenwen, I've heard you say before that you lead a sense of Qi. You're a half step old warrior, but you don't seem to have gathered your inner strength all the time, do you? But now, don't you find that you have become an ancient warrior? " Chu Yue asked with a smile.


Smell speech, Tang Wen Mou light a flash, hurriedly induced the change in the body Dantian.

After a while, she realized that there was a strong internal force surging in her body, "is this... Energy? I, I really gathered strength? Did I finally step out of that step and become a genuine ancient warrior after I was seriously injured this time

"Wenwen elder sister, you really become a genuine ancient martial arts person, but it's not because you've got a blessing in disguise. If I guess correctly, it must be He Feng's inner strength." Chu Yue said.

"He Feng? He helped me build up my strength? "

Tang Wen a face of don't believe, "month month, you are joking with me?"

"No? Then you feel it. What's this on me? "

Say, Chu month body is surging a more powerful than Tang Wen's inner strength fluctuation.

"Is this... Inner strength? Have you gathered your inner strength? Moreover, the inner strength is more powerful than me. This, how is this possible? Don't you say that you don't have the talent to practice and don't like to practice? You haven't even cultivated your sense of Qi. How can you become a more powerful ancient warrior than me all of a sudden? "

Tang Wen shocked asked.

Chu Yue said with a smile: "of course, it's he Feng's credit. Yesterday, on the train back to Jiangbin City, he let me cultivate a sense of Qi, and condensed my inner strength. He became an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. Then, I spent another day practicing according to He Feng's method, and my accomplishments got a breakthrough again, reaching the level of the middle Ming Dynasty. "

Tang Wen exclaimed: "one day, in the middle of Ming Dynasty?"

Chu Yue nodded and said, "yes! It's not only me, a sister of He Feng, but also like me, she has changed from an ordinary person to an ancient warrior in the middle of Ming Dynasty. "

"This... What's going on? How can he Feng turn an ordinary man into a powerful ancient warrior? "

Tang Wen's face is unbelievable.

"Well, just ask him later. All in all, his means are really strong. " Chu Yue said seriously: "I think, if he plays a hooligan to you today, maybe it's also to help you gather your inner strength, so as to make a helpless move, you don't blame him."

Tang Wen frowned, some don't believe, "that... When he helped you gather inner strength, did he ever play a hooligan to you?"

Chu Yue said with a smile: "sister Wenwen, look what you said. I'm He Feng's girlfriend now. No matter what he does to me, he should be. How can he be called a hooligan?"


Tang Wen can't answer that.

Chu Yue looked at Tang Wen's face and continued: "sister Wen Wen, if you are still angry, how about I ask he Feng to apologize to you tomorrow? By the way, let him bring you some cultivation resources, and then teach you a set of Qi refining methods, so that your cultivation can be improved soon. "

Tang Wen snorted: "hum, you'd better ask him not to appear in front of me in the future. I'm not sure if I will take out a gun directly at him after I see him."

"Ah? All right

Chu Yue stretched out her tongue, "don't you want the cultivation resources? This will delay your cultivation... "

Tang Wen narrowed her eyes and said, "how could it be delayed? You're his girlfriend. He must have given you cultivation resources. Now we'll go to your house, give me half of it, and then teach me the gas refining method he taught you. When you run out of pills, you can ask him for it, and then continue to give it to me. "


Chu Yue was speechless.


He Feng ran to a kilometer outside the police station, confirmed that Tang Wen did not catch up, he just stopped.

"Well, it's cool just now, and it's good to dare. If I see Wenwen beauty again, she'll probably take out a gun at me, right? If I had known that, I would not have taken advantage of him after I cured her. "

He Feng looked at his hands, shook his head and sighed: "we should take advantage of it before we cure the injury..."

Looking at the time, it's more than ten o'clock in the evening. He Feng thinks about it. Wang Xiangyun will be immersed in the cultivation this evening. Even if he goes home, he will be alone in the empty room.

In this way, it's better not to go back. Anyway, in addition to the dark force killer he arranged, there is aunt Zhan, the great master of Huajin. It's no problem to protect Wang Xiangyun's safety.

"Just started a fire and didn't let it out. Why don't you go to Liuyue club? Xinyu's wife must be waiting for me."

Thinking, he Feng took out his mobile phone, ready to call Didi, rushed to Liuyue club.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But as soon as he took out his cell phone, it vibrated.

The person who called was Ling Weiyu.

"Hey, feather, what's the matter?" He Feng answers the phone.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you busy now? I'm hungry. I want to go out for supper. Do you have time to accompany me? " Ling Weiyu asked.

"Of course. Where are you now? I'll come to you

"I'm in the company. Come here. I'll get ready and wait for you downstairs."

"OK, you remember to drive. I'll take a taxi."

Charged a, he Feng hung up the phone, and then called a car, rushed to the maple language.


More than half an hour later, he Feng met Ling Weiyu, sitting on the Audi Q3, waiting for him while reading a novel.

"Little feather, why did you suddenly call me out for supper?"

He Feng directly went to pull the door on the car, asked with a smile.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you here? Hee hee, in fact, I just feel bored to eat supper alone. I wanted to call childe Zou, but she went to Lianyi hotel to practice after work, so I can only call you. "

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "if you are not free, I will go to Liuyue club to find sister Xinyu."

"Well, what would you like to eat that evening? Brother Xiaofeng invites you to eat. " Hefeng road.

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's have a barbecue? I remember when I was a child, we envied others to eat barbecue. How about eating more today? "

"Yes, you can look for the barbecue."

He Feng said cheerfully.


Ling Weiyu nodded.

The car soon drove out, and soon came to a barbecue called "night incense".

Although it's now more than 11 o'clock in the night, the business of this shop is still booming. There are seven or eight tables in front of the shop, which are full of people. On the tables are all kinds of barbecues, lobsters and beer.

There are many people sitting in the incense, but there are still some empty tables.

When he Feng and Ling Weiyu come, the people who were drinking and eating barbecue look at them one after another.

Ling Weiyu is so beautiful that he has no blemish on his face. After cultivating his inner strength, he looks much sexier.

On the contrary, he Feng, who is beside her, is almost the same as a loser in terms of dress and temperament. Many people here immediately envy him. Is this loser lucky?

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's sit over there."

Ling Weiyu and he Feng didn't pay attention to those eyes. They went straight to the hotel. Then Ling Weiyu pointed to a position by the window and said.

He Feng nodded and sat down on the empty table with Ling Weiyu, taking the menu on the table and ordering.

She ordered a lot at once, and then handed the menu to He Feng, "brother Xiao Feng, see if you have anything to add."

He Feng glanced at the menu, "little feather, why did you order wine? What's more, two cases of beer. Can you drink so much? "

"I'm not so good at drinking, but I'm happy today. You're here, brother Xiaofeng. It's OK to drink more." Ling Weiyu waved his hand.


He Feng heard this, just suddenly came over, know why the woman today to pull himself out to eat supper, drink, "because tomorrow to take aunt yuan to see the house?"

Ling Weiyu said with a smile: "well, I used to dream of making money through my own efforts to make the children live a good life, but I found it too difficult. I almost thought it was difficult for Aunt yuan and the children to live in a new house in her lifetime. But now Xiaofeng brother, after you come back, it's not long before you buy three new houses. I'm really happy. "

He Feng said with a smile: "so, I'm very excited tonight. I'm not in the mood to work or practice. Did you pull me out to drink?"

Ling Weiyu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "yes, if brother Xiaofeng wants to accompany his wife, if he has no time, I'll go to find sister Xinyu to drink. She must be able to drink and accompany me to drink."

"What's with my wife? Aren't I with my wife now?"

He Feng has no good way.

"But you make me want to drink now. Aunt yuan's life is really not easy. Now that we all have the ability, we can't let her suffer any more. She and the children should be happy and happy. " He Feng said seriously.

"Well!" Ling Weiyu nodded heavily.

He Feng added two catties of crayfish to the menu and just took the menu to the waiter.

The restaurant served fast. They waited for less than ten minutes, then a plate of barbecue was served, and two cases of beer were served in front of them.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I respect you!"

Ling Weiyu poured two glasses of wine, picked up the glass and said with a smile.

Two disposable cups in the air gently touch, and then drink, drink very happy.

In less than half an hour, they drank almost a box, but they didn't eat much on the barbecue.

"Little feather, it seems that after you become an ancient warrior, your physique has improved a lot. After drinking so much wine, you are very sober and not drunk at all." He Feng looks at Ling Weiyu's surprised way.

Originally, he thought that Ling Weiyu would drink half a box of beer at most, but now half a box of beer has been eaten, but Ling Weiyu has nothing to do with it.

"Hee hee, are you surprised? In fact, my drinking capacity is not bad, but I don't drink much at ordinary times. Now that I've improved my constitution, I'll be able to drink better. "

Ling Weiyu said with a proud smile: "I'm going to hold a League building in the company after I go to work next Monday, and then all the employees will have a drink together. By the way, let's see if the tomato God is free and invite him here. Then I'll send out the photos to publicize them. There will be more excellent authors to contribute to us. "

"That's good. If I'm free, I'll join in the fun."

He Feng agreed: "by the way, did tomato God sign a contract with you?"

Ling Weiyu said: "well, he has already signed it. He wanted to buy it out at a low price. Let's make more money from his book. But after thinking about it, I still gave him a pure share contract. No matter it's electronic or copyright, it's all 50%. He doesn't have any savings now, and I want him to earn more from this book. Otherwise, our family is the poorest of the five great gods in the network circle. If it comes out, we will lose our face in Maple language. "

"Pure share is also good. At that time, I'll try to publicize his fame from all aspects. When the time comes, I will turn the five great gods of this network into only two great gods. "

"Which two?"

"Of course it's the tomato God and the night listening wind god!"

"Well, will it be a little difficult?"

"Whatever it is, I will work towards this goal anyway."

He Feng shrugged.

Ling Weiyu deeply looked at He Feng, "brother Xiao Feng, thank you!"

She knew that he Feng was not interested in caring about these things, so she could read two online novels at most. The reason why he wanted to build these two authors was to help her realize her dream.

"Why don't you thank me? See how I punish you at night

He Feng stares at a woman a way.

"Hum, I'll take sister Xinyu. I'll see if you can punish me."

Ling Weiyu snorted.

But after that, her face turned red.

When did you become so open?

"That... Brother Xiaofeng, I have something to tell you."

Ling Weiyu immediately changed the topic.

"What's the matter?"

"About the tomato God."

Ling Weiyu said: "didn't tomato agree to sign a contract with millet before? Millet there even contract and prepayment are almost ready for him, is ready to go to Nanjin city to find him to sign the contract, and will call him prepayment. But now tomato God agreed to sign a contract with us, so he called millet and said that he changed his mind and didn't sign a contract with millet. Therefore, millet was furious and said some threats to tomato God, saying that if they didn't sign a contract with them, they would not let go of Tomato God. "


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